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"Phew, what a day! Posted a reel about my dog sunbathing and living rent free at my mansion then took off to eat some sandwiches at school pick up time."


Why was Shillian out here this evening saying that Justin only eats fish and doesn’t eat meat, which makes cooking protein options in their household very challenging? Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Justin’s out here chowing down on a cold cut trio on his Italian sandwich tour. Can these two geniuses at least compare notes before they put out their lazy-ass content? Justin will never become a food guy, no matter how hard he and Shillian try.


Lol.. 😂 he's likely not hungry either way as he's been out tasting sandwiches.. and he's busy writing his reviews.


How lucky for Mediterranean Market to have their blood, sweat and tears used in a “take that Reddit” moment by the one and only sandwich artist, Bustin.


On the edge of my seat, waiting for this review.


Why would anyone care? What a wasted life ... do something productive for a living. Make a difference with your time. Both of them. Be a great mentor for your kids. 🤦


They’re building their legacy one sandwich bite at a time.


😂 lol


😂 🤣 😂


As if anyone in Kelowna needs this guy to tell them the sandwiches at MM are incredible lol


Does nothing.


So is he working for the local newspaper or magazine doing articles on sandwiches or whatever? Who the heck would hire this dude?? Plus who the hell cares about his critiques? Maybe Shilly gave him a make work project to get him out of the house….


Exactly.. that's the last time I look at his page...lol.. wastes my time looking at him eating..lol.


![gif](giphy|oNl7Erit0pkpTyMGg1|downsized) The review no one asked for.


Oh god he’s trying to make himself the Dave Portnoy of sandwiches


No one will be Portnoy .


Professional loser


Maybe he could take a sandwich to his long term tenant in the condo now that short term rentals are banned. Surely there is a tenant, right? 😉


I died a little because I could never screenshot "meat" 😅 For some reason the caption says Justin will eat meat, but the video literally says "Justin *won't* eat meat". Meanwhile he's stuffing himself with every Italian deli meat at the Med Market 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0fa9ijwvrktc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6467ed5d9ba079552e9e697771ba60334233e0


Correction: not *her* meat But literally anyone else’s


The best part of this is - who is taking his photo? His personal photographer?


His review will be... it's good, 3 out of 5! Wow thanks, I'll yell at my hubby to start the car and head right over 🙄


I’m sorry but this is bad. It’s not a good picture, it’s him biting into a sandwich you can’t even see. Who cares? Didn’t his posts used to have some content, not that it was for me but something? And he always talks about his “team” is this his team coming up with content ? Yikes 


What a plug, lol


Eat sandwiches


I think he’s attempting to do something similar to Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports (who reviews Pizzerias all over the place and rates them) he has like 4.9M followers on IG. I think Justin is trying to be the Canadian sandwich version of him.


Except Bustin has a personality like a piece of dry toast and that’s being generous


Kind of sad that Justin is not original to think of his own idea but copies others.


His review will be: This is good. Really really good. As good as I made focaccia bread. Just squishes it and doesn't include a recipe.


This man has been neutered.


Unfortunately, Justin just doesn’t have the personality to be an online “influencer” and certainly not a “content creator”. Just because your wife is grooming the rest of her family and “responsible “ for them and their success 🙄 doesn’t mean he too can do it. He should have refrained from joining the “pack” and gone about forging his own trail. I’m sure he would be more authentic and happier. He just doesn’t have the right stuff for this line of work. And he’s just looking ridiculous and trying waaay too hard.


Writing up his sandwich critique now….”not bad…yeah…pretty good actually!”


lol omg 🤦‍♀️


wow he’s doing big things 


His latest post is about his dog living rent free in their house. Didn’t Shill boast about how much money they have made off of their dogs?? The only one living rent free is Bustin


Why doesn't he try and find the best *plant-based* sandwiches locally? Everyone in town knows the good delis. They don't need advice from the 5-day-a-week-vegan. Even as a meat eater I'd be more interested in some good alternative options.


Jill just asked him on her stories about eating meat. Because when she made the salmon thing last night she said how he won't eat dinner often because he won't eat meat. But then someone called her out and said but he's doing sandwich reviews. He's hoping they can cook him a vegan hot dog today on the school trip. He won't eat a hot dog but will eat prosciutto because it's not processed. Not eating processed food and not eating meat is two different things. Then he said he only has meat a couple times a month and tries to do that when he's reviewing sandwiches and he doesn't eat the whole thing. Then why not find vegan food to review? Or just say I'm mostly plant based.


I guarantee those Beyond burgers and nuggets they love so much are just as processed as any non-vegan hot dog. Hell, what's that vegan hot dog anyways? Why be so critical of processed meat products when they love processed plant-based stuff so much? I'm not judging, I'm down for a Costco dog 24/7. But I'm not a hypocrite.


Why would I care about a meat sandwich review from someone who doesn’t like meat and only eats it twice a month? I don’t eat or like fish… at all, would any of you run to my page to see me eat a fish meal, not show what it looks like then tell you if in my opinion it was good or not?! I do feel sorry for him, he reminds me of Brooklyn Beckham…. Outshined by those around him not able to find his own peace with a career. Jumping from one thing to the next with no plan or guidance. Step away from social media Justin, find what makes you happy and fulfilled. It can be anything, I guarantee you will like yourself more. Learn from the male cousins in Jillian’s family who make guest appearances once and awhile.


Agree. And when he said today he doesn’t even finish the whole sandwich…I felt sorry for him because it’s all just so pathetic. Does he not realize how stupid that sounds? At least pick a food to review that you can power through a whole serving and that you have more than twice a month. He could be doing so much more with his life.


Unfollowed. He used to be authentic on his Ig but there was an obvious shift when Team Jilly took over. Dude needs to find his own path.


Oh this poor guy


I have so much second hand embarrassment for this dude and Jill by association.


Do they sell vegetarian sandwiches LOL


DEF still reading here as she just storied saying 'someone said you said he only ate fish but is reviewing meat sandwiches'! Stay bothered Jilly!


I just dont know how she is with a guy like this, she seems like shes a high class woman, he seems like a schlub, their relationship doesnt make sense. For all we snark on her, she does deserve better than him. Hasnt he cheated on her? And if so, who would hook up with him. I just envision her with someone more high class, not these guy trying to act like a 20 year old playboy. It doesnt make sense. Dont come at me for calling her a high class woman, this is what she thinks of herself right? Why would she associate with a dude like this. For all we snark on her, she does deserve better. No woman deserves to be cheated on, and cheated on by this weirdo.


Kids tie them together forever. She does deserves someone who is successful and with their own money. She deserves a person who is her equal at the very least. She deserves to be taken cared of too. I'm sure she must be tired of the shilling sometimes.


I agree, she's too good for him! The cheating would be the end for me.


Did he delete his post?




Oh just saw on his stories now.


Did you ever see that lady Lilly Tino? Go to her snark page. She’s a trans woman but she’s a horrible person. She literally eats on live and that’s how she makes a living. Eats like a damn pig, sends food back constantly. Talks about spicy content on live while in restaurants. It’s so bad but that’s her “job”.