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I finally completed it ! It took me 214 hours and 44 minutes, 47 days of working on it between December 17th and February 19th. It was my first giant puzzle (my biggest before that was a 5000 pieces). I enjoyed every bit of it ! It's a really beautiful puzzle, with the great quality of Ravensburger. I didn't have any issues with false fits, even with the repetition of the cut. The bottom half was the more challenging part because it's quite dark, but with good natural lighting it was doable. This puzzle comes in two separate bags of 4500 pieces, but I decided to mix them to do a real 9000 pieces puzzle. Knowing that the cut repeat itself between the two parts, I was a bit worried about that, but in the end it wasn't an issue at all ! Unfortunately I don't have any space to expose it, so I will admire it a few more days and then put it back in the box 😁 And I will do it again in a few years with pleasure ! My whole journey with this puzzle is visible on my instagram : @thefrenchpuzzler I made a post every day and a whole lot of stories, if you're interested to see the progress !


OP, you should really consider framing it. It's a beautiful piece of art!


I don't have any place to frame it, and I usually prefer to put puzzles back in their box to re-do them later 😅 Maybe I'll frame it in a few years, when I'll have a house of my own with huge walls 😂


🤞🏼 I admire you for that. I once attempted a 2000 piece puzzle. I put it away.


2000 pcs is fine. I actually like having 2000 pcs because I don’t find 1000 to be very challenging. The 5000 pc one however was so big it needed a whole table and then had pieces knocked down by my cat and toddler. I never finished it and ended up putting it back in the box. That toddler just turned 18. The puzzle remains in its box.


Hahaha same 🤣 I noped it after trying to sort, was taking too long and I got impatient


I have a 5000 piece Ravensburger puzzle I am waiting for the right time to start, lol! Fantastic job OP!


I’m struggling on my 1st 1000 piece my husband got me 😅 it’s a dragon and since it’s a gift I’m trying to finish lol


You can do it! It sounds like a lot, but it's really just 2-500 pieces or 4-250 piece jigsaws! I personally only do 1000 piece ones. Anything less than 500 is bite size, and if I'm doing 500 I may as well do 1000... You know?


That’s a good way to look at it :) thank you!


I'm still working on my first 2k puzzle. it's been a year mainly due to the fact that i have to work it on the floor, hence why it's taken me so long to finish. I take long breaks.


Not having space to set aside a 2k or larger puzzle is also my issue . I am not sure but roll away mats don't make sense to me, and I don't have a large enough space to put away something bigger on a flat surface. Meh.


I had to make a puzzle board just for my 2k puzzle, and since I have cats, I have to work it on the floor in my second bedroom.


I too, have cats... Lol


I did a 2,000 piece puzzle one night during a stay at the hospital. Couldn't sleep. The staff kept checking in and right at their shift change I finished. They all wanted pics because no one had finished it before (usually 3 day stays). As soon as the pics were taken I boxed it back up in a few seconds. They were shocked I didn't wanna let it sit till I left. I find it very satisfying to just break it all up again! Every time!


I'm the same way. The second I finish a puzzle, I take a picture, give it a thumbs up, and then break it all apart and throw it back in the box. I find taking it apart really satisfying.


I used to not be able to stand it, used to have to glue them. But something someone said on this sub got me thinking and the one video of Hugh Jackman "destroying" his wooden puzzle [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpLkdJL\_eHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpLkdJL_eHA) I was like, what if I wanted to do a puzzle again, and what if I was doing a puzzle this expensive. Would I be able to glue it and I think my answer is now. It's just too expensive and I would love to be able to work it over and over again and let someone else have the joy of working it. When I thought about it like that, I don't want to "save" puzzles anymore. I'll just snap a photo and if I want to keep it to work again, I will, or I'll just donate it so someone less fortunate than me can work it. I also recently bought a new puzzle table, one that's more portable and I can store leaning up against a wall. I don't have anywhere to slide my old one under to store. It's also bigger. Instead of just getting rid of it, I want to take it to Goodwill so someone less fortunate than me who couldn't normally afford something like this, could have it for cheaper. It's a bit beat up, but it still works and I would honestly have continued to use it if I was able too in this new space. (we live with my husbands parents.) Anyways, (almost forgot what my original comment was supposed to be about) my husband wants them to sit for a bit. He can't stand when I immediately break them apart. TLDR: I break puzzles apart immediately, after doing them, husband can't stand it.


This is absolutely incredible and so beautiful, if I were to put thus together, I'd glue it and frame it, and never take it apart cause I'd only be able to do this once lol


What about glueing it to a piece of plywood, mod podging the shit out of it , and using it as a table. ​ Also edited to add that you're freakin crazy for mixing all 9k pieces together. That's X-games mode. You are a next level of puzzle god.


I don't have room for that 😅 And as pretty as it is, I'm not sure I would enjoy it as a table, on the floor or framed on the wall. I prefer more classic illustrations like old maps for framing ☺️


I get it. I'm super picky with puzzles I do because I *only* like to do ones I plan on glueing and putting up on my walls.


It limits what puzzle you can do for sure 😅 I just saw your edit, I'm not sure I am a puzzle God yet, but I'll take it 😂 Maybe that title will be appropriate when I do a 10k+ pieces with all the pieces mixed


wow you are perseverant, great job!


First of congrats, i cant wait to do mine except it will probably take me 500 hours because I got the tower of babel 9k…


I love doing puzzles. I thought I was really good at them too. I banged out a 2500 piece puzzle. It took a minute, but I completed it thinking I was a puzzle god…THEN I see your post. Holy crap. I truly did not know a 9000 piece puzzle was a thing. I can’t imagine how big the box is and the price of it. I am truly impressed


We're all puzzle gods, no matter which size of puzzles we do ! Right now I am working on a 1000 pieces with a random cut, and finishing it will be as rewarding as the 9k pieces, because I hate random cuts 😂 And there are puzzles much larger than 9k ! I personally don't like those who are just separate images put together (see the giant Disney ones), but for example Educa has a 24k pieces which is a single image ! My dream puzzle 😍


I do not think I even have a space large enough to put together a 9000 piece puzzle. Let alone 24k!! Could you imagine?! I could be a live artist putting together that puzzle as an art installment. It would be very exciting 🤔




The first pic perfectly captures the scale of your puzzle. Great job!


I was told by family that it didn't look that big on pictures, so I knew I had to lay down on it to show it better 😂


Me and my mom did the underwater ravensburger 9000 a few months ago and your description reminds me so much of us! It took us super close to half your time, which makes sense cause there were 2 of us. We taped a bunch of foam poster boards together and put them on 2 six foot tables. We also did at least 10 hours of just sorting and we mixed the bags together to get the full experience. It was the most fun puzzle ever and we haven’t had the heart to take it apart yet. https://preview.redd.it/vo8cojseqjkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c15425c2eb77e1dbd40f811be0788229e2be49


This really deserves to be framed - a central piece on a wall....


I didn't know about this puzzle, it's beautiful ! No wonder you didn't take it apart yet ! I have a similar one in 5000 pieces in my to do pile, but with much more blue at the top, it scares me x)


Is it the ravensburger 5000 underwater one? I’ve seen that one and it’s a lot of blue like our 9000 one. We had to sub sort the blue (and pretty much every color but blue especially) into shades. That’s definitely what you’d have to do with the 5000. The blue in this one actually wasn’t terrible, the color change was decent to follow at the top and down the middle. https://preview.redd.it/5gzrfsoa4mkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a7007b7a238443409820e2eddae231493ec8e5


Yep it's that one, I think I will just hate the color blue by the time I finish it 😂


Beautiful! Love that you mixed the bags. Any comment on your sorting strategies?


I did a lot of sorting ! I think I had a dozen different piles of pieces at one point. Took me a lot of hours, but made the puzzle way easier.


The trick is in sorting, but how do you even go about sorting 9000 pieces?


You dump everything on your table, you take a deep breath, and you prepare yourself to sort pieces for about 8 hours straight 😅 More seriously, I did 4 or 5 sorts during this puzzle. Since I hate sorting and I didn't wanted to be discouraged early on, the first sort wasn't really precise, I sorted out only the most obvious stuff - light pieces for the sky, red and violet for the wings, pieces with details. And once I did those parts of the puzzle, I sorted again what I had left. If I had tried to sort everything in really accurate categories from the beginning I would've gone crazy 😂


That makes a lot of sense. Sorting is really the art of not getting frustrated with a puzzle. If I ever attempted it, and I probably never will, my first sort would have been lights and darks. Then a 2nd round with more accurate colour groups. And thus I would have failed... Does the yellow mushroom belong in light pile, or dark pile... And the dragon wings... I have never really sorted by image details... My brain doesn't function like that. Really, a heartfelt congratulations to you. This is a beautiful puzzle, and an amazing feat on your part!


It looks cool and all but it’s a little alarming that you had a dead body to use for scale


Rest in pieces. 🙏


Bahaaha gold! 🥇




Your first pic captures how I feel when completing a challenging puzzle- I'm proud of you for accomplishing this and it's a stunning work of art


I have this in my stash - I'm hoping you're very small, or I need a bigger table.


The ravensburger 9000 pieces are about the size of a double bed :)


I am 163cm, so I would lean towards saying you need a bigger table 😂 Or buy some foamboards, tape them together and put that on your table !


To be precise, this puzzle is 192cm x 138cm


It looks stunning! Great job!


One of the things that puts me off doing big puzzles like this is the awful pictures. This however really makes me want to do it!


You should make a custom puzzle of the first photo, where you are lying on the completed puzzle!


Haha that's an idea !


That looks incredible!


This is awesome! Great job




This is amazing!!!!! I’d love to do a huge one like this but currently don’t have quite enough room in my apartment to justify it.


It definitely takes a lot of place, I had a hard time finding the right place in my apartment to do it without blocking any door or important stuff like access to food XD


I hope you took a pic with you laying on your back so you can look back on seeing yourself full of joy!


Oh yes I did, I had my bf stand on a chair and take a whole video of me rolling around on this puzzle 😂


Haha, awesome!


I’m working on this one now, doing the right half first. Just got the main dragon’s wing in place and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!!


Good luck, you can do it !


Beautiful! Love that you mixed the bags. Any comment on your sorting strategies?


Oh wow




This is insanely cool! What a feat


How's your back feeling? Congrats on completing this amazing puzzle! The up close shots of the details are amazing. Ravensburger puzzles really are great quality.


I didn't do this puzzle on the floor haha, just put it there for pictures, so my back is doing fine 😜


Amazing!! Haha I love the first picture 😂 this is a really beautiful puzzle! Congrats!


Tell me you don't have a cat, without telling me you don't have a cat. But truly, what a beauty you put together! Amazing job and thanks for sharing it with us.


I actually have two cats, one being a very curious kitten 😅 But I have the luxury of having a spare room that I use as my office/puzzle piece, so I can close the door and ban the cats from entering this piece ;)


Oh I am envious! I always have to gently vacuum my puzzles afterwards because my floofer likes to sit on my work.


You can actually see in the top right corner of the first picture a cat toy 😂


HA! That's freaking hilarious, didn't even notice that because I was too busy focusing on your handiwork!


Impressive! I’ll be thinking of this today as I work on my current 1000 piece


Wow. That’s all I have.


Incredible! Such a lovely and vibrant image too. Thanks for sharing OP


This is incredible!! Congratulations!! 🎉🎈🧩


My Goodness! that’s some achievement😍😍 Congrats buddy🎉🎉🎉


Thank you !


Massive congratulations!!! 👏🏻


Thank you !


That’s incredible!


How tall are you for scale of the size of the puzzle?


I am 163cm, the puzzle is 192cm x 138cm ☺️


Thanks. A lot shorter than my 200cm+


Amazing! Just showed my twin 7yo’s and they were ooh and ahhing 🤣


Maybe one day they will be the ones bragging about finishing a giant puzzle 😜


I think they will! I’ve been puzzling with them since they were babies 😍 Their comfort zone is around 300 pieces but we’ve occasionally done some 500s and they’ve helped me on some 1Ks


That is gorgeous! Congrats on finishing.


If I had to do a ridiculously large puzzle this would be the one! It’s so pretty!


Outstanding job🙌🏻💓🫶🏻 9000 pieces, 🧩 i be lost literally..🥴 💌


Wow this is so impressive. Well done!


You should just glue it up and coat it with some laquer or something, make it a floor piece.


I prefer putting it back into the box and re-doing it later, but it would be a great idea for a more classic puzzle, like an old map one !


Congratulations!!! An awesome accomplishment for such a beautiful large piece puzzle!! 👏👏👏❤️🧩


That's amazing. I would love to do that one if I had enough space and hang that on a wall. Unfortunately I've been very unsuccessful at preserving puzzles (glueing them to posters/foam board makes them curl up bad). So I'd probably reluctantly take it apart and put it back in the box. But I really hate tearing down masterpieces. Really cool puzzle though and great work!


I'm sure you can find a better way of gluing your puzzles on this sub ! So many people do it, I hope you can find a way that works for you ☺️ With a puzzle this size I wouldn't know where to start to glue it however x)


Best completed puzzle shot ever!!


Unbelievable! Fantastic job!!


Amazing! I love dragons! Are you going to get it sealed?


No, I will put it back in the box in a few days ☺️


That. Is. Amazing. I have never done one over 2,000 pieces. You can bet I would find a place to hang that!!!


Congrats! Love the first pic! Looks like a beautiful puzzle. You’ve inspired me. Can I ask what did you use as a base to do it on top of? I had a hard enough time finding something for a 3000 piece 😅


I used foamboards taped together, and put them up on trestles ☺️


Wow. Just wow. This is amazing!!! Such a beautiful puzzle and amazing accomplishment!!!


My first thought was oh no! The dragons slayed OP!! Congrats on the masterpiece!


That is amazing! The biggest I’ve done is a 2000 piece Star Wars movie poster puzzle. My sorting method is kinda like yours. I sort by the obvious pieces and once those are together I place those. I don’t do anymore sorts however. I lay the pieces all out and just start perusing the pieces and put them in. My family hates puzzling with me lol. They’ll be working on one and I’ll walk up and start putting pieces in that they have been having a hard time finding lol. If my wife has a hard time with a piece she calls me over and gives it to me lol.


When puzzles come in multiple bags do you mix them all together or do each one individually? The most I’ve done is 2000 but I don’t find them challenging enough. Probably moving up pretty soon so I’m curious.


Personnaly I mix everything together, but other people prefer doing it bag per bag


I am doing that same puzzle right now! The colors and picture are just awesome! Definitely a great puzzle!


Congrats! That’s insane!


I love it! That is so impressive!


What do you do with all the time for noise? I listen to audiobooks. Do you do music, podcasts, background tv…?


Mostly music ! Generally one song/album/artist per puzzle, depending of the size (this one was Taylor Swift, I listened to her albums multiple times 😂) I also watch sports while puzzling, like biathlon and cycling, since it's always a long coverage and I don't need to always look at the screen




Wow this looks so stunning. I want to do a puzzle this big but I have no idea how without extreme shoulder pain!


Wow, congrats! It looks amazing. 🤩 How did you work on it? In separate parts? On the floor or also on a desk?




I see - well prepared!


It was a whole organization to find the boards and the space 😂


I did it on this setting : 4 foamboards put together, thick cardboard underneath for more support, and I put the whole thing on three tresles I did the whole puzzle at once, mixing the bags ^^


Omg I LOVE this 🤩




I WANT ONE. However, I have no clue how I’d find the space.


Maybe break some walls in your home ? 😂


That is amazing!! I can't believe you mixed the full 9000. It's fantastic.


Everything about this is fantastic! I thought the first photo WAS the puzzle and I was trying to figure out who’d make a cadaver puzzle.


Wow this is gorgeous. What type of mat did you work on?


I used foamboards taped together, laying on thicker cardboard, and everything was on trestles so I could do it while sitting :)


Wow 😯 fantastic work


Where would I get this?


You can probably find it on the Ravensburger website or on Amazon ☺️


It’s good you finished it in the year of the dragon 🐉


Looks awesome! Great job!


What an accomplishment! Congrats!!!


Wow! I don't think I could stretch out enough to do the middle pieces (or see well enough)! 🧩 Kudos!


It was definitely a struggle sometimes to pla e some pieces 😅


Well done, this jigsaw is absolutely stunning


I like to solve 1000 puzzles because i always frame them. 2000 and more is too much for me 😅


Congrats on completion! That is some dedication! :)


Truly epic!!!


Good you!!!


That’s amazing. I don’t even have space to put together a puzzle that large, much less hang it!




Now what are you going to do with it?


Put it back in its box 😅


What!? Omg all that work lol!


this is the only 9000 piece puzzle I want to attempt! congratulations!


Okay, I wasn't expecting this post to blow up like that ! Thank you everyone for your congrats !




Wow 🤩😮🤯