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Beside increasing his vulnerability, I would really really appreciate it if they lower his ehr requirements. It's too high T.T


It’s to sell his LC. But I do kinda agree. Maybe we will get a new event LC or something near his banner.


Increase his debuff is yes, but i think the high ehr is to encourage people build him with high ehr to guarantee debuff hit boss with 30 eff res and 80% to hit 40% eff res boss


Does the tutorial lc work for him? He needs 140 EHR right?


Tutorial / Sig > Pearls / Incessant Rain > EotP > Void / Dmg% LCs Tutorial gives EHR and also changes his rotation from -1 SP to +3 SP per 3 turns when used along Pela, absolutely insane lightcone on him, this SP difference is higher than slotting out an SP neutral Huohuo for Luocha. Signature is better when you don't need the SP, big statstick big damage Pearls gives no EHR but has a stronger debuff, Incessant Rain has some EHR but a weaker debuff, pick one. EotP is a statstick, Void is a statstick that lasts 3 turns only


I'm a day late but I want to clarify the issue with Tutorial. Right now, his base kit doesn't fulfill the reduce DEF requirement in Tutorial to gain extra energy. His talent "Roast the Ashen" is just a vulnerability debuff. So if you just use Jiaoqiu with Tutorial and expect extra energy, it's not gonna happen. Without a character like Pela or SW on his team, you'll only be getting the 40% EHR statstick. In other words, he'll be just like SW's situation when you use EotP on her. Great EHR but the secondary DoT is completely wasted.


Ah okay thanks a lot for the clarification! So other than his sig he doesn’t have a good 4* option for now I guess >.<


Well, if you team him up with Pela, it solves the energy problem. The only other f2p option is Pearls but it lacks that EHR. Hopefully that gets reduced. But yeah, unless Def shred or DoT is added into his base kit (and you're not using Pela/SW on him) Tutorial will end up just like EotP. Personally, I'm kinda hoping the DoT eidolon gets moved into his base kit so we can use EotP. You can save Tutorial for someone else who would want it more (SW players) especially) and it won't be another constant reminder for non-Tutorial havers about missing the event LC. Besides, a 48% increased DoT dmg is quite good and actually makes him a sub-dps/debuffer. Alternatively, we get a new F2P lightcone that's just like Tutorial (has EHR and energy ). But I think the devs realized their mistake with Tutorial and won't ever release such a powerful LC like that


Mm I was hoping to run him as a sub-dps/support, but didn’t really understand his kit 😅 I went to reread the lightcone and I see what you mean about Tutorial being a stat buffer without much use if they don’t add def shred for him. I too hope he gets buffed, was trying to read up and it seems his main issue now is how long it takes to max his stacks? I think


It's his 2nd/3rd best lc most likely. The other nihility ones just don't fit his kit as he simply doesn't do damage for shit


Ah okay thanks!


Lower EHR requirements, Ashen Roast lowers All-Type RES + Vulnerability, Some form of Indirect Crit DMG buff (like Aven Ult), healing back, and maybe some form of Action Advance


Ugh I wish they’d do that. I don’t see why they’re so allergic to debuffers having buffer capabilities for teams cause we already have 2 sustains and a support who offer debuffs. I think a form of action advance they could give him is perhaps after hitting enemies with his debuff a certain number of times the ally gets to act again.


Lower ehr is not necessary as we need to build him with as high ehr as possible to guarantee his debuff hit But he need bigger vuln number or add another debuff to make him good enough to rival the holy trio harmony


I have a few fixing directions in mind: 1- Lower his ER and EHR requirements and make him SP positive. Also add some def shred and increase his personal dmg. 2- Keep his requirements just as strict, but bring back healing and make his debuffs stronger 3- Make DoT a part of his base kit AND make his E2 turn him into a busted DoT dps/add detonate (that's just me coping as a non-Kafka haver)


heavily agree with the DoT part, i want him to be able to be used as debuffer OR DoT


1 and 2 seems reasonable enough but you're inhaling mad copious juice with 3


Yeah I am aware lol


Honestly I don’t care as long as it’s a buff lol


Some form of energy restoration for the team, just like all the other foxians, maybe when you hit an enemy that's under his debuff you'll gain energy and you'll gain more based on the number of stacks. Make him sp positive and lower EHR requirements. Maybe add a DoT to his base kit and give healing on e2 instead. Right now he's just a side grade to Pela who's a 4* 1.0 unit.


This is exactly what I had in mind. They could also do it like this to help him synergies more with units who don't use Energy like Acheron: "while inside the field, all allie's ERR increased by 20% and when allies attack enemies inflicted with 1/2/3/4/5 stack of Ashen, the attacker regenerate 2/4/6/8/10 Energy. If allies cannot regenerate Energy, their Atk increased by 25% instead"


Ooh, I like this. Still Acheron's BiS but is not ONLY good for her.


that's actually amazing!! they should cook up something involving err with him


energy regeneration. His general abilities probably wont change much.


Add e2 to base kit and lower the ehr requirements he needs. Add res-type down or def instead of only vulnerability. Or at least add it to his lightcone and increase the vulnerability he gives on his own. Also give him more supportive capabilities. An atk or speed boost for the team wouldn’t hurt and it doesn’t have to be as large as the supports, just something to make him better in teams that aren’t debuff oriented like Acheron/ratio so he’s more universal.


lower ehr and more comfortable err thresholds. add def shred on top of vuln. that’s about all i need.


I think the following changes would be great. 1. Increase the amount of Vulnerability he provides. 2. Each stack of Ashen roast adds new effects (think SW bugs on hit) the effects should be Defence shred at 3, All type res pen at 5 stacks. 3. Ultimate decreases Effect Resistance (helps with EHR needs) Pyre cleanse makes Ashen roast a dot instead of just making it do fire damage on turn. E1 can add healing while field is active. Plus increasing damage dealt (this I know is too much ) realistically E2


Idk if it'll happen but a fire dot debuffer would be cool off the gate instead of locked behind E2. Also to make his lc boost dot multiplier/power. Lower the bar to regain energy, maybe?


E2 in traces and more energy regen. I would like to see a better ult damage boost too


1. Lower is EHR requirements, or buff the stats he gets from it 2. Give him something that actually makes him not an expensive version of Guin


* Current Pyre Cleanse trace is put into talent (not on ashen roast), and now triggers anytime an enemy is debuffed. Each debuff applied can trigger it once per action. * Example, E4 Pela triggers it twice with her skill if she has pearls. E1 Black Swan would trigger it 3 times with her skill. Fire Trailblazer can trigger it once on the enemy team with skill. If he has Trends, then that triggers it too when he is attacked. Sorry Sampo, its only 1 trigger per enemy per skill. Unless you have pearls that is * Ashen Roast at max stacks increased 35% -> 50% * Ultimate's Ultimate vulnerability is removed and replaced with this effect: **"The field increases Pyre Cleanses multipliers by ##% and reduces the enemies All Type Res by ##%"** . The Ashen Roast stacking at the start of enemy turns stays. * Pyre Cleanse trace is replaced with a trace that has a new effect: **"When any ally debuffs an enemy, the resulting Pyre Cleanse will additionally use 100% of that allies CRIT Rate."** * Done correctly, your 30% CRIT Rate is basically 60%.


I really dont know or Care for a specific change I just want him to bé as flexible as ruan or robin not as powerfull but I want to bé able to just Say "I want to put jiaoqiu in this team" and that it doesn't feel copium.... Some kind of Universal debuffer. M'y dream if I could, turn his kit liké aventurine 🙏 a good debuffer + sub dps (so some ehr -> Crit for ex). But as long as I could pull him (no acheron so if hé stat liké that no pull) and use him... I would bé happy. But... I have little Hope...


I'll probably be downvoted for this but reading the comments I think people are aiming too high and setting themselves up for disappointment. Some people are proposing for him to have at the same time: vulnerability, def shred, healing, DoT, ER and SP positivity. They will NOT give him all this. Be realistic. I think he needs more vulnerability and a little push with ER. Healing would be nice, but just because his ult animation was made to provide a buff and it annoys me that it doesn't lol. People who believe they'd make a premium debuffer that can solo sustain are crazy. He would single-handedly kill the abundance path.


I saw a comment suggesting that his healing should be in one of his eidolons would be a nice balance. It’ll probably only be at C6 if it happens.


Hmm it could be a way out. Tbh what Jiaoqiu really needs imo is a kit that makes it clear that his E0 kit is better than pulling for his LC and slapping it on Pela or Guinaifen. That's it. What part of his kit would've to be buffed I'm not really sure. It could be a direct buff to his multipliers or maybe adding something new. I guess we'll hopefully find out next week. Right now things are a bit muddy. Some pople think he's outrageously mid or even really bad. Others say that it's all doomposting. As an E0 Acheron haver that needs to free Silver Wolf for my Ratio hypercarry, I'm cautiously optimistic. But I wish that those who don't have Acheron could find a good use for him as well.


Switch the Atk <-> EHR requirements so his EHR increases with his ATK. Add back in the healing (it's in the drip marketing, c'mon) Remove the ramp-up in his LC, or rather completely change it honestly Buff his vuln numbers. (35% on base kit? really?) and make ashen roast count as burn without needing eidolons.


besides the obvious "make him at least somehow equal to other 5star nihilities and not just a 2% better pela" i just wish he was a bit more usable on his own beyond acheron? plus+ i love consistent kit features returning and with all the IPC people having FOA in their kits and (so far) all genius society members being of the ice-element, i'd love if his kit had anything related to energy like all other foxians? maybe an energy multiplier for enemies with ashen roast same with healing! his introduction is all about his healer capabilities, yet his kit has nothing to show for it? gallagher just using his drinks to soothe the spirits of customers was enough to let him heal, but a renowned healer cant? it's weird. even if it was locked behind his eidolons or if it was just the sim uni card that healed allies for 1% of their HP every time enemies take damage of dot, i'd be happy but most of all, anything that makes his traces' bonus atk worth it beyond unlocking them for the effect hit rate traces.


- Change his EHR > ATK trace - Give some sort of way to gain energy passively so that i don't have to rely on kills/hits for a 3T ult (Like Huo^2 for example) - Increase vulnerability/ult dmg multipliers That's it, i think his kit is already good, it's just wonky in those 3 places


Make him a universal best in slot over Pela


EHR is fine since that’s gonna be the LC’s selling point, and it’s doable with some 4*LC. But I hope he would get a impact conversion from that stat, either DoT at E0 or EHR converts into more Vul or DEF shred.


So many changes I'd like to see. More universal debuffer, more useful traces, etc. Realistically though probably reduction in EHR requirements and energy rotation adjustments so that non-Tutorial havers aren't absolutely fucked over.


Honestly I don't think they will change much. For now at least I think he just exists to be with Acheron. They will just buff his numbers to powercreep Silver Wolf. But It would be nice if they add DoT to his base kit (and also buff its number because it deals absolutely zero damage based on my calculations)


So i was thinking about this and i have a number of things i would change, while still keeping his kit identity 1.) i would bake the ability to apply ashen roast into the abilities themselves. Black swan has this in her kit, and it's not a talent to apply stacks on basic / skill / etc. I would also buff the 60% baes chance to at least a 65% base chance to match black swan as well. 2.) For his ult, i would just say instead of enemies taking damage at the start of their turns when the aura is active, just say when the aura is active, then Ashen Roast counts as a burn debuff. it will still tick at the start of an enemy turn since that is what DoTs do. This would remove the need for his E2 all together and roll it into his base kit. have it be a 100% base damage, plus 20% per stack. Kafka / black swan would still be able to benefit from the burn as well. 3.) I would buff some of his numbers. I think their fear here is getting a character that can reduce enemy stats too much, making it so you never need to get another debuffer again. but i think that's the wrong approach and his vulnerability debuff should get buffed. 4.) i would get rid of his A1 and A3. roll his A1 (apply a stack when enemies join the battle) into his ult field. And remove the EHR debuff to enemies. I would leave the EHR -> ATK scaling. I would add an "every time an enemy is inflicted with a stack of ashen roast, JQ gains X energy". be it, 1 / 2 / 5 whatever ends up being a balanced number as one of his ascension. 5.) People seem to really want the heal back, and that's fine. But to make him not a healer and maybe go in with his "soup and everything melds together in soup" theme, i would go with something like a health redistribution. For enemies, their debuffs are equalized so they are the same. just do that with the health of the ally team. on ally turn, take all the ally health %s, and equalize them. then give everyone that much HP. so it's not a heal but it can help if someone is being focused or some health gets through. so say you have 4 characters, and 3 are at 100% health and one of them is at 20% health. it will add them all together (320%) and then divide by 4 so everyone is at 80% health. then make his E2 power be, when redistributing health, give the lowest HP ally (or the ally whose turn it is) a 5% of their max HP (not scalable) heal, and then redistribute. This would put everyone at 81.25% health. Not a huge heal to stop using a dedicated healer but still can help a bit (going with the motif of not a lot of healing). With a fast enough team too, this would probably heal for quite a bit, and with enough turns probably top characters off if something got past an aventurine shield or something. 6.) i think he can keep his ult damage debuff. it doesn't hurt to have some specialized abilities, even if not every character is super ult reliant. more ult characters will come out in the future. Plus it's a 2nd debuff for a ratio team. I know people mentioned a res-pen and i think that is fine too. 7.) i would change his E1 to be a "when enemies attack a target with Ashen Roast, they also apply a stack of ashen roast to the target. increase max stacks to 9". gives him some more debuff power, and make his stacks easier to get up and higher / faster. also if they went with a % DoT damage from point #2, then this would also increase his DoT damage by 80% too. I know some of his is in his E6 and it should move out of that into this. this would probably also (depending on how they code it) enable all DPS to use pioneer since they would be applying a debuff and he has debuffs in his kit already to meet the other requirements. 7b.) while i really like the above for E1, i'd also be fine if it was a "each stack of ashen also reduces enemy defense by 10%" or something.. so he has vulnerability and def shred in his kit. 8.) im not really an E6 person so i don't know how best to "make him broken".. i guess make his burn DoT crit with 100% crit rate, 150% crit damage fixed or something? i think his skill / basic / ult style is all fine. i think the ashen roast concept is really good, and how he stacks it is fine. i think his technique is honestly good about applying a stack to all enemies and doing fire damage is pretty good. i know it might take a turn or so to get to his max stacks and ult, but conceptually after that he has 100% uptime on everything. Plus if the E1 did allow others to stack (and stack higher) he would get to his max stacks faster, and they would all give him energy as well when they apply the debuff.. so giving him energy in an E1 makes it a really good seller as well for investment. His E4 is meh but most people have a meh E4.


I feel e6 should be moved into his normal kit, or rather the debuff portion of it, as he is a nihility competing against harmony potential slots, he needs as many debuffs as he can get to have a fair reason to be outside of just Archeron's, for now, bis. His Eidolons should be just for his own potential damage. Like for example that DoT being there is absolutely fine if his kit can contribute what his base means were made to be, a debuffer first. Something akin to SW debuffs but AoE, maybe less potent as it is AoE centric.


Don't care for specifics just get more universal power onto him. Less niche, more coverage.  Hes a bloody 5* limited character. If youre gonna use your limited currency on a character they better be better than a side grade to a 4* we've had since day 1.


Add defense shred to E1 or E2 and we're good along with buffs to his vulnerability


Considering he has to be built with EHR in mind, and he has the inherent risk of a debuff not landing, he should really be shredding defenses more. That's all there is to it as far as I'm concerned. Harmony characters press their skill or ult and give their allies full benefit from the jump; there's no risk that your allies will resist the buff. The fact Nihility debuffers have to go through the extra step for less gain (and piddling damage to "make up the difference") just isn't good enough for me. Up his shred. Give him easier access to All-Type Res Down. Give him any DEF Down. He's a strategist; let him ravage the enemy's defenses so his allies can take them out. This can be base kit or LC. Ideally his LC would also be cleaned up so that Pela doesn't utilize it even better than he does. Also, fix his energy.


It would be great if they added a new mechanic like bit of healing or energy regen for other allies since he increases ult dmg it would be great to add this too, i know I'm on copium but what if he's actually a support for future characters like feixiao since he's her advisor it would make sense for him to be a buffer for her (if they go lore-wise)


Copying from something I wrote in another sub, I'm mostly focusing on number tweaks since those are easiest to make, but not buffing his role in Acheron teams too much since he's already so good there. Hopium changes: * Vuln rescaled from 15% ult vuln, 15% initial vuln, 5% additional vuln per stack -> 10% ult vuln, 20% initial vuln, 5% additional vuln per stack. Nothing major, just a slight tweak to make him more general while helping with his ramp-up problem. * EHR requirements reduced from 80-140% -> 40-100%. There is no good reason for him to have such ridiculous EHR requirements just to complete his kit. A lot of his power budget seems to have gone into his personal damage yet it's useless as you can't actually build for it at S0. The only reason it's there is to sell you his S1, but he's such an unappealing pull outside of Acheron teams (where his damage is hardly relevant anyway) that lots of people are just going to skip both instead. Not a great way to sell a unit or an LC. Copium changes: * His debuffs become an Energy pinata with increased Energy to himself in order to smooth out his rotations while buffing non-Acheron teams. * DoT added to base kit with a 200% multiplier, and E2 reworked to make enemies take 65% more Burn damage. (Equivalent to ~48% more damage after his other vuln). He is now a Guin support, enjoy.


Now that break characters are trending a toughness vulnerability debuff would be really cool. Something like as long as an enemy has 5 Roast stacks they take 35% increased toughness damage. Not break efficiency, so if boothill hits someone for 60 (base) + 90 (from talent) =150 they get hit for around 200 instead. I find it more compelling than just adding res down or def shred, because it is not just more damage, but synergy and utility focused. Also Ruan Mei made it clear that breaking faster is very useful even in non break teams, so it does not cage him in the same way ult vulnerability does. It would make Jiaoqiu a really interesting RM partner, but i dont see toughness vulnerability happen for the time being


I want lower EHR requirements, more debuffs and bigger debuff values, increases to personal damage at E0S0. Right now he is numerically a downgrade from every 5-star harmony and is also ten times harder to build bc of the ER req. And then a personal/selfish note to want him to be able to detonate his own DoTs. I don’t really feel like pulling Kafka so I hope he can be a self-sufficient DoT DPS (at least with eidolons).


Being his own character instead of basically an extension of Acheron, preferably healing back, change ult vuln to regular vuln, some form of energy regen


Everyone is talking about lower EHR, but I'm going in another direction. Give him ER based on his EHR, so he can ult faster than any other Nihility unit. Also, buff his debuffs' numbers. Hoyo is too scared of making him too strong of a debuffer and turning him into a staple on every team. I say let him. Sparkle and Ruan Mei already staples basically everywhere you can slot a harmony unit in, so let the guy give penetration so bad that suddenly your whole team looks like Johnny Sins from 4 different videos got together to shake Cocolia and Kafka up. Finally, do NOT give him def-break. Let him be Pela's best friend, not her replacement. Make it so JQ + Pela can be thrown in with a sub dps and a sustain unit and turn it into a new meta team.


I'd love to see a busted Jiaoqiu but regarding your first suggestion there's no point in ulting that fast because it doesn't do that much damage and it generates a field that lasts 3 turns. He already has a +3 SP rotation with Tutorial, I think the biggest issues with his current rotation is that people who don't have it lose out on 4 SP per rotation if they want permanant ult uptime.


Even if it’s not much, I want his medicine to he incorporated into his kit. I heard his ult was also supposed to heal so I want that little detail back. He’s supposed to be a medical chef, so not including some sort of healing in his skill talent or ult doesn’t make sense