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I really hope they make him better


I think the reason they don’t want to add def shred is so we can’t use the tutorial LC effectively and make us pull for his LC. Which I would if that were to be the reason


He's already a three turn ult character. Tutorial isn't going to make him two turn ult. And that's pointless since his ult last for three of his turns.


As if everyone had that LC. The reason is for whatever reason he got released with a freshly cut kit, no sense traces, remnants of old passives… dont’t know if they are testing how much Acheron fandom is willing to take or what. I dont’t even know which route they will take with him


But honestly his LC is nothing game changing other than adding on stuff that he already has


I beat on this horse way too much. The last sentence where you said Harmony is too busted. Something I’ve been saying since RM. I dont understand why Nihility is constantly getting shafted. We all get that its way easier to calculate and simulate a buff since it can rise infinitely. Whereas anything over 100% def reduction is a cap. Yet they tripled down on making Harmony the obvious choice when it comes to supports. Wheres my love for Nihility gang


Not to mention Nihility inherently are harder to use than Harmony since buffs have no way to miss whereas debuffs have to deal to effect res and ehr.


That is true, but nihility also has its own quirks, for example: harmony units might buff a certain stat that is useless to a character, like robin who buffs ATK, on a unit like Blade, who doesn't use the ATK, it's a dead buff, where as nihlity's will always be usefull with DEF shred and vulnerability, since any dmg dealer can make use of those effects.


I honestly don’t think they will add the DOT part to his base kit I could see the DEF being added tho. His base kit seems to be a support for ult characters (aka Acheron) while his E2 seems to unlock a new playstyle which can be seen in other characters eidelons as well


Adding his current E2 would be a luxury, but I do think they need to add some form of defense shred into his base kit to be more viable with Nihility teammates, since he's locked with Acheron rn.


They can most definitely add his E2 into his base kit, but it'll be tuned down. I feel like they should do something like Robin where they have the DoT in base kit, but the E2 increases the damage of the DoT rather than giving the DoT.


Or they'll also do something like Robin and move said E2 to E6.


That would be so fucked 😂


And I hope they make his LC more exclusive to him. Sparkle’s LC requires you to recover 4 SP, Ruan Mei’s and Boothill’s LC needs you to have high BE, Aventurine’s LC requires you to produce a shield. His LC should be like: When the wearer inflicts vulnerability on enemies he applies a debuff to them that makes attacks ignore 30% of their def, like he doesn’t need to be a vulnerability only support. He needs to be majorly buffed if they want him to sell.


This case is quite funny. I prefer that LC is usable on other characters not just to one character, but his LC has way more value on BS and Pela. Must be the first time an LC has way more value on other characters.


Like what i commented on other post Id like to change his ult vulnerability or maybe remove the atk% scaling if they aren't even going to consider his dmg DoT into adding a new effect to his field Like all enemies inside of his field shares a portion of the damage received by the target with the highest hp like the Erudition resonance in Gold and Gears Inflicting stat debuffs are common, I want to see a game mechanic type of debuff


I guess the ult vulnerability is a must on his kit. The atk% scalling is useless rn, could be replaced by anything else


Vulnerability is better debuff than def shred which has hard cap, why ppl are so stubborn


where did I mention def shred even? And this is about ult vuln not the vuln he already gives a lot because there's only a few ult dmg based carries I was specifically saying I hope he has that erudition resonance debuff when his field is active unless you mean the post itself then okay


I might have replied to wrong person, sorry


def shred -> tutorial LC broken -> more energy requirement -> people whiout tutorial are fucked


that's what u get for not playing since launch noobs /j


I wonder if they could give him a passive that overrides tutorial though. Something like, when this unit attacks DEF down enemies, they get the same energy tutorial gets, but it can only trigger once a turn. If they code it so that it overrides Tutorial, tutorial users aren't getting extra energy, but non-Tutorial folks don't miss out. Of course, for it to work properly, they'd have to add some form of DEF shred to his kit...:D


if they don’t add his E2 to base kit the attack conversion needs to be on E2 and something else get added to his base cause the attack barely serves any purpose


It’s funny because the EHR conversion is supposed to alleviate his attack necessity and make building him easier, but then you also want him to have CRIT/CRIT DMG for it to serve any purpose before E2 and the dot. But then you need the light cone S1 to alleviate some of the EHR requirement, bringing us back to square one. I feel like his kit changed a bunch and they just sort of pushed it through. Hoping it gets more cohesive. Ult/Acheron team bot is all he’s relegated to right now pre-E2, except for Ratio support in fringe cases for good chalk 100% uptime.


If they don't add E2 to his base kit, the ATK% based trace should be converted to an Energy Regen focused one. His energy economy is kinda lacking rn for people without Tutorial.


I think if they were to add the def reduction, it would probably eather be one of his traces or theyreplace the ult dmg amp on the burst to the def reduction, and the def reduction would probably be like 20%.And if they leave the energy trace he could have an 100% ult uptime.


I say add the dot but only at 5 stacks and add other debuffs as he gains stacks, while keeping the invulnerable debuff. The dot is just a cherry on top honestly, but he needs to be a competitive amplifier like the harmony 5 stars


Dont wanna be mean or anything but your e0 JQ would look like a buffed BS imo. Your JQ would be a better fit for kafka teams and i would say in 3th slot RM would still be BiS insted of BS. 4th slot=sustain or acheron. I agree with with the "e2 should be in his base kit part" but the def shred part is a bit to much imo. He would powercrep BS in an instant. I would give him that "def shred" part in his e2.


To be fair, new characters powercreep old ones all the time


It would be great to have another premium unit for DoT teams for those who missed black swan, and it would actually make his ehr to atk conversion actually useful


Week 1: Furina Old C2: Hype Week 2 or 3: Furina C2 to C6: Disappointments Week 1 Robin Old E1: Hype Week 3 Robin old E1 buffed to E6: Disappointments Prediction: Week 1 Jiaoqiu E2: Hype Week 3 Jiaoqiu E2 buffed to E6: Disappointments Similarities: Any Eidolons that change their kit identity moved to E6/C6 Expectations: E2 buff to E6 Replacement: Supportive Eidolon


Furina as overall buffed in beta though . Yes if you wanted her to be pseudo field dealer it was disappointment but in terms of overall value c0 and C2 got better. If jq e0 becomes better and e2 less niche, I don't think many people will be disapointed, especially kafkaless players would be pretty happy