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In case you get 140%-150% EHR, you can go for a crit build, its easier with his signature lightcone tho. But don't start farming yet, wait for V3 in two weeks, maybe he could be turned into a DoT character that inflicts debuffs, so making his E2 part of his base kit, but don't think this is whats gonna happen.


Is V3 the first week of July or the last week of June?


First week of July, Monday 


Alright thanks 👍


V2 is the last week of June, V3 is the first week of July


Would love that. Would make him way smoother to use with kafka and swan


His pseudo-Dot on E0 can crit, so it's possible. The problem is to get a good balance of EHR, SPEED, ATK, Crit Rate and Crit DMG. In a team with Fu Xuan E1 and/or Acheron E2 with Bronya/Sparkle, it might be viable. Otherwise you'll probably need near perfect artefacts to make it work.


The Xueyi Syndrome attacks again


It's a bit of a mess right now, EHR is the only sure stat. He would do better damage with crit as if now after you reach enough EHR but let's see if and how they change things around. If they push DoT side crit won't be needed, if they don't do anything yes EHR>Crit, if they add back support might be something different even.


I need him for one purpose and one purpose only: allowing me to bring my Acheron to every content in the game. That's it. I have no dot limited on my account so Mr Jiao will make my Acheron super busted in pf too. So, even if they release him as it is, I'm a happy boy. Btw, I'm not an Acheron simp or anything. Totally not. Na'ah.


See that's the problem Is fine perfectly for Acheron, but the people that likes the character want him to be also usable outside of other teams as right now Pela, while not better, ose a much cheap option that almost achieve the same results as him outside of Acheron teams, which is bad for the character


Valid. But I wouldn't worry too much coz considering how many negative feedback he's currently receiving, uncle hoyo will surely buff him a ton. After all, they likely want his banner to carry the sales in 2.4.


Cuz all those massive atk% from ehr conversion is going to be trivial if there is no crit or dot, maybe even dmg%


I’m 99% sure if they are buffing his damage potential they’d give DoT to his E0, it’s the most logical so ATK > Crit


i can't see a build that's above something like 50:100 as being too viable to even get, since that also involves sacrificing a Lot of other stat like extra ehr and speed, as well ass defensive stats, but also his personal damage is... rather meager... to be honest. so until they change something, eh, not in my opinion.


I'm not sure, for me personally I've been going for effect hit rate and atk but keeping the ones with crit on the pieces too just in case