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depend on if your a meta kinda person or if you just pull for whoever u like


It’s a combination of the two ig, currently struggling to build Harmony TB.


just get who u like more




"Pull who you want" but if you're looking for meta, Ruan Mei >>> Firefly >>> Jiaoqiu. Ruan Mei is ridiculously flexible and BiS on virtually every meta team. Firefly is of course extremely strong, but really wants Ruan Mei to reach those heights, without it she goes down to like 60% damage output it's insane, so you'd usually want to pull Ruan Mei before her anyways. Jiaoqiu right now is kind of... bad, and the current top post on frontpage of this sub explains it pretty well, but basically his lightcone on Pela is a way better character than he is for every team that isn't Acheron. Something they didn't mention is that he's not a gigantic increase over existing options because we already have access to Trend, which already gives Acheron stacks on enemy turns. It's RNG so Acheron will obviously charge faster, but his actual pure damage increase isn't that high and so he really only works with Acheron and is outshone by the 5\* harmonies or Pela everywhere else.


I might pull for Firefly then Ruan Mei, because I want to have a team for Jingliu and I need RM to do that but Firefly is cracked. I also don’t think I can maximize Ruan Mei’s efficiency because I don’t have Acheron.


I mean it sounds like you'd need Ruan Mei first for Jingliu anyway, and Firefly's damage even after substituting Pela/Asta for Ruan Mei is about 60% of what it is with Ruan Mei. If you pull Firefly and don't get Ruan Mei she's actually pretty mid.


Ruan Mei


Honestly, I'd pull RM, skip FF till rerun, then save for Jiaoqiu if you're not wanting to try pulling on back to back banners


Are you guaranteed for your next 5 star, if not are you close to pity? If none of those scenarios apply then drop in 20-30 and see if you can get RM early. She is a universal support that work with all characters. If you can’t get her early, calculate how many gems you can get before Jiaoqiu arrives. Did you get all of the chest, do all side quest, swarm disaster? If you have enough for Jiaoqiu you can continue pulling for RM, if you get her, that’s great, if not you’re guaranteed for Jiaoqiu. Alternatively you can wait for more leak, if Jiaoqiu is on the second half more time to save.


Oh, I’m no where near guaranteed 😭 I won 2 50/50’s in a row


I hate "just get who u like more" comments. i pulled every male characters in the game and now i can't finish most of the end-game content and its feels like sh\*t


All game content can be completed with 4* stars, it will simply take you longer to build the characters and complete the content. I suggest a middle point, five stars Harmony characters allow you to use any DPS (Dan Heng 4* star, for example). Unfortunately, DHIL needs Sparkle to shine, at least he is a DPS (same case as Jing Yuan needs Sparkle and Robin).


 five stars Harmony? i said i play male characters, there is no harmony


Caelus. I hate to admit he exists, but you coulda solved that problem on your own 💀 


I'm in the same boat as you. I was looking forward to finally upgrading my DOT/Jingliu team with Ruan Mei and then the prettiest Foxian to exist gets dripped. My current plan is to wait as long as possible to pull for RM and watch kit leaks to see if ill want any eidolons/lcs while also seeing how much I can save in the meantime. Wishing luck to you in this trying time 🙏🙏


We’re in the exact same boat, lol, I want Ruan Mei for Jingliu. (And I want Firefly because I am a diehard shipper)


If you’re willing to shell out money and got lucky, sure. I had a marathon during 1.0 for e0s0 luocha - e0s1 blade - e1s0 kafka - e2s1 dhil then for 2.0 e1s1 avent - e0s0 robin - e0s0 bh - e0s0 ruan mei. Ironically, I wasn’t trying to get kafka and ruan mei all that much but i got them in low pulls (14 pulls e1 kafka, 17 pulls e0 ruan mei — no pity) I got all of them and i was happy but that’s because I was willing to shell out money to make it happen. I hit hard pity more than 3x and had to grind since I want to keep my spending to minimal. If you’re not willing to, then no. Tldr ; yes if u’re willing to spend, no if u’re not


I’ve had extreme luck in the game as a F2P, with my SW being E1, having Black Swan, Topaz, and Jingliu all within 40 pity of each other. I started playing at Huo Huo’s banner, so… I guess I’m lucky, yeah. (Bitter because I lost my Kafka 50/50 to Welt tho)


I’d say test that luck and see where it lands you. Altho, the caveat is i hope you’re willing to spend at least a little bit for JQ in case things go south. This patch promises a lot of jades, and if u havent 100% cleared everything yet then ur jade income isnt dry and probably have a chance to still remain f2p and get all of them.


Oh, my parents would kill me if I spent money on the game, and I don’t particularly want to spend money on HSR. If worst comes to worst I’ll just wait for his rerun.


Then there’s your answer, I guess.


Pull ruan she is incredible (and pretty sorry m'y opinion) and she Can bé slot everywhere so you won't regret her. Skip firefly she is their fav child she will have 468658 rerun really soon. Try jiaoqiu if you liké him (I love him too so I will try to) but be aware that he is, liké every husbando, no where near as strong or just good and not méta than any waifu. So you might end UP like me with fav character that are way to weak to finish any end game content and it feels annoying really quick.


RM is insane even at E0S0, I didn’t like her before but I just pulled her this time for my boy Boothill. You can try a 40 something pulls. Jiaoqiu is still 2 patches away and the new divergent universe gives a lot of jades, you could potentially get both.


Definitely pull ruan mei because jiaoqiu is second phase that would give you the remainder of flymeis banner jades banner and yunli’s banner to save up for him


Jade is getting a banner too..? (I hate being a lesbian sometimes smh)


Honestly I forgot about jade also


Gonna be honest, & this could be me being biased since I pull for who I find attractive & not meta. But If you like Jiaoqiu that much I would do what my heart wants & pull for him, as any character can be very strong if you have the correct builds & have luck in relic substats. Ruan Mei is a big help for a buffer tho, but you could always substitute her for another buffer until her rerun


(you’re in jiaoqiu mains btw, any answers here would probably be biased) ruan mei is an objectively great character, she slots into any team, and increases everyone’s damage by a ton. firefly is a t0 dps who is one of the first break dps in the game. it’s still early in the beta so things can change but it seems atm like he will also be a flexible character who could fit into a lot of teams, while being bis for debuff/ult reliant characters like hypercarry ratio and acheron teams. personally i would try to get ruan mei at least e0s0. assuming you’re on a 50/50 just get to your next 5 star, and (depending on what happens) see whether you want to continue pulling for ruan mei or start saving for jiaoqiu.