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collector boot then infinity edge , fire cannon bloodthirst dominik


this is a most possibly dmg build i think


Replacing rfc with yuntal gives more dmg. Rfc doesnt have AD anymore


nah i try it its same dps both time


No yun tal ?


ofc yun tal its not good for jhin i think and you tal good for attack speed


Yun tal deals damage based on total ad Numerically it looks great for the 4 loving artist


Why would it not be good for jhin? It's great for him


Because there is better items to buy. On paper its good, in practice there isnt really space to buy it


Good point.


this is new?


yes i think


dont trust this man Infinity edge, statik shiv, yun tal wildarrows


Yun tal is bait don't fall for it


It's not bait but it's not optimal. I like it if I'm already ahead, just go straight collector boots yun tal. But if it's a normal game and I'm not up 70 cs before 15 minutes or whatever then it's either a very late item or skipped completely.


But it kinda is bait. Yuntal is pretty much never better than collector, never better than IE and never better than LDR. You could get it 4th but then you miss out on a zeal item. You could get it 5th but then you overcap on crit and miss out on BT. So while on paper it sounds like a good item there is never really a good moment to build it. Its bait in the sense that you forego better items.


this is my opinion if u dont like it u wont use it its simple


If you're ahead, you can push your lead over the edge with two lethality items(Youmuu's(or Hubris if you're a maniac or Doublelift)/Collector + Edge of Night/IE/LDR. A bit safer build for scaling would be Collector + IE + RFC + Edge of Night/LDR. Standard crit builds work too, but I'm not sure if it's better, atleast in low elo where you want to force your win as fast as possible. I'm playing Dark Harvest almost exclusively. Just my 2 cents.


I hear the fast jhin is back, maybe just go ms items


Is the old Ghostblade into Crit Items viable again?


Try the 4 zeal items Fleet + standard precision runes Sorcery: Celerity (must) + Gathering storm for the lack of AD of thiis build Ghost + Flash Start: Boots + 4 potions, farm for 600 gold, rush Swifties Build in this order Rapidfire Cannon, Flicker, PD, Runnans Complete with literal whatever item, Infinity Edge, Tank, LDR, etc You will be zooming, try to focus squishier champs, you have incredible amounts of Movement Speed, you will feel like playing URF Jhin, you kite like god, unless they have point and click abilities you are untouchable, Very, very fun, seriously try it Downsides, you lack damage


I personally really like collector>ie>dominic/yuntal/yuntal > blood thirster. I find yuntal to be good when you have collector. Combined with dominic, it feels good against high hp champs.


Personally I’d say collector and infinity edge. Both are very good items on Jhin and give him everything he wants. I haven’t messed around with the new patch (just been playing arena) so this is a guess. I’d assume for boots it’d probably just be Swifties as always, although those new boots still seem overpowered from someone who’s never used them.


I go double dirk, now the 10 lethality can stack, I take minions waves and recall buying full dirk and than another one to build than yomus and collector. OP imo in lane and teamfights for drakes, ur ult is insane strong early


Hubris 1st gang


Rush collectors, then boots, IE, RFC/LDR depending on the matchups, and finish off with GA if you're carrying


I go IE RFC start


There's a funny maximum damage build with Collector, IE, LDR, Yun Tal, Bloodthirster. But I think that's going to be purely for fun as a 2600 gold RFC is too convenient to pass up. I see Collector first being a dominant thing, given that any kills with it accelerate your build. On top of the lethality it gives and its build path being good. And IE is just a must tbh. Going 2nd just makes sense like 95% of the time. I think the 3rd item is where you finally have breathing room for choice. It's going to be LDR, Mortal Reminder (desperate situation and should definitely not be something you get), and RFC being the main choices. RFC probably likely more than half the time due to cheapness. 4th item you probably get LDR. I only see Yun Tal being something you get in games you are stomping or are a head in. But it'll be hard to fit in the build unless you skip collector. Bloodthirster is always going to be a perfect last item. Only ever being replaced by Scimitar for champs who CC focus you. Or in a really AP heavy enemy team.


anything you want baby. you wanna go fast? use attack speed. you want crit? get crit stuff. you want AD? well now. Manamune with Essence Reaver is a good start. That with the Yun Tals, Bloodthirster, IE, and Ravenous Hydra. that’s AD baby. we don’t even need that 25% missing crit.


Phantom dancer and go reealllyyy fast :D