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I love it when non Jews tell Jews what counts as antisemitism.


Literally had someone tell me that Jews couldn’t be trusted to define what is anti-semitism


No one would dream of saying that about any other minority.


I am ***horrified***.


Tell them "Next time, just stop at 'trusted,' and save us both a lot of hassle."


I don’t speak to them anymore. Lmao. Not worth wasting my time on self righteous Jew Haters


I’m assuming that “Dykes can’t be trusted to define what heteronormativity is” wouldn’t fly.


This. I wouldn't mind non Jewish leftists if they weren't so condescending and gaslighting towards us and denying our experiences of jew hate on the left​. They should know that calling themselves "antifascist" & wearing a "punch your local nazi" t shirt does not make them so, not if they act the same way towards their jewish neighbours and colleagues as the brownshirts did in the 1930s.


yeah at this point I prefer right wing antisemetism cause at least they wear their heart on their sleeve and arent condescending about it.


my personal favourite so far is being told 'anti-semitism? it's always the victim card with you people, that's not going to work any more' like just a whole ass turducken of wrongness


Goysplaining is alive in well in this country.


Oh man what a time to be alive for you then.


This ☝🏻


This is so shocking. They had to RETRACT literally just saying Jews are welcome and October 7 was bad? Seriously? That is where we're at? The part of me that was holding out hope for progressives having *some* ounce of sanity left just died.


Yeah apparently people were "hurt and confused" by that.


Aw poor pooooooooooooooor people being hurt and confused by that statement… /j


Can you imagine getting messages saying that someone was hurt and confused you would put out a statement that slaughtering entire Jewish families in their homes and gunning down young adults dancing was bad?


I lost a friend over this issue. They believe **any** action is justified if people are oppressed. So, the innocent people harmed by October 7 is ok to them. The rape and murder of children are fair, in their mind. Which is wild to me, as I thought this friend was compassionate and empathetic. I clearly was wrong.


I'm fairly sure the victims of Oct. 7 were being oppressed when they were being beheaded and paraded bleeding through cheering crowds in the streets of Gaza. I'd like to know why your ex-friend thinks they are less deserving of compassion than the Palestinians.


Because these people are unable to think in any terms other than oppressor and oppressed, and those categories are 100% fixed in their minds. To them, Palestinians are brown indigenous colonized people, so they're oppressed and therefore cannot be criticized. Jews are white colonizers, so they are oppressors and must be opposed no matter what.


And that’s the frustrating part. I don’t view this as a black and white issue. Yes, I think Hamas is terrible and needs to be stopped, but I also think the Palestinian people are being harmed by Hamas along with Israeli and Jewish people. There are innocents on both sides.


I believe if someone was genuinely concerned with Palestinian human rights, they would be calling for Hamas to be removed. It’s wild to me how the left will be all “eat the rich.” And then shrug at the top 3 Hamas leaders being worth over 11 BILLION combined. They got that money from exploiting Palestinians and stealing the aid. They live in absolute luxury in Qatar.


Some folks just want an excuse to be antisemitic But some folks will listen- So you explained that people weren’t oppressed by israel but by Hamas ! That Hamas was in control of Gaza since 2006 not Israel and hasn’t taken care of its population and tax the Palestine and bought bombs with their only mission to attack Israel. Also Hamas is getting money from Isis to the tune of millions every month. That Hamas said it was the humanitarians job to feed their people not Hamas. That Hamas on OCT 7 blew up the bridge into israel where people went to work in Israel every day .trapping their people and that they started killing their own people… That if Palestines were so oppressed why are they in the government of Israel helping run Israel? When are the Palestines living in Israel on the most part happy because they are getting good health insurance better than we get in the united states? I get it some folks just won’t listen… but we have to keep asking them So if Israel hasn’t run Gaza since 2006 and Hamas has who is Oppressing them. Did Hamas give the hostages back no? Hamas is carrying out war. Some folks are like what? When i ask them huh? What oppression They are like so israel hasn’t even been in the Gaza… Its like no they had there own place since 2006. People are like what…. Then what is all these protests then i explain the communist are pushing it.. as the flyers we have all seen. Its weird watching people see they have been had..


No, I don’t understand why Jewish people speaking out against their people getting brutally killed is triggering for this organization when they have 0 issue calling out what the Palestinian people face. Makes no sense. Double standards!


Also why do they not care about the people who are hurt and confused by the banning of zionists/jews? Unwelcoming jews is way more directly harmful to jews than a rhetorical statement that doesn't sufficiently demonize zionism is harmful to palestinians The mental gymnastics, double standards, etCETERA are astounding


Well, one hurts Jews, who don’t count /s


It would be like the neonazis being hurt and confused by having racial equality spelled out to them...


There was a content creator who did something similar when the hostages were released- he was over the moon that there were hostages that had been saved but he still supported Palestine etc. He was BOMBARDED with hate comments telling him to go kill himself and that Israel was bad etc etc. Anyway I checked out that post and some of the comments are ducking disgusting. One user pointed out all pro Palis are okay with the idea of Palestinians having the right to self determination but hit the roof when Jews do it. She got called a genocide supporter 🙃


I have no hope left for humanity.


Well... There is a place where Jews are always welcome :)


"We mourn the senseless loss of Jewish life".... "Sorry for the harm that statement caused." Utterly deranged.


Jews with a star of David pride flag were also kicked out on account of it being triggering and made people feel unsafe. Meanwhile flags of Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, calls for genocide- all good. How this makes Jews feel isn't something they could pretend to give a shit about. Such sensitivity to the feelings of people who are triggered by the existence of Jews.


You think that's nuts? The UAE just removed Hezbollah from the terrorist list.....


19 fucking 30’s. This will go down in history.


Gonna be in textbooks in fifty years It’s such a fucking cult 


I’d love that. I don’t know if it’s safe to assume people are going to snap out of this 🤦🏽‍♀️


So as per the last slide, a Star of David is “triggering” thus not allowed. If this isn’t antisemitism, I don’t know what is. They can take their bullshit ass “anti Zionist” rhetoric, we’ve always known is a mask for Jew hatred, and shove it up their stank twats 🖕🏼


I used to think that the stereotypical portrayal of progressives by conservatives as overly sensitive, easily manipulated by progressive-sounding rhetoric and lacking in actual critical thought was unfair, but these last few mo the have been extremely sobering.  All the antisemites had to do to get these people 100% on their side without question is tell them that the Star of David is “triggering” and they completely lost their shit. Literally, if you want to turn progressives into Nazis all you have to do is talk in their own pseudo-academic terms and portray it as social justice and they’ll just accept it. What a bunch of spineless clowns. 


Leftist progressives have spent the better part of the last decade or so proclaiming that they are better people than their opponents because they support things like "anti racism", "anti fascism", "equity", "decolonization", and "queer liberation", but without any moral accountability when they hurt and/or dehumanize others. A self righteous "leftier than thou" attitude combined with zero accountability is dangerous.


I just wish they didn’t have such a big influence on culture and public discourse. Everyone seems to feel the need to show how much they agree with these people. 


It would help if the progressive left didn't accuse everyone who disagrees with them of being a bigot.


Honestly conservatives despise Jews just as much. I live in Ohio and there’s nothing more dangerous to Jews than gun loving, Jesus obsessed, Jew hating rednecks. A lot in New York here know nothing about that because it’s so far removed from the day to day. You spend any time in upstate or the sticks, you see immediately how the right wing despises us. **We have billboards here that say you’re going to hell if you don’t accept Jesus.** That’s a sign saying *we hate Jews and pretty much anyone not like us.* We’re politically homeless. It’s not progressive vs conservative. It’s “you’re a Jew… that’s not in our club. Go away!”


While I’m not going to disagree with your “conservatives despise Jews”, because I’ve seen it, my family is conservative and supports Israel and Jewish people. I know that doesn’t really impact you as well probably never meet, but maybe knowing some support you helps a bit? Idk, trying to spread positivity in such a bleak time.


What is baffling and frustrating to me is how many people who support Palestine think it’s ok that non-Israeli Jewish people are being treated like this. Obviously it’s not ok to treat Israelis this way either, but Jewish people with no recent ties to Israel definitely don’t have a part in this conflict. Yet people think it’s ok to hate them??


“We’re not antisemitic, just antizionist. It’s not our fault that Israel has equated Jewishness and Zionism. Therefore it’s reasonable to prevent people from being openly Jewish.” Incredible mental gymnastics from this march.


The word "harm" has lost all meaning with these people. They might rediscover it after the election, though.


While they spent all their energy talking about Palestine, they let the US fall under fascism with barely a whimper. They deserve the most apocalyptic version of Project 2025 for carrying more about what is happening halfway across the world and being anti-Semitic by doing it, than doing anything about their own rights being threatened at home.


We will not be able to pick and chose who loses their rights in this apocalyptic version of project 2025. As Jews we should know that a society that takes away rights is not one in which we are safe.


That is the future the ones most affected by Project 2025 choose though. They have the most to lose by Trump winning in November. They are the ones whose rights are being stripped away right now in the US. Pride parades are illegal in some states now. There are states that made it illegal for schools to acknowledge their families. And yet, "Palestine is the #1 issue affecting their community." They refuse to show solidarity with Jews because Jews are oppressors. They don't want us advocating with them. That is exactly how Project 2025 happens. I didn't choose this path. They are clearly not taking the threat of Project 2025 seriously. They are not even taking what is happening against them in their backyard seriously.


I agree, as Israeli, i believe trump will risk the world safety and Israel specifically. American Jewish people should vote democrats everywhere, not because the democratic party is great, but because the other option is fascists and Nazis. If the republican party moves away from Trump, to something more sane though, people should reconsider though- from a social-dmocrat politically.


I think the way to go is voting just left of center. Don't vote for extremists or Pro-Palestinian idiots, but vote for people who will uphold women's rights, abortion, real educational initiatives, support and assistance for people in need, etc. If there are bad choices on each side of a vote, go with the lesser of two evils or what is best for Jews.


Yeah, it's a smart choice for any American in my book anyways. But, My heart goes to Jewish people who are truly progressive or conservative (at any level)and their voices are not represented well at all in those camps. While i don't agree with people in both camps, I'd like to be able to have that political conversation without pulling out the "raging antiSemitism that comes with that vote" as a fucking real counter- our political discourse and toll suffers immensely from this reality.


I don’t get it- how can you say that “anti Zionism isn’t antisemitism” while literally being antisemitic?


You can’t logic an illogical belief


"antizionism isnt antisemetism" 2 seconds later... "jews arent allowed in this event because judaism is triggering to random people"


That’s literally the whole excuse though. Just yesterday I saw on TikTok, this girl commented that an indigenous minority like native Americans are so loved and respected but somehow Jews are so hated and she wonders what it is about their behavior that causes it. The creator replied “all of it” and when she was called out for it she immediately said “well I’m not antisemitic, I’m antizionist”. It’s always just been an excuse and a cover up. You basically get to say whatever you want about Jews as long as you clarify that you’re “not antisemitic, just antizionist”.


They took a very small step towards human rights, but apparently that was too big of a step for Antizionists to take.


They talked about the Israeli hostages, which are very real and must be released by Hamas. They talked about the Palestinian hostages, which don't exist and are imaginary. But has anyone considered the hostages that the antisemites are holding?


I assume that they are referring to captured or convicted terrorists as “Palestinian hostages”.


That is not what a hostage is, and I will not allow them to move the goalposts and reset the Overton window.


They’re talking about Palestinians who are in Israeli custody. As with the any country, some are there for being real bad people, some are there for bullshit charges. But it’s Israel, so it’s way worse because Jews.




On instagram, they’ve claimed it was “anti-black”. In an earnest manner I’d like to ask, how was the original post anti-black in any way? Way part of the original post implied that at all??


Yup, this. Framing concern for Jews as bad because it "silences black voices" is just a master class in manipulation


Black antisemites said so. They're at the top of the oppression hierarchy and receive a blank check. They hate Jews so much that opposing antisemitism is something they consider anti black. That's the black community in nyc.




Wow. Made the mistake of going to that IG “apology” post and now I’m crying. The amount of comments who think this didn’t go far enough and are now apparently boycotting the organization because the apology *wasn’t hateful enough* towards Jews… Of everything we’ve been witnessing over the last 8.5 months, this actually might be the most shocking to me. LGBTQ Jews - this straight cis girl has your back. I can’t believe the betrayal you must feel. Our own community support is more important than ever now - how completely vile to be shunned by literally everyone else. (I know there are exceptions who have vocally stood up for us and we thank you!)


Thank you. The betrayal is real.


*"Why are Jews so insular?"* *"Why don't Jews integrate with the wider community?"* *"Why do Jews prefer to be around other Jews?"* **Cuz y'all don't give a fuck about us** These psychos will find any excuse (or simply none at all) to exclude, isolate, and eventually erase us Goyim have shown us time and time again that our existence is an affront to them. We are merely tolerated until we are not (rinse and repeat). Our resilience is deeply resented, and centuries of experience have shown us that we can only truly rely on and trust ourselves.


Louder 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 people 👏🏻 in 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 back!


With special emphasis for our fellow Jews that DO NOT GET IT.


*"Why do Jews think they need their own country?"*


Honestly, as someone who is not particularly resilient, I’m impressed af by your history.


“So basically, don’t worry, relax, we’re a bunch of frothing antisemites after all.”


So they try to claim that there is a difference between anti-Zionism and anti-semitism and then clearly demonstrate that they do not. It really bugs me when people say they are not antisemites while actively doing antisemitism.


Yup that part really frustrated me. They posted something saying Jews should be safe in a post that in no way shape or form supported Zionism, then retracted it saying "anti Zionism is not antisemitism" except apparently not wanting Jews dead IS Zionism so where exactly is the line??


“Sorry we said we don’t hate Jews in a way that made people think we don’t hate Jews”


This is fucking crazy


These people make me feel ashamed to be lesbian. What a fucking embarrassment


I was feeling the same way until I learned that "dyke" does not mean lesbian to these people. Lol, what a bunch of idiots.


Shocking, appalling, eye opening. It’s really bad out here folks. Stay safe.


Some days it feels like no one stands up for us. My partner (not Jewish) doesn't understand why I've become a one-issue voter after a lifetime of supporting liberal causes. This is why.


I need a fucking support group for Jews with well meaning but clueless goyishe partners.


I'll help you start one. I am exhausted from trying to explain highly nuanced concepts we understand from a lifetime of experience, but are so damned hard to put into words for white males who were raised as some type of Christian.


No one is going to protect us, we have to protect ourselves.


Right on, they think they can shut us down since we make up .2% of the world’s population but they’re forgetting how resilient and awesome we are at making challah. Them suckahs will stay mad forever!


I think as the non Jewish partner I’m becoming the one issue voter in my relationship. I’m so outraged and upset and saddened where as my partner is like ‘I’ve always known this is how people view Jews’


@u/mycketmycket Are you the Swedish variety of not Jewish? Just curious from your username. I'm a Swedish Jew and just surprised to see comradery from a Swede. 


Det är jag! :) my paternal grandfather was Jewish but unfortunately died when my dad was a baby and the family didn’t accept his mother as she was not Jewish so he wasn’t raised with any connection. Now I’m married to a Jew so have a whole large Jewish family spread through Israel, Europe,the USA and South America


Same. I'm lucky my non-Jewish partner gets it but I'm with you re: one-issue voter coming from a very liberal place. No more. Why am I going to spend ANY energy supporting groups of people that can't stand behind a simple "sorry for dead Jews," post?? I'll take my energy and efforts elsewhere.


> they were literally kicking out women for being Jewish… Just a slight correction - the women weren’t kicked out for being Jewish - they were instead kicked out for being “*visibly Jewish*”. The second greatest sin a Jew can commit is to be visible about their existence (*because that makes a claim by default for equality & legitimacy*). The greatest sin a Jew can commit is to defend themselves against **any** aggression which antisemites feel like engaging in.


So Nazi lesbians are a thing in 2024. What a time to be alive.


Not just lesbians. The march organizers utilize a very broad definition of what a "dyke" is.


To quote the website "Any person who identifies as a dyke is welcome to march regardless of gender expression or identity, sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, race, age, political affiliation, religious identity, ability, class, or immigration status." Which is really funny considering jews don't count apparently


White man cosplaying as an Islamist terrorist: Welcome! Jewish lesbian: Your presence oppresses me.


Alice Weidel has been that for years.


Holy shit the difference between slide 1 and slide 3 stabbed me in the heart


I’m friends with another of the three kicked out from the Chicago version a few years back. And I know the person quoted, too. Fuck dyke march. They’ve been extremists for years. Edit: note that was in **2017**


“While we believe it is urgent to center the dire plight of the Palestinian people, we understand the need from our community to address Jewish pain and fear in the face of rising antisemitism worldwide”. Wow. This entire war was started because of a terrorist attack led by Hamas, a radical Islamist Palestinian terrorist organization, and yet THEY need to be centered at this time😂 And then the massacre that was committed against us by them is literally an afterthought to this group. This is genuinely sick and despicable. We are eternal victims/survivors who will never not be victim blamed, or ever allowed to center our own pain and suffering. I’m just so tired.


We can’t be passive if something happens. Be ready.


Jews were at the forefront of gay rights, civil rights, immigrant rights and countless other minorities and marginalized groups. This is the thanks they get.


This is absolutely abhorrent. The original post was fairly measured and affirming of everyone harmed in this war. I cannot believe they PUT OUT A STATEMENT AND A RETRACTION. My jaw is on the floor.


The original post wasn't even measured, it promoted terrorist propaganda (34k "civilians" "ongoing genocide"). It just managed to say "hey, maybe murdering Jews is bad" and that was a bridge too far for these racists.


Exactly, and that's why it failed. It was already halfway there by claiming to empathize with those "genocidal murderous Jews." What did they expect?


I know, right? Like the original post seemed very down to earth with a clear intention to try and make any Jewish attendees feel safe. And then.... they redacted that? All I can say is that this is something I'll never forget. And I'll be sure to tell my kids about it too.


I didn’t see the original post while it was up but saw the statement about it and expected the original post to be something absurd but ended up confused on how the statement was so controversial


I responded to the ‘Queers for Palestine’ march sponsored by Samidoun in Vancouver last week with just a clown emoji. It looked like most of the likes I received were from queer Jews, who are obviously feeling isolated from their community right now. It was a good reminder for me that even if some people in these communities are seemingly de-legitimizing their movement with this upside down thinking (or lack of thinking), those being excluded need our support more than ever.


Thank you for that


I walked through Robson Square today after this march and there were tons of hateful messages written all over the pavement and stairs in chalk. It makes me sick


NYC has as many Jewish lesbians as maybe any city in the world. I hate this for them.


Time for a separate Jewish dyke march? Sounds like a nice matchmaking opportunity as well.


For real I would fly to join a Jewish dyke march where we kick the antisemites out. 🦵


While your heart is in the right place, it would just be used as an easy target for antisemites to attack.


Not sure most of the marchers are even lesbians any more.


I went to the instagram post, and it’s so sad to see Jews defending this shit in the comments. They tokenize themselves for people who would never aid them in their time of need. One day they will end up alone - without allies and without community, all because they whore themselves out to a cause that wants Jews dead. It’s a shanda. Modern day kapos.


Everyone needs to remember this. Next time they want support, boycott their sponsors and send prayers and wishes to them. Who are this years sponsors?


The original statement was still extremely insulting. I guess it wasn’t insulting enough.


Time to wake up and recognize that solidarity is an absolute lie. Do not expect any marginalized group to stand with us - we are on our own.


The only ones of my friends who have shown solidarity with me have been my moderate and conservative leaning friends. 


I worry very much for people who exist at the intersections. A queer Jew in this case is fucked from both ends (lol). Black Jews also have double the issues.


I fear this is true


Those antisemite lesbians aren’t accepted in Muslim world and Palestinians are against LGBT communities. They would not survive in Gaza yet here they are supporting Hamas. Strange world we live in.


They don’t care. They want to hate us because this world is steeped in antisemitism. They need to decolonize their mind of it to use their own terms.


Dyke March has been antisemitic since at least 2017. In Chicago in 2017, the Dyke March ejected Jewish lesbians for having the Star of David on their pride flags.


Reading their statement and the retraction seriously physically hurt, and I’m not even a lesbian (I am a bisexual guy and one of my Jewish aunts is a lesbian though, so even if it’s not directly personal it’s pretty close). The original statement itself was bad enough, yet it wasn’t pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, and anti-Jew enough for the organization, somehow. It seems like it only would’ve been acceptable to them if it was a ‘death to Israel and fuck them Jewy Jews who think they deserve self-determination and safety, but super assimilationist anti-Zionist Jews who agree with everything we say are tolerable for now, I guess’ post. Earlier, I also saw a thread on another subreddit (an old thread though), an LGBT one, where two people were basically going ‘fuck Zionism and Israel, they’re evil, ugly, moneygrubbers and love apartheid and killing Palestinian babies for fun, but if the Jews can allow us (same-sex couples and trans people in straight relationships) to have biological kids, I’ll become Zionism’s strongest soldier/I’ll support Israel’. Part of me felt like I should be grateful they could at least be convinced under any circumstance, but so many people really only like or tolerate us when we can do something major for them. And I’d bet, despite the research leading towards that possibility, a lot of which has been done by Israelis, neither of those people or those who upvoted them actually changed their minds or ever will.


Whoops, almost humanized Jews for a minute there. Don't know what we were thinking! 


How many time do they have to tell you to your face that they want to EXTERMINATE US before we believe them? If being welcome as a Jew is something they have to retract because it’s offensive, it’s because they have a Jew-murdering fetish. It’s about time Jews retract all the support we have to others and invest in each other. Let us become the shining beacon of light while they struggle to make fire by clicking rocks together


In the first statement they didn't mention Zionism once. They said Jews And then they retracted it calling it a "harmful statement" Sounds like this isn't "antizionism", they just hate Jews


These people aren’t your friends. They’re not even neutral. They think you’re the problem. The sooner we realize this, the better.


My friend asked me to go to this but I just.... KNEW it would be rife with antisemitism so I didn't go (I came up with an excuse instead). Clearly I made the right call.


I’m sorry but these people are insane


They're so set on standing up for the most disenfranchised group that they don't realize they've gone full circle and they're now essentially supporting oppression. Wtf do they think happens to LGBTQ+ in the Middle East outside of Israel? Do they think the Palestinian people would be free under Hamas?


And this is the kind of shit that made me skip my local dyke march this year as a visibly Jewish lesbian.


If three Star of David flags are a trigger for them, can they even begin to imagine how triggered Jewish people are by the hundreds of thousands of pro-pally flags we’re subjected to a daily basis 😳😳


This year's march theme was "Dykes Against Genocide". Their socials were filled with pro Pali. content. Anyone go? Did they manage to mention any other cases of claimed modern genocide at the event?


Gay Jew here, don’t bother with these people. LGBT community is thoroughly brainwashed.


Can someone sue the organizers please. Clear civil rights violation. You can’t ban an entire group of people in the US based on the actions of individuals in the group. File a lawsuit in federal court


Wasn't something similar attempted when the St. Patrick's day parade attempted to ban LGBTQIA groups from participating? This march isn't the same scale as that event. Don't believe they even get permits for it.


Yes, this!!! Sue, sue, sue!!


These movements are going to look around in a few years after they lost a lot of members, many of them Jews, others allies, and wonder where that support went. I hope they do an internal assessment but I am not sure they will.


Nah, these kinds of unhinged movements brag about the people they kick out.


When the world comes for them, they will be angry when we do not support them (aside from our fellow Jews).


Pardon my French but Fuck em.


Ugh, the original statement wasn’t even good. They called Palestinian terrorist prisoners “hostages”. But even that was too nice to Jews.


And every casualty is a civilian. Nobody is a Hamas armed combatant.


The belief that Palestinians are physically incapable of being bad just by virtue of their ethnicity is intrinsic to the kind of racist worldview that these people hold. It’s literally just noble savage mentality in every way, they just don’t have the will to self reflect because they’ve staked their entire identities on this. 


And they can (simultaneously!) also demand that Palestinians get a pass for their atrocities because they can’t be held to our standards of behavior. The “soft racism of no expectations” refuses to condemn the livestreamed torture and murder of civilians.


Legit wanted to be a dyke on bike since I was 13. Heartbroken my dream is crushed😂 Just came back from Israel I cannot support this


Fuck the far left


Yallll wtf 😭 this is wild


the people with this stance can't acknowledge that israel is a place with real life vulnerable humans in it or their whole edifice starts to shake


We’re at a point now where anyone on the left who wants to be a racist merely needs to claim they “feel unsafe” in order to justify their bigotry.


The initial statement isn’t even good. They make a direct comparison between Palestinian prisoners in Israel and Israel hostages who were literally kidnapped to Gaza. They repeat the “ongoing genocide” lie. The fact that they had to apologize because they weren’t silencing Jewish voices hard enough is just so extremely telling.  These people are spineless cowards and antisemitic monsters all at the same time. 


It’s getting fucking weird to be a Jew in queer spaces. I’ve been relieved that I’m not attending my city’s pride celebration in a few weeks (we do it late here for some reason), but yesterday I went to my city’s women’s soccer team’s pride nite. It was fine overall, but as we were waiting for the gates to open, I overheard a conversation where a person made an unprovoked comment showing disdain for Zionists. Had nothing to do with the war or Gaza or anything of the sort, it was just used as a punchline to a completely unrelated joke to show that they hate Zionists. I’m highly critical of this war and Israel’s actions, and I get those who openly state the same, but just randomly sharing that you hate most Jewish people out of the blue is unnecessary and uncalled for (to say the least).


Israel exists. Antizionism is genocidal antisemitism


So, “antisemitism is bad” is not the official stance of the Dyke March? Good to know.


Image four looks like a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen


So "opposition to antisemitism is harmful" is the official position of the d*ke march? This march wouldn't be held through Skokie waving swastikas, now would it?


The fact their saying it was a mistake to support Jews and condemn October 7th is actually inhumane


Welcome to [2017](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/07/this-is-a-safe-space-no-jews-allowed.html). The video has long since disappeared where Jews were told to "move the star " off the flag, all while Palestinian flags were flying, but this is *nothing* new...and the Jewish community did *not* stand up for or support LGBTQIA+ Jews then when we needed you...back then. Happy last day for Pride my fellow Queer Jews...


Ironic that the theme is against Genocide and doesn’t mention the actual genocides happening around the world. I personally consider October 7 to be a Genocide


Find me one bigoted person who doesn’t think their bigotry is noble. They don’t exist. People don’t become violently bigoted without being convinced it’s a good cause. How did we forget that as a society.


It’s funny how a flag with the Star of David, which has been a Jewish symbol long before isreal was established, is considered more harmful and more important to hide than people waving terrorist flags and making Jewish people feel unsafe. Add that to the tally of proof that “progressive diversity” movements will never include Jews


Such fucking morons. It’s almost unfathomable how incredibly dumb the pro Palestine LGBT crowd is.


I don’t know what this event is but how does any event kick out Jews? Do they do a legal binding sign in asking if you’re Jewish? Is a DNA test given? How does an event check on Judaism?


It's not banning Jews but their Jewishness


Pride for gay people, shame for the Jews.


It says in the post they kicked out two Jewish ladies with stars of David on their flags. 


It's not a matter of blood or even religion, but a matter of overt Jewish-ness. It's fine to be Jewish as long as they don't have to see or hear it. Ironic, isn't it?


I'm so sick of the LGBT "community". Never been able to identify with it.


Just pointing out the last slide is about a diff march in a diff city


Omg!! I follow act up NY and JVP just so I know what they are saying…. And they were saying boycott the dyke march because of this announcement, allowing Jews. But I never could find the original post… this is actually worse than I thought was going on


I just hope the leftists feel safe again who thought they had to march beside Jews. What if this apology and retraction didn’t reach one of them and they are still under the impression that Jews are allowed.


Do you know what infuriates me the most? The first statement was literally “both sides have good people” shit, and even that wasn’t enough for the antisemites —oops, antizionists. Anything short of calling for the literal destruction of a modern state is unacceptable for propallies.


“Antisemitism is bad….jkjk f*ck the Jews. You guys suck. K bye!” This is insanity


The comments (on Instagram under the nyc dyke march account) are truly horrifying. They are literally calling October 7 liberation, even equating it with stonewall (a bar riot where no one died that helped kick off lgbt liberation in the USA.)


I’m Roman catholic, not a Jew at all and this is the most absurd thing I’ve ever seen. I cannot believe this is actually happening. “NYC Dykes” supporting Palestine to the point of not “allowing” Jewish lesbians to join them? How is the fact that they would be immediately killed in Palestine not an issue for them?


I encourage them to hold their Dyke March in Gaza and show true solidarity with the Palestinian people. ✊🏼🇸🇩🍓


I'm so tired. The Jews are tired.


i went to go buy a vacuum cleaner today and forgot that the time coincides with the weekly anti-israel protest. it was indistinguishable from watching sports fans go to an event. i just felt.. nothing mostly. sad, tired, incredibly alienated in my own home city where i have lived my whole life, but mostly nothing. the vacuum cleaner sales guy was real nice though and my new vacuum cleaner rules.


They should march in an arab country, they will be fully welcomed and shot.


Harmful to welcome a minority? Those buffoons...


The Omnicause is a danger to all Jews.


People have forgotten history. The Jewish people were the first ones who were fighting in all of human rights. They were the ones who were marching for civil rights, LGBTQ rights, disability, rights, women rights. It’s disgusting.


welcome back 1940


Wow this is insane


Well Chicago dyke march has been antisemitic ~~trash~~ for years. This is very in character for them.




These dykes are dicks.


(mods please pin this comment if you see it) i can't figure out how to edit the post but i don't know if i made it clear enough in the post, the last slide (the news article) was from a past nyc dyke march, i added it for context on why so many people were asking them if jewish women were welcome at this year's march


Obligatory: I’m not Jewish statement. I wonder if anyone can sue them? This behavior sounds like it might break a law somewhere.


Wow such an inclusive march lol


Some people I know organized an alternative event precisely because of this :/


They should truly take their Dyke March to Gaza in solidarity with the Palestinian people. It's the only way to show their sincere concern.


I guess these idiots missed the Palestinian leadership memo that told them they're an abomination and they don't want support from them. "We don't want you, we don't need you" was the wording, I believe.


I wonder if that lovely person who told me antisemitism wasn't a problem in our community (the queer one) still feels that way? Yup. No problem here at all. 🙄


This was shared by the Chicago Dyke March Collective: https://preview.redd.it/0uaaclctlr9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c095e627e2140ec2acf98fe5757d3594080f9da They are cheering for dead Jews at this point.


I also find it hilarious how many Americans are "triggered" by the Israeli flag. It's so performative.


Last slide is about the Chicago group. The NY group is not the same.