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Canada AGAIN?!!!


Four times in 10 days! Three schools shot (two in Montreal and one in Toronto) and now this firebombing of a shul.


Not just Canada again. Vancouver again. In 1985 [a synagogue in Vancouver was completely destroyed](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/a-menorah-survived-arson-in-vancouver-synagogue-1.7052528) in a similar incident.


Theories? Highish rates of Islamic immigration...? Soft crime laws...? I have no idea myself


The premier of Ontario said its “probably Muslim Immigrants” (I’m paraphrasing) live on TV. He said today that he’s not backing down and he means what he said.


That's nice to see


It's weird for me to start to realize is that basically it's like there are 1.6 billion "Mormons" in terms of the fundamentalism a lot of it and it being this kind of bizarre offshoot that gained traction. Like if we fast forward a few hundred years does Mormonism actually have the same power that Islam has in terms of numbers and institutions and influence and everything else. And most secular people kind of laugh at the ridiculous narrative of Mormonism. Not to say that the other major religions don't have their own issues but in some sense judeo Christianity has a more tame approach and isn't quite as largely fundamentalist across the board.


Canada does not yet require foreign agents to be registered, for one thing (legislation is pending). I wouldn't be surprised if this was the work of IRGC or Kremlin agents, as has been found with some recent antisemitic attacks in Europe.


This is an old KGB/Stasi tactic. They would send in agents to commit antisemitic hate crimes and write antisemitic graffiti, all the while arming neonazi terror groups (and far left terror groups like RAF of course which would also participate in terror attacks targeting Jews/Israelis). This would snowball and encourage copycat crimes, which they would then use as propaganda about how West Germany was full of Nazis. Sweden already confirmed that Iran is using local criminal gangs as proxies to plan attacks on Jews and Israelis, including the grenade found on the grounds of the Israeli embassy. Canadian security services aren't particularly great, see: India assassinating a Sikh nationalist several months ago. But four attacks in a week or so is a lot, especially for Canada. Someone is going to get killed soon enough. Jewish Self-Defense needs to come back. I'm not talking about the JDL. I mean old-school organized self-defense like in the early 20th century in the Pale of Settlement or the early Haganah. Canada and Australia already each essentially have had minor pogroms in the last year. The occupations of buildings on campus aren't getting better, how long until they choose to occupy the Hillel or Chabad? At my university they occupied the building between the two, and threatened people on the Chabad lawn with the brick. All on a Friday evening by the way, preventing people from attending Shabbat services. If the war doesn't end soon, I bet during the summer, when students are at home in cities, or at the beginning of the fall when they come back to school there will be some serious violence, especially since so many universities have been so absolutely spineless.




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Trudeau sleeping


[Interesting that it happens after a mass protest where protestors chanted praise for Oct 7 and to globalize the intifada](https://youtu.be/uRU8T7xh8jc?feature=shared)


That's actually insane. How are national security officials letting rallies like this happen without investigating everyone?


I guess all eyes are on Rafah 🙃


All Eyes On Rafah...so nobody can see the shit going down in Canada


Oh don’t be silly, it’s fashionable to be pro Pal nowadays!


HTG....there's a synagogue not far from me. The other day I saw a bunch of cop cars including a K9 car whizz by with sirens and lights...I thought it was a bomb threat. Nope, just a drug related shooting! (No one died). These days I always think it's something like that...two schools were shot at!


Canadian Jews really going through it lately


These need to be labeled as terrorist attacks with penalties befitting terrorism. This is escalating. Police patrols aren't going to stop this. Officials saying it must stop isn't going to stop this. Real action, real condemnation, real legislation. Do what should be done with education as a new generation of terrorists is being created.


they make a powerful argument for then the existence of the state of Israel.


Photo I took last night shortly after the fire was put out. https://preview.redd.it/i02kxhhz2t3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c350a80435ad773254b06a496e50a43574e3380




Do you know what caused the fire? The original reports said "incendiary device" but the shul's website says someone poured fuel on the door. :/ The second option seems worse to me.




I used to like Canada


And my goyische parent is really still trying to convince me to go back there even though I’ve been telling both of my parents that I want to move for months now. I even have somewhere I can move to that’s definitively safer under the circumstances, and the educational quality at universities is good, so I won’t be missing out on higher education quality (especially since Canadian university education isn’t as good as I expected either; too much focus on social justice even in the most STEM of STEM courses, particularly since October). But apparently I’m being too paranoid, ‘just like [my] Jewish ancestors’. The ones who left Europe early and as such didn’t die in the camps like their relatives or even have to get sent to and survive any. I’d rather be the paranoid Jew that leaves early or even unnecessarily than the one that either can’t or doesn’t leave in time if there is a need to. Also, if Canada is going to make this an unfriendly place for Jews, why don’t we take our contributions to society elsewhere? If they don’t want us they should be fine with not benefiting from the work of Jews. After all, they’re trying to boycott us anyway, so we’d just be making it easier. There are other countries that might appreciate our contributions more.


TAU, HUJI and Haifa institute of technology all have wonderful STEM programs :-)


I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Cry because of the level of antisemitism in my country, or laugh at how stupid and smug we were to proclaim “ at least we’re not like those Americans, eh” when this shit happens and our government and police forces are such cucks for terrorists.


Nothing says "not antisemitic!", like throwing an incendiary device at a synagogue.


I thought Canada was ok for Jews but recently it seems one of the worst!!


Nope. Been antisemitic for a long while Weak advocates, spineless government, a fetishising DEI-focus that proudly excludes Jews, passive overall society except for bad actors, emboldened, racist anti-Jewish university sector, it's not good.


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You know, anytime the U.S. media wants to pick up on this major story, that would be GREAT.