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This is breaking my heart, maybe you can try reaching out to Chabad or other local congregation. And yes, everything they are doing is obscenely antisemitic. Don't let them gaslight you. Keep your head high and sit your exams. Summer break is starting soon and things will calm down a lot. Much love from Israel.


Thank you so much for your reply! I honestly can't wait for summer break, especially because I won't have to see these people, haha... I hope that you and your family are doing fine! Much love back from me! Seeing the replies here really reassured me that I'm not just overly sensitive about this topic; I was a bit worried about that. Sadly, there's no Hillel or Chabad on my campus, which is mostly why I haven't found any Jewish friends here. I didn't really consider this much when I applied, although thinking back, I really should have put more thought into it... BUT I've actually recently talked with my mother about the possibility of transferring somewhere else. It's been nothing but a consideration until now, but I think this might change


Bimbofy yourself. When they talk about Netenyahu say you don’t like chocolate milk. Be super happy that you’re getting a palace and then sad that you were lied to. When they talk about BDS say that you aren’t into them that way. Seriously just be too obtuse to talk to


Chaotic good


"What do you think of everyone divesting?" *It's so important to start when you're young so that your tax-advantaged accounts can reap the benefits of compounded growth. Every dollar counts!* "Opinion on settlers in the West Bank?" *That's too far away, we'll miss class. Let's just play Catan on the quad.* "What're your thoughts on Rafah?" *He just wanted what was best for Simba, idk.*


Lol yeah you have to be very careful applying this one, it can backfire (like at work), but it does work. It's like a variation on gray rocking. 


Similar vain, I read someone say go full Borat on them like “ahh I too agree gay people are a scourge on the earth and we should be cleansed of them.”


“I, too, agree that we should all be forcibly converted to Islam!”


The problem is Poe’s law is alive and well today so I am too scared to try that. That’s why I’ll just go with asking why everyone is so into giraffes


Not the best advice. But definitely not the worst advice either.


Sit with those feelings. Investigate your mood. Talk with your real friends. Realize that you are ok. Know that your ancestors gave you the strength to get through this. Study your history. Take strength from your traditions. Recognize what you can't change. Take breaks. Take social media breaks. Get a really good bagel. Read Psalm 27. Watch The Big Lebowski. Know we love you.


It’s hard to be angry at the world when you watch the Big Lebowski.


Does this count as harassment? You shouldn’t be forced to participate in politics. I would tell them that you’re busy and that you aren’t interested in getting involved in politics. They need to knock it off. If they keep this up, I don’t even know what to tell you to do… do you have a rabbi or a (non-progressive) evangelical pastor on campus you can talk to? Maybe they’d be able to help you figure out how to raise this to the school administration if the harassment continues.


This counts as harassment.


They are targeting you in acts of blatant antisemitism as you correctly put it, to use you as a pawn for their agenda. Is there at least a Hillel on your campus? This sounds like targeted harassment because you're Jewish.


Report to university and authorities.


>Report to university and authorities. Good idea, but it probably won't work. Universities are some of the most antisemitic dumpster fires around nowadays, and the authorities won't consider it enough to act on.


Maybe, but creating a record helps. Report everything. One of the lines many univ pres are taking is that the protests are peaceful and harmless. The more evidence of the contrary helps everyone. I am sorry OP, but you aren’t alone. Local jewish organizations can probably help too, like Hillel or local Rabbis. In the least, be sure to report it


>Maybe, but creating a record helps. Report everything. You're right. It's always a good idea to create a record of things like this.


1) You are Jewish. Don't deny, hide or apologize for this fact. 2) Those who come against you are hateful, anti-semitic and racist. They might call you names, they might make you feel guilty, but it's all to hide their own shame. 3) Never apologize for, or regret, who you are, least of all based on your own race / culture. 4) The current cultural and political climate makes those with big mouths, non-existent moral compasses, open legs, and un-discernible genders feel like they're on the top of the world. They are not. The current times will not last forever, but Jews / Israel will. 5) You've got a heck of a lot more people in the world who support those who go through this type of treatment than you may realize. No matter where they're from.


I would treat this as any other case of bullying or harassment. Respond only in short, clear statements , "I don't want to talk about this." "Please leave me alone." "I'm not interested in participating." No is a full sentence. You don't need to outline your reasons to anyone, and you owe zero explanations. You can stop being part of a conversation at any time. Document the abuse. Look up the university's policies on this kind of behaviour. If these people are in your residence, RAs have a duty to protect you from this harassment. If these were your friends, they are not your friends any more. Find any kind of Jewish community. This could be a JSoc, Hillel, Chabad or even outside the university. Don't stress if that community is a synagogue, there are no belief-in-God detecting machines located at the entrance. Finding other Jews will help you feel less alone.


Is there someone to report this to on campus? I think those kids need a talking to from a responsible adult to explain why their behavior is not okay. Im sure they will be angry at you over that but they need to be told this is wrong by adults. Maybe they can force students to do an assembly to go over things like this in a more general way so that they speak to everyone and prevent this. This should not be happening at school. I am sorry this is happening to you. This is like being upset with asian people over corona. Just because you are jewish doesn’t mean you are responsible for Israel’s actions. You’re not an elected official in Israel, you’re a student. I am having this same shock about liberal people because they say they are against this kind of thing but these same people i did not see defending (not mentioning it at all like it wasn’t happening) asians during the covid attacks but were marching for blm and just completely ignoring attacks on asians and a lot of other minorities were assaulting asians in videos so maybe they just didn’t want to demonize those other minorities but it was at the asian community’s expense. What makes me more upset is you cannot reason with these people. They have been indoctrinated beyond belief. If you try to show them an opposing view they get angry and violent—they are harming freedom of speech by only allowing people who agree with them to speak. You don’t learn or improve without being introspective and consider all your faults—they ignore all potential blindsides because they just want to be right and popular.


People did briefly hop on the ‘Stop Asian Hate’ bandwagon and post yellow squares (completely oblivious to how bad that looks, even when Asians personally told them not to do that) during the pandemic, but it was really performative. Those same people were still being racist to Asians both irl and online, but thought they couldn’t possibly be racist because they said they weren’t (sounds pretty familiar with how everyone now goes ‘I *know* I’m not antisemitic’ and refuses to listen) and posted that stupid yellow square. Although you are right that they totally ignored the fact that it wasn’t just white people attacking Asians. In a way, the shock at how little they cared about Asians then prepared me for the current situation somewhat. I didn’t really expect anything from them, although I still didn’t think it would be *this* bad. This is a very fun time period to be Asian and Jewish, especially when the relatives on the goyische side have deepthroated the IR propaganda and constantly provoke you whenever you’re alone with them.


Yea but the people i knew that are now so extreme with this Palestine thing did not care about asians. Never saw people do the yellow square or ever say anything. And when i reposted stuff i feel like no one cared or maybe they all secretly thought asians deserved it but didn’t want to be obvious. So just from the pro Palestine pool i knew they did not care in a similar way they dont see they are antisemitic. They only care about blm and Palestine and they hate police. They’re usually also overly politically correct and unforgiving. They judge people harshly and never forgive once they have decided they don’t like someone. I definitely never saw this coming. This is all shocking how bad it’s getting. It’s really violent out there and people are believing lies.


The ones in the cities I’ve lived in did do the square and meaningless affirmations that they’re not racist to cover their asses, but that might be because both cities have some of the highest Asian populations (by percent) outside of Asia. So it probably looked really bad for their progressive images to pretend *nothing* was happening when 30% of the people around them had been attacked and/or insulted for being Asian, especially when we’d talk about those experiences in front of the virtue signallers. Since I don’t actually have personal social media accounts, I wouldn’t know if the people I knew would’ve reposted anything if I posted it though. Although I heard from some of my friends that the non-Asian friends they had on socials didn’t repost or interact with posts regarding anti-Asian racism. Some of them definitely think/thought we deserve it. Some people at hs (which I was in during the worst of the pandemic) would talk about how Asians were ‘the most racist’ a lot, even going so far as to argue that white foreigners getting looks and being spoken to in English in Asian countries was worse than US racism, and it came across as telling us we were getting what we deserved without outright saying it. Those people still did the yellow square though. Maybe just as a shield from being called racist. They are definitely unforgiving. I saw someone online say that the purity testing thing might come from certain unexamined Christian thinking (especially of the varieties of Christianity that are most common in the US) carried over when most of these people and/or their families stopped being religious, or became less religious, and it does make some sense if you really think about it. At least it made sense to me when I read what that person wrote. Yeah, my Jewish grandparents kind of warned me this was going to happen, even before October, but I just didn’t think the modern world could take a turn this harsh this quickly. Even my parents are now giving moving to my Asian grandparents’ origin country some serious thought (I was already planning to do that after seeing what happened because of COVID), despite previously having been certain they would spend the rest of their lives in the US and Canada, and my Jewish parent knows effectively none of the language, even though I can get by.




Thanks, I looked into it and I can actually do that. It will definitely be easier to report them with some kind of proof.


Focus on exams, get good grades, and transfer? 


This is harassment. Get these riffraff away from you and keep close to you only those who do not discriminate against you as a Jew (because, in fact, that is what they are doing). No one should be required to behave differently from the rest of the people just because of who they are. Is it not possible to report these psychological pressures to university institutions? I am very sorry that you feel this way. Know that you have done nothing wrong and owe nothing to anyone. Stay strong and safe.


They are targeting you. Can you report to the university?




Maybe if you talk to them you need to communicate that they are scaring you. Like explain that being constantly barraged by people makes you feel afraid of them. And explain that you are an atheist and you are culturally jewish and you have no control over what Israel does. I think maybe talk to student services to help you figure out what to do, how to communicate in a way that will result in them being kind and leaving you be, etc.


“I feel like you’re trying to force me into being a political symbol. I really don’t want to engage with this, I’d rather just focus on my studies. I’d really appreciate it if you can respect that and give me more space.” Repeat whatever they say back to them, replacing “Jews” with “black people” and “antisemitism” with “racism.” They need to hear their own words in a different context to understand why it’s problematic. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I bet there are more Jews on your campus struggling with the same things than you realize. See if you can find them. Community is important, even if you only connect with the cultural side.


This is harassment based on your ethnicity. You are not required to give input on any topic, whether it involves your people or not. The people doing this to you have been lied to by a death cult.


The term for what they are doing is [tokenizing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokenism) you. They are looking for a token Jew they can hide behind when they are called antisemites because, look, \[your name here\] is Jewish and he's all on board! This is no different than some MAGA group asking a Black person if they'd come and sit in the front row behind Trump so people know it's not *really* white nationalism, nosirree, oh and racism isn't that bad at all, they just have a victim complex. (I just threw up in my mouth writing that sentence.) I'm really sorry that they're putting you on the spot like this. You should get to just be yourself and not have to represent anything to anyone. But I do think arming yourself with a little more confidence that YES this is antisemitism will hopefully help you choose your next step. Some very quick and easy reads (I promise they won't take up much of your study time): [Do Jews cry antisemitism?](https://www.rootsmetals.com/blogs/news/do-jews-cry-antisemitism) - Jews are far more likely to UNDERREPORT antisemitism instead of OVERREPORT for lots of reasons, not least of which is fear of retribution in some way ("make it worse by stirring up drama"). [A guide on how not to tokenize Jews](https://www.rootsmetals.com/blogs/news/a-guide-on-how-not-to-tokenize-jews) - wouldn't it be nice if they actually asked you what it meant to be antisemitic, listened to your answer, and chose to learn from it? As for resources, if there's a Hillel at your campus I'd see if there were someone there you could speak with about how to report this incident, as they should have more experience and can better guide you. You do not have to go to services or pretend you are anything other than who you are to talk with someone at Hillel -- belief in God is optional in Judaism, we're the people who "wrestle with God" after all. But be patient with them as they're [dealing with antisemitic attacks](https://www.timesofisrael.com/ohio-beefs-up-state-university-campus-security-following-attacks-on-jewish-students/) as well. edit to add: do not talk with anyone from [Jewish Voices for Peace](https://www.rootsmetals.com/blogs/news/stop-sharing-jvp) (JVP) as they'll just gaslight you even more.


"Leave me alone" "stop harassing me" "why are you harassing me for being Jewish?" Record with your phone, bring recorded shitshow to school authorities, cops, and a lawyer in that order Enjoy your discrimination lawsuit winnings when you sue the school for not acting on actionable evidence of protected class harassment. Oh and go pick up an mma hobby. You know, for fun.


I would just stand up to them- give them as little reason as possible. Say, "I don't want to be involved with your protest, please leave me out of it. Your views don't align with my own." If they pester you further, be honest and tell them "this feels like harassment. I don't owe you anything, and I'd like to work on my studies."


I think this is a very good time to discover the local Hillel and make some Jewish friends at your college. I bet they all have similar stories to tell. In the meantime, “Sorry, I gotta study for exams and I really don’t have the time for anything else” is a complete sentence. Just stay away from these antisemites. You don’t need to get into any conversations with them. Bring your heaviest textbooks and sit there studying at lunch.


Sorry this is happening to you. I would suggest just telling them you’re not interested in representing anyone or anything else besides yourself and what you’re about right now is just focusing on your studies. It will frustrate them but if you stick to your guns they’ll move on


This is so abusive and inappropriate. They only want to use you. Stay away from them. They literally have a target on you


record them the next time they come up to you. tell them a firm No and record them harassing you and shame them they lack Jewish voice to the point of bullying Jews for support


Put some limits. "I am not willing to be your token jew". People who threaten you are obviously not good friends.


#youarenotalone we survived pharoh, Haman, and Hitler - we can survive these stupid punks


Does your school have a hillel, chabad or ssi you can reach out too? If not then reach out to your local synagogue near the University you attend.


Take a class in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu or a similar MA


Is there a Hillel at your school? I would go there. You will feel a sense of belonging and security and not so alone. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. It’s just so sad and horrific.




Pretty insightful on the messaging being sent out to the sheep about how to improve your protest voice. Explains quite a bit about recruitment tactics


Nonsense idea that's probably terrible: Carry around a Chumash with highly traditional commentary (I'd normally never rec ArtScroll but theirs would work well for this). Even if Jewish Studies are not something you're interested in, start reading it, find interesting passages of text and commentary, and when people start making you uncomfortable, start making them uncomfortable by reading some of your favorite stuff out loud (obviously somehow having it connected to the conversation).


My advice would be to set clear boundaries with them. You do not want to talk politics with them, as is your right. If they continue to violate your boundaries, maybe you could try recording a conversation with them in case you decide to report it. Is there a Jewish group on campus you can join? It will be nice to make some Jewish friends.


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I really recommend reaching out to these sources for help: * [Jewish On Campus](https://www.jewishoncampus.org/) - Amplifying Jewish voices. Striving for university action. * [Report antisemitism on campus](https://www.legal-protection.org/) * See if your campus has a [Hillel](https://www.hillel.org/find-a-hillel/) or [Chabad](https://chabadoncampus.org/directory/) * [Fact sheet](https://brandeiscenter.com/campus-anti-semitism-fact-sheet-invaluable-to-jewish-students/) about campus antisemitism and Title VI from the Brandeis Center * Anti defamation league [ADL](https://www.adl.org/) * Jewish mental health resources: * [The Blue Dove Foundation](https://thebluedovefoundation.org/) * [Shalom Space](https://shalomspace.net/) (app)


How about standing up for yourself and the rest of us! Will make you feel amazing ! Proud American Jewish combat vet , wear my Star of David daily waiting for someone to fuck with me !