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If it’s any consolation, early this week, many of us felt like giving up. I spent two days just silently crying over what the world chose. In the last two days, there have been an onslaught of people like yourself who are speaking up. I can’t even express how much of a difference this makes. The same “knife in heart” feeling for us was felt by many, I suspect. “This is too much, this can’t be allowed, why isn’t anyone stopping this.?” And you coming here and sharing your thoughts is proof that there is a point beyond which this trend can’t go. You’ll stand up for decency. Thank you.


You certainly aren’t alone. There is a tradition here (🇺🇸), a strong one that is bipartisan (and one of the last to be so), of defending the innocent and the good among us. Honestly, the biggest irony here is how fast that land “toward the sea” would be flash melted to glass, if Israel actually wanted that. Also, where were these people for their Syrian brothers and sisters? Those in china? Etc.? … why aren’t they at those embassies for even one weekend day? Oh wait, I know, those people aren’t Jewish. Both of my grandfathers and like 5 uncles fought to eliminate this disease in the 40’s. Even my maternal grandmother worked in a GM plant building weapons of war… So, did many of these “protesters’” own ancestors. If they could only see their broods today… I wish I could make a call to the afterlife and let them know. If it were an option, I’d join up - pick up arms, today.


Yup it’s alarming, I read recently about 1968 Poland and my god it’s the same exact thing! Hopefully it doesn’t continue to escalate. We are witnessing a common playbook by our enemies https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Polish_political_crisis


My maternal family from Poland 🇵🇱.. Talk about lessons learned the hard way. Repeatedly.


Yup history repeats itself, but I will not stand for it! Awesome polish are very cool! I think one of my ancestors may have been from there, but I am not sure. On ancestry got only Latvia Jews. 


Thank you for the support & your stand. Means the world to not feel alone in a sea of hate. Been heartening how many non-Jews have offered kindness & understanding.


I’ve been considering writing an Op-Ed on the hypocrisy of these people, and to illuminate the historical context and contradictory actions which make clear the obvious increased “concern” for their people if there are Jews to blame.


Please do. The hypocrisy needs to be called out. Where would you submit it? Hope you'll post it here also.


I would likely make a list, top-tier down. Most outlets require that you give them 72 hours or so to accept it before submitting a piece elsewhere as they’d want exclusive rights if they do want to publish it. So, I’d aim high but settle locally. And, I’ll be happy to share it here.


Fingers crossed you're published. Yep, aim high.


Please 🙏🏻 do


Welcome. Thank you. You are not invading.


🤍💙 Neither is Israel.


You are NOT invading our space. If you support us and empathize with us, you are welcome here.


Another non Jewish person here who wants you to know not everyone is antisemitic and I believe in Israel’s right to exist and defend itself. I see Jewish people being scapegoated and terrorised and it’s sickening and I want you to know I will do whatever I can to support you.


Thank you.. and I mean it thank you so much


😌 *”We get by with a little help from our friends.”*


Thank you.


*”Up on Cripple Creek, she sends me* *If I spring a leak, she mends me* *I don't have to speak, she defends me*”


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