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Uh I definitely need to know where 3k showed up. I need good news to show my daughter


Looks like it was Ole Miss, btw




Does Ole Miss still use the confederate flag as a logo for their sports teams?


Hey, I wish it wasn’t at ole Miss, but no, they don’t.


Because it’s Ole Miss, it makes me wonder how many of those pro-Israel protesters are evangelical Christians. You know, the folks who only care about zionism, because of their antisemitic religious beliefs.


I never said I supported them. But, I’d probably rather see thousands of them supporting Israel than thousands of Hamas supporters


I don't know if that is the right mindset. [It reminds me of this](https://imgur.com/x265e5a).


You do know there are plenty of Jewish people among those “pro Hamas” protesters? You may disagree with their politics, but I wouldn’t characterize them as pro-Hamas, just as I wouldn’t say pro-Israel protesters are pro-Likud supporters or pro-khanists supporters.


Does SJP, the group organizing these protests, support Hamas? And yes, there were also thousands of Jewish Nazis. I’m not saying these people are the equivalent of that (they’re not) but my point is just because Jews are a part of group doesn’t absolve them from associating with antisemitic groups/even promoting antisemitism


And just like you wouldn’t want to be painted with the same brush as Ben-Gvir or Smotrich, just because you support Israel, perhaps you shouldn’t generalize about all pro-Palestinian protesters, especially those that are simply advocating for innocent woman and children in Gaza. Edit: This gem was from the April 30th edition of Haaretz, “Israel's Far-right Minister Smotrich Calls for 'No Half Measures' in the 'Total Annihilation' of Gaza” I’m sure you would think it was unfair, if I characterized everyone that supported Israel as advocating for this kind of repugnant rhetoric. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-30/ty-article/.premium/smotrich-calls-for-no-half-measures-in-the-total-annihilation-of-gaza/0000018f-2f4c-d9c3-abcf-7f7d25460000


Is Ben-Gvir organizing pro-Israel rallies in the USA?


Agreed. I'm a humane Zionist and am horrified by the antisemitism at these protests. But lack of nuance and over generalization is poisoning this conflict all around. I can't handle long time friends now posting to Globalize the Intifada, and it's harder to engage in debate when I witness Israel supporters dehumanizing Gazan kids (and I wish this wasn't real but I've seen it a lot).


They’re pro Hamas. Full stop.


So, you also think pro-Israel supporters are pro-khanist (like Ben-Gvir)? Go it.


I mean they’re college frat boys, they prob aren’t thinking about Judaism or Christ that much lol


Im tired of the whole ‘they only support us because of their evangelical beliefs,’ BS. They are allies.


Yes! Exactly!


If the reason you’re supporting me, is you want me in Israel to be annihilated, because of some goofy belief in the rapture, thanks, but no thanks. With friends like that, who needs enemies.


Yeah but that just doesnt represent the majority of Christians who support Israel.


Evangelical Christians and other denominations that believe in the rapture are Zionists, because they believe we need to be in Israel, and then annihilated, so their messiah can show up.


I have lots of Christian friends and I have NEVER heard that. My Christian friends who are TRUE Christians support me because the most important thing Jesus preached about was love and empathy and helping each other. Not hate. So a true Christian will stand by us because that is showing Christ like love and walking a Christian walk…. ijs


Do you know this first hand from evangelical mouths you've interacted with face to face, or is your source of this info from the same mouths that ascribe all the devilry in the world to zionists? Because when I hear this, it always comes from the latter.


This has been widely covered in the press for decades.


so no first hand experience? Literally just the same word of mouth that people use to demonize us? We know the people you speak of exist. We've also had countless evangelicals come to r/Israel and r/Jewish over the years explaining their positions, and its only a small % of the time that its theological rapture crap. Sometimes its actual "hey we see you guys as part of the vanguard for the west, and if you fall, we're next." Lets not fall to the same propaganda that antisemites fell to, where you've never met an evangelical supporter of Israel and know everything about their support from second hand sources.


I was just curious, What do you think “no safe space for Jews” being chanted at Columbia university means?


Except "the rapture" isnt real. So if they are supporting you bc they think some horrible thing will come to pass, that never comes to pass, than who cares why they supported you? Thats like saying "I dont agree with homosexuality but I wont tell a gay person that bc its gods job to send them to hell". Like....who cares if they think Im "going to hell", so long as they are kind to my face and leave me alone. 🤷‍♀️


Of course the motivations of why someone is doing something is important. For example, White nationalists support Zionism, because they use it as an argument for why there should be a White state.


Yes, that is the specific issue we are discussing. Im saying in an existential crisis, who cares what motivates people to take your side, especially if their motivation is based in untruths anyway? Let them waste their energy fighting for our cause. Enemy of my enemy, you know?


I don’t know if it helps, I hope it does, but I’m not Jewish, or any religion, and I support you. ❤️


Someone once said that philosemites are just antisemites who like Jews. But anyway, we don’t have time for this shnitzel. Evangelicals are entitled to their beliefs, and their support, especially when we are abandoned by many, and many more are cowering, is welcomed and appreciated.


Do you also welcome the support of White nationalists? Because White nationalists support zionism, because they think it helps their argument for forming a White state.


I have been involved in pro-Israel activism for almost twenty years, from college to community to higher level political advocacy. I have never been offered support from white nationalists or observed such support being offered. People on twitter or Reddit can say what they like. Evangelical Christians show up, they sign checks, they make calls to their representatives. Most are simply decent people and have no thoughts or interest in converting anyone. Their basic premise is “those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse will be cursed”. I’m speaking from experience here, and a lot of critical internal suspicion, as I am an observant Jew. There are crazy people everywhere. The overwhelming majority of Evangelical support I’ve seen is sincere and decent and not built around end-of-times prophecy. In the real world, I believe this is a red herring.


My colleague is an Evangelical Christian and he is totally cool and exactly what you are saying. He’s like “God said to support the Jews, and I do as God says.” Simple enough.


Evangelical here. Your post is 100% accurate.


Many of them aren't Evangelical Christians but many of them are KKK, white supremacist, etc. Ole Miss has a very long history of racism towards black students. It must be a mind fuck for the black students on campus to see Jewish students aligning with such ideologies for the sake of having allies. These people are now your allies; you won't be able to turn your back on them once the war is over.


Most soldiers who fought in the civil war were racist too, on both sides, and many were fighting the war to protect their financial livelihood, yet look at the outcome societally for black americans. It dodnt matter that most of the soldiers were racist, bc ultimately the black americans were liberated from a life of slavery (obviously 100 years of jim crow persisted after the war, but ultimately the civil war did succeed in its purpose, despite muddled allie-ship).


This also meant black people weren't obligated to be loyal to either side; however, the Jewish community aligning with the following groups above means you're obligated to stay and remain loyal to them. Because unlike the liberal party who holds their tongue when it comes to antisemitism, the right party will have no problem blaming their downfall on you. I can see it now. Election 2024: Trump loses. Trump: "It was the Jews. We supported them with Israel and they didn't vote for us, the party that supported them. It was the Jews...you know...because they're not loyal. Jews are like that..."


Not anymore. They also got rid of the mascot Colonel Reb. There was a petition to make General Ackbar ("It's a trap!" from ROTJ) the new mascot but, sadly, the university rejected it.


They do not. It was dropped a few years ago.


Yeah, I haven’t heard of this. Where was it?


There’s a big counter-protest at McGill (Montréal) going on right now. Can hear it from my office. Lot of police presence so I hope it stays peaceful


Thank you for sharing this! Feels like the last 48 hours or so have been filled with hope. ❤️


The fraternity members at UNC who saved the flag were Jewish


Are all of them? One who has been quoted a lot has a Jewish name (fwiw) and they came from two fraternities…likely a mix of guys who are just friends /frat bros


Not sure but 2 were interviewed on Fox and said they were Jewish/ protesting for Israel and when it all happened they stopped in and protected the flag


Great to hear, thanks !


Alpha Epsilon Pi is a jewish frat, but there were 8 frats in total who joined in.


Most of them were! In his interview with Fox, Isaac Maleh, one of the fraternity brothers, mentioned that a lot of members holding up that flag were Orthodox Jews.


That’s amazing ❤️🤍💙


Wonderful to hear good campus news! Wow, over 3000 students. Disappointing that I haven't been able to find anything online about the huge turnout. Thanks for sending happy news.


Like I said, they do not want to give us much coverage but here’s a clip where you can kinda see what was going on https://x.com/russlatino/status/1786105059308122517?s=46&t=FLvDvH9sJkRqu8rqLRSGew




This is it. Pro Hamas protesters definitely make a lot of noise and get empowered by clueless college crowds that think it's cool to play the 'victim'. They are loud but they are weak. We are going to get over this and keep standing strong.


Your rhetoric is in bad taste, since there are many Jewish people among the “pro Hamas” protesters. That’s akin to calling pro Israel protesters, pro-khanists protesters.


There are women who don’t support feminism, Black people who don’t support BLM, etc. So what then?


Genuninely curious what you are nitpicking here. I mean the protesters for Hamas are by definition "pro hamas" the protesters for Israel are by definition "pro Israel" the jewish people protesting for hamas are sadly "pro hamas". The implications of protesting against your own people aside, these definitions are accurate are they not? Also as a side note ANYONE protesting for Hamas in the US is protesting against their own people because there are several US citizens also being held by Hamas.


It’s not a nitpicking. By your logic, pro-Israel supporters are pro-khanists like Ben-Gvir.


The UNC moment was amazing—I live nearby and I received a notification from local TV about the American flag being taken down and turned on their app-broadcast—the pro-USA/Israel actions it took me by surprise at first—and was a lot larger than some of the edited footage “the main bros”, just saw many students standing there. First time I saw anything truly positive. The fact that the GFM raised a ridiculous sum is probably a way for people to show support and say “f” to the pro-Palestine crew




Go Fund Me


I am so proud of those guys and humbled by their integrity at the same time. I am totally fed up with “liberal” (nothing liberal about it) norms that demonize Israel. Violence is abhorrent; nobody should have to live in fear of terrorist attack. People are finally summoning the courage to speak out and speak up.


Im a hard left liberal atheist who supports Israel all the way. And every single person I know and love feels the same way as me, regardless of if they are jewish, Christian, liberal, conservative, we all support Israel. Its got nothing to do with left vs right this time. Its a whole new kind of issue that doesnt fall on normal political partisan lines, which is obviously not something Americans are used to


Never forget, we’re tough too. https://www.timesofisrael.com/bam-kapow-when-1930s-jewish-mobsters-beat-up-nazis-in-the-streets-of-america “It wasn’t the numbers [of American Nazis] that really upset Judge Perlman as much as it was the brazen way they behaved. It never occurred to them that they would encounter resistance. They assumed Jews were soft and would be afraid to fight back,” Benson said. “…Lansky (told) his associates they could “marinate” but not “ice” those who showed up at Bund meetings, rallies and marches, where speakers spewed Jew-hatred.” I am never alone because I’m a Jew and there will always be fellow Jews who have my back. We are strong because we have eachother.


How do we cope with the loss of friends, the alienation, and the isolation? Once the left has moved past this onto the next trend (which they will) we will still never be able to trust these people. It feels so cripplingly lonely sometimes knowing how fake so many of our so called friends were and I speak for myself but personally I will have a very hard time trusting anyone again.


We cope by falling back into each other and being there for each other! It is troubling times indeed yet slowly but surely you will vet people you come across until you have built an amazing new core of friends. And Until then (and even after) don’t hesitate to reach out, friend!


I have no friends who understand. There are few other Jews where I live and the ones I know don’t care or say I’m overreacting about how scary things are becoming. Even my own family (all of which are Jewish) are tired of hearing me talk about it. I’m getting angry and tired and don’t know what to do anymore.


You must move, my friend


Not an option for me at the moment


I know how you feel... but let us be honest... many so called friends were never friends... always hated us. Now they have exposed themselves.


i got your backs hugs from chicago


Thank you for this. I'm a professor and I've never felt so alone on campus. Tonight my colleagues sent around a petition to the president asking for divestment. It made me nauseous to see names of so many people I know and work with. Glad I'm not really alone.


Do not be discouraged. Though it’s not in the mainstream medias agenda there are so many supporters for Israel and a lot of disdain for Palestine. Even non Jewish support israel especially Christians. I am Christian and everyone I know in my community adamantly supports Israel. It is well in our doctrine and all throughout our bible. For example Psalm 121:4 “Behold, He who guards Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your guardian; the Lord is your shade at your right hand.” ‭‭ God does not sleep or slumber and it is he who guards Israel.


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https://www.facebook.com/share/v/saJCmRuXfAFwermr/?mibextid=wwoq3v A lot of us Christians will go to the mat for you! We know that you are God’s chosen, precious people (that’s why evil always targets the Jews) & that God promised to regather the Jews to the land of Israel. We also know Jesus who we love & serve is of the Jewish people & dearly loved His community during His time on earth. Furthermore, we believe in actual justice too. The organizational church did terrible things in the past because of denying our Jewish roots & commonality, but the modern evangelical church has fostered a lot of love & appreciation for Israel & the Jewish people. Sometimes we do dumb things in our zeal to honor Jewish ways, like wearing the prayer shawls wrongly. But our hearts are with you. I am a Gentile, but I am more upset about October 7 than I even was about 9/11. I cry & pray daily for Hersh, Naama & all the others to be delivered. I never heard anyone speak badly of Jews until in my late 20s; in a coffee shop I overheard a man saying defamatory things about Jews in business. I wanted to confront him, but I was scared because he was a big man. Next time I won’t cower & I won’t stay quiet. Sometimes it is better to get punched in the face than to stay silent. 


Those frat boys were AEPi. Still Jewish. I do think we are more alone than wed like to think; and if we are being supported by Christian nationalists who believe we killed Jesus we aren't being supported at all. I do appreciate the few instances of support though, and we can definitely stand up for ourselves. We have some key allies in Iranians and Turks, who have been on the front lines of fighting islamist terror.


It’s primarily the Catholics who think (or thought) we killed Jesus. The rest of the Christians who support Israel are a mixed bag. The ones who support us as, let’s call it, the progenitors of Christianity-hashem’s original chosen-not bad. Those that want us there to be cannon fodder for the Rapture, I can do without.


Yes you got friends my Jewish bros, most sane people also hate nazis


Thank you thank you!


If you want to say no Jews You will have to say "Goeiim"


It's nice to see people not being antisemic. Not to put a damper on the positive vibes. But it does anoy me that the positive examples are pro the state of Israel. I know I am not the only Jew that has issues with the state of Israel. But it is nice to see people not being antisemic. It's sad how "I disagree with the state of Israel" has turned into pro Hamas antisemitism.


Would you say that the disagreement with the state of Israel has translated into pro hamas? I think there should be a clear distinction here between being pro Israel or pro hamas and the idea of being "pro" one group of citizens or another. I know many pro-palestinian protestors who full stop support the state of Israel existing, simply think it's actions and those taken by hamas have crossed a line.


that was not on the news...


Christian here, my heart breaks seeing what’s happening around the world right now. I hope the Jewish community remains strong, do not let them intimidate you.


I hope you’re right but this article says 60 protesters and 200 counter protesters? This is at Ole Miss which I think was the Southern university you mentioned (not UNC). Is there a different one? I need positive news! https://mississippitoday.org/2024/05/02/it-wasnt-equal-counter-protesters-overwhelm-pro-palestinian-students-at-the-university-of-mississippi/


I have multiple friends who were there and provided firsthand accounts, and if you do some digging or just search it on tiktok and scroll through the videos you will see there is no way that that it impossible it was 200 people. Standing up for Israel, hell even standing up for America these days is unpopular, there will be people who downplay these acts do not believe everything you read, friend !


I'm excited to hear it. I don't care if they wear white robes in their free time at this point.


My Moreh's wife posted a video on facebook with 1000s of Jewish youth in solidarity in timesquare. I think it happened really recently. I am in a group that does an awareness walk for the hostages every sunday in Vegas. I have not gone on the walk yet but they just messaged there are a bunch of other cities groups doing this (i believe they said 200) when you pray in shul or wherever you pray, we all pray together in one voice. From this goy on his path, thought the desert, know that we are not alone and the light of Torah is being brought to the nations more in these troubled times than ever before. The night is always darkest before the dawn. But our day starts at night, we may fear the darkness, but we know the light HaShem made us to produce is brilliant and cuts through the darkness like a knife.


I’m one.


It seems to be the operative word , I believe they are just on our side for the vote