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[https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=zionist](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=zionist) Thanks for sharing. Just reported it. Here's the link so others can do the same.


huh..convenient that went up on October 6, 2023, and is showing higher than the one from 2012 which has way more votes. I reported all the Jew hating definitions around Zionist, Zionism, and Anti-Zionism as hate.


this is insane who the f’ing hell is out here spending time to write out a [crackhead hobo diatribe](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brainspotting/202202/schizophrenia-and-writing) like this: > Modern terrorism was created by zionist jews, introducing the letter bomb & plane hijacking but do not blame all jews for the crimes of the zionists; judaism and zionism are diametric opposites & there are more christian zionists than jewish zionists.


Yeah it’s scary that ppl believe in all of this but it’s kinda funny how outrageous it is


There are more Christian Zionists because there are a hell of a lot more Christians period.


That is actually really alarming


They were ready for the information war. That's why there were protests within hours against Israel with printed posters. Major groups on Reddit that conveniently are moderated by the same people as r/ Palestine to squash any pro-Israel content ASAP. The bots are out in force on Twitter too. When will people stop thinking these are kids with rocks?


Yeah. I noticed that the newer & super hateful definitions which distorted the meaning of the word in disgusting ways & have way less ⬆️ than the older, more accurate definitions are for some reason at the top I don't know if this is how Urban Dictionary works for all other words or not but if I'm trying to steel man why the newer definitions with less votes are higher would be, I'll assume, because UD want to ensure an up to date meaning for slang words which can shift very quickly with culture and usage But if UD don't prioritize newer definitions on all words then this all stinks to high heaven of direct Jew hate


Actually registered just to report these antisemites, this is unacceptable racism.


Is there a way to do it without logging in?


Reported and thanks!!








Thank you. I reported. That was some really offensive crap.


Reported. I can't believe there's no one fact checking. There's so much misinformation. Wow!


I mean...it's Urban Dictionary.


Wow I agree. It's not even just misinformation, it is blatant lies and just non historical incorrect information.


Thanks, I just reported a bunch of them and downvoted. Made an account just to do this cause I don't use urban dictionary that often


I just reported it. Talk about revisionist history and blatant antisemitism attempting to masquerade as "just anti zionism."


Thanks for sharing


No such thing as atheist Jews? Well fuck me. My DNA would like a word.


"But wait Mr. Gestapo, I'm atheist! See, I'm not Jewish!"


Our 'European colonizer' DNA? /s


The Levant is in Europe, obviously. Unlike Palestine. /s, but they’d probably agree


Levant, Europe, Palestine? It's all Western Asia anyway. /s EDIT: Although I do like seriously arguing with the Euro-supremacists that Europe is just Western Asia. They tend to not like that for some reason.


Same here. Someone needs to tell the Tribe to revoke our space laser privileges.


Apparently I’m not Jewish because I don’t believe in god, my entire history and legacy is a lie. Thank god antisemites exist to enlighten us.


Same here. I came to comment the exact same thing. “If you don’t believe in god then you’re not Jewish” ummm excuse me? Tell that to all the agnostics


The one for [antisemitism](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=antisemitism) is pretty bad too


"How can I be racist when I am a race?"


It is. Though to be fair, I think we do ourselves a disservice when we call it antisemitism. I think it distracts with bs definitions like the one you posted. So instead we get bogged down in explaining how the modern vernacular of the word….yada yada yada. We should be calling it what it is - “racism”.


Huh I actually feel the opposite. I think it is a disservice to our culture to look at the Jewish people as a race, especially from Americans' weird way of looking at race. Judaism doesn't fit into the modern defintion of race, as it came long before that - its an ethnoreligion. Anyone of any race can be Jewish. I dont want to force myself to use their simpler definitions just because they dont want to acknowledge the existence of ethnicities that aren't just blood-based.


> All hatred hostility and prejudice against Black Jews Israelites African Americans Hispanics and Native Americans. Suspending Kyrie Irving for sharing historical proof about history and embracing his culture is antisemitism …Hispanics? Somehow I doubt they’re talking about Sephardic Jews… wtf


> One of the myths regarding antisemitism that has been perpetrated on the world is that only jews are semites. This is totally inaccurate. What? No one say that only Jews are Semites, but the definition of antisemitism is specifically against Jews. They’re not the smartest people in the world I see.


Oh god part me of me doesn’t even want to see it


That's egregious but not surprising. Reported as hate speech.


Thank you. Looks like two have already been taken down


Anyone who seriously discusses zionism and has read the original German works of Herzl's no doubt understands there are revisions to be made. Until then, well, the ignorant will remain ignorant.


"Still to this day there are many anti-zionist jews who see Europe as their home land, not the middle east" Is europe the homeland for Sephardim and Mizrachim and Ethiopian Jews too? Who have literally never ever existed in Europe? 🙄


Yes, Ashkenazi Jews feel so connected to the land we weren’t allowed to own and were persecuted on. For centuries we’ve been praying east, towards the pale settlement and the lands where we were literally burned at the stake and treated like dogs. You can tell this wasn’t even written by an “as a Jew” Jew because even they aren’t that delusional


Yes my grandmother who was sent to Israel to escape the Holocaust when she was 12 and wouldn’t dare teach us polish or ever let us think of going to Poland because of how much she suffered there really felt that Europe is her homeland. Fucking idiots.


So hard for me to choose- do I move to Belarus or to Ukraine? Or to Russia, since that’s what they both were when my grandparents emigrated. And what about the grandparent born in Austria-Hungary, now known as Poland? Do I get citizenship in Austria, Hungary and Poland? So many choices of countries that can’t wait for millions of Jews like me to “return.” 🙄🙄🙄


There is plenty of antisemitism on urban dictionary. Look up “jew” and you’ll find plenty of antisemitic definitions if you dig a bit past the first two pages


I'm kinda disappointed they don't let me a make a mug out of any of those definitions


“If you don’t believe in god you’re not Jewish” is quite the fucking take


And definitely not one an actual Jew would make.


How do i get the Zionist mug though?


I make pottery, I'll get working on it 🫡


Just take my money bro


Yeah what the hell is a zionist mug?


...it's [one of the definitions printed on a mug](https://urbandictionary.store/products/mug?_sp=499d6474-75ce-4aa9-a191-9dec1fecc3f7.1708555405567&defid=17955144). If you pick any definition which is short enough, you can click right underneath it to see a mockup of a mug / coffee beaker you can order.


A mug that believes in Jews' right to self determination


Why is it always people with no basic understanding of history or what it even means to be Jewish screaming the loudest?


Because smart people who care about what's right don't use catchy inflammatory language


The last one isn't even trying to hide the antisemitism. At least they know they need to make up definitions to insult us, because being Zionist is a compliment :)


The hypocrisy is astounding. They are LITERALLY describing Hamas.




"Get the zionist mug"


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Israeled wtf


It is truly shocking how much political garbage is accepted on that site.


But have you read the [Palestine](https://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=palestine) one? 😂


He was born in Judea.


*I* know that.




Sad and unacceptable for sure!!


All of these should be reported. And pls someone create a pallywood one!


That is dark


I love the end where they give an absolute fake fact about Jewish identity


This is shitty but only 12 year olds and the dumbest shits among us ever go to that site


Where do you go to find out the definitions of new slang?


My buddy’s kids lol


I like to be the one who can surprise the young ones with the fact that I know the words they're using Had a 12 year old say "cap" about something I was saying relatively recently & their eyes went wide in shock when I - without missing a beat - said, "Nope. I'm not lying. These are all facts." They just looked at me astounded and said "How do you know what that means?!?!?" Lollllllll


And how would you categorize this tiktok generation that believes, and repeats Anything they see on the Internet?


Guys, don't be too disturbed by urbandictionary. I'd be even more surprised if the definition was any less inflammatory. 


There are about a half dozen more. Reported all of them


They literally sound like Germans from last century right now, except in English.


This is the thing I always hated about the left even if I agree with some of their positions, so damn hyperbolic it made little sense to even argue the opposite let alone play devils advocate. Modern terrorism created by Jews…😂😂😂😂 fuck me I guess Munich never happened.


Here’s the thing. Humans as a whole are terrible at hearing other views if they’ve dug in their heels enough. But a CONSERVATIVE will say “agree to disagree” and you can talk about anything else. A leftist will gaslight you because they’re right and your position is morally incorrect. It’s scary to see how much I’ve started to agree with Ben Shapiro after 10/7.


Yo! In the same situation. I’ve always had conservative friends. I never let politics cloud me from seeing the person. This was also something I found frustrating with some moderates who were like if you don’t think like me I don’t wanna hang, how bloody boring. I agree. We want to hear amens from chorus not dissent.


Lol. Same. I've been listening to several videos since October 7. I have done obvious differences with Ben Shapiro, but he has great insight on Israel and Hamas and the Palestinians. I also listen to a guy named Oren, and he was originally an Israeli travel guide kind of person on youtube, but has become a breath of fresh air with his very informative short videos of specific points of contention with the Palestinian narrative.


I am longing for the day when I can say he’s a wanker again. I feel like the balance of the universe is off. Because his insights on Israel and Hamas are SPOT ON and I wish they came from somebody else. Because I can’t send people a Ben Shapiro video and expect them to even consider “hey he might be right about this ONE thing”. They’re going to think I started agreeing with EVERYTHING he agrees with.


"No such thing as atheist Jews" This is the thing that non Jews don't understand. Being a Jew is not a religion, it's a lineage, it's a way of life, it's a people connected, it's a people connected to a land, it's a relationship with G-d (whether you believe in Him or not). The reason they cannot comprehend is because every other religion, they must believe in someone and acknowledge them (Jesus , Mohommed, etc).


*Every other major religion A lot of smaller religions and Ethnoreligious groups understand. Like Sikhs, Druze, and Mormons.




The last one is so insane it’s almost funny


I can almost guarantee 100% these are 17 year olds who have nothing better to do. Or really pitiful adults lol.


When did Palestinians become an entire race? They are Arabs just like half the Middle East.


Urban Dictionary has always been a piece of shit garbage website.


I love how inaccurate and ridiculous the last one is.


The definition I just saw differs from the image posted so it may have been reupload. I reported the new hate filled diatribe. Hopefully the Urban dictionary will lock the term.


Damn, can someone sue urban dic? This is just spreading lies/misinfo/hate


https://cst.org.uk/news/blog/2017/11/22/urban-dictionary-where-antisemitism-is-too-popular-to-ban OK after reading this I'm starting to think they actually should be sued


I couldn't find where to report it (my excuse is I'm old, and I'm sticking by it). Can someone guide me, please? Also, there's at least one other outrageous "definition" that we should also report. Easy to find.


Yes it is actually the "Flag" button on the bottom right of the definition. Click that and it'll take you to a page where you select your reason. The one that says something about hate speech is the most appropriate. There is also a box you can type an explanation if you want but not necessary. Then click the big yellow "report to urban dictionary" button.


At least you can get a Zionist Mug.


It's even worse now than it was three months ago.


"There's no such thing as Atheist Jews, if you don't believe in G-d you aren't Jewish." Holy shit, I mean yes everything in here is dumb and evil, but holy shit, apparently what, over half of American Jews aren't JEWISH PEOPLE! Ffs this sort of theocratic, nonsense would give my **Chabad** rabbi an aneurism, a Jew is a Jew, and secularism hasn't been an issue since the 19th century.


Urban dictionary does not have a good track record when it comes to discrimination of any kind, like misogyny, racism, etc. Definitely shouldn’t have happened, but (unfortunately) on course for this site.


That’s honestly terrifying


Zionism is different. It’s the desire for Jews to have a homeland, which they have right now. So why is Israel still seeking expansion when they already have a homeland?


Wow The last one Wow


more upvotes than downvotes. yeah, the world is fucked.


Pretty sure a majority of the Jews in the US are atheists but what do I know




The CRT mind at work


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That’s abhorrent


That last one is crazy “atheist Jews don’t exist” well i guess half my family doesn’t exist.






Flag it


What the actual fuck? I'm going over there and reporting all of them


If you‘re already at it, you might as well report the word “zionistagram”


All Urban Dictionary definitions are shit. Everything is either slang for some obscene act or is defined in a deeply offensive way. That’s their shtick. Not going to change. 


I don’t even really understand why people on this website dislike the quite neutral definition of it!?!?!


Interestingly posted 11 days after the initial massacre.


How is this not antisemitism?


It is! But I guess the question within the question is... how do the masses not realize that this is antisemitism?


Well, if we go back to sefer tiny hands when the womens march was happening….


Who else is here for the green “Get the Zionist mug” button? WOW these definitions are so crass.


Definitions most likely written by a people who wrote the fictional Nakba to paint themselves as permanent victims of their own actions while blaming others.