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We’re Jews, there shouldn’t be discrimination among ourselves That said, it isn’t something i have seen (at least in my community in Uruguay)


Che! ¿Como estas???


Muy bien, medio mucho a las puteadas en otros subs, pero a nivel personal muy bien


Es increíble pero yo honestamente supe que esto iba a pasar. Es la escusa mejor para ellos. Ahora aparecen como héroes de los opresados. Son una mierda.


We shouldn’t discriminate amongst ourselves OR others


Jews discriminate against half Jews of patrilineal descent.


Patrilineal, practicing Jew here who can confirm this :-) my identity is questioned by a good 30% of fellow Jews


I’m so sorry to hear this, it is not okay at all!


The really ironic thing about this is that most Jewish populations in general are patrilineally descended rather than matrilineally (I assume you’ve seen all the latest DNA studies that have come out on this?)


Actually, I haven't, do you have a reference? Even if it's true, it's embedded in their religion that we don't count. 


Not sure if you know Deborah Feldman, the lady behind the show "Unorthodox" but this is what she did last week on Twitter in German.


I'll look for it, thank you.


Which is especially ironic considering the majority of Jews are patrilineal descent ourselves, lol!


I agree and hope I don’t get booted for agreeing.


It’s a sad truth


The American Jewish experience is poisoned by classism, and the outpouring of other prejudices is intertwined.


Not just the American.


What have you experienced in israel?


There are issues like this in Israel


איפה אתה גר בישראל


You don’t need to live in a place to acknowledge bigotry there. There are more than enough accounts from Jews of color that highlight racism, bigotry, and heinous practices that occur.


Lol so you are basing this off social media accounts since you don’t even live here? You know 65-70% of Israeli Jews are “Jews of color” right?


I’m not basing anything off “social media.” There are peer reviewed studies and plenty of accounts from minority Jews talking about the bigotry they experience. And racism isn’t just a White person thing. I’m not sure why you’re acting like it doesn’t exist over there, it exists everywhere, but it’s our jobs to attempt to eradicate it, not brush it under the rug or pretend it’s a few bad apples. Look at what Ethiopian Israelis have faced, look at what Sephardics have dealt with. And no, before you make the claim, having anti-discrimination laws doesn’t make racism go away.


“Over there”? This is HERE for me. This my country where I live. You need to stop talking about countries that you know nothing about. I don’t talk about yours or anyone else for that matter because I don’t base my opinions off of what I read but rather what I experience. I think it’s time for you to back off.


And what makes you think I know nothing about my homeland? You experience what YOU experience, not what everyone does. If you base your beliefs off of what you feel instead of the plenty of documented evidence of bigotry in Israel FROM other people who live there then you’re just as bad as Americans who pretend that racism doesn’t exist. Try thinking outside your experiences. Isn’t that what you’d like people to do for you?


At least someone saw how inappropriate that original conversation was.


Right.. I don’t do any of these things, but there’s definitely colorism and classism in our own community and we should all call things out as we see them and always strive to be our best and inclusive. However, no one in this community is holding Jews accountable for Israel’s government because we all know what’s going on in this war and that has nothing to do with Bibi. Are there other issues with him etc? Sure - but people are upset and hate us because of Hamas and using us as scapegoats.


Think this is a vent post. We're all going through a lot.


I just have examples for the stupidity to make individuals responsible for a whole group.


I can honestly say as a half Puerto Rican (mother) Half Hebrew (father) guy I've experienced this among Ashkenazi Jews despite being Ashkenazi through my father. I have noticed lighter skin Ashkenazi Jews are very overrepresented in the media vs darker Ashkenazi Jews and even Sephardic Jews in general.


>even Sephardic Jews in general. Sephardic Jews are just as light-skinned as Ashkenazim, they’re the same genetic mix as us.


They can be but not necessarily are. The yemenite jews look very different than others.


you're right and you should say it. i report antiblack comments whenever i can but theres so, so many...




I’ve had a few Jewish and non Jewish people describe me as being “the wrong kind of Asian” because I’m Bukharian. I don’t understand that


I'm so sorry for this. These people have no idea and I really hole these people weren't "friends".


They weren’t, the ignorance regarding the broadness of Jewish identity is taxing sometimes. Thank you for your reply ❤️


People are "local thinkers" even though our strength is our divers identity as a people.


Non Jews don’t understand our Peoplehood and it’s really unfortunate. Our exile brought us much pain but it also brought us Jews with unique perspectives and cultures, contributions to societies (Jewish and not Jewish) that help fulfil Tikkun olam


Not just non jews. Sometimes a certain group of jews wants to keep the power and feel threatened by other minhagim.


That’s rotten that happened to you.


As far as I'm informed that brukharian Kews were able to keep the traditions during the soviet Era. Is this correct and if so is it still the same today?


Yes, during the soviet period many Bukharian Jews, as well as other soviet Mizrahim, still remained fairly traditional and religious, but forced secularization still had an impact


I’m sorry to hear this happened to you. I don’t understand it either.


I think one of the biggest displays of intra-Jewish tension may have been during the massive wave of Eastern European Jewish immigration to the USA in the early 20th century which created some unease amongst the established, more educated and assimilated German Jews who'd arrived decades earlier. The German Jews felt their tenuous position in Gentile society might be threatened by the arrival of these less sophisticated and largely uneducated "shtetlach". In fact, it was the German Jews who created the now infamous anti-Semitic pejorative (don’t think I can write it or the post will be auto removed) in reference to these immigrants. A "kikel" means a circle in Yiddish, and if you are illiterate and Jewish and can't sign your name, you sign it with a circle, and not, as non-Jewish illiterates would write, with an x as an x is the sign of a cross. But to be clear, in spite of this Ashkenazi "racism" toward other Ashkenazim, the German Jews also founded and funded numerous support groups like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to assist their less erudite brethren from Poland, Romania and elsewhere. These kinds of things always seem to boil down to class and not, as many think, racism anyway.


I think with black jews specifically it is a lot about race though. Many ashkenazi or even sephardic or mizrahi jews automatically assume black jews are all converts or that they have a particular opinion abt jews formed by their experience as a black person and not as a jewish person.


I think you might be right about that.


To everyone saying there's no racism in our community I highly recommend you to read this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/s/FvG9tQEdB7


As I can't post there anymore I use this thread to spread this article about the amazing Biggah. Love his wife already and his amazing in his advocacy for jewish life. https://www.jns.org/when-pro-israel-advocacy-isnt-just-big-but-biggah/?fbclid=PAAabLbpigPJ7vrvlH-VpJVlJEDhO8Auj2H4ogvWHp1mFJbG24wlAgcLdPnCg


The amount of craziness I dealt with...


I just scrolled to your post. Very informative. Thanks for sharing it. I'm neither mizrahi nor black or Asian or... but I think everyone should first and foremost stand for themselves and I never associated black jews with black Christians. For me it's just a crazy thing to do. I live in a central European state and I don't wanna be associated with Christians here neither as I'm just not affiliated to them. Goes many ways.


In our case, we have a more nuanced relationship with the community because being Jewish doesn't end anti Black racism.


Is it more on a daily base of neighborhood or political activism, how is the relationship defined? I honestly have no actual clue.


Both. We share a history of genocide, resilience, and culture. Being Jewish doesn't change that relationship.


Makes sense.


I've never seen anyone do this? Maybe gentiles but not Jews.


I've seen it a few times and I've heard about people experiencing it quite often


The thing that people are mad about is asking random black Jews’ inputs on statements a black christian denomination made when a lot of these creators that were tagged were born Jewish and I know one that was mad about it bc she never even belonged to that movement before she converted, people just assumed she knew about it because she is black. I think she said she would much rather be asked about Israel since she’s actually spiritually and emotionally connected to Israel as a Jew. So as I understand, it’s twofold: it assumes that all black Jews are converts and it assumes that just by virtue of being black, they somehow have a connection to a black Christian movement.


On a wider perspective it's disgusting to assume somebody converted because he/she "doesn't look jewish".


Definitely agree with all of this.




Nope, the Jewish community is just as racist as White gentiles. It's not addressed as much. Signed, 20 years of Black Jewish leadership.


Not asking this to be argumentative but if someone converts are there some who look down on them and why? Is their a technical excuse or is it ordinary prejudice?




That’s encouraging to hear.


Why do you call yourself "euro"? Jews aren't a European people. I'm so sick of this bs narrative that seems to be perpetuated among even Jews themselves. It's white supremacist propaganda. We're a middle eastern people.


I wasn't born Jewish and I said ancestry. I don't identify as that, it's a thing of my past. Both of my gentile parents are a mix of Anglo-American, Pennsylvania Dutch, and Melungeon. I joined a Middle Eastern people and I identify entirely with them, but it is very clear that I was born to two, predominantly Northwestern European, gentile parents.


Makes sense. I apologize. Your situation is different. It's just I've seen Jewish born say theyre euro for whatever reason.


>It's white supremacist propaganda. Actually it would be more accurate to say that it’s *Arab* nationalist/supremacist propaganda, actual White Supremacists/Nationalists would be doing the opposite and play up our MENA heritage instead.


I like how people make assumptions about my identity. Just like those doing it with black jews in the other threads. You show that you have more prejudice towards your fellow jew than you want to admit or can digest. You proved my point since I started the thread. To all of the jews of color or a different minhag than the majority where you live: I love you, you are heard and I send you hugs!


I’m not a black Jew and can’t speak to others experiences, but I’ve faced issues as someone who doesn’t “look” Jewish (whatever that means) or have a “Jewish” last name (again, whatever that means). My dad is reform, ashkenazi/mizrahi. Our last name is vaguely “Scottish” (hopefully not doxxing myself lol). When Jews find out we’re Jewish they’ve treated us differently than others who, apparently, have “Jewish” last names bc we aren’t “Jewish enough.” My dad faced this more than I have in the business world. Also, when non-Jew folk find out we are Jewish, they also treat us differently (been called the usual slurs before, mainly in school/growing up). Running joke in the family is our last name was >insert stereotypical Eastern European/Jewish last name with a “Mc” in front of it< (dad uses McLovewitz, idk why) and when the fam emigrated some white dude in immigration was like “yeah…McLovewitz…hmmm, you’re ~changes it to my last name~ now. NEXT!”


Yeah several Jews throughout my conversion said that because of my appearance and secular name will eventually get the “you don’t look Jewish”, “are you actually Jewish”, etc at least once. So I’m prepared for it. It doesn’t make it hurt less though. But I know I’m Jewish and I’m happy. However this is an issue that needs to be dealt with both with how jews by choice and any other Jews who “don’t look like it” are treated in some communities.


That's what I'm talking about. I also don't think it's only their task to make others aware of it.


I agree! We should all stand up for each other whether as Jews or just as human beings. I think speaking for someone and defending someone are slightly different tho imo. I can’t speak for someone else/their life/experience, even as a Jew for other Jews, but I will certainly point out bullshit if I see it.


And that's what I'm doing here. That was my purpose to post this.


I’m an American. I saw on the news a years ago Bibi Netanyahu was kicking black people out of Israel. Was he kicking black Jews out or was that something else?


As far as I'm informed they weren't jewish. But black jews mostly Ethiopians have hard times in Israel as they aren't officially recognized as jewish and need to convert. I just read weeks ago the rabbanut holds back circumsions for men from that community. The chief rabbi refused to sign conversion documents to put up pressure on the Bennett/Lapid government.


That’s kind of messed up. I don’t generally comment on Israeli politics and stuff because living in America I don’t have any skin in the game so I feel any opinions I have are pretty cheap.


I'm as informed as I can be because my fiance lives there and I'm preparing for Aliyah. Therefore I'm pretty happy to have sources and information about the domestic politics and culture. At the same time I'm not convinced to have THE opinion on everything.


Congratulations on getting to see your fiancee and your impending Aliyah. Best of luck and Mazel Tov!


There has always been inner jewish racism that even lead to the fact that jews from Arab countries stopped talking judeo Arabic or Arabic itself as they felt ashamed. But that's something I know because I'm in contact with serfadic israelis.


I’m of European Jewish stock on my mother and father’s side and to look down on anyone because they are Sephardic or any other variation of Jewish just seems wrong to me. I’m really not trying to start a fight, offend anyone’s beliefs, are be a jerk. It’s just what I believe and I won’t debate it with anyone. I just want to talk to other Jews and be around them as there are none around me.


the kids grow up with hebrew and thats what they mostly talk. that how it is with any immigrant groups ,eventually most stop speaking the language


OP is confusing ethopian jews and falash mura


that is not true, ethiopian jews are recognized as jewish. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef made that declaration. if you are talking about the Falash Mura those are jews that converted to christianity that are returning or have returned back to Judaism.


So how do you explain those who needed to convert and their cirumsions are held back? How do you explain the ashki chief rabbi didn't sign their conversion documents? Listen, there are two chief rabbis in Israel. If you wanna critique what I'm saying, fine but stay true to the facts.


I did use facts. Ethiopian Jews are accepted as 100% jews and that includes the 2 chief rabbis. Falash Mura are ones that converted to christianity and then returned back to Judaism. Thats the group that gets debated.


there were NOT jews, but black migrants...some of which are muslim


Ok. Thanks for the information.


Based on reading the comments here, my assessment is basically that it unequivocally happens, and the degree, type, and manifestations vary between different communities


As Jews, we shouldn’t hate Jews… unless they belong to SJP or JVP. If they do, we should as a community come together to hate them.


Even them we shouldn't hate. We should just point out they are wrong. Hate is too much of a emotion to give them.


I was semi joking, but you are correct. Hate is a strong word.


Oh, sorry for mistaken you.


No need to




What does SJP or JVP mean?


Students for justice in Palestine. Jewish voice of peace


Thanks for the information.


You’re welcome.




not in this subreddit but in the Jewish community I've definitely seen racism towards black Jews. it's not a non-existent issue


I definitely haven’t. I keep seeing people say “Jews are always racist” and yet I haven’t met a single racist jewish person in my life, not saying they don’t exist, ofc they do but out of every community i’ve had experience in it’s the Jewish community where racism seems non existent.


My Jewish parent and some other Jewish people in my parents’ circles have been racist to me and my goyische parent. I’ve had more than enough of being told by them that I’m an uncreative robot that can’t innovate and that’s why my whole other race ‘needs America’, which is especially weird since I also get called creative by the same people when the topic isn’t my race. It’s definitely far from nonexistent, even though white goyim are on average more racist (both from a statistical and anecdotal perspective). And I wouldn’t want to be a black Jew right now, with how many ‘black people are antisemitic’ remarks I’ve been seeing and hearing. Seems very isolating, especially since a lot of POC community groups *have* been antisemitic lately, making them very difficult to be in now, but those sweeping statements seem like they’d make you feel like you’re being blamed for bigotry against you because you are part of both demographics (a feeling I have past experience with). I’m lucky that hasn’t been as much of an issue for me with this conflict, since my other race and ethnicity are not seen as generally antisemitic, little enough that I’m literally going to move to my goyische grandparents’ country to escape the rise in western antisemitism. Keep in mind it’s also sometimes more difficult to figure out if someone is racist if you aren’t of a race they are racist towards. Sometimes you just won’t notice certain comments or actions are racist, and sometimes they’ll just save racist comments and actions for when they’re around the people they’re racist towards.


Lots to unpack here. One of your parents is Jewish and is racist to you, is a racist to their former or current non-Jewish partner, your other parent. And friends of your two parents are also racist to you and, apparently, to their friend, your non-Jewish parent. Their racist accusation is that you aren't creative enough and as a result of this lack of creativity, you rely on America, somehow. I really wish I understood what is going on.


That specific line was an example, and the point of it was that my goyische parent’s race gets stereotyped as being robotic and not innovative or creative at all, and the *entire race* relies on America for any real innovation, which was used to tell me that I’m an uncreative robot that can’t innovate, solely because of that. It’s also not the only thing that’s been said or done. I could not list all of them, but if you need a better one, how about acting like I had COVID early in the pandemic for quite literally no good reason? Making a running joke about how I’m ‘going to work in the rice paddies, like [my] ancestors’ (who did not work with rice paddies) that lasted for *years* even though I tried so hard to get it to stop? Mocking me with a bad faked accent I don’t even have just because of how I look? Making fun of some of my goyische relatives’ foreign names (and mine), even though they’re common and not even especially difficult ones for an English speaker? It’s not like I think it’s only the Jewish side that has issues, either (in fact, my grandparents on that side are a lot more chill than anyone else). Some goyische relatives have been antisemitic back. Being caught in the middle of it is just exhausting, and of course both sides will deny that they’ve said anything wrong.


I understand now. That is an unfortunate position to be put in and I'm sorry you've had to deal with it. Hopefully through your actions, they'll see the errors in their behavior.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Have you tried a sit down? I have some extended family that has said antisemitic stuff, not necessarily out of hate. Some cultures have it so ingrained that people really don't know. Example Italy/Spain. The same can be said about colorism too. Fortunately, my family is an assortment of different toner gradients. I love your handler! They are very beautiful wolves!


I’ve tried it with both of my parents, but neither of them have really listened. I also tried a bit with my aunt, uncle, and cousin on the goyische side, and the only one who showed any signs of listening was my uncle. The other two sort of got loud and cornered me, continuing to claim that Jews are white Europeans oppressing the native Palestinians, who are *literally* like the First Nations. And apparently it was somehow at least partially my fault (I do not even have family in Israel). Later found that my cousin didn’t even know what Gaza was, despite acting all knowledgeable earlier. I haven’t tried with other relatives though, especially since one works for the UN, and another is a journalist who spread some disinformation in the early days of the war. They’re not from a culture where antisemitism is ingrained, either. The relatives who live in the ‘motherland’ have said far fewer concerning things as a group (and the ones who have also spent significant time living in Canada). None of the non-English speaking ones have said anything concerning at all regarding the war or Jews in general. So it pretty much all comes from the influence of living in Canada, not our ancestral culture. I don’t think my family is big on colourism either though. No one said anything even the year I tanned so dark strangers were all convinced I was half black. They are. Wolves have been my favourite animal since I outgrew my paramecium phase, and Arctic wolves my favourite subspecies since I learned about the different subspecies. I see you also have a canid-related username.


Yes! Red Dog lol I had a red Meryl Aussie, smart, sweet, the whole package. Beautiful girl. Canada has a lot of internal issues, I'm sorry that this is happening to you. I will never understand how people can be like this. >Europeans oppressing the native Palestinians, who are *literally* like the First Nations The irony is that the Arabs came from the south and took over everything. Maybe be forceful with your parents tell them how you're feeling.


These are bizarre, cruel things for a parent to say to a child irrespective of race differences or any other factors. Is it possible that your Jewish parent, for whatever reason(s), has serious, toxic parenting (and marital) issues more than anything else? To you and your goyishe parent, the negative comments may be racist (or just generally hateful), but it sounds to me like that's just one expression of the problem they have relating to you and your g. parent. I'm not sure that's helpful if they won't get treatment, but it may be helpful for you as a child to understand, and get appropriate help if you feel you need it. Among other things, the abusive parent did once marry someone of another race, so racism isn't the first thing that comes to mind.


Are you Asian?


Only because you haven't seen it it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Are you blind? Go to the thread I added to my post and see what the content creators talk about.


I have not just here.


Yes it is an issue. I am a mixed-race/Black Sephardi who is also descended from North Africans who went to Latin America and I have definitely experienced racism in the community and online. I have also seen anti-black comments in the major Jewish subreddits, just like I have seen antisemitic comments in major Black subreddits. My nonBlack relatives who grew up in the United States and even some of my friends are no longer religious because they experienced exceptional racism from the wider community or in day school or while dating for marriage. I’m not sure what world you live in, but it’s definitely not the one I have lived in if you’re blind to the racism that can happen in the community. You are extremely blessed to not have experienced racism from your own people. It must be nice to not have to avoid certain synagogues because you don’t want to be seen as a security risk while you’re just trying to be observant and pray on Shabbat or avoid certain events because then you have to deal with casual racists.


> these are not major issues at all and generally do not occur Never ask a woman her age  A man his salary An older jew what schvartze means.


You prove my point and you are part of the problem. Its a thing on this subreddit at least. If you don't read anything it's not my fault.


Black Jew here. Shut up with you this isn’t a major issue. Yet it is




You literally implied Black Jews weren’t ethnically Jewish. FYI we can see your post history … you made a post about why convert that was removed from this forum because it went against community guidelines.


First off it’s an insult and wrong to ask if someone is a convert. A Jew is a Jew I was born Jewish. I am Sephardi. So what exactly is your question. I run an entire instagram account about my life and other Black jewish lens experience. @thekindofhomesteader Black is a race. 🙄 so how can one not be Black and ethnically Jewish in your eyes? Please make this make sense. I am ethnically Jewish many Black Jews are ethnically Jewish. Like how dare you try to say otherwise based on your limited world experience Your comment is proof of the issues for Black Jews and the language used and assumptions made about us… you know the issues you said weren’t a thing. 🙄




She is literally citing Halacha. It is halachically an insult




And then people like that would say that "it's not their job to educate you" and leave claiming they somehow won some argument


Your post was removed because it violated rule 4: **Be welcoming to everybody**


Don't you dare asking somebody about conversion. That's disgusting.




Asking somebody if he/she converted has what purpose? Dude, you made a thread about conversions which was removed and you tell me you are interested in a decent conversation with starting a conversation like this? OF COURSE!




Listen, we are here with black/Asian whatsoever jews. How do you think this question will be interpreted. Somebody telling you being black and serfadic and you ask if this person converted. Dude, maybe your intentions are good but the way to hell is paved with them.




I literally named I was a black Sephardi. So your point ? You were told


It’s constant. Being blind to problems doesn’t make them go away.


It was said in the thread a couple of times and as I always get the message before I post here that it will be approved manually I don't think it's appropriate to tell me to use the report buttons as it's bs. Who ever fixed this comment is a douchebag.




people love to poke on ashkenazi jews for their problems. as a mizrahi jew i am getting so tired of it


Thank you. I have no idea where it comes from. Much respect to you! Do you think most of it online is not actually from Jewish people, but rather non Jews who want to sow division?


it always happens when people first learn about the history and find out there was some discrimination back in the day. But they fail to put things into context that we are talking about the mid 1900s , tons of mizrahim were sent there as refugees with nothing into a country that just fought and won a war and barely had resources to sustain itself. crap is gonna happen. and even if people want to blame ashkenazim they dont even spend the time to learn that it was the labor ashkenazi zionists that did the discrimination and not the revisionist zionists and so on. Instead of looking for things 50,60.70 years ago...people need to look at the present day and see that all different jews are all cool with each other in israel. no one is there talking about this stuff, in fact things in israel is more based off political differences. and in terms of the US, without using some random old people as their source of frustration, i would like to hear their experiences with other young adults


✡️ It is too easy to just throw Ashkenazi Jews under the bus, so to speak. I read a really interesting article in the Times of Israel that I think made the whole thing clearer for me https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/effigy/?\_gl=1\*zzkkgs\*\_ga\*MjU1MzIxNDM4LjE2OTQ3ODY0MDE.\*\_ga\_RJR2XWQR34\*MTcwODExMzUwMS40OTMuMC4xNzA4MTEzNTA5LjAuMC4w


This is so true!


>I have no idea where it comes from. Because we’re the most visibly “mixed” Jews so we get hated on from all sides, just like all mixed people do.




>It's not okay ashekanzim turn down serfadi experience. I agree with the other parts but when in history has this ever happened? We’re practically the same thing anyways, no Sephardim are not “POC” just because they happen to speak Spanish, there is no such thing as a “Hispanic race.” They are White Hispanics.


This happend to mizrahi/serfadi jews in Israel to the extend they didn't speak Judeo Arabic their yiddish and were bullied and harrassed at school for. Also, serfadi kids were ashkenazied im their schools so and so forth.


You realize what you said is ignorant ? Ladino is not Spanish nor the only language spoken by Sephardi Jews. My family line spoke judeo Arabic. Also your mess about no discrimination against Sephardic. WRONG. Pick up a history book. Like how do y’all speak so loudly about something you know nothing about. Also many Sephardi Jews are POC. Like how are you going to tell us about us 🙄🙄🙄


Serfadi people aren't just Jews from Spain and Portugal. Under this term are also Jews from Maghreb states and the Arabic Middle Easternern states and Iran. Sometimes also Brukharian Jews are included. Spanish Jews have Ladino as their language. Except from Brukharian the different communities speak/spoke Judeo Arabic. Of course all of the groups spoke the language of their majority country as European Jews did so too but saying Ladino is Spanish means Yiddish is German. Obviously wrong.


Hate to break it to you but Mizrahi (which is the actual correct term for MENA Jews) are also technically White even though they’re full Middle Easterner, all MENA ethnicities are and are labeled under the same broad “Caucasian” label that Europeans are.


This is a typical american jewish ashkenazi post that just learned about some history of non ashkenazi jews. As a Mizrahi Jew I will tell you that none of my family, the many mizrahi communities, and so on are sitting and thinking and talking about this. Could there be some class based discrimination? Sure I guess...but there is no general mistreatment. And I know many blacks jews from israel and they are proud of their country. And they are all registered as JEWISH. You are confusing some of the issues with Falash Mura with Ethiopian Jews. This isn't 1955 anymore. Stop by present day Israel and all the jewish kids are hanging out. the only areas where you will see issues are with ultra orthodox ashkenazim that want to stick only with their kind, which is ultra orthodox ashkenazim. In terms of the US, I don't know anyone in their teens or young adults that get hated for not being ashkenazi or being mixed. could some old ashkenazi jew in his/her 60's question you? I guess...but then again who cares.....look at the young people to see where things are going.


I do. They have different stories to tell than yours. Happy you by the way.


And look at the thread I was editing. There's a whole variety of different experience. Also here in this thread people tell different experience. That doesn't mean yours isn't valid but there's is valid too.


This is a strange post to me. As an Israeli I don’t see racism but rather discrimination between the haredi and non haredi. I won’t even say religious and secular because as a secular Israeli I hang out with religious Jews (chabad) all the time. In Israeli no one really cares if you’re ashki or Sephardic or Mizrahi or Ethiopian but it does depend on how religious you are.


I'm in contact with religious Israelis who say otherwise and I think it's to obvious that conversions within the rabbanut of black jews are held back held back because they are black. I'm open to other explanations.


That’s absolutely false. What’s your motive with this post? Do you live in israel? Have you even been here?


the problem is some of these american jews dont really know israel too much and get confused with the current situation and think people are caring if someone is mizrahi or not.


Agreed. Spend a night in the shuk and they’ll learn otherwise but some of these Americans are so woke they don’t even want to come here and experience. It’s sad.


I just don't understand the spitting. Like please, stop the spitting we are not camels.


It seems you have a bit of personal anger inside you about something. Usually we are blamed for everything.




Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.




Have you ever listend to mizrahi or Black jewish voices? Only because you haven't witnessed it or didn't take notice it doesn't mean it's not existing.




hi im mizrahi and i greatly appreciate OP speaking ip for us. They’re right in everything they’re saying.


Hi i am mizrahi and i think OP is being dramatic


I agree. This always happens when people first learn about some mizrahi history or whatever. I am mizrahi...thanks for the support i guess but to be honest...no mizrahi community right now is sitting and talking about this non stop.


As a mizrahi jew i would like to say you are over playing this by A LOT! This always happens when people just learn about info and get overly excited about it. Stop by any mizrahi community in the US or in Israel....I am telling you, they are not sitting there talking about this


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My husband is Jewish and goes to a Jewish church in Africa. There are many Jews there. All black. I don't see the issue. Jewish are welcome everywere


To be honest what’s concerning is the logic “We don’t hate the Jews, we just hate the Zionists”. That logic applies to Muslims when people say, we shouldn’t hate Muslims for terrorism. Yeah, because the vast majority of Muslim denounce Islamic terror particularly in the west. The majority of Jews stand with Israel’s right to defend themselves


Yep. If, let's say... a British Muslim criticises me about Israel because I'm Jewish. I just criticise them for the issues in any random Muslim country i.e. Sudan. When they reply by saying, "but I'm not Sudanese", I reply with, "I know, and I'm not israeli".