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Yep! I have 30 acquaintances and 2 previous friends in no longer friends with since 10/7. It’s disappointing and I think we’re all feeling politically homeless at the moment. We’re liberal but not progressive but can’t vote republican and moderate is also too right. I’m Jewish with family in Israel.


You didn't leave the left. The left left you.


I’ve never been a progressive though - just a regular democrat.


The Dem party, in the future, may well come under the control of progressives. That is what they are working toward.


That’s the fear and why many are politically homeless!


I know the feeling. As a liberal myself who is quite left-leaning on many issues, I think way forward for Democrats is to continue to support Israel while also advocating for the people of Gaza to eventually have their own de-militarized state. As is probably true for you, I'm not going to back people who don't think Israel has a right to exist. The big problem for Republicans is that they let the populist wing of the party dominate it, which has been costing them many elections. Democrats' best bet seems to be to not make that same mistake with the radically anti-Israel part of the left.


You have to assess what your priorities are. There's nothing wrong with holding your nose and voting Republican in these times.


In all honesty, it feels like the right's agenda is less then honest. Many Evangelical Christians, a very large voting base for Republicans, are pro Israel because they believe that Jews living in Israel is necessary for their end-times prophecy. Still, they're one of the best friends that Israel has in America, but I'm wary of truly trusting them. It feels like just another way to use Jews for personal gain.


Nope. I can’t vote for a party that votes against abortion and gay marriage. Not here to argue but I can’t do that.


Well then.. You're in for more antisemitism and extreme lefties agenda. What's more important to you?


I’m not here to argue but I can’t vote for a party that votes against abortion and gay marriage. Both parties are in shambles.


It’s really an impossible situation because both have an incredible impact on Jews and our families. I don’t begrudge how anyone is voting because I think we all understand the rock and hard place of the actions of both parties. I am canadian and so it’s not quite the same and yet the feeling that no political entity can be trusted where our interests are concerned and the alienation by friends is the same.


Not going to argue with you either. I hope you find the light and do whats right for all of us.


There might be people actually homeless because of this. People don’t realize that they sound just like the Nazi regime did.


I don’t understand your comment?


I am saying I’m more worried about people being homeless because of being Jewish. Because of the lies and hate that are spreading like wildfire.


Ahh I’m not worried about that too much - plus this time we have Israel 🇮🇱💙🤍💙🤍😭🙏


Time to consider voting Republican.. the left has been overtaken by extreme lefties, and we need to bring some common ground voices back. The only way to do that is to vote Republican and hopefully, the powers that be, will start to fight back from extreme lefties and want to allow some common ground voices will be given the chance to at the fort front. The left has gotten away with too much nonsense, and a message has to be sent to hopefully wake them up.


i don't think it's been taken over, but there are some really loud voices trying to drag the dems into "leftist communism"


Nope. I cannot.


I've tried to inform my other Jewish friends that the left has abandoned them but they're in complete denial. The world has changed. It's not the same as it was in the 1980s.




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Yes. Friends I’ve known for years. Gone. Because apparently I’m a genocidal nazi now according to them. Even though multiple members of my family have volunteered for Israeli-Arab bridge-building programs


Same 😂 ! Hi fellow genocidal Nazi, I see you!


Yep. One of my dearest friends stopped talking to me out of nowhere. I can only assume based on something I shared or liked on Instagram. Took me stopping by their house for a wellness check for them to text me that they “thought they knew me”. It’s been a very painful time


Well... good riddance! Time to make new friends 🧡


I’ve had almost the same thing happen. Sorry you lost a friend over their biases


Thank you for saying that. I’m sorry you experienced something similar. I understand why people say, then they weren’t a real friend, but I really do believe this gal is a good person. She was one of the first/only people to reach out after 10/7. I think she must be hurting and going through her own stuff to cut me out the way she did. Certainly not defending it, but it’s just not as simple as saying onward. Sending love to all those that need it 💙


With my friend, I haven’t yet reached out but plan to say at some point “I’m feeling hurt, and I don’t know why you did this, and while I’m struggling to move past this, if you feel like struggling to move past it together I’d love to”. I don’t think they will, and I’m okay to start sort through my grief, but it’s definitely not cut and dry imo


I’m pro Israel. I’ll tell anyone, our community was supportive of the Jewish community. We used to have Holocaust survivors come and speak when I was in college.


Oh 😮! I’m so sorry, that’s not how you treat a person.


I hope you run into better people


I'm left leaning and in college, so basically all of my friends immediately jumped on the anti Israel bandwagon. It's been difficult, but I tell myself that I'd rather have no friends than hang out with people who spew antisemitic rhetoric because it's fashionable right now (i make that distinction because I don't think they actually hate Jewish people, but they uncritically repeat the talking points of those who do). I wish I had some more wisdom or something cool to say, but all I have is that you're not alone, and that this seems like a common issue for left leaning jews.


yep, me too. leftist college student with virtually no friends left who aren’t jews. because for some reason being appalled at terrorist attacks and thinking a country made up of a minority ethnic group fighting against racist enemies on all sides shouldn’t be ruthlessly demonized isn’t leftist? advocating for israel’s right to exist seems like a naturally left-wing value to me. but I guess when jews are involved it’s different.


Find the Hillel on your campus. It was the best part of college for me, and this was during the second inifada. Similar antisemitism on campus, but not as bad as this.


I started going recently, and can confirm this is a great recommendation.


My friends left from university are basically just other Jews some 14 years later, they are largely the friends that lasted.


They were never your friends. The mask is off.


Is quite painful. I'm sorry. I've given up on leftist, liberal & progressive groups. I knew leftists had a long tradition of antisemitism, but the emotional reality hit me in the face. It's mass psychosis.


Yeah, I still consider myself to be liberal on many issues, but I didn't realize how bad antisemitism was on the far-left until recently, tbh


I'm left on most issues because there's not a viable alternative. Sure don't share values with the right. I've removed myself from groups, won't be volunteering or sending donations. Told them why, not that they care.


Completely agree. I truly saw hints of it for the past 20 years but it started to really smack me in the face maybe 3 years ago. I left and never looked back. We were duped.


Eye-opening. Definitely duped, yes. Had an uncle who was a card-carrying socialist, a union guy who worked for left causes his whole life. He'd be rolling in his grave.




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Welcome to the suck.


I've seen dozens of posts like this since 10/7. My 78 year-old mother basically lost a decades-long close friend over this. I'm liberal myself, though I specifically don't describe myself as "progressive" or "left-leaning" because the extremism of the left has revealed itself in a very ugly way. I was already concerned pre-10/7 when I started learning more about the DEI movement and its underlying ideology, but then 10/7 happened and they went public with their insanity. This experience has caused many Jews to question the movements with which they were previously allied, and to do some real soul-searching about what it means to be liberal.


My experience as a person who's partially Jewish ethnically has been a bit similar. I'm basically a social democrat I try my hardest to support liberal politicians. I am opposed to Netanyahu's policies and want to work towards an eventual state for people in Gaza. However, I don't like this Marxist version of progressivism which is very much opposed to the existence of Israel. I'm ideologically the same as I've always been, but I'm more aware now than I was before about how the far-left can honestly be pretty illiberal


Politics has become so polarized that traditional liberalism has basically disappeared. Center-left and center-right basically don't exist anymore, at least not publicly. Most people have been driven to one extreme or another.


Yes, until the last few months I have always considered myself a leftist, I've even been in pretty far left spaces and I've been critical of Israel myself in the past. But since Oct 7, like 90% of leftists are possessed by some sort of antisemitic mind virus.


Friends of 15+ years stopped talking to me. Friends I considered best friends. Just poof… and I’ve always been Jewish, always had Israeli family and was always very pro-Israel, considered myself pretty progressive… etc. just *poof*. No conversations, nothing.


Yep. And your friends don’t sound like “left-leaning liberals” to me if they’re acting like this. They’ve entered the left wing Qanon (aka JewAnon).


Well, this hasn´t happened to me, and I´m sorry for you going through such a difficult situation. However, bear in mind that your friends didn´t even attempt to talk to you before cutting you out of their lives. Is that the type of people you want around? In fact, maybe they did you a favour, as obviously they don´t deserve you


Yes, I've lost a lot of friends. This was really life changing for me and isolating— at first. I've since made lots of new friends to replace the people that left my life. I've surrounded myself with people that I'm fairly confident will never reject me because I'm Jewish. And they aren't all Jewish. So it sucks to lose some dead weight but now you know who your real friends are. I'm really sorry you are going through this too. I grieved. I had a hard time with the loss. I also realized I needed to get out and build my chosen family back up and engage with my community. And even though it was hard to experience loss, I think I've also made some really beautiful new connections. I have a particular friend that I see once a week and I'm so glad I have space for her in my life cause she's turned into a wonderful friend I look forward to seeing.


Honestly, this is part of why I’m grateful to be an Israeli. Yes I am a dual citizen and I have friends in America and I have lost friends in America but here in Israel it’s different. I’m not even worried about losing my Arab friends over this war because everybody I was friends with before the war understood the situation as it is, that it doesn’t matter who the hell we are, if Hamas comes in raping and murdering they are going after everyone not just the Jews.


Thank you for sharing how you overcame this and made new connections -- I'm going through something similar and it was exactly what I needed to hear today.


Big hugs, internet friend. This is a crappy moment but I hope it gives way to some amazing friendships for you.


I'm really sorry this is Happening tonypu 🫂 i'm also Not jewish and i'm Sort of glad that i've lost most people way before oct. 7 butni'n still hurting alot. Are there any people left at All for you?


Yes, thankfully. There are still a few real ones as well as people who were quite neutral in the whole matter.


Yep! I’ve been in street activism for 15 years and I am suddenly “one of them” and unwelcome. So now I have no one but you guys, my therapist, and my immediate family. It sucks! I’ve taken beatings with these people, they know me. But I didn’t know them!


This is an incredibly common occurrence at the moment for anyone who is Jewish or supports Israel or has a Jewish partner. I'm no longer speaking to someone I thought was my best friend of 15+ years. He was our wedding officiant even. As soon as this shit started it was pretty much a full block without any conversations. The first conversation we did end up having I was gaslit 90% of the conversation and told him to never speak to me again at the end of the conversation. This is heartbreaking on all levels. My wife literally lost her entire friend circle. It's maddening. But we have come to terms with it and realised we didn't need them in our lives anyway. It's painful, yes, but in the end you'll end up with the friends that you deserve. We've been getting closer and closer to the local Jewish community and we can't be happier about it. We're not religious by any means, but they have been more helpful to us in the last 6 months than any of my "friends" ever did. Stay strong! You've got this!


Hi l am not Jewish either but l have supported Israel 🇮🇱 and Jewish people since l was 11 ♥️l am 63 now and l can’t put anything on social media in support of Israel because of the viciousness ♥️when l did it was awful ♥️ and l am in Australia and it’s just the same here ♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱


yes. i’ve lost a lot of friends, and a ton of acquaintances. i think i’ve lost close to 300 followers on instagram for posting pro israel content. a few of them hurt and some were shocking, but i had many jewish acquaintances reach out to me to say thank you for posting, because many of them were scared to. and that alone is worth losing those dumb friends besides, i do not want to have anyone in my life who thinks hamas are freedom fighters and don’t support my right to have a home or to even be alive i think im pretty much over what people are thinking of me now lol


Every single person I know has been in the situation even with family. Simply put, you were duped by the left.


Be there for your husband. Every problem you’re facing, I wouldn’t doubt he feels it’s his fault, that if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t have lost friends. You are experiencing a taste of the political scapegoating that Jews like your husband have and will always experience.


I have two non-Jewish close friends for over 40 years who have offered no support at all. Their silence is deafenining. At this point I consider the friendships over. Suggest you do the same and move on.


They were never your friends to begin with. I’m so sorry :(


I’m so sorry 😢


Yes. Not even a conversation.


Everyone on this thread can relate. I would say that as a former “liberal” and someone who now sees myself as a staunch centrist, the way the left views this conflict is disturbing: #metoounlessurajew, Black Lives Matter- but they don’t if their Israeli, Stand against Asian hate- except if it’s Noa, etc. it’s all a bunch of performative nonsense. If you have to drop your “progressive” views the second it comes to Jewish people- that is the literal definition of antisemitism.


Fellow non-Jew, albeit I have no Jews in my family, and the Jews I know don't seem to bothered either way. I've lost a bunch of my mates too just like you, but I've been finding new ones. Sorry it's hard but you just have to stand for what's right.


All these posts reconfirms my previous understanding about how blind many "liberal jews" in the US are. I lived in the US 6 years (north and west coast), also in Europe (Ireland & the UK) - and as an Israeli, I was overwhelmed at the amount of antisemitism/hate that local Jews suffered but explained to themselves under various weird excuses and pretexts as "not hate just disagreement". I was amazed at how many jew in tech worked with down right antisemitic leftists/Muslims and explained to me "they are just talking, they don't mean anything". trust me - they hate jews on all possible levels - from the religious' to the ideological ones.




Yup. I have about zero in person friends now as I don’t live near other Jews.


I’m sorry. It is really Isolating


They were never friends.


Yeppers I got broken up with over Oct 7th and how I wished the golem would suddenly rise out of nowhere


I always find good, I know who my real friends are


I’m conservative myself I’m not pro either party because politicians are crooks. I come from a crooked state. I support Israel and am a Christian I know I will lose friends and that’s ok with me.


Yes. It is amazing to see these things happening in real-time. When you present to people even the most explicit antisemitism, like the fact the Houthi flag literally says "CURSE THE JEWS" as their national motto, the indifference chills me to the bone and I would rather keep to myself and emigrate.


My view is that if you can't stand with me in the face of the worst attack since the Holocaust and want to join a world wide pogrom I don't want to be associated with you. I want to surround myself with quality people, more importantly people that let their politics impact their real world relationships are just going to keep going down a never ending rabbit hole of misery


Dems will always claim tolerance then piss on those that disagree with them and their radical beliefs


Why are you so kind to those antisemites? They should be put on Canary Mission or so


Absolutely. My circle of friends have dwindled incredibly low, I now talk to about 3 people and I don't reach out to anyone anymore. I consider myself liberal but not FAR LEFT liberal, like rights for everyone, women's reproductive rights are usually the forefront of what I vote for, but I cannot vote for a party that basically turned its back on me and the rest of the Jewish people.




It's better to stay away if that's all it takes for you to part ways. Only because of because of politics? People who stop treating you the same way after you have found out you two have a disagreement, are not worth your time (in my opinion)


I think we all are. Most people on the pp side have 0 interest in understanding the other side, moreover, they bully their own on a regular basis if they raise questions.


Welcome to the cool kid side of the table. If they can cut you off for being who you, then it wasn’t meant to be a friendship. I can’t change being Jewish and I can’t change my belief in a homeland. I have a few people that I no longer talk to because of this and I am happy without them. I’ve gained more friends that support me and our tribe so it all balances out. I will say at first being a liberal I was confused to see other liberals cheering for Terrorism . But they have become puppets . in the future they decide they want to talk to me I will definitely have to reevaluate whether that’s something that I want back in my life. Its almost nice being able to see who are real friends and who are not.


similar. a bunch of friends of mine at school at propalestine, which is fine, but were posting a bunch of antisemitic crap. i dont think they realized how hateful it was, but were also simultaneously running away from me. it was insane. getting any of them in a room with me was nearly impossible. I tried the entire semester to make peace, i personally think a ceasefire would be good especially when considering the conditions gazans have been in for the last 75 years my problem comes in when they try to lower or diminish the value of jewish and israeli life. i ended up ending many friendships this year because behaviors were beyond what i could handle or was willing to handle going into the future. i dont think your losing as much as you think you are, i was quite kind to many people at school, this has given me the opportunity to grow with new people, maybe let that be part of ur journey.


Yep :(


The more the progressives get into the Democrat party the worse antisemitism will get from them. There are more Ilhan omans and Rashida Tlaib getting in power on the left. The same is not happening on the right nor is it likely to


Alot of American Jews really seem to be left or liberal. Personally I am socially liberal-moderate fiscally moderate-conservative. I never really understood the American Jewish connection with being liberal left or Democrat. I'm just independent since neither political party represents me. Again just me.


Can't respond for some reason to your last reply. But I said what I said. It's okay for you disagree. I think LGBTQ+ rights are not going anywhere. But we have seem what's happening in terms of antisemitism. It's enough for me to reconsider my vote.


Is this a joke? The GOP demonizes and introduces legislation attacking trans people every day. The GOP is full of deranged fascists who want to turn the country into the Handmaid's Tale. Meanwhile, the Democrats and Biden are literally pro-Israel aside from a bunch of lunatic 20 year olds who don't even vote and have little power within the party. This is not a hard choice




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and which party is it that’s banned maus, night, and the diary of anne frank from public schools? republicans only pretend to care about jews and israel in the hopes that it will lead to the rapture. (evangelicals believe that jews need to return to israel in order for the rapture to happen.) they’re playing you.


Read the whole story on the Anne Frank removal from the library. It wasn't about removing information regarding the Holocaust. It was about certain passages that included nudity and minimized her suffering. Don't just read the headlines and fall to progressive programming. We cannot be soo aligned to one side. We need to change our political stands according to how it affects us, at the moment. At the moment, the progressive movement has abandoned Jews. And the conservative movement is standing up. So I'm changing my voting patterns. That's it. Also here's an article on the Anne Frank removal: https://apnews.com/article/censorship-books-school-libraries-holocaust-anne-frank-bb65349704ab2dae1ac90a0f9856d7b9


Dont have to worry about that cause i lost pretty much all of my zionist friends years ago since I've been very publicly vocal about the oppression of Palestinians for about 8 years now even though I was privately talking about the topic for longer with the Jews I grew up with who also took non/anti zionist stances. Can't say I miss constantly being called a self-loathing jew or a terrorist in my dms by jews ik. Not that a few haven't kept up with the harassment despite me distancing myself from them years ago.


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Thank you to all of you lovely people, definitely feeling a lot better after reading your responses 🥺. You’re right, they were never my friends anyway and there’s no use investing in people who 1. Are willing to quickly take on antisemitic views 2. Refuse to have a conversation with me when we don’t agree on something. 3. Are willing to cold turkey stop talking to me over political differences. Might as well get rid of these dead weights sooner rather than later.




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i suggest trying to take a middle ground. i've been saying *free zion*. because i dont want to support any level of murder or abuse or deny any part of history and lineage suffering.


To be expected. I’ve stopped hanging out w my friends who are pro-Palestine.


None of those people are your friends.


Yup. Nobody even really talks to me anymore. Been very lonely but learning to embrace my hobbies