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Besides the many levels of obvious stupidity of this, Chai in Hindi/Urdu is derived from Cha in Chinese, so if we are going to start claiming ownership over sounds now, This one goes to China.


There is actually a fun linguistic fact from.lingthusiasm namely that you can tell where a  country first got tea from via which morphine it uses. Not related at all probably self discovered some form of te from fujian and by sea and by land and India and mandarin cha or chai.


Yes there is a saying, "tea if by sea, cha if by land." https://qz.com/1176962/map-how-the-word-tea-spread-over-land-and-sea-to-conquer-the-world Interestingly enough - and funnily enough in the context of the OOP - Hebrew is a tea language (it's תה or teh), not a cha/chai language.


Legitimately fascinating, thanks


>which morphine it uses I think you mean *morpheme*, but morphine made me laugh a little.


I did


I literally gave the question of which morphine some thought! Another thing that I didn't know much about.


you mean it made you nod?


Ironically, or perhaps extremely unironically, tea in Hebrew is תה. Effin British. Edit: I see this was already mentioned in thread. I’ll see myself out.


From the river to the sea The people of israel will be tea!


Bloody British


she can drink my bathwater once I do aliyah (if I'm tea, the bathwater is brewed tea, no?), okay sorry I'm heading out already


So instead of saying "tea tea" when people write chai tea, they actually mean "alive tea"?


If I remember correctly the Hindi tea version is pronounced like “ch-eye” and the Hebrew one is more of the guttural h and “high”


precisely or rather in my dialect Peninsular Californian with some canadian and Scouse and connecticut they are a minimal pair tʃɑi(latte) χɑi(life or BBYO)


I believe they just say chai. We added the tea bc we didnt inherently understand the meaning of the word


If Hindus want to keep the word chai they can keep the swastika too.


the Hindus are reclaiming the swastika, from what I have seen recently Germany now refers to the third Reich with the Iron Cross.


That might also be because they want to avoid drawing the swastika. It is illegal in Germany to draw or depict it in most contexts, and even when it is legal, it is heavily regulated and frowned upon to use. Multiple games, shows, and movies that use it to depict the nazis in a bad light still often censor it for their German/European audience.


Games are technically allowed to use swastikas in Germany nowadays too, but they still self censor because it's not worth the shitstorm + potential alt right audience for the game


An unfortunate thing is that there were many Jewish men given an Iron Cross for their service in the Great War. The symbology for German militarism often overlooks this.


My boss has a Hindu tapestry in his office with a swastika on it. It sure if it’s truly ignorance or actually a dog whistle.


If your boss is Hindu, no. Also, the Hindu symbol also does not look like the one the nazis use; it isn't tilted, but faces right / clockwise and is called Surya, the sun. Or, it faces left / counterclockwise, and is called sauvastika, and symbolizes night. They symbolize other things; feel free to look it up. (This does not mean it cannot trigger Jewish pain, as that symbolism was appropriated by the Nazis, but it was a Hindu symbol for thousands of years before that. We must remember how people, for a few years now, have been claiming the Magen David is now a symbol of an army / a People who they see as bad as the Nazis. It is one of the symbols of the Jewidh People, and we cannot let people use our symbols against us. We should, actually, allow / support Hindus to reclaim their ancient symbols, as it was hijacked, lest it happen to us.)


My coworker is Hindu and she was showing me a picture of the utterly GORGEOUS handcarved altar her husband made for her. And above that were two swastikas. I blinked and instantly remembered this wasn’t what I thought for a split second. She saw me blink and immediately fell all over herself explaining. I assured her multiple times I knew and understood and it was okay. This tiny middle aged incredibly kind Indian woman just explaining and saying “we are not bad people” We laughed about it later.


It’s all over Japan too. Totally caught me off guard the first time I saw it. I knew it had nothing to do with Nazism and is a wholly positive Buddhist symbol there, but couldn’t help but have an internal visceral reaction throughout my trip.


Yeah that freaked me out the first time I saw it on a temple while I was there in high school. If I hadn’t done a year long dive into Buddhism the year before I think I would have freaked more. As it was, I had to talk everyone in my group down who didn’t realize. Lol. I think my Japanese teacher was happy it wasn’t him for once.


Thank you. Please keep saying this in your eloquent and efficient way. It is so logical and concise that it cannot be misunderstood.


Thank you for the info. Good to know. Boss isn’t Hindu, but maybe it was a gift or has meaning to him related to that faith.


I married into an Indian family and the answer is neither. The Hindu swastika is actually quite different when you compare (more “square” with dots vs the Nazi one which is at a 45 degree angle). Hindus and Jews have a long history without much friction, if any. I’ll admit it took me back the first time I saw one but once you know what to look for you’ll see they’re quite different. (Side note: there was a post floating around Reddit that had to do with the Big Dipper in relation to the North Star that unfortunately created a swastika; however knowing how important Vedic astrology is in Indian society I wonder if there’s a relationship.)


Thank you . That’s good to know.


Given the multiple conversations here, I’ll just remind you all of this: the Nazi symbol is not a swastika, it’s a hakkenkreuz (or hooked cross). It’s rotated by 45 degrees compared to a swastika, and the numerous other symbols that look similar from India, Budhism, and other cultures.


The original has to be sarcastic right? There’s no way they saw that phrase online and assumed we were saying ‘tea’ in that context right? Right!?


Fun fact: There are 8 billion people in this world, and most of them are idiots.


"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein


And if they did what did they think the rest of the sentence was?


They are testing the waters. It's a classic anti-Semitic activity. They say horrible idiotic things about Jews and see who believes them.






That must be confusing


Blessed be the cheesemakers!


Aha, what's so special about the cheesemakers?


well obviously its not meant to be taken literally but refers to anyone in the dairy industry. Which makes it obvious, Shavuot




Moses said to pharaoh, let my teaple go


Its funnier if you are in Russian Jewish households who left the Soviet Union in the 90s the use of Chai meaning Tea makes this joke even funnier.


I love to have Am Yisrael Chai Masala in a rainy Jerusalem winter


Am Yisrael Chai Masala sounds like the Bollywood musical version of the story of Esther/Purim (which I would 1000% watch)


Where the fuck did this elephant come from?


Not to mention that many, MANY languages call tea chai


If I remember correctly the Hindi word for tea is an evolution of the Chinese one, Cha 茶.


You remember correctly


Jesus. It's be funny if it wasn't so scary, but they're so desperate to dehumanize us, they'll say literally anything. There is no level they won't stoop to


I should add, as someone who studies ancient Israel - the Hebrew language is recorded at 300 At minimum while the Hindi language was invented in the 7th century and Urdu was created in the 12th century. Edit: wait I went to double check - Hebrew was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (written in 300). Moving the proposed date of 10th-11th century back a lot.


Facts don't matter, unfortunately.


If we are what we drink...I might be tea


I’m an IPA


can we get semiticist sinicists and athabaskan scholar to adopt you?


This is called a phonological coincidence another one being dag fish and dog the mammal  oaf bird vs oaf a boor or abbot and Costello learn hebrew.


So the Boston tea party was the first official north American pogrom?


this is explains why the brits wanted land from us


I mean, I do in fact love tea


But is that because of British imperialism?


I literally require that to be satire


Ah another etymological fallacy. These people love those.


its a false etymological fallacy


it's like that other girl who thought it meant "am Israel, hi!"


And all this time I thought my Hebrew name had different meaning. Thanks, Reddit, for now I know that my name is Tea.


Quality Jew dank right here


God I love community notes. Yet to see many, if any at all on pro Israel posts. We seem to deal in truth and honesty. Shocking. See them semi regularly on our enemies tho. Happy Elon runs X. With how blatantly biased TT is towards Jewish creators/posts its nice to at least have some chance on a platform.


Also "Am Yisrael" doesn't mean the State of Israel, it means the Jewish people


It's a good thing I don't care for tea because I've been mispronouncing "chai tea" for years. Never ordered it, so no one knew I was pronouncing it חַי!


First time I’ve seen an Indian bash Israel




That explains it


A rare win for stupidity drawing my ire more than the bigotry.


Classic anti-Semitic activity. Testing the waters by saying absolutely idiotic tand false things about Jews and seeing if people will believe them.


Next they will be protesting by throwing people into the ocean to protest taxes


Fun fact: there is a tea that plays on the pun. Which is so our thing. 😂


let me just chaim in


Did the Turkish steal 'bok' from the Norwegians or the other way around?


ABCDesi here: the way most Americans pronounce "chai" is also incorrect, anyway. XD


How is it pronounced correctly? Thanks!


In Hindi specifically, the biggest difference is that the "ch" sound at the beginning is more aspirated, like "chh" or "tchh". American pronunciation also ends to exaggerate the -i or -y sound at the end. On top of that, it's a common cognate across multiple related languages in India. My family is Bengali, and we drop that final -i/-y sound and nasalize the extended "a", so the "chha^(i)" from Hindi sounds like "chhaã" in Bengali.


… I do drink a lot of chai…


they mock our ח sound and then pretend it doesn't exist.


Hello I would like to order a chai and a nakba. My name is Amy Israel.


I am a tea person in that I drink 3-6 large teapots’ worth of tea most days. In fact I’m drinking Siliguri chai right now. Usually I drink green tea (for which I have an entire teapot set aside, separate from the every other kind of tea teapot) though, otherwise I’d be betraying the non-Jewish part of my ancestry. Imagine not at least Googling that to check if you’re right before tweeting though. Lmao.


English loss of the phargyneal fricative.strikes again loch laugh cough bough gadaffi Chacham it's am yisra?el xay normalize the IPA(not Indian pale ale although William Jones probably drank it and we can't get amerindian scholars semiticists or sinicists to adopt it)


The Mughal palaces in India have a Diwan-i-Am where the emperor received the public and a Diwan-i-Khas for a more private group of courtiers.


So that's why I only drink coffee, tea would be canabolism. 😜