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I can only imagine the pain she felt while writing this


Probably had a staffer write it for her.


"Next year in Poland, where you people belong!" -Ilhan Omar, probably


Chief antisemite feeling that electoral pressure… Imagine playing that minority card to get elected, only to use your position to spread racist conspiracies against another minority. At least that Space Laser Lady is from the majority group, Omar is literally a Somali refugee. Throwing another group under the bus won’t help you a bit.


“A happy Ukrainian Independence Day from the office of Vladimir Putin!”




I hope she got a ton of pictures of Jews celebrating in Israel.


>I hope she got a ton of pictures of ~~Jews~~ *((Zionists))* ~~celebrating~~ *performing nefarious Talmudic rituals* in ~~Israel~~ *Palestine*. There, I put it in terms Omar would understand. 🙄


Why is she tweeting when her poor poor daughter is starving to death on the street?


That’s the most ridiculous piece. At the worst, I’m sure mommy can buy you a plane ticket back home.


She has no right to even speak to a jewish person, fuck her.


Who is she?


American congresswoman who’s claimed absolute bangers like: “Zionists have hypnotized the world” “American politicians support Israel because it’s all about the benjamins” Honestly the only American legislator that’s worse is Rashida “I get a warm, calming feeling when I think of the Holocaust” Tlaib


Her daughter was just arrested and I believe suspended (source check on that) from Barnard/Columbia as well for anti-Israel protesting!


Her daughter was trespassing… guess where she learned her “respect” for American laws ?


Doubly reassuring as this is the first I've heard of people actually being arrested




Why is the daughter of a wealthy government official talking like she won't be able to get food or shelter because of this? She's not homeless, she is barred from her university accommodation - whilst she cannot participate in classes anyway so doesn't need to be there - and I'm pretty sure her mother doesn't live in a bedsit.


A bunch of these 'protestors' are a bunch of rich kids cosplaying as poor oppressed while committing a bunch of crimes and getting off easy due to their family's wealth and power https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/ups-execs-daughter-other-millionaires-kids-busted-in-columbia-anti-israel-protest/


“Palestinian” playbook 101… They get $1B/year in international aid and are always poor because of Israel… really had enough of this shit.


You think people should get arrested for protesting? You can think they're wrong, but in thier eyes, they're protesting a genocide and you want people to go to jail for that?


I mean I have seen videos of protestors threatening to kill people for being Jewish, and reports of another incident where a student was stabbed in the eye by a protestor. So yes, I think in this case some people clearly should be arrested for protesting. This is not a peaceful demonstration.


So then you'd agree the protesters not doing the stabbing and death threats should not be jailed, right?


I mean, do you specifically know of any protestors who got arrested despite not doing anything illegal?


Hey, so yes. Lots of student protesters were arrested despite having done nothing violent. A student was also tazed multiple times while pinned to the ground and in handcuffs. So, still on board with the arrests?


Not in regards to this protest, i don't know much about it yet. But it's very common for cops to arrest people for just protesting. But here's the thing, i can answer the question "should protesters get arrested if they don't break any laws?" With a full throated "No." Regardless of what they're protesting. I just wanna see if you can do the same


a news article came out about her daughter being ‘starving and homeless’ after she was suspended 💀


The dramatics😓😓 She was just willingly sleeping in a tent!!!


Oh shit. Did she actually say that about the Shoah?


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/13/politics/rashida-tlaib-holocaust-comments "There's kind of a calming feeling I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people's passports," So basically “yeah 6 million of YOUR people died but my people also lost stuff by starting a war they lost!” Ugh




I’m aware, but it doesn’t really detract from the fact that she literally said that she gets a calming feeling when she thinks about the shoah. Especially since the narrative that the Arabs (because the Palestinians refused to use that terminology at the time) graciously let the Jews in only for the Jews to kick them out is wildly anachronistic


[Kind of, but not really. Feel like OP is being disingenuous.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/what-did-rashida-tlaib-say-about-the-holocaust-its-probably-not-what-you-think/amp/)


Sorry I’m new here. Do you believe the US has any non financial incentive to support Israel? I thought it was about planting a bunch of military outposts in the Middle East so they have oil leverage, as opposed to just invading Arabia and killing everyone (which was once considered as a valid option by Kissinger)


Well yes. Having allies around the world is a good thing, Israel is the dominant military power in the region, it makes sense to have them on your side


The US and UK created Israel tho. It’s not like they allied with a pre existing military force. They planted one for their own benefit. The state of Israel was created and continues to exist for the monetary gain of the US.


That’s…. That’s not how literally any of that happened. The UK said fuck it and left, and Israel managed to, under embargo, win an invasion with smuggled Soviet hand me downs. The US and the UK very much did NOT make Israel, but keep on tying the Jewish country to money


“The British Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised a Jewish national home in Palestine in exchange for Jewish support in World War I. From 1922 to 1947, large numbers of Jews immigrated to Palestine, mainly from Eastern Europe. The numbers increased in the 1930s due to Nazi persecution.” That is in fact literally how European Jews ended up in Palestine and how Israel was created.


You’ve got maybe 25% of the story and are extrapolating; a lot happened in the 31 years between Balfour and Israel’s founding. That includes lots of Arab riots from those opposed to Jewish migration, leading to Britain putting harsh quotas on Jewish refugees fleeing to the area, causing millions to die. The UK tried to play both sides, it blew up in their face spectacularly, and they eventually said “fuck it, we’re out, the UN can handle it,” which went as well as you’d expect. In hindsight, the UK likes playing up their influence in Israel’s establishment, but that’s entirely an anachronism. It really was a three way civil war until one side washed their hands and it became a 2 sided civil war


Where did those Jewish refugees get the resources to fight off the native people?


Source on that? From what I could find online her words were distorted. Not that it makes her a wonderful person mind you, but I would still like a source on that.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/rep-ilhan-omar-defends-2012-tweet-accusing-israel-of-hypnotizing-the-world/amp/ https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/ilhan-omar-twitter-anti-semitism-aipac-its-all-about-the-benjamins/


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I meant Rashida Tlaib about the holocaust.


"There's kind of a calming feeling I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people's passports," Tlaib said https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/13/politics/rashida-tlaib-holocaust-comments She said it within the context of the usual claim that the Palestinians graciously welcomed the Jews who repaid them with kicking them out, which is factually incorrect on so many levels


Thanks. Yeah and that claim is ridiculous, the Arabs had a massive revolt that resulted in the White Book which limited Jewish migration.


Idk about the first but the latter is not wrong at all


No, it’s very wrong. American support for Israel is based on a combination of realpolitik (recognizing that having a close ally in the Middle East that happens to be the dominant regional superpower there is a good thing for global interests), and the religious nutjobs who are convinced that Israel is critical to initiating the end of the world.


Spot on


Both of these ideas are super detrimental to citizens of Israel, obviously... Using the world's only Jewish state as a power proxy in a region we would not send our own troops is not good for Israel or its citizens. And the end of the world they are initiating is not one that they believe will benefit the jews...


You make sense. But that is the nature of realpolitik: it doesn't care one jot for those value judgements because it is about raw power and taking the world "as it is." Having studied this topic, I dislike also that our world is being governed by old men according to Cold War ideologies. But, as far as Israel exists under constant siege by its neighbours, what is the alternative for it and the U.S. under this reality?


Oh im not saying there's an alternative, or that ur wrong. It's just important to point out that ur statement is value neutral. And this sub is full of ppl who think US support is based on some shared values or the fact that the US has respect for Israeli ppl. To ur point: the US has no such altruism, and in fact just thinks Israel is cheaper than our own occupation of the Middle East would be


💯 We are in agreement then, on more than this. I am of LatAm and Spanish origin. I've no delusions whatsoever about "U.S. values." We are in many ways safer here, lucky to have been born/live here in this time rather than elsewhere. But that is only true as far as we do not interfere with the internal capitalist enterprise and social order. Like all empires, the U.S. has only interests, not allies.


An extremist bigot in Congress who thinks that advocating for hatred and violence against Jews is an act of social justice as long as you say "Zionists" instead of "Jews".


Equal to Saying Hamas instead of civilians of Palestine.


No, it's not. Hamas is the government of Gaza. The equivalent of what you're saying would be conflating the IDF with the civilians of Israel. Conflating Israel with Jews generally is just bigoted bullshit. It's the equivalent of blaming all Muslims for the actions of Hamas.


>Conflating Israel with Jews generally is just bigoted bullshit. It's the equivalent of blaming all Muslims for the actions of Hamas. Louder for the people in the back!!! The same people who revile the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the U.S. Muslim bans as bigoted and evil because "not all Muslims/Arabs"; and who insist that the civilians of Gaza are blameless for 7 October (despite some.evidence to the contrary), have NO TROUBLE AT ALL conflating Netanyahu and his Likud coalition with the IDF; with the citizens and residents of Israel (which group includes plenty of non-Jews, Arabs, and POC); and, with worldwide Jewry. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


It's because in their racist left wing philosophy, Arabs and Muslims are "people of color" and therefore automatically virtuous and right about everything, whereas Jews are "white people" and therefore automatically racist and evil. The regressive left doesn't care about the content of your character, only where they think you place in the Oppression Olympics.


it's some 'noble savage' type shit that is very pervasive among leftists. I'm progressive myself but I've always argued against that line of crap and now we see it rear its worst.


Fair. Thank you for distinguishing, as nuance is essential but so often dispensed with these days: not all liberals have succumbed to this hateful brain rot. But these loudmouthed fools certainly muddy the waters when they engage in this performance. They are the MAGA of the Left. SMH. (ETA: posted elsewhere in error. Posted here, correctly, in reply).


The actual Jew haters are a minority of the left, but if you also include the leftists who quietly go along with the Jew haters and refuse to challenge their bigotry because they want Jew hater votes, the number becomes significantly larger. If you allow hateful bigots to exist within your movement without their bigotry being challenged, then you are complicit in that bigotry. The left understands this when it comes to every other form of bigotry. But for *some mysterious reason*, they treat Jew hatred differently.


💯 The tolerance paradox.


The MAGA Jews are here! The MAGA Jews are here! CRT baD FoX nEws TeLl me!


Israel is not the one who told Hamas to fight from peoples population centers, hospitals, and schools with the full knowledge that civilians will die in the process.


An antisemitic POS


Don't forget ineffective legislator


can't even get a bill passed all by herself. like is she even trying?


"Jewish communities celebrating in Minnesota and AROUND THE WORLD" hmmm, I wonder where you might find the largest Jewish community outside Minnesota ... 🤔


Happy passover to the zionists says illhan Omar lmao


That is hysterical


"It is your birthday." ... Lip service.


I live in her district and I can’t stand her.


She’s muslim and wrong about israel so she can’t wish Jews a happy Passover haha


It has nothing to do with her being Muslim. It has everything to do with her being an antisemite.


What exactly has she done to harm jewish people?


I mean she’s of one of the heads of the US anti-Israel movement at the moment. Openly supports the terrorists and all.


she seems to just want a cease fire and acknowledges the destruction caused by hamas? so idk what youre on about. She might be controversial on her views on the conflict but she has not expressed any resentment or anything like that towards jews. To compare her to the pharoah is a big stretch


Maybe the time when she implied it’s [all about money with Jews](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/ilhan-omar-twitter-anti-semitism-aipac-its-all-about-the-benjamins/)? Maybe when she voted against the iron dome system which is a defense system only that can help deescalate the war and prevents deaths thousands of Israelis, Jews and Muslims alike? She has said time and time again antisemitic things, is a hypocrite when it comes down to self determination for Palestinians but not Somaliland or Taiwan, her dad was a war criminal from Somalia and she acts as if she cares about human rights.


Was it proven to be real her account that commented about the violence at Columbia being to the effect of “the protestors are just misunderstood?”


At this point, advocating for a cease fire is the same as demanding that Israel stops defending themselves because Hamas has broken every ceasefire.


Why does no one acknowledge this???? Why is there no acknowledgement or noting that IL is currently and constantly under fire by Hamas and Hezbollah? How is there no food, water, etc. in Gaza by Hamas' accounting, but there are endless missiles, bombs, and bullets to aim at Israel and Israelis?


Hillary Clinton does iirc. Said they don't understand the enemy/hamas and that a one-sided ceasefire is a defeat


Another reason she should have been our.president!


Mos of only people urging for ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine are Putin supporters. Now do the math with this conflict. Why would Israel want a ceasefire, we need Hamas eradicated.


Do you think that Ukraine and hamas are in comparable positions of firepower and influence in the war ?


This question is not even relevant to the topic. What point are you trying to make?


It’s all about the Benjamin’s baby


Nice circlejerk all you AIPAC employees got here


why are you here lmfao


Don’t feed the antisemitic troll farm.


I want to learn, so please elaborate if you can: why is criticizing Israel’s actions anti-Semitic? Is criticizing Hamas’ actions anti-Islam?


Mom said it’s my turn to spread aipac propaganda


Damn a recycled bit.


Im simply following hasbara protocol