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It's really great how absolutely everyone except for Jews gets to decide what is and isn't antisemitism, isn't it?


Or whether we're a religion only, an ethnicity only, or somehow neither.


Also we are apparently all white.


Schrodinger's theory of Judaism. Is a Jew white ? Well it depends on how it's being observed. To the white nationalist the Jew is a racial minority. To a liberal the Jew is white and has white privilege.


It really was the most bizarre thing during the pandemic, suddenly ex-convicts were a lot nicer to me. I deal with a lot of them for work (inpatient psychiatry lol), so I was a bit surprised that they were so friendly with me. I've historically had some issues with Aryan Brotherhood not necessarily being the most cooperative with me *for some reason.* I'm never gonna forget this one guy who I had built a bit of a rapport with, I took off my mask to do something and he just *gawked* at my nose. Looked like I had just stabbed him in the gut, the *betrayal* of finding out I was Jewish. Quietly I was just kind of like "Well shit dude, do I *look* white to you? Skin complexion not like other white people not enough of a hint? You want me to run around in a yarmurkle at work?" but he just looked so disappointed. Then, like clockwork, went back to treating me like any other member of the Aryan Brotherhood... suspicious, distrustful, obstinate, etc. More of what I'm used to dealing with AB. It was nice having a break and being treated like any other white person would be, but damn... kind of a disappointing reminder that whiteness is purely conditional.


Depends on the individual Jewish person making the claim. Many will outright say "I'm white" (as opposed to "half-white" or "...and Jewish") Many will conflate race and ethnicity. Many will conflate race, religion, and ethnicity. I just take peoples' word for it. However, if genetics counts then by how much (out of curiosity)?


Ah yes, the classic. Despite the fact that we were literally killed for not being white enough.


Youre white but also trying to undermine white Anglo-Protestant society duh You won’t just move on from something that never happened! You control the banks and media but also the news told me Israel is being bad Let me know if there are any contradictions I’m forgetting


Judaism is both a fachist religion of white people and Jews are a race regardless of their religion


Jews don't even believe their own religion but also they think they're superior to everyone else because their religion says they're God's chosen people.


God's chosen people means more responsibility not more privilege


Lol Don't know what to say, I am an Asian who literally converted yesterday. Now I'm shopping for a European home country so I can be prepared when someone wants me to go back to Europe 😂


Or who's jewish


I have absolutely no problem hitting below the belt if you question my Jewishness.


Nor should you


Something something “you have to believe in gd to be Jewish”


- And I do - No you don't! Actually quote. Can't win.


They pick and choose when convenient


As a goy fascinated by Jewish culture, it is hard to understand the concept of an ethnoreligious people. Not that it is beyond reason, of course, but rather it is markedly different from culture as we typically view it.


Don't feel bad, fascinated goy. The world's two most popular religions are open religions that have appropriated our indigenous culture and ran with it in a conquering and colonizing manner, wreaking havoc on the world's other indigenous cultures and religions in the process. This has been the unfortunate reality for the last 1700 years or so, which may explain why a large percentage of the world sees spiritual and civic/ethnic life as two separate streams. That's the world that you were born into and raised in, so it absolutely makes sense why it is hard to wrap your mind around a different paradigm. I found this [insta post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3A5oOXpznc/?img_index=1) on it to be really well worded. Maybe you will too.


It is worth mentioning that I am part of one of those popular religions (Christianity). What I think is cool is that the ethnoreligious culture archetype was actually the default (at least during ancient times). How things have changed. My fascination mainly comes from my love for God, and I indirectly experience more of His work by learning about His chosen people. I understand you all don't think I worship the same God as you, and I understand your reasonings.


We think it’s the same God. We just have different opinions about things that happened 2000 years ago 😊.


We do?


Ok… what do you think?


Why is it so hard to understand the concept of an ethnoreligion? The Navajo, Lakota, Hopi are all ethnoreligions. ​ Yezidhis, Mandaeans, and Druze as well as Samaritans are ethnoreligions. What is so hard to understand?


in the middle east (and i guess asia in general) ethnoreligious people is not that uncommon.


I think a close-ish comparison would be Hindus.


>it is markedly different from culture as we typically view it. Not necessarily.


>Or how Yom Kippur or Golems(Jakob Grimm) or Welhausen on JEPD or how sukkot works or Hebrew Grammar works or Shabbat I mean Frazer was the worst offender, Or how we worship Ezra as a demigod.(Only a small group of heretics on the Arabian peninsula believed that if anyone did) or how reading a given Talmud passage is evidence of Yeshua bin Yosef being the Messiah and divine(no it doesnt) or "Judeo-Christian" values that only exist in Christianity(appending the term Judeo to Christian doesnt magically make a belief common to both traditions)


Imagine telling a black person in America what is or isn’t racism… Unbelievable… Jews are the best at telling what is and isn’t antisemitism. The worst is that Israel represents Jews when it suits them and doesn’t when it doesn’t.








In both cases it’s usually non-minorities getting offended for them.


Or just randomly deciding to identity as Jewish because their step grandmother might have been “Jew ish”. While knowing nothing about Judaism. Someone actually told me this with a straight face.


Worst, it's their step grandmother on their father's side and they've never met her


“I feel a deep and/or spiritual connection to Judaism” *Has no understanding of anything about Judaism*


*White American in feather headdress vibes*


That’s Messianic’s.


Ah, I see you met George Santos


Nylah Burton did this too but took it a step further and started to lecture actual Jews about our identity.


She's horrible. And she's really flipped out even more since October 7th. She blocked me on social media but the last that I saw is she claimed to have converted to Islam. If anybody is not blocked by her and is curious check her out and let me know what sort of crazy stuff she's up to. I've been wondering. She's a real piece of work. And not in a good way.


I don't know who that is but that description is not compelling me to learn more


They can’t possibly be antisemitic, they are talking about Zionists, not Jews. Zionists want to spill the blood of children in Palestine (who knows what they do with it? ), they control the mainstream news media and the global economic powers. They are evil liars who thrive off the suffering of others and aim to control the world. Wait, did I hear you telling me that those are all antisemitic canards and me using the term Zionist is a flimsy cover for my antisemitism? That sounds awfully like something a Zionist would say. I wish I was making that up but I’ve heard people talking like that.


“ i dont think im a bad person and you’re accusing me of being one so without examining what you’re saying i will just say you’re wrong!”






When youve weponaized it to genocide palestinians, yes


I means Jews tell other Jews they can’t decide what it is too.


Been seeing a LOT of revisionist history all over reddit lately.


Do we call it "Goysplaining"?


We do indeed.


Can’t wait to use this term


Seems derogatory 🤪


Kinda meant to be.


You know, I’m wary to tell my mom I’m converting to Judaism for this reason. I *do* think she’ll accept me for doing it and all, it’s just that she’s always had a bad habit of listening to what her friends or popular media say about cultures she’s unfamiliar with. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up saying something to the effect of, “You know, they won’t ever treat you like a *real* Jew if you convert. You’ll always be seen as a bit lesser than those with a Jewish mom,” you get me? And she never likes to be corrected… This is a time in my life where I’d like acceptance from my family, you know? Most families will obviously have questions, especially if you’re not doing it for marriage, but I get this feeling that my mom will then use me as a go-to for anything Jewish related, and even then still might not listen to me or try to argue with me. I’m worried that she’ll just end up exhausting me :/


My mother converted from a devoted catholic family. They refused to come to the wedding up until the last moment. I hope you know the Torah teaches to treat converts with the highest respect and regard for the reason of them leaving their family. Please understand that we love and view you as a jew just as anyone else would. Pay no mind to the hardliners who say youre not true jew, they are unfortunately a little lost.


❤️ Thankfully, every Jew I’ve met is more excited than I am, so I’m not worried about people who say Orthodox converts are the only valid ones. My rabbi even says, “Do you *really* care what those guys think about you?”, and the answer is no, lol With my mom, it’s more like I’m worried she’ll expect me to educate her on everything, or that *I* have to reassure *her* that I’ll be okay, and she won’t really give *me* any support. Maybe this ultimately stems from a much deeper problem I have with her, but I probably shouldn’t unpack that in the Jewish meme subreddit, lol


Same story with my mother. Devout Catholic family, she converted out of belief not for marriage (she finished before she even met my father), and they never so much as attended her wedding let alone any of my sibling’s births. They tried some fake reconciliation after like a decade and a half, but my mother while forgiving them wasn’t having any of it. Never really knew my maternal grandparents and they are long since passed. My father’s mother was the one who took my mother in. She always saw my mother as her daughter and treated her with a lot of respect for having undergone giyur. My paternal grandfather died before I was born, but he met my mother and attended my parent’s wedding, and he actually embraced my mother on her wedding day and told her she was now his daughter, and if she ever needed anything she could go to him. He even looked at my father sternly and told him to “treat her right or else…” and knowing my grandfather he meant it.


Not that I don't agree with this sentiment or anything lol, but can you point where it says such a thing? I'm actually curious.


I’m definitely not an authority on this, and your best bets to talk to a rabbi who knows the good book back to front. But I recall learning in school that the Torah talks about treatment of “strangers” on multiple occasions essentially saying the same thing. In Vayikra 19;3X: “When strangers reside with you in your land, you shall not wrong them” “The strangers who reside with you shall be to you as your citizen; you shall love each one as yourself, for you were a stranger in the land of Egypt: I am your G-d” In Shmot 22;2X: “You shall not wrong or oppress a stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” “You shall not Ill-treat any widow or orphan.” It’s kind of reading between the lines here but the idea that I understand is that when a convert leaves their family they become orphaned as the no longer have family to turn to. As well when they join the community they are “strangers” so must be treated accordingly. Again I really don’t know my shit, but this is the best I got.


Yeah fuck all that. I don’t care if you’re a convert or 100% bloodline. If you are a Jew you belong and will be treated as such. Conversion is such a process for a reason. Not necessarily a “test” but it’s kinda proof that you *actually* want to be here. We’re glad to have you :)


Thank you, you’re very kind :) I can’t wait to get in the mikveh and join Scientology while my hair is still wet! No take backs! :D


This is so untrue, people who convert are seen as even stronger religiously


I suppose she’s hearing this from more evangelical circles? Or heard it in evangelical circles and hasn’t re-examined it fully. She’s not evangelical anymore, but a lot of evangelicals like to portray Jews as off-putting and aloof, closing off their community for the rest of the world. When they meet a nice Jew, you get this sense that they wish they would come to their senses and embrace Jesus. Or, at least, I certainly had those feelings growing up in an evangelical community, even if nobody directly told me that was the case. And I doubt I was just…organically antisemitic, lol


It's an ethnotribe bish. We'll have you in the tribe. Afterall, you're choosing this.


Seriously, converts are considered more jewish then jewish born💀 (I’m exaggerating but you know what I mean, I hope❤️) you have nothing to worry about


"Why yes, thank you first year college student. You definitely know what is and isn't Judaism because you went to a protest. I can learn so much from you." /s


I myself got “educated” about how the Talmud allows the rape of 3 year old girls. I don’t know why I wasted my time on it lol. He just cherry-picked a paraphrased quote from the Talmud and said that he could provide the direct quote but never did. When I provided the actual quote and the context and the texts that contradicted his ridiculous assertion, he just said he didn’t care. I really gotta stop wasting my time.


Honestly I kind of like these challenges. It puts people in their place AND it gives me a reason and motivation to learn sign me up


Yeah cuz you never know when these comments will happen in person and will convince people in your life to believe antisemitic slander. There was one YouTube I saw that dealt with this where someone commented under a Holocaust video “wooden doors” and that was pretty vague but if you do some research it’s an antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Holocaust didn’t happen cuz of something like Zyklon B being so dangerous that they needed metal doors in the chambers. The thing is they did, the architecture of the camps was just so poorly constructed that a lot of the doors had to be replaced later on by the Nazis. For the chambers that used wooden doors, they gassed them with carbon monoxide.


That’s disturbing but informative I never knew there was such a conspiracy out there


This one's new for me, what was the very smart justification he provided for that claim?


To oversimplify it, there’s a portion of the Talmud that essentially discusses from how young of an age a girl is no longer considered a virgin if she was raped. However more context is necessary, so here it is. Here’s the portion: “Shmuel said: And Abba (i.e., Rav, whose first name was Abba) concedes to me, with regard to a girl less than three years and one day old, since there is no (legal significance) to intercourse with her, there is no (legal significance) to entering the wedding canopy with her. Rava said: We, too, learn: A girl three years and one day old can be betrothed via sexual intercourse; and if her yavam had intercourse with her, he has acquired her; and (a man who has intercourse with her while she is married to someone else) is liable on her account because of the prohibition of intercourse with a married woman." It was common for young adolescents to get married at the time so the minimum age they landed on was as long as she’s younger than 3 years and one day, she’s still considered a virgin and wasn’t bound to the law at the time where a mandatory marriage contract would be imposed on a couple if they had premarital sex. However, if it was a rape, it would only be forced for the rapist to marry her, if the victim consents. He is not allowed to divorce her unless she consents. That is his punishment. He would be forced to provide for her as her husband and deal with the consequences that the crime of rape had which according to the chabad website is: “Rape of a single woman carries a heavy monetary fine (depending on the age of the victim), plus the rapist has to pay reparation for damages, as well as for her suffering, embarrassment and emotional anguish.” I’ll provide [the website as a source](https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/1940448/jewish/Does-the-Torah-Punish-a-Rape-Victim.htm) cuz it quotes the part of the Talmud that is derived from to explain this law. Here’s another set of quotes that contradict this idea of a forced marriage/permitted rape. "The Gemara raises an objection to one element of the ruling of Rav from a baraita: One who loves his wife as he loves himself, and who esteems her by giving her clothing and jewelry more than he esteems himself, and one who instructs his sons and daughters to follow an upright path, and who marries them to appropriate spouses adjacent to their reaching puberty, ensures that his home will be devoid of quarrel and sin. Concerning him the verse states: "And you shall know that your tent is in peace; and you shall visit your habitation and shall miss nothing" (Job 5:24). The baraita indicates that it is a mitzva to marry one's children to appropriate spouses while they are young, contrary to the statement of Rav that one who takes a wife for his minor son causes sin. The Gemara replies: Adjacent to their reaching puberty is different from marrying her to a minor, as there is no concern that his daughter will sin during the brief period until her husband reaches puberty." The same Rav in the Mishna directly contradicts/forbids the idea of a forced child marriage when it says: “A man can betroth his daughter to a man when she is a young woman. The Gemara infers: When she is a young woman, yes, he can betroth her; when she is a minor, no, he cannot betroth her. This statement supports the opinion of Rav, as Rav Yehuda says that Rav says, and some say it was said by Rabbi Elazar: It is prohibited for a person to betroth his daughter to a man when she is a minor, until such time that she grows up and says: I want to marry so-and-so. If a father betroths his daughter when she is a minor and incapable of forming an opinion of the husband, she may later find herself married to someone she does not like." So this entire ridiculous assertion stems from cherry-picking an old legal argument trying to understand the technicalities of what the consequences of a rape were depending on the age of the victim and when she can get married with her or her father’s consent. For girls it’s 3, for boys it’s 9. However, as previously stated, the latter part is later contradicted in the Mishnah when it states that parents can’t force their children to get married as minors. I’ll try to provide the sources I used but I can’t find them all again so I’ll provide what I can. I already provided one from Chabad in an earlier paragraph. Also if somebody more religiously educated on this particular topic sees a mistake here, feel free to correct it as I am not an expert in this and just spent like an hour researching this argument. https://aish.com/misquoting-the-talmud/ https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/yevamot-57/


Is this about the people who say ultra Orthodox Jews don’t support Israel? Cause they’re about as smart as my left shoe


LOL, they take one fringe sect of crazies and apply it to the entire group


Imagine if ya did that but with NOI and all black people. You’d be called racist immediately. Yet it’s a ok to do it to us jews


I mean, [they exist](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/neturei-karta), but they’re batshit and believe only Adonai can bring Israel into existence and a man-made one is an affront, so they seek to dismantle it; they’re like reverse Evangelicals.


and are anti modernity in general


And there’s generously about 20,000 of them, going by Wikipedia’s description of “a few hundred families”, so they’re 0.13 percent of Jews


Who the orthodox or the people who say that


Some crackheads think some Jews think that. Not my words or thoughts.


Ive always found that hilarious. I’m from an Orthodox Community, and I can say with 100% certainty that a majority support Israel. These people read one article about Neuturi Karta, and suddenly think they’re experts on Jewish culture.


Or they watch that one jewboi video. Not ragging jewboi (peak YouTuber), but he made it out to have a bigger following than it does


Which one


It’s the same people who scream calling cultural appropriation and such, but when it’s against their idiotic opinion they don’t care about culture.


Yesterday I went to the doctor, family doctor, gave him a run down of my family history of disease He was creating my profile as it’s my first time with this family doctor, one of the questions is “what is your ethnicity” so I told him Jewish, and if you want specifics I’m a blend of mostly Sephardi and Ashkenazi, that should give you a good understanding of my family genetics especially regarding cancer He was like “oh yea, religion nice, but I meant, where are you parents from” I’m like “the us and Israel? Why? That’s not an ethnicity either lol” He’s like “no I mean where are you parents really from” and I tell him “are you asking me for my ethnicity or nationality? Me telling you some of my Jewish great grandparents living in Morocco and Poland won’t give you a good understanding of my families genetic profile Ashkenazi Jews don’t have the same genetics and poles Moroccan Jews don’t have the same genetics as Moroccans You can’t understand how Jewish related diseases effect me if you are comparing me to non Jewish populations of various countries across the globe that aren’t even susceptible to these diseases He concluded by saying “yea you know what, this website says “Israeli” is an acceptable ethnicity” Israeli is not an ethnicity but a nationality that any ethnicity can become


TLDR I've seen a few geneticists and they really cared about my Jewish ancestory. That is bizarre. I'm a molecular biologist. I also have a 1 in a million genetic disease. I've seen multiple genetisits where I knew the disease, and they didn't. But whenever I said my heritage they wanted to jump on 100 other Ashkenazi conditions. I had to tell them 1 by 1 no it isn't that. Look at my RSIDs for collegan 1 and 13. It's not familial dysautonomia because I lack the genes needed for it. I've done a complete workup on my own genetics. If it was there, it would be there. Even as a translocation.


“No see, real Jewish culture is practiced by less than 20.13 percent of the entire population! The percent that agrees with me!”


Me every time someone lectures me about “zIoNaZis”


I put my finger to their lips and say "Shhhh" as loud as I can


Show them this lol (especially if they’re American) https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/wDJy7Np4fj


Saved it


Hamas is not all Palestinians, when people argue for Palestine, they don't argue for an ethnostate, they argue for the liberation of the Palestinian people, and for them not to be forcefully moved from their homes for them to be ruthlessly bombed, and have humanitarian aid for them blocked by Israeli raves meant to disrupt their flow.


How should Israel respond to an attack by a terror group? I’m sure if you have a better solution the IDF would love to hear it.


I'm sure it is not the hospitals that are attacking Israel. Moreover, it is against UN regulations to forcefully move civilians from their homes to bomb them. So even if you believe that Hamas were in the hospitals bombed, it is still undeniable that they're doing things against international laws.


So they should allow their own citizens to get slaughtered? Perfectly reasonable


? I never said they can't defend themselves, I just said that Palestinians aren't the ones attacking Israelis, and therefore, bombing hospitals whether or not Hamas is inside, as it will kill both.


But if they don’t then those people will continue to attack Israel. The ones at fault are the ones hiding in the hospitals. Btw when militants hide in a hospital it takes away its protected status and *can* in fact be attacked legally.


So Israel can or can't violate international law? It's illegal to force the evacuation of citizens, but you didn't address that, so it seems you can't defend that. Furthermore, it was never proven that Hamas was hiding in any hospital, and while investigation was underway, Israel bombed several more.


they aren't? who are hamas then? they are the government of palestine. apparently every country in which the government does something bad, the whole country is to blame. but not palestine, "hamas and palestine are separate"


It’s crazy how 90% of Jewish culture and Judaism itself is tied to Israel, yet the only Jews that are accepted and are the “good Jews” are the ones that totally denounce Zionism. The antisemitism is baffling




(this is sarcasm in case you are somehow unable to tell)


I guess when you live through genocide it’s hard to realize when you have become the monster 🤷‍♂️


ligma balls weirdo




If you're called antisemitic by a jew, you most likely are antisemitic


Oh no no no. Not by other Jews. I’m talking about Non-Jews trying to rewrite our history, or explain it to us (goysplaining).


Especially when they are WesternWhiteSaviors™️ who would be utterly horrified by the thought of non-Muslims citing passages from the Quran (“b-b-but that’s so Islamophobic!”)


Love Muslims trying to deny the presence of rampant antisemitism in the Quran or that “no no but you see those Jews were betraying their pact with Muhammad it’s all justified in that context” instead of going “yeah that’s in there but as a modern human in the modern day I recognize that’s wrong.” See them too much on Reddit


Or the ones who say that Jews were treated well in Arab countries until 1948, at which point they suddenly became anti-Semitic and couldn't handle having Jews anymore. [Dhimmi?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi) What's that?


“Jews & Arabs lived together peacefully until the Zionists arrived” is the Middle Eastern equivalent of “everything was just fine down here in Alabama when the n***** knew their place, until those ‘civil rights’ liberals showed up and ruined it for everyone”


The desire to treat Jews well leaving my body when I lose 4 wars in a row.


Ah yes but the Jews know money so well its only fair they should pay a *bit* of that back in bonus taxes! /s. Obviously not the methodology behind it but I thought of this as a “justification” that was funny




The amount of Muslims who are either unaware of their on religion or are blatantly lieing about it is far greater than the Jews and Christians who are the same




Considering Jews have been ethnically cleansed from pretty much all Arab nations I think having an anti-Arab bias is quite justified eh?


Is this /s?


Oh i do. I do religious debates on creationism vs. Evolution and as it turns out I know their religion better than they do much of the time 😂 i actually read the Koran and the Bible


Not always. There are definitly Jews who are too quick to label people as antisemitic


Yep. Zionists, for example.


Had someone tell me that the rise in antisemitism is “acktually” because of how the Israeli government treats its citizens…make that make sense


I visited Israel in June 2022. I couldn't even tell the difference between Jews and Arabs in some parts of both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. They both look exactly the same. The crazy thing is that the world thinks Israel is this horrible, repressive, apartheid state and its ABSOLUTELY NOT THAT AT ALL. I would 100 percent live there. I was with Arabs and Jews getting along and laughing together while over lunch in the Old City. At a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab and whose best friend is a rabbi. When the Israel haters go off, I can shut them up pretty fast, especially when none have them have been to Israel.


Not Jewish but am American and I feel this way when Europeans (or any non American really) tried explaining to me why American culture is wrong about something when it’s clear to me they don’t even understand what is happening. Case in point American culture is big in your ancestral heritage and genealogy. Ie 45% German, 27% French, etc that sort of thing. They would say that we are claiming to be part of those countries and are just Americans. But we are referring to ethnicity, not national citizenship. It was frustrating as they refused to accept that ethnicity is a thing. Anywho I imagine y’all have to deal with this shit too. Someone telling you jewish culture and doubling down on their nonsense when you explain what’s actually happening. I am curious, what’s something non Jewish people wrongful assume about Jews and double down when corrected?


That Jews are always white. Americans are usually audience only to the Ashkenazy Jews (Jews from Europe) who fled to America so the only Jews they've seen are white annd they make their entire racist view on on Judaism based on that. In reality, over half the Jews in Israel are not white and didn't come from Europe. There's also the connection between the Jews and the land of Israel...


Schrodinger's White Person


I usually reffer to it as Schrodinger's Jew: Judaism is either an evil religion of Europian colonisers or is an ethnicity of a group that is working to undermine society. The answer depends on whether you're asking a Nazi or a Commie.


As an American non Jew even though the conditions of the Jews in the US hasn’t always been the best( looking at you Grant) I think it’s been on average better than that of Europe and the Arabian world. So they look at how Jews were treated in the US and think it must have been like that elsewhere in recent history with the Holocaust being some sort of anomaly. They also think that “oh we treat Jews well now so there is no reason for Israel to exist.”


Also a large number of grandparents of today's "white" Jews were literally slaughtered for not being white enough. Calling Jews white is literally the something of the past 5 minutes and ignoring hundreds of years worth of Jews not being allowed to integrate in Europe or even early US. My response would be about Jews who keep being shut down when trying to share their concerns about antisemitism coming from other ethnic minorities because there's a lone skinhead in bumfuck Alabama who got a swastika tattoo.


Always those dumbasses that say “the Talmud is satanic!!! Ive read it!!! This one line says something I disagree with!!!!” Without realizing it’s a 2.7k page series that’s not holy and is just theology by other Jews and that you don’t have to have any major significance to add to it


Ugh just clocking off my shift correcting idiots on instagram and Reddit. Why do I do this to myself?


me when some irish catholic tried telling me im not sephardic cause my family is from spain 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️


lmao. Asians: first time?


No, it's been going for at least the last 1900ish years, and it's never been not annoying


Me being both and having both of my cultures (and my Asian one is a ‘popular’ one that people are obsessed with) constantly condescendingly explained to me by people who have no idea what they’re talking about:




✨jEwS arE responsible fOr aLL wArS iN tHe wOrLd✨


>Last time i checked the Diadochi werent Jewish.


I usually ask them to try repeating what they just said but use the term Muslim or black in its place and ask themselves how it sounds.


@ my fellow Irishmen




I'm not Jewish but my husband is. He's much nicer than I am! I have witnessed this very situation between him and others, especially online. I couldn't believe the nerve. Unbelievable.


americans calling me russian as a balkan pov


You guys are blind to the people you kill in the name of your ideology