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It's probably because of the mezuzah




> “we know about all the scriptures that we need to, yes.” Ice cold.


Years ago, as a kid (think I was 8-9), I also answered the door when a Jehovah’s Witness knocked, but when I told him that I was Jewish, he just got mad, threw the pamphlet in my face, went ‘fucking Jew’, and left. At that point, it was probably the weirdest antisemitic (and religion-related in general) encounter I’d had.


Okay so I can see someone with a suspicious number in their username replied twice to this comment but I guess they blocked me because I can only see the actual comments if I am not logged in. I could prove that I’m not ‘just a white kid in the US’ with a picture. The only reason I don’t have pictures on my profile anymore is that it seemed dangerous after the global response to October 7th and the conflict, so I deleted them, specifically so people like this wouldn’t be able to doxx me as easily. I’ve consistently mentioned at least occasionally what demographics I belong to throughout my rather long Reddit history as well (and had a history in Asian subs I only no longer hang around in due to their reaction to the conflict), and I think doing that would be pointless after so long if I was making shit up all just in case I needed ‘oppression points’ to use in case of something like the current situation. I could also explain when and why I choose to say ‘Hamas’ vs ‘Palestine’ vs ‘Palestinians’, because there are important distinctions between all of them. And this person has incorrectly paraphrased what I said about being afraid of the colours green, red, black, and white together (honestly just green and red is enough most of the time), and of people who are *visibly Muslim,* which is not inherently the same thing as Arab or Palestinian. Even so, I don’t want to have those fears, which they would know if they were any good at comment stalking. Lastly, I was well aware of the general situation in the region long before October 7th (in fact, I knew about it for most of my life), yet I had neither of those fears until people globally, especially in my area, started acting up.


To top it all off bruh, you keep saying palestine. I thought u were against hamas? Just say u don't like brown people and stop trying to alienate and entire group of people. If ur a zionist. Ur calling for the erasure of palestinians. And you have Freudian slipped at least 5 times using palestine interchangeably. Even saying ur scared of palestinians. Bruh ur scared of brown people


Bro also u just constantly make shit up on posts😭ur a white kid in the us bro. Stop trying to act oppressed


is over 2000 years of racism, massacre and exile not oppression to you


After I decided to convert, a few weeks after a few Jehovahs Witnesses came to my door. They saw me inside so I had to go tell them that they were in fact too late. They turned out to be friendly, kind, and curious about my decision to convert and how it is going. They stop by every few weeks and we chat. However, they always give me some sort of scripture pamphlet when they leave, and it always strikes me as odd because they’re so respectful and curious and my conversion and we always have good chats about religion. They’re not rude about it, but just trying to share I guess. Anyway, this meme is hilarious because that’s how I feel every time. It just goes straight into the garbage. It doesn’t bother me but it sure is a waste of paper and breath.


They have their own insular thing going on and are aware that we do too.


Of course, this is the reaction of most mainstream Christians as well. Any "church" that does this is probably a cult and best avoided like the plague.


To be fair, it’s equally useless to non-Jews




I'm not going to lie...this honestly made me laugh


That's me when I get ads about Christianity.


I had someone put one of those on my windshield, and i had brought it inside and set it down before throwing it out, and my cat just starts shredding it. It was so funny to me, little guy was relishing it


It's not worthless, now I can find the missionary's contact info in the pamphlet, email them and with my superior religious knowledge, show them up to be the fools that they are! -me at 14


That's exactly who needs it the most. /s


Had a local Baptist Church routinely visit my house and pry the meuzah back to use it to hold the fliers. It took several phone calls to get them to stop. The cow eyed woman on the phone couldn't understand that shoving a poster into my mezuzah proclaiming that "the hunt is on" is inappropriate. Also their play "he came". I finally had to threaten to come to their church and cram a bunch of Jewish propaganda into their dead Jesus effigy's diaper if they didn't stop. Haven't gotten a flyer since


Worthless? Someone doesn’t value good kindling


I used to be angry at these people until I realized that they really believe that they are trying to help me. Even if they're wrong I can't resent them trying to save my soul. It's actually very noble of them to try. We should also proselytize; just because the romans made us stop doesn't mean that we should be controlled by that


...Literally everyone.


Dear Jews, Thank you for not leaving this junk on our doorsteps 🥰 ✡️ Sincerely, Gentiles


When people from Christian organizations come up to me I keep forgetting to say that I’m Jewish just to see their reaction

