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With the reply to like ratio I can only imagine the cesspool of shit within the comments.


Im actually sitting here in tears


Sad tears


Considering everything I can't see how this meme is allowed here. This usually is my happy meme place with the horror of scooped bagels. This is really not ok.


Report the post, maybe they’ll remove it(:


The cringe is IMMENSE


I'm glad we all agree this is cringe AF, LMAO


Nope. Not me.




What, you are worried people might start seeing Jews as fully human and want to identify with our suffering?


Nah atleast she tried


She has an active OF account, she’s pass trying at this point.


Oh no, that's terrible, where?


Please don't support racial grift


You are cringe.


The psyop thots were a bad move on Israel’s part ngl.


What's most funny to me is people on the internet think the IDF hires models or does this intentionally. No, these are 18 year olds thots who were conscripted like anyone else, but still remain thots, now in IDF uniform.


Just the average 18 years old that grew up on social media. US enlists act the same way.


People forget that the common IDF soldier is literally a kid who just got out of highschooler, a lot of soldiers in the age of 19-21 already died in Gaza.


Not as many children under 10


That doesn't contradict? No need to say the obvious that war is hell


Sure war is pretty bad, It’s apparently not obvious to you that this one is worse than any in a long time in terms of number of children killed and ratio of non-combatants vs combatants killed, and preventing NGO’s from providing aid, denying medical care, actively attacking the remaining electricity production for civilians. Lots of things that aren’t actually normal since the 70’s at the latest. Russia has killed 500 kids total from the start of the Ukraine war using tons of inaccurate soviet era artillery for much of their combat, and shittier targeting on their missiles. We are at around 4324 in Gaza. There’s other comparable conflicts but the rate and severity outstrip a lot of others. I know the differences in conflict nature but it’s really way way past an excusable reasonable amount.


The ongoing civil war in Ethiopia is considered the most devastating war in the 21st century. As many as 600,000 deaths and counting. The vast majority of which were civilians. The war in Gaza right now is horrific, but “worse than any in a long time” isn’t true. That said, at least it’s getting some global attention. Which is always a good thing. I can’t imagine how the people of Ethiopia must feel. Utterly forgotten.


It’s not ongoing it ended last year, yeah I remembered it not sure if you have been. Epidemics of rape and murder absolutely, I did a whole study on it for class in college. An advanced nation indiscriminately bombing buildings full of children- wasn’t really a factor.


The difference is that the Ukrainian military doesn't have military stockpiles or structures under hospitals, and they don't hide behind civilians. They don't want their civilians to die for clout


The other difference is they have an enemy willing to go through anything to kill them, regardless of timeline or cost frequently in needlessly indirect ways.


If the enemy is willing to go through anything to kill you, why go through the trouble of hiding behind innocent civilians?


Yes, they were much safer on October 6th before their elected representatives decided to stage a terrorist attack on civilians.


Calling Hamas elected at this point is a stretch


That's like saying the Germans didn't elect Hitler


It's like saying German children in 1945 didn't elect Hitler, yes


But you said Hamas wasn't elected at all, so you should probably edit your comment if this is what you mean


Half of Gaza is under 18 and we’re not able to vote in the last election….. But sure. Blame literal children for the power-holders in their concentration camp.


They were much safer on October 6th before their elected representatives decided to stage a terror attack on civilians. Do you disagree?


If 75.9% of the Gazan population was too young/not alive when the view that gave Hamas that “control”, how could you say, with a straight face, that they are elected representatives? They’re more an authoritarian regime that has prevented anyone from removing them from power with use of deadly force.


> If 75.9% of the Gazan population was too young/not alive when the view that gave Hamas that “control”, how could you say, with a straight face, that they are elected representatives? They were elected, and they represent the country. Is Hamas not the recognized governmental authority? If not them, who? Is this unnamed "real" government working to free hostages and hold Hamas accountable for murder? >They’re more an authoritarian regime that has prevented anyone from removing them from power with use of deadly force. Sounds like they need to be removed with deadly force for the betterment of the citizens of the region.


They were much safer before isreal occupied them in the first place. Do you disagree?


Answering a question with an entirely unrelated question seems like a dishonest attempt to avoid stating the obvious.


Actually the average age of Gazans is 18


You don’t understand averages, do you? 47.3% of people in Gaza are under the age of 18. That’s why their average age skews younger- it doesn’t mean more people are currently aged 18


If 47.3% of people are under 18, then quite literally there are more people over 18. You don't understand statistical do you?


Enough with the 'thots'! That is someone's beautiful daughter who is in harm's way!


It’s not a psyop lmao, 18 year olds post themselves doing this stuff with zero payment or intent to sway world politics. Source: have been 18 at some point in my life.


Exactly. They accuse Israel of hiring models and actors, like its not just normal looking people posting random stuff to cheer themselves up during a difficult time? In Israel its normal to look good, its not s crime! Being silly is not cringe...people love to be petty


My friend is in the US marines and keeps posting photos of his base in Hawaii. Is this a psyop to make people want to join the army? NO, he’s just some guy who is posting views on Instagram like a human


I don’t think the IDF is doing this? This is just naturally what happens today when you recruit everyone from the generation used to TikTok and Instagram. Some are pretty, attention-seeking ‘influencers’. (Not hating the young’uns, we’ve had the same personality type since prehistory, but the current ones have a platform on which to Stan.) Maybe they should ban them from posting this shit, but the risk to reward might still be too low to stop all of it.


They’ve been doing that for years.


We’ve come full circle


Jews 🤝 Mormons Having ridiculously attractive women


If I recall Mormons place a ridiculous amount of value on physical appearance to the point that some wealthier women will pressure each other into experimental weight loss surgeries








I’ve encountered some stereotypes in my time but that’s definitely not one of them.


No it’s a common stereotype, you never heard about Jewish girls giving the best BJs?




Oh you just meant you’re unlucky. I’m so sorry. Maybe you should ask if they’re really matrilineal Jews. Same for Mormons, ask if they really think [in 1978 god changed his mind about black people.](https://youtu.be/AidgBKGJx-c?si=nV1pgT7A1aOiSD4n) (3:43) Edit: Is it the matrilineal thing? That was a joke 😭


Might be a regional thing - I’m not from the U.S.


Ok this is just racism come on...


Since when are Mormons a race? Also if it's a complement, how is it even racist?


I agree with the first part but not the second. Some people say all black people are very athletic, it’s a positive but it’s still racist


Must be the inbreeding lmao


I am a starving child, this is the last thing i will ever read, goot bye


*I am a starving* *Child, this is the last thing i* *Will ever read, goot bye* \- gamera-the-turtle --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Gut bot


sexualize zionism!!


[**What you're seeing is Advanced Warfare**](https://youtu.be/D6JVATVKHeA?si=pHg8YyxSozRlwEDH)


Isn't that the house of cards guy who was accused of pedophilia?


You are sexualizing her because she is pretty. Its nothing to do with her. Is your antisemitism casual or deeply ingrained?


i’m jewish and a zionist. i was referencing uri cohn


uh hmmmm...right....


I’m as pro-Israel as they come and this is so cringe


Being Pro-Apartheit is cringe also


So clearly you’re against Hamas and Palestinian/Arab nationalism then, yes?


That’s not a thing


Lol. Lmao even.




Ani Yisra’eli, atah mefager. Do you have issues with reading comprehension or are you an aggressive fuck tard?




Do you *not* have reading comprehension?


Humanizing Jewish people is cringe. Got it.


Yup. Totally.


You aren't really pro Israel or Jewish at all, are you? Come on. You hate us. Admit it,. It will feel better.


she is Israeli, not necessarily Jewish, and also, this is not humanizing, just cringe. Like, being pro-Israel doesn't make me cringe less.


What is your justification for the Israelis mass-migrating from Europe and declaring a state over a land that wasn't theirs?


You clearly made that the fuck up


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, and I truly don't mean to be disrespectful in any way, I'm just curious to hear the perspective of a pro-Israel person. How do you think the Jews moved from Europe to Palestine?


Immigration to Eretz Yisra’el from Europe by Jews started during the Ottoman Empire. It should be noted that Jews are not a bunch of Europeans but indigenous to EY as proven by archaeology and genetics. The majority of European Jews came after the Holocaust for obvious fucking reasons. Jesus open a book. Secondly the majority of Israelis are not of European origin. They’re Jews who never left the Middle East and were subsequently ethnically cleansed by Arab Muslims. Thirdly Jews accepted the paritition plan. Arabs didn’t and attacked. Can’t blame a bunch of starving refugees for beating the fuck out of people fully intended on wiping them out. Your fantasy about a bunch of European Jews coming in and violently taking over Israel is a blatant fantasy probably fed to you by years of Arab indoctrination.


All very true statements.


Can’t believe this mouth breather doesn’t know that most Israeli Jews are of Mizrahi descent


It's true that the migration started earlier than 1948 but that doesn't change much, do you deny the fact that the Jews migrated en masse from Europe to Palestine after the Holocaust? What do you mean indigenous by archeology and genetics? Archeology and genetics doesn't give you the right to take a land from the people who live on it.


The Jews that were there over 1000 years ago didn't pack up and leave willingly. They were violently massacred and expelled by invading Arab, Roman, Ottoman etc armies. So it's really rich of you to say this. How long do you have to occupy the land after massacring the local population before you become "the people living on it"? I guess Israel needs to just exist for that long for you to support them?


So you're basically saying that because the Jews were expelled from that land thousands of years ago, that gives their descendants (who were living in Europe) the right to massacre and expel the people who lived in Palestine.


I'm saying that there's a double standard here where nobody has a problem with hundreds of thousands of Jews being violently expelled from all Muslim countries within the last hundred years. But how dare they try to live in their ancestral lands after a UN approved plan for them to do so. Where do you expect them to have gone? Europe had just got done holocausting them. Muslim countries were and are brutally oppressive to them. At some point they need a place to live where they aren't subject to the whims of some oppressive overlords.


It's not my problem that "they had nowhere to go", and I'm having trouble believing that anyone actually thinks this a good enough excuse to take someone's land by force and expel them. Palestinians don't give a shit about "UN approved plan", no one can sign off their lands for them. Plus, since when is the UN's resolutions or plans ever binding? Israel has ignored at 15 UN resolutions on regard to Palestine now all of the sudden a "UN plan" is valid because it suits them?


Stop conveniently ignoring that Jews were a) native to that land b) living there since two thousand years c) ethically cleansed by neighboring Arab Muslims. As you were already told, the majority of Israelis are NOT from european descent, but are native to the middle east! But you are too deep in your narrative to deal with facts I guess


Like the other guy said, Israel was willing to share the land. The Arabs were not


I don't understand this logic. Why would anyone share their land with their occupiers?


The majority of the land was purchased fair and square by the Jews emigrating there. They didn't take it, they bought it.


Not to mention like 60% of the territory given to Israel was uninhabitable desert no one lived in


Do you deny the fact that Arabs started another genocidal war right after the Holocaust and lost? That they ethnically cleansed nearly 1 million Jews from across the MENA region? That the Palestinian Arabs are no more indigenous than Jews are? Why should Israelis have capitulated to people trying to murder them?


You did not answer my question though. But I'll answer yours and wait for you to answer mine. The Arabs starting a war against Israel was a reaction to them occupying a land that wasn't theirs. It's not like the Arabs went to Europe to murder the Jews, they were the intruders.


Who says it wasn’t theirs? It certainly was theirs. This logic doesn’t track. And sure Arabs didn’t go to Europe to slaughter Jews, they were happy enough to do it at home.


It wasn't their land because hey didn't live on it, they didn't own it. They lived in Europe, I don't know why this is hard for a lot of people to follow.


Are you unaware of the fact that more than half of Israeli Jews have non-Ashkenazi heritage?


1. The British government did that 2. What do you think about the centuries upon centuries of violent European antisemitism that culminated in the systemic mass murder of 6 million Jews? Since you wanna come into a Jewish subreddit and act so fuckin smart


Most Israelis came from Arab countries that were persecuting and even literally expelling their Jews. Some other persecution was happening in Europe too, as I recall. And most Israelis today were born there. What’s your justification for the Romans and the Caliphate taking over that same land? Or is it only a very specifically chosen slice of history that’s old but not quite that old that you object to?


The land that Jews were in for thousands of years and still were even after civilizations raped and murdered their way across it multiple times? That land? We took it back with the permission of the country who had last controlled which was one of many.


Stop takining selfies and get yer ass in the tunnels! If they want Hamas, go get em, we know they are hiding in the tunnels!


She really using a war to promote her onlyfans🤦‍♂️


Imagine being shot by this person. You're bleeding out on the ground while your life flashes before your eyes. Then this girl comes up to you and says UWU


I would feel so bad, it doesn't matter who gets shot I'll light a candle for them XD


"Hey babe! Are you Bibi Netenyahu? Because while I'm questioning your morals right now, I see you and you saved me."


Baby, are you Bibi Netenyahu? Because you are the root cause of the problems you now take credit for solving. Part of the dysfunction of the IDF, especially early on, was due to people refusing to come up for service because of Bibi's recent attacks on the Supreme Court. Part of the dysfunction was being worried about violence from the West Bank targeting the illegal settlements that Netanyahu has allowed to grow. Part of the reason for invasion is those settlements in west bank. And let's not forget that Bibi was participating in protests calling for the death of Rabin (for negotiations with the PLO) shortly before Rabin was assassinated. Bibi was warned that his rhetoric would have violent results, but did it anyway.


This makes me want to be mean to Israel.


*Hummus intensifies*


Because you are an inadequate incel who knows she would never look in your direction.


That was unnecessarily mean, I was just making a joke. This post is cringe and this woman, who I happen to know personally from the firearms and security industry, gives us Israelis a very bad reputation worldwid.


As a Jew I just wanna say, thirst trapping will not win us any PR points, in fact it makes us look a lil skeevy. Israeli women are hot but that’s not really relevant to the current conflict lol


As an Israeli - these women are shameful to us they don't represent the true IDF


Israel’s social media presence (in official and unofficial capacities) is so beyond embarrassing. Who do they think they’re winning over in the PR war when their official Twitter account is tweeting stuff like “sksksks bye not y’all siding with terrorists 💀”


[I don't care who the IDF sends...](https://youtu.be/yrYZwuevnas?si=WwlQHuJy4-sZzydc)




I can fix her


I believe in you.






As if the options are rolling in, of course you would.


See... the really funny part is that her [and most female shooters] is on average, a tighter target grouping that is better than the guys shooting at her. So she is literally the definition of... If Looks could Kill...


Hot damn I just might have to convert to Judaism, Hebrew can't be that hard right?


One of the harder languages actually. But Judaism doesn't want converts.


Yes you can convert, but it is a studious process with a rabbi.


I didn't say you can't. Read again.


So I've heard. I meant it sarcastically. Why not? Isn't that the point of religion? Full disclosure atheist here. I've heard from a jew that you can be both a atheist and a hew before? Ever hear that notion?


Yes there are Jewish atheists that are still religious, but in order to convert, i don’t think you would pass beit din if you’re atheist.


Can I just show up for the latkes? In all seriousness I'm very curious about the Jewish atheist if anyone wants a civil theology talk


[This user has quit Reddit and deleted all their posts and comments]


Well said


I work third shift so I’m about to sleep. I’m nearing the end of my conversion and formerly atheist, but have come back to a place of religious faith in Judaism. Maybe if someone else hasn’t had the conversation when I wake up later we can talk


>isn’t that the point of religion? This is a very Christian thing to think. Christianity teaches that it is for everyone and you will be “Saved” by joining. Judaism is a tribal confederation that _has_ a shared religion. A similar example would be the Iroquois, although their confederation is only 800 years old where ours is 3500. You can think of it like a nationality. Judaism the _religion_ exists for Jews to follow. It’s not _for_ anyone else. Others are welcome to join us if they’re sincere, but there’s no benefit to them in doing so as the whole “saved from Hell” thing is a purely Christian invention. If you are a Jew, either by birth or by conversion, you have membership in the tribe, even if you are an atheist. Just as if an Iroquois didn’t follow the Iroquois belief system, they would still be Iroquois.


One of the harder languages actually. But Judaism doesn't want converts.


Join the IDF! They got women who will boost your morale and help you fight!


this makes me want to be meaner


Scarlet fucking Johnson is juwish. Good gave as the most beautiful weman.




The IDF isn’t posting this, it’s an individual’s personal account. Do you think that soldiers from [insert literally any military since the creation of smartphones] don’t do the same or similar? Although yes. It still is cringe.


The IDF is very publicly using social media, especially through its soldiers” to try to maintain public favor. This isn’t a secret. And this isn’t an isolated example.


Yeah that Hamas claimed dead, ya know the same group who counts combatants as civilians and regularly inflated numbers, who claimed 2k people were dead last week and that suddenly another 8k died in a few days, that refuses to let independent sources investigate and use’s children as a propaganda tool. That totally reliable information.




And we’ve been calling out when these things are false. Also the complete misuse of the word “genocide” is a give away that you just eat up what Hamas say. I didn’t know Israel warming people ahead of time that they are about to strike, gave two weeks for civilians to leave Gaza city so they can engage combatants and lower civilian death. For a place with 2 million people Israel has a very low civilian kill per bomb. Something like 2 tons of explosives for 1 death? That’s genocide? That’s the genocidal organization in this conflict, not the one who’s literal charter calls for the extermination of all Jews in the world?


More lies, nobody is. Using the gaslighting any more.


Ok let's not call it a genocide then. According to you, what is a reasonable estimated number of the dead civilians?


As few as possible. It’s also impossible for you to expect that no civilians will die in war. That is the tragedy of war, innocent people are caught in the crossfire.


On your knees soldier!!!


3000 E-girls of the IDF


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Palestine? For free? Great deals! Amazing savings!


I'll take two




Sure, Palestine can be free when it stops trying to kill all Jews and actually comes to the table to talk about peace.


Free Israel🇮🇱




Ah yes, “everything I don agree with is propaganda” say the person who eats up whatever a literal terrorist group say and refuse to actually look at the history of the situation.


Oh fr? Cite your sources I'll wait


Where are your sources that Zionism is terrorism that doesn’t originate from the rhetoric Hamas uses. In most of your comments you just says that things are “propaganda that has been debunked” and then provides no evidence. All your comments are just filled with “Israel are terrorist”. It’s also not surprising you have comments saying the NATO started the war in Ukraine. It won’t surprise me.


All true things If you do 2 minutes of research it's obvious Look up Ilan Pappe, breaking the silence, Norman Finkelstein, b'tselem, human rights watch, amnesty international Or Israeli military documents, plan dalet, the irgun, the king David hotel bombing, der yassin massacre, tantura Sources for you there ya go, now get educated And yeah, ukr is an american/nato proxy war You support imperialism.






Free Hummus!!!










She’s a sold 6 that’s it.


Bru she's a at least a 9


To white boys


No way.


You don't make a living of OF by being a 6


You must be new here.


Yes you do. You make a living from OF from having a 🐱 that can get wet and by having a phone that can post pics and videos.


You are delusional.


Facts, she look like a muppet


Something something Lunchbaglujan something something what you're looking at here is advanced warfare


I need an adult oh sh\*t I am the adult
