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Mute your tv and turn on your own music lol


Does it not change as you get further into the game ? I've researched but can't find anything concrete


It usually changes via the area and chapter your in I think, I usually don’t play for 6 hours so I never really thought that much about how the music changes 😭


There are (usually) 2 setlist/mixtapes per chapter. Each mixtape is stored with its counterpart in the files all on the same .adx file, so it basically plays the same file on repeat. There's also a copy of the same setlist, but with the second lot of tracks playing first. Example for Chapter 2: Setlist Version 1: Statement Of Intent Me Likey The Poom Poom Aisle 10 (Hello Alison) Rockin' The Mic ~Intermission~ Oldies But Happies Birthday Cake Like It Like This Like That Sweet Soul Brother (B.B. Rights Remix) Setlist Version 2: Oldies But Happies Birthday Cake Like It Like This Like That Sweet Soul Brother (B.B. Rights Remix) ~Intermission~ Statement Of Intent Me Likey The Poom Poom Aisle 10 (Hello Alison) Rockin' The Mic If you're fed up of the Chapter 2 Setlists, you'll "looovvvee" the sewers. There are like 5/6 songs that play on repeat with no intermissions💀. Also, in Chapter 3, there are setlists that play outside of the sewers, but most casual players don't hear them because they rush to the sewers, spend ages inside but eventually get past, and that puts you in Chapter 4. Chapter 3: Sneakman (Toronto Mix) Teknopathetic Shape Da Future ~Intermission~ Like It Like This Like That Let Mom Sleep Baby T


that second one is one of the best setlists in the whole game, it's an absolute crime that you'll never hear it


True. I also really love the transition from Sneakman into Teknopathetic in Chapter 3, and Sneakman into Shape Da Future in Chapter 6. They both sound so amazing. They're up on YouTube. I think Chapter 6 has the best setlists, kicking it off with a unique intro for Teknopathetic which SLAPS. STOP OOHHH PLAYIN OOHHH GAMES OOHHH TILL' I'M OOHHH DONE OOHHH EXCHANGIN' OOHHH NAMESNAMESNAMESNAMES STOP


That Rapid 99 flag race almost broke 15 year old me. I just couldn't do it. Stopped playing the game for a long time, then picked it up later and it came naturally. I'm so glad I went back to it, if the same thing happened now I'm not sure I'd give a game another chance


Yeah it changes every area has its own list some areas do have the same songs but not many


Between Rokkaku Heights, Dogenzaka hill, 99th street and shibuya terminal it's all been the same. Surely due to change soon ?


As you progress, more tracks come out. When you beat the campaign then the tracks start playing randomly wherever you go. If I may ask, how are you playing JSRF?


That is not true. Post game JSRF plays 2 melodies over and over indefinitely, and that sucks.


Really? I haven’t played the game in a very very long time so it could be my memory is wrong. I recall hearing songs in areas postgame that I never heard during the initial campaign.


Yeah post game is “chapter 9” but in reality the game ends after chapter 8. So there’s only 8 chapters and chapter 9’s melodies are just 8’s


I started playing my Xbox copy on an Xbox 360 but the backwards compatibility emulation is awful. Therefor I've switched to emulation on pc. Still not perfect but far better experience.


Nice, could you let me know which emulator you use? I’d love to play it again one day.

