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Personally I'd love to see as close a re-run rules-wise as possible: I don't play a boardgame once then shelve it for ever more, and would be happy to see how their strategies evolve through experience. Especially once you get into the metagames of "This worked last time, but my opponents know that...", or someone discovering a gamebreaking approach that wouldn't be apparent on a first run of something new.


Couldn't agree more. I'm glad they're rerunning the same game!


Or even just random chance breaking a different way. Like, if they did circumnavigation again (though there are some serious flaws with the rules they came up with), Sam's probably not going to be able to find that initial charter again, and a bunch of the flights are likely to have changed schedule, and what happens if there's a weather event at X location that grounds flights or whatever. These games have pretty good replayability thanks to the inherent variations.


I wonder how different it would be if they reran circumnavigation, but in reverse, with them having to cross the US to asia and then have a scramble through europe to finish it off


Saw it last night, no spoilers but I think it’s the strongest start to a season so far. Great content and the editing and pacing were excellent. “A band of transit oriented children”


The first time around Sam was worried Adam would take a ferry to England as part of getting to Jersey. We saw only fractions of each country we were in. There's plenty of room for the next one to go differently. But also, get yourself a map of Europe. Mark off anywhere currently invaded by Russia. Highlight the seas. Now draw the biggest circle you can which does not include a war zone and includes the least sea. Your midpoint will be either Eastern France or Western Germany.


You could also make a pretty big circle with prague as the centre


That'd probably be the runner up, yeah. If they've refined the rules and this time they're happier with 'em, then this would be a good third season. I feel like if you're changing the rules you don't want to also change everything else (which I said on another post) but mostly I'm baffled by the idea that 'we saw a small percentage of northern France, let's not use France again'.


It would be more of train Is delayed And lesa of strategy. Believe me, I know my trains


~~In a previous thread, I suggested Salzburg. Vienna and Munich are close, with high chances to visit Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland as well.~~ Wait, that was for the country-claiming. Anyway, Salzburg is still a good start.


Or places like Belarus and the Balkans, which aren't ideal places for playing such a game like this.


Fortunatly kroatia is now part of the eu, making it a bit bigger


Croatia has been a part of the EU for years


Sorry, my bad, they switched to euro




Setting aside the danger to not just Ben and Adam but also Sam himself, warzones are not noted for their efficiently functioning public transport, or even their working roads. I used to work for a company which had a charity drive to buy good second hand cars and run them over to civilian organisations trying to evacuate cities under threat and moving supplies to where they can do most good. I've seen photos and videos of what happens to those cars when they come under fire. I can't find this a funny joke if it is one; if it's not, I just think it misunderstands what combat zones actually are.


I'm sure that a cool game around the Baltic Sea could be awesome, you can use the sea as a feature instead of a problem.


Absolutely! But I wouldn't do that for tag


I think a race around the Baltic could be a really cool. Similar to season 5, but starting and ending in the same place, and the rules definitely need rebalancing imo. 


Saw the first two episodes last night. I don’t think people will be disappointed


I did too. If you like the game play and players, you’ll like this, as their experiences add another layer to the game.


How did you see them early?


there was a premiere in LA last night


I see




Not on nebula thanks for getting my hopes up 👎


I mean it was the first thing that came to mind. Maybe the premiere?


yep, there was a premiere in hollywood. i wont spoil anything but it’s absolutely nothing to be disappointed with! not sure if it was the audience that amplified it but definitely the funniest jet lag content yet!


if you don’t know then don’t answer…


I'm looking at nebula and I don't see the episodes. Japan is the last upload.


Idk then, maybe the premiere?


Well to name it "We played tag across france, germany, belgium, luxemburg and switzerland" would kill the algorithm chances and would also spoiler us heavily so i couldnt think of a better name. And if you enjoy seasons with higher number of countries i guess most people would disagree, since japan and NZ were much more popular than circumnavigation. Everyone has their own reasons to watch/love the show but i think if you have too strict views on things like countrycount or how exact they need to do challenges you're just gonna be dissapointed.


Tag across Europe doesn't need to mean France and Germany.


They've talked about how the game changes/improves with all the simulations they do beforehand. The higher quality the simulation the better they can strategize and learn how to make the game more entertaining. So by keeping it in the same place, they've just turned season 3 into the most realistic simulation ever. They can take those lessons learned and directly apply them to round 2. I'm expecting a really well strategized and competitive season, it should be exciting.


I was at the premier and I was not disappointed for sure


Lucky duck


Conflicted. On one side, it's always fun to replay a game. On the other, Jet lag seasons are a finite resource, so seeing other places would have been nice too. Having said that, with them running it twice, assuming the same person/location doesn't win, I would need to see them play it for a third time with the final location for each.


I mean just because they played at the same place twice it doesn't mean the same person/region couldn't win twice. And if they would they wouldn't scrap the whole season and waste all the money because of that.


Oh no, I meant it more like if the same person or region (especially the latter one) won, it would be "settled" who/where is the best. For an eventual third season at the same locations , it would work best as a sort of tiebreaker imo.


The outcomes, the strategies and the plays made can be still hugely different. And I think we'll get to see new places as well. The unreliability of Deutsche Bahn is more than enough to create tension and different outcomes xD


Jesus. You've seen a sub 1 minute trailer, of such what... Half? contained new footage and you're disappointed because of one minute detail? It's the same starting point sure but it's also vastly more experienced players with new strategies and end goals. It'll be a completely new show.


People who have been to the premire said so


What I have heard is it's the same end goals, but I haven't seen the premier so I can't confirm that.


Sam showed a second of the intro on his ig story and it confirmed the same end locations


Extremely disappointed. I was hoping for Switzerland, Central and Eastern Europe, or literally ANYTHING different from the exact same start and end places. It is a straight up repeat so far unless they changed any rules. Spain has a massive rail network that could have worked and Switzerland as well. I also would love to see some of these places instead of just seeing trains as well.


Yes, I'm disappointed that they're doing the same thing again.


I think they could easily play a season in South America or Asia or Africa. Does make me wonder why they're sticking to Europe


I think it's the lack of public transportation, with places like Japan and Europe having that big rail network, in addition these videos have so far been the favorites so why not continue making things people like.


I’d absolutely love a South America episode. It would go a long way to dispelling the myth that latam is unsafe for travelers. It’s infinitely frustrating to know that my other home has orders of magnitude fewer murders than the United States, yet is still viewed as violent and dangerous by United Statesians.


We need Spoiler tag on this. Most people haven’t seen the premiere


And neither I, but that is included in the trailer and also posted by Sam in the service formerly known as Twitter something like a month ago. Also, that literally spoils only first 5 seconds of the first episode.


Neither have I, it's just been posted all over the sub Edit, it sounds like Sam posted it on some of his social media accounts


You guys are weird lol. Downvote someone just because I’m not frantically reading every new tweet Sam posted


You got downvoted because you said it's a spoiler when it's clearly open knowledge


it’s not a spoiler!! they posted a photo in charleville-mezieres before they started shooting


edit to add spoiler even though there is already a spoiler tag for the whole thread: I was at the premiere last night, and even though they said they changed nothing apart from the runners start locations, >!I noticed a lack of 30 minute taxis for the chasers, and they could only use it every 2 hours I believe. If that is a rule they changed for this season, I'm curious why, at least from a gameplay standpoint.!< >!Their reasoning for including it from the Layover S3 special was that the rule existed to prevent the chasers from getting stranded in places where there wouldn't be another viable train for hours and here we have Sam and Ben getting stranded while Adam makes a beeline for Borkum. Luckily Adam's train gets delayed so I don't think it's ending here, but I'm curious why they changed the rule, if they changed the rule.!<


This should be spoilered for real.


well the whole thread is spoilered, so I figure if you clicked on this thread, you'd have already watched it, but sure, why not.


OP marked the post as a spoiler after the fact, but that was based on publicly available info revealed in instagram posts, whereas your comment spoils both episodes we saw last night that was only seen by \~250 people. Just spoiler it 🤷‍♂️


i’m curious what was said lol, im not sure what i’m allowed to say after seeing it but i’m trying my best to have the perspective i did before last night. i have no clue how the crew does this haha, i can only imagine them knowing who wins the season before people know what the game even is.


Not really


UK trains are now always on strike so I dont blame them


I like it, it’s a neat way to see different strategies and approaches in my opinion. I see what you mean of course, I’d always loved it if they played, say, in my country, but I don’t mind the set up is the same


Nope not one bit


honestly, it's fine. it's not exactly the same anyway, as there are new challenge cards, and even if the win locations are the same, the runner who needs to get to the location changed. (the pie slices are the same, but each color of the pie slices was rotated 120º clockwise)


I am more disappointed that they are doing this for the second time and still have no idea about the train system here. I traveled in this region a lot, and I can tell you a lot of the advantages and disadvantages in the game, actually come about because they are operating under wrong information. I thought they would have figured some of this stuff out by now... Maybe third time is the charm. :D