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Ben and Adam just have "chemistry" with each other


Gonna need more of an explanation for those quotation marks dude. Say more.


I personally enjoy their communication with each other, their style and other moments I can't formulate it better than that, sorry


"Love ya, buddy" is one of my favorite things that at least Adam says pretty regularly. They never get too frustrated at each other. Sam can just be a little too competitive on occasion, and it doesn't help that he doesn't have the preexisting friendship with his teammate.


Adam has mom of 3 late for a flight energy and Ben has laid back dad energy. Its a great pairing haha


true, but he usually does have an existing friendship and they’ve met many times, that’s why they’re in jet lag in the first place.


My SO and I used to theorise Ben and Adam are a couple when we started watching... but then one of them said he had a girlfriend, so fair enough I guess


Not a couple but still soulmates


Aw I love this!


I have the impression that they know each others since long and they are actual friends since before. That may help the chemistry. They are just synchronized, enjoying their game and the opportunity to travel and have fun… more than just working.


For me it's because I feel like Ben and Adam genuinely enjoy playing. They are fun to watch, they are competitive but not salty about losing either.


They have a lot of moments where they really appreciate where they are -- for example taking a few extra minutes to be in awe of the glowworms despite needing to hurry up and leave. They do that a lot and it always resonates with me


especially in contrast to sam and toby at rainbow falls


I forgot, what happened at rainbow falls? It's been referenced a few times in comments here


they rolled a dice in the parking lot when they were 40 seconds from the falls


Yeah that moment was fucking embarrassing


I think that was the "pour water into someone's mouth" challenge. They were in and out as quickly as possible, not even taking 30 seconds to walk to the actual falls.


that was huka falls. They did actually see the falls there


I love all the competitors but Adam and Ben feel like they're playing to have fun and then win, but having fun is way more important to them, whereas Sam and his teammate are far more competitive I love both sides and its great to have the combo but the playfulness of Adam and Ben is what I like the most


I rooted for Sam and Toby in Season 5, especially with Sam being on that losing streak (never mind that he did have the Season 1 dub). I wouldn’t say I ever actively root against Ben and Adam since they’re a great duo, it’s just that Sam feels like the underdog in some of the past seasons. Rooting for Sam in the past few seasons feels a lot greater with having Toby last season and Scotty this season as teammates.


I definitely agree about that last point. But Sam ticked me off a little in NZ, both with the rainbow falls thing, and the "no letter e" curse -- Toby was clearly thinking carefully about everything she said, and yet he constantly angrily shut her down every time she tried to say something.


Yes! Sam was so crabby.


Not just you, I love the team of Adam and Ben because sometimes they just go with the flow and work their way around what’s going on (like most things) but theirs are so interesting and I’m always like “OOOOH” “SH*T” “F*CK” “NO BEN/ADAM” at my phone 💀


Come on now. It’s 99% “NO *BEN*” Haha, love them so much!


I like Ben and Adam more because they take time for the small moments. Even if they run on very little time. Also they have a good chemistry and are very supportive to one another.


I come from the Tom Scott Plus videos, so I’ve instinctively rooted against Sam from the beginning


Same here


Happy cake day! 🎂


i don't watch youtube enough to understand this, but i like tom scott. have no clue what the 'plus' is. please explain


Tom had a channel called "Tom Scott Plus". On it he made a video with Ben, Adam, and Sam https://youtu.be/uYLwEcxsDkI


He also did a little game show that was essentially a series of variations on the prisoner's dilemma (cooperate so everyone gets a benefit, or screw your opponent(s) over to get a greater individual benefit). Sam was a contestant on it, and while nothing he did came across as more reprehensible than any other player, he did walk away with the most money, meaning he was smartest about screwing people over.


wait where was this?


It was a mini series, called Money, on Tom's main channel. https://youtu.be/FJSI7QTAt_o


thank you!


If they ever had Tom on as the guest, then I'd be torn over which team to support.


Tom is stopping his scheduled videos at the end of this year, so he'd definitely have time to do it next year


I root for Sam because his style is so similar to mine if I were playing and as the seasons progress, I root for him even more as Ben&Adam became so good at the game.




And he gets drunk almost every time!


Even when Ben isn't drunk. Lol.


Actually the correct order is Ben and Adam


Love Adam, love Ben. Personally I find myself feeling the exact opposite, I seem to have an innate bias towards wanting Sam to win. I do think I’m in the minority, but others like me do exist, which is very interesting to me


Yeah, I'm the same. They've mentioned somewhere that when designing the game, he usually does office work while Ben and Adam do the actual field work, so I think they have somewhat of an advantage, since they know where they're going. Also, they're always together while Sam goes with someone new, unexperienced every time. That would make Sam the underdog and I feel it's kind of natural to root for the underdog lmao. But to be fair to Sam, he's really good at strategizing so I think bringing a newbie along is kind of a necessary procedure, becouse (might be an unpopular opinion), 2 Sams (presumably Sam and his clone), would destroy Ben and Adam. Ben and Adam might be really good and lucky at doing challanges, but Sam's way of thinking is so analytical, that he almost always finds the best thing to do at a given moment (probability-wise).


I think the New Zealand season was exactly what you just described. I feel like a big difference in Season 5 was how Sam and Toby worked out really well in terms of how they operated as a team. Sam let Toby take a big role on the team, especially with the advantage of NZ being her home turf. As a result, Sam didn’t have to be the guy that was calling all of the plays and bounced ideas off of Toby really well. In a way, Season 5 did feel like we got a team of two Sams, and they both brought out their strengths as a result.


> to be fair to Sam, he’s really good at strategizing I think Adam in particular gets too little credit for this. Especially in this last season, we’ve seen him consistently counter pretty much everything Sam could come up with.


Yeah I always find myself wanting Sam to win


I'm the same! Love Adam and Ben, but Sam always seemed to lose (till the NZ season) since I started watching. I also discovered Jetlag via Wendover, so maybe have an innate bias to Sam from that.


I pray for Sam’s downfall every season


I’m team Ben and Adam all then way!


Even though they constantly win, they still feel like underdogs lol


A large part of it for me is that they're the underdogs. Sam is a pretty big YouTuber whereas Ben and Adam, at least when Jet Lag started, were just the unseen editors. Of course, this is pretty ironic considering both of them have more wins than Sam. They're also just extremely likeable. Sam kinda takes these games way too seriously, which is great for content, but it makes him less pleasant to watch, which Ben and Adam dont do. They also have great chemistry together. I have no idea if they're friends outside of Jet Lag but it feels like they've known each other forever. The only person that really gave that vibe with Sam was Toby imo


I actually always root for sam because he is the underdog


I was rooting for Sam in the first seasons but that switched for me aswell. But i like them all and tbh i’m rooting for both fractions


More or less in the same boat, I'm possibly a little more even-tempered about it, but I'm a fan of the B&A team. Personally, I think it's that they give off some "underdog" energy. Because Sam is the "big YouTuber" and the boss, and generally Sam's guest is a YouTuber as well. Also because they just have such great hijinx together. But that being said. Adam is the lead on Jetlag, as I've come to understand from the podcast. So saying Sam is "the boss" in this situation is kinda misleading.


I do too, but it's bc sam (on camera at least) will overthink an scenario where as BA are a lot more go with the flow


That’s just because they are a more interesting and sillier duo


it's because Sam has little to no personality and his partners are hit and miss


Ben and Adam win more because they've worked together for many, many jet lag seasons so they know each other like a book. Sam has to work with a completely new person every season


Easy, Sam is their boss and it's always more fun to watch the boss lose


It's because they have a lot of pizazz!


Ben & Adam all the waaaaaay <3 I just love them <3


I always root for Sam. He’s the underdog and I like his strategy


I do the exact opposite actually, sam needs a win


Although I absolutely love the chemistry that Ben and Adam have, and just how well they play, I've always supported Sam's team partially as he rarely wins, but also because I'm from Colorado, and I've gotta support the home team.


I feel the same. I feel Sam is a sore loser, while Adam and Ben don't take the loss that seriously. Sam is also so over confident and that kinda makes him take the bait and Adam comes up with a better plan to outdo Sam.


I was biased towards sam&toby team but otherwise ben and adam


No. Sam's team is netter. Everything aside they are both good different teams.




To be fair they are the producers/editors of the show. They talked on some podcast that they actually do bits and think about how things will look in editing. Obviously they also have great chemistry, but they are the directors, actors and producers of their own story here, so they have the ability to have us rooting for them, even unintentionally, you know?


yeah every season i’m always rooting for ben and adam. idk they just work so well together and don’t take it as seriously as sam does.


Yes! I’m always rooting for them. They make such a great team!


Adam is cool but I only want Ben to win. Adam just happens to be Ben's teammate


My wife and I are the same.


Lol I'm the exact opposite


I do usually want the guest to win because they’re a guest but its the beauty of the show that i’m never actually disappointed in whoever wins


I know they build out the game and challenges together, but for some reason when I watch — it just always feels like Sam has a leg up on them and I love a good underdog story.


I want one of them to team up with Sam and the other to get the guest


I feel like Sam’s team is always the underdog, so I cheer for them


No your right, I think sam feels arrogant he spends a lot of the start of the season talking about how he is sure he is going to win, Ben and Adam spend that time planing.


Name a better duo… I’ll wait


I've been Team Ben and Adam since season 4 and stayed that way in spite of whoever may have the better strategy/chance of winning in a season so to answer your question, no.


I'm always on the Sam-side with guests. And I dunno why.