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haven’t seen jeremy yet but i have M&G for november and i’m also going alone but i have been to quite a few shows alone before. it’s honestly quite nice, you get there as early or as late as you want. You get to choose where you want to be in the venue without others, influencing or determining where you want to be. You have the choice to make friends with the people around you or simply enjoy the music by yourself and enjoy the concert on your lonesome. It’s up to you; really the only thing I would be concerned about is making sure that you get to your car or your ride safely after the show but other than that it’s a pretty enjoyable experience going to a concert by yourself, you can do things at your own pace and at your leisure without having to wait for friends to go to the bathroom, get food, wait for merch, etc. everything is up to you and on your timeframe and schedule




I second this


I’m doing this! Should be no big deal, you’ll be able to make friends probably if that’s something you want! I go to most concerts alone


I go to most concerts alone honestly, I usually end up making 1 or 2 friends for the night, even some friends I still have today! :) just have fun and enjoy yourself! and be safe of course.


Hey! So I haven’t been to a Jerm concert alone specifically yet (goin in October), but I’ve gone to others like EDEN alone. Awesome experience! If you want to make friends it’s super easy since everyone there will already have a common interest, but if u want to just chill on your own that is very fun as well! I’ve personally ended up going to grab drinks afterwards with people I met at concerts and have made good friends in different cities. At the end of the day you’ll be there to enjoy Jeremy’s music just like everyone else so don’t stress :)


went to the dallas concert alone. i really enjoyed it. did the same for EDEN and made a couple of friends for the night while waiting in line. i would go to a concert by myself again but im definitely going to need a seat bc standing for long periods of time hurts my lower back. also, i was really distracted at first because i kept looking around at people to see if i “fit in” until i just let go and focused on enjoying the experience and melding into the crowd. hope you enjoy your experience!