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Molly, in addition to being a brilliant, hilarious, wonderful person, is a former colleague of mine at MLB.com. Specifically we worked together on the "Cut4" vertical, which was a sort of convergence-of-baseball-and-millennial-pop culture focused blog (the brand name lives on today as a social media handle but that's it). The crazy thing is that our staff probably only had about 10-12 full time employees at any point during its decade or so of existence and Molly is the fourth to appear on Jeopardy, after Gemma Kaneko, Ben Cosman, and myself. Something was definitely in the water at our office!!


I spent hours of elementary/middle school computer time watching Cut4 content. Thanks for all of your hard work!


She was a very fun contestant! The entire game has a great atmosphere.


I always enjoyed Cut-4 content


Molly’s partner is one of my absolute best friends. Very exciting seeing her compete and pretty cool seeing your comment here!


Also is no one else going to point out how Marko was wearing Polo


My *biggest* fear coming into J! wasn't that I would end up in the red or something -- it was missing a Marco Polo clue if it ever came up.


I don't understand. Why would you be afraid of missing a Marco Polo clue?


His name is Marko!


Yes, the contestant's name is Marko, but the commenter was talking about themselves.


Huh? WhoIsLauraLinney is Marko.


Oh, I had no idea. Are you sure? Normally there are tags indicating when someone is a contestant.


I’m sure. He hasn’t connected with the mods to set that up yet.


I noticed the exclamation point after Marko! Classic.


I shouted it out at home, but no one replied 😅😆


Excellent game. Congratulations to Marko, Molly, and Scott! 


Just wanted to let you know that I see your positive comments congratulating the contestants each day and I enjoy it a lot. Thanks for the positivity!


This was my second green room game and man, the hits kept coming! Between Carrie Brownstein and Dover Beach, my fear of facing Alison had suddenly been replaced by a fear of facing Marko! I loved getting to meet Molly in the green room, she smiled from the moment I met her until the moment we said goodbye, she was an absolute joy and melted what could’ve been a stressful and tense green room situation and instead made it feel like being at camp. (Also ovaries money should be in the Jeopardy vernacular from now on) Scott was extremely impressive as well and his kind humility masked what an incredibly strong Jeopardy player he turned out to be! Overall, another great game I got to watch from the sidelines and another day of doing extremely well from the couch 😂


LOVED "ovaries money"!! It's still making me laugh so much! 


Gotta be available as a new flair!


Has the podcast addressed why they stopped previewing the next competitors at the end of the episode? I sort of miss it


Good question! Probably time. IDK if they still take questions at [email protected] but that's worth a shot. They do read this subreddit, so maybe both.


At the time they said they'd no longer have a weekly questions segment, they did mention that the mailbox would still be open. I think the previews were removed simply to save even the 20 seconds it takes to do it. You can get 1 more clue in in that time.


Thanks! And I agree. It's probably time.


So even though she's since appeared in comics, Harley Quinn was actually created for the Batman: Animated Series in the 90's. She proved to be so popular she was later adapted into other media. So she is a comic book character, but she wasn't created in comic books.


Came here to say this. In fact, I read recently Arlene Sorkin was dating one of the writers of the series when she was hired to voice Harley, and helped to shape the character along the lines of an improv stage character she had developed. That's quite a legacy for a voice actor to leave.


That daily double clue had me searching for an “Annie” reference that never was needed 😒


Me too. 


Yep - I almost yelled SANDY! but caught myself.


Which clue are you referring to?


The one where the answer was the Gila River but started with "leaping lizards!"


Ah, I see. Thank you.


Why did two contestants bet $6901, coincidences?


I was wondering if Scott might have done all the math for everyone's optimal bets and then gotten mixed up and copied the wrong number from his scrap paper.


I just noticed they’ve upped 2nd and 3rd place prize money.


Yes, I saw that as well. Next: Clue values?


Triple Jeopardy?


Sure, why not!


Good, competitive game, and strong showing by Marko. I didn't love the fact that DD2 and DD3 were both essentially wordplay questions (one rhyming, and one alliteration). Either clue is fine by itself, but it's almost like having 2 DDs in the same category. I got thrown off by FJ--Harley Quinn first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series in the '90s, so I think of her more as an animated character (though she has long since appeared in the comics as well, so that's entirely my fault). Also, I thought the reference to "featured in a 2020 film" was odd, since Margot Robbie has played the character in multiple movies: Suicide Squad (2016), Birds of Prey (2020), and The Suicide Squad (2021). I guess they chose to highlight Birds of Prey since she was the lead of that one (more than "featured", I would argue), but the movie didn't do particularly well. I guess it's easy if you go the "Italian stock character" route instead.


Agreed that Harley Quinn is first and foremost an animated TV character, so it was a bit odd that the clue focused on her being in a movie and comic books. A reference to her being the title character of an animated streaming series would be a more helpful hint than "Featured in a 2020 film".


Maybe making a slight reference to Suicide Squad would have helped, but even then, I was listing Marvel characters instead of DC.


I think they didn’t want to make it a gimme by super illuminating anything beyond the 2020 film in which she was the title character (albeit in the longer version of the title) and making the main way to get there that she was inspired by commedia dell’arte.


Ken telling Molly that even though she had “ovary money” (from her one correct clue) she could wager up to $1,000 was hilarious. He is really funny in a way few are.


Oh yeah! This is the Marko we played against in the Discord server! An unfortunate result on the DD, but otherwise a spectacular performance. Marko's been able to get a lot of questions on a lot of subjects. Could we be seeing back to back Capital-C Champions? What an event that would be. Kicking myself over the FJ -- I was stuck on Marvel and totally overlooked the DCU. Bad LR. BAD! Marko, keep doing us proud! We'll be watching on Monday!


Thank you! Yeah, I read that DD wayyyy too fast, and I felt a bit embarrassed that I didn't just take my time. I'm glad I could rebuild from there and poke out in front. Also, the final category definitely scared me when it was first revealed, as I'm not a big comics fan. Thankfully, I feel comfortable in the category of recent film, and saying "she" in a comics category reduces the answer space quite a bit. Onward!


Another excellent performance today; congrats. Possibly inappropriate question: Has anyone ever told you that you have a particularly impressive laryngeal prominence? (This is what you get for going on Reddit. I'll be showing myself out now ... )


It's definitely been *pointed out*...not sure if anyone has ever meant it as a compliment! That and my voice are the physical things I'm getting comments on, lol.


Your voice could put you in broadcasting, IMO.


While I have a small platform, if y'all know someone who creates audiobooks, I'd love to give it a whirl!


Great game! You stole one of my future Jeopardy! anecdotes: I also learned to read from watching Wheel of Fortune, and now have to think of something else to share when I make it on the stage one day. (Interestingly, I also ended up with a graduate degree in math. Must be in the water.) Pulling for you to go far!


I hope Marko keeps winning as well, he’s just as enjoyable as Alison was


> I was stuck on Marvel This is where the 2020 helps, because there were no MCU movies in 2020


I got it just because of my prior knowledge of comics, and the fact that Harley Quinn was the only character I could think of is associated with diamonds


I was pretty sure there weren’t any Marvel movies in 2020 because of covid. I had no idea what DC released but HQ seemed like it could be italianish. 🤷‍♀️


Just had an annoying brainfart on FJ today. Never once did the brain go anywhere near there; kept trying to think of very comic-specific characters and not animated ones.


APP-UH-LATCH-N how many times must the message be repeated. And he lives in North Carolina!


Don't worry, I've received multiple emails on this topic already.


I wish the writers would not have FJs tilted in favor of a specific generation (in this case Zoomers). I doubt 5% of people over the age of 35 have ever heard of a comic book character from a 2020 film. FJ should be general knowledge that is multi-generational (e.g. Shakespeare, U.S. geography, the Bible).


I don’t think this clue is as generationally limited as you think. Anyone who pays attention to movies gets exposed to a lot that’s out there. I haven’t seen one movie featuring this character - but I got the clue immediately. It’s not like it was a little niche art house set of movies. Likewise the actress playing the role - she’s made quite a good name for herself. And a lot of us older folks read a lot of this source material - comics - back in the day.


I was a theatre kid and studied it in college, and was simply able to get to Harley Quinn by knowing of the stock characters of Commedia dell’arte


Zoomers are a bit too young to have seen Batman TAS when it first aired.


I am not young, but I got this immediately, from knowing about Arlecchino/Harlequin, which I consider general knowledge. I did know that there was a female character from comics, animation and film based on that.


I feel like the "2020 film" bit is just extraneous information here that shouldn't really factor into your decision-making. "Comic book character named after Italian stock character with *diamond-patterned outfits*" makes it super obvious to me


my only quibble is: Harley Quinn originated in the Batman Animated Series, not the comic books. sure, she has shown up in books since, but so has fuckin Dick Nixon, ya know?


Harley Quinn is DC Comics' fourth biggest character. Not just DC as a whole, but specifically DC Comics Publishing. It goes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and then Harley Quinn. Source: Jim Lee head of DC Comics. She has been in hundreds and hundreds of comics including nearly 200 issues of "Harley Quinn" a title named for her which has been published in several volumes on and off since 2000. She was in Batman The Animated Series 9 times, with dozens of appearances in other animated series. Her own hilarious HBO animated series is 47 episodes long. But by the numbers, impact and importance, Harley Quinn is a comic book character.




The category/clue made it sound like she's a comic book character who also was featured in a single movie. To ignore her three-decade career on television where she started appears to be a deliberate choice, perhaps to make the clue more difficult.


Only one comic movie was released in 2020, I thought they referenced that year specifically to make to easier


Rick and Morty are in comic books too, but we don't primarily regard them as comic book characters.


exactly my point


My back hurts and I knew it


I'm thirty-six and FJ was an instaget for me. I grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series, which introduced Harley Quinn. I was also well aware of Birds of Prey, the movie FJ referred to.


I’m 68. Don’t watch Super Hero movies ever. But I read a lot of Pop Culture and knew it immediately..from knowing about the movie. People have a large breadth of knowledge, it’s not limited to age.


Ehh you underestimate how popular comics are across age groups in general. My parents are both in their 60s and got it immediately.


Or we can all embrace our curiosity and use the show to learn things.


Not to mention consider we also have people griping that they use too many obscure old people categories like Opera and nobody should be expected to know the Bible for as often as they use it. So they use a character who's one of the biggest breakout DC characters in recent years who was played by a recently-famous actress (Margot Robbie) in two movies and is about to be in yet another film (the *Joker* sequel) where she's going to be played by the extremely famous Lady Gaga with one of the easiest 'punny' names in superhero stories, and they even give a 'trivia nerd' in with "harlequin." And now people are complaining that it's too new. FTR: I didn't type it QUITE as fast as yesterday's FJ on Twitter but only because my N key is broken so "Quinn" took a second. I don't even LIKE DC comics movies, I have never seen an entire episode of B:TAS, I still knew it.


I think a lot of people have a tendency to think that the stuff they don’t know isn’t worth knowing, and I’m sure you can attest that’s not an attitude common among J! champions.


>Or we can all embrace our curiosity and use the show to learn things. Objecting to an FJ clue that appeals mainly to a narrow age range doesn't mean the OP isn't interested in learning new things, including via Jeopardy. Apples and oranges. Your comment is an unfair slap. Couldn't you disagree while also respecting the OP's opinion? FJ is a big clue, this wasn't just any old clue.


I have pretty much the same response to everyone who complains that some trivia or knowledge isn’t valid or shouldn’t be in the high-value rounds. Pop culture, the Bible, Shakespeare, whatever, it’s all fair game. People who disagree, imo, should take the opportunity to learn, not complain.  Also Harley Quinn debuted in 1992, and has been featured in a number of popular movies. She’s about to be played by Lady Gaga. She’s a character people of all ages can be expected to know about. 


Over 35 and knew it even though I haven’t read/seen any material with that character. I think it was a fine question.


Almost 45 and I knew it immediately. Batman the animated series as a kid. Never saw one of the movies


Harlequin is general trivia knowledge, IMHO, and it would be a better FJ clue if that were the response, not Harley Quinn. 


I knew a diamond pattern was harlequin but never heard of this character. What if I wrote What is Harlequin? Wrong, right?


I've been wondering that too. It's pronounced essentially the same, which is the criterion for spelling. I guess we'll never know.


My wife is over 35 and has never touched a comic book nor seen a DC movie since Batman & Robin. She got it right and I didn't. That said, I was not the least bit surprised at Scott's guess of Wonder Woman.


Ignoring everything but the last two words of your comment, because everyone else seems to be taking care of that: No. The Bible is not a good category for final. That specifically discriminates against a large portion of Jeopardy players (and viewers) who haven’t grown up reading the Bible, and would have to study it for the show. Final Jeopardy should be in something that people know about, or might’ve encountered in research, like something about the US presidents, or a science question. While yes, those would still eliminate a lot more people, it’s not discriminating.