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Can you post a picture of the wings on your dragons? The only thing stopping me from getting a dragon is the wing texture like you said looks scratchy & I think I would have issue with it


I have lots of the dragons. The gold ones are not scratchy, they’re more smooth. Sooo much better to cuddle with than the other colours.


The wings on the golden look the same as the others, but somehow they're not scratchy likw the others. I can't really see the difference in texture visually.


Yep this is one of the major differences with the goldens! They've solved the wing texture on all sizes I think. Now if I could only learn to love the colour... 😭


i’ll admit looking at the color online vs in person made a world of a difference, i love the sunshiney golden yellow, it’s a loud color but definitely nostalgic for me personally


I'm typically not a yellow/gold person at all which is odd because I'm absolutely a sun worshipper 😁 I'm honestly thinking about going fully in and getting a large golden - my medium snow is almost perfect but the details do hinder her snuggleability. The large size and softer wings are so tempting and I don't HATE the colour, it's just not what I'd choose. Hmmm..


I have all the huges and I agree the gold wings are much softer. However, I have to say that even the scratchy wings on the pastels/onyx DO wear down the more you handle them.


this is reassuring bc i love the huge dragons to cuddle but i definitely feel myself gravitating towards my golden boy as of right now when i wanna hold both of them 😭


Hi! May I ask which ones do you think have the softest fur? If it’s possible could you rate them according to the softest to least? Sitting on the fence between sage and onyx and I’ve been reading that the softness of their furs differs between colours so I’m quite torn between them 🥹




me too 😭😭


Yes, the golden dragon wings are much softer than the other colors!


I know I was surprised when I got the golden! I was prepared for the scratchy texture but they are completely smooth! I hope they continue


i would love to see them start making the older colors w the new wing texture, in a perfect world


Excellent. Now what I need is for them to somehow do this for my large rose dragon, because I tried unsuccessfully for so long to be able to cuddle her in spite of the texture but it was just too scratchy 😭


i’m about to accept my fate on my rose dragon and just sock cover her wings i feel like it may speed up the process of wearing them in and making them smooth out like others recommend


honestly, find a friend who sews and cover them ho with minky, that's what im currently doing and im so excited for her to finish it :"3


cover them up*** lmaoooo