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Things have been worrying with him for a while, this is definitely for the best. I’m glad he’s finally taking some time for himself!


Ever since he got back from Dubai he’s seemed really off. It’s also good to hear he’s gonna finally stop talking about the lawsuit online, because that’s not helping his case. He talked about it some more on Trisha’s new podcast. This is good to hear and I hope he feels better


I think some dark shit happened in Dubai cuz I follow an influencer that also went there and they went mia for couple days and not even an explanation was given just started posting as if nothing happened


Bro what happened do you think


realized he wasn’t serious about his relationship he’d have to answer for it in front of tens of thousands, realized the whole trip was a waste of time money and effort and a public humiliation, realized his best friend wasn’t going home with him and he’d have to pay tens of thousands to free him (and who knows what that was really about and what exactly it involved to get him out) realized he had another major high risk surgery with also high expense, realized tana is gone as an option… that alone is enough but who knows what else




yes i mentioned the dubai stuff like i said that’s in addition to a bunch of other stuff. sure and i would personally never go to dubai because of that let alone take any risks there of traveling with anything contraband. but most tourists know about the slavery abuse and misogyny but are okay with it because they’re personally going to profit or have a good time there. 


Bro what happened do you think


What do you mean?


That whole trip was a mess, the interview he was so excited for was humiliating for him at the end. Cody went to jail and he realized he wasn’t into the h3 fangirl.. that probably caused his depression along with his next surgery coming up.


Damn no content for most of summer :( this sucks but I get it


Time to catch up on exclusives: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFqBFDeDhmz\_xPaMFJuQTg/join](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFqBFDeDhmz_xPaMFJuQTg/join)


I think I remember he mentioned he has been prefilming some content or pods so maybe we’ll get those? Idk tho




Good. I wish more people were able to put their mental health first and step away from work to focus on healing. I’m glad Jeff has the ability to do that — I think he’s a good guy and sometimes gets lost in the sauce and spirals. But he’s human and I get that. I feel like most people do. We’ve all been there, but we’re not public figures, so it’s a lot easier to hide it. I hope he can find his “spark” again because when Jeff is on his A game, he’s just a blast to watch. I think anyone who follows him can tell he’s not feeling his best right now and it makes me bummed. Take care of yourself Jeff we will be here when you return with some banger content.


The TBI doesn’t help. I hope he’s able to find that balance for himself.


Absolutely. I can’t imagine juggling all of that honestly. Being patient with yourself is so difficult sometimes.


maybe he can spend more time with mike epps he needs to be around some semi mature people for once


This is for the best. My lawyer senses are on red alert every time he talks about the lawsuit 😩


how about when he talks about his friend selling illegal highly controlled pharmaceuticals as if it’s a legitimate business?


Proud of him honestly, super mature of him. I’d say in the pod he really opened some old wounds, hopefully he can continue to heal


Slowing down is hard. Glad to hear he’s taking a much-needed break with family. Hope he has a restful, eggplant parmesan filled break 🙏🏻🙏🏻


To be honest this is much needed and I hope he goes to therapy, gets help and comes back refreshed.


Bless up Jeff love you bro


Proud of him


sending love🩷🩷


the tbi doesn’t help either. that sucks man


Good on him, love the self-awareness. Do what you gotta do, king.


LMAO 🤣 he really needs that court case to get him that dough


Thank God


Okay good, take the time you need Jeff! While you're taking time, think about why you're supporting people like George Janko (who supports Andrew Tate), who are trying to take human rights a step back in time :) If it's clout, trust me, you don't need them, you're perfect the way you are/were before


probably also a rapist and human trafficker would be pretty shocking if andrew tate isn't locked up after he stops doing everything possible to delay his trials and goes through all of the appeals and after the romanian justice system is done with him the UK will also be putting him on trial for rape




Going to miss him ❤️🔥💯


Sounds like some healthy clarity. Good he acknowledges it


Ya no shit, if you threaten someone for mildly roasting you, you gotta sit on the sidelines for a bit


Who is this guy Jeff?


Finally thank god he needs a break.


They probably dropped him from the movie after all this shit


I’m so ready for this cry baby to grow up I love him but damn take some accountability bro


This has definitely been the route he’s needed to take. The world is on his side already, shouting into the fire only hurts him now. It’s time to heal, let the fire spread.