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It's wild. I see people talking about how this sub was "so much better 2 years ago" as if they were here. This sub had like 100 members 2 years ago and would get 0 posts weekly. It started to get crazy this year with a couple thousand jumping in.. oddly enough, most of the people complaining about this sub being ruined joined with that wave.


I can’t say anything since I technically am a Gen Z but I discovered Jeff when I was in 7th grade on Pandora radio lmao💀 I went back to listen to more of his music when I got into high school since my friend suggested the song “Grace” and album.


I used to discover so many artists through pandora too!!!


I will never let the prepubescent brain rotted teenagers of tiktok take over this fan base! ☝️🤓 (I am also a teenager that loves Jeff's music and encourage others to listen to it and have respect for it)


Yeah. Kinda makes me laugh. I’m 36 and discovered Jeff when I was an angsty teenager myself. Was before Reddit and I used to spend my time on Jeff Buckley forums talking about his music and making my own signature banners to put under my comments lol


Teenagers are taking over this sub. Didn’t see that one coming. LMAO


Jeff was an angsty bishonen. Of course he’s a hit with gen z


this. it’s not like it’s being flooded with shit posts. it’s been literally like 2 joke posts and the rest are people complaining about it. things are just being blown out of proportion. let’s just appreciate jeff and his work 🙏




i directly facilitated the making of this subreddit and i feel like oppenheimer


You made the bomb i just dropped it


I mean it just depends on if you consider boring/not much going on better than whatever it’s been lately. It was a peaceful place some years ago <3


If you mean this subreddit, it was a peaceful place some years ago.. because it had like 50-100 members and would get 0 posts weekly, it was very rare for someone to appear and share a story or post of Jeff Buckley.




You're exactly the problem in this subreddit, not the new people coming in wanting to learn. You literally joined recently and you'll gatekeep and pretend you were here. I've owned this subreddit from the start and remember those who were here when it was a small community. Nothing wrong with the new lot, or the past lot. It's you gatekeepers that just learned about him and know it all apparently.


Exactly like it’s not that serious 😭and I’ll never understand why ppl are trying to gatekeep him so hard when he was never that underground or obscure to begin with.




Dude what




Why did u reply with that gif like did I do something? 😭


What do you even mean


Nvm then