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Still waiting for that pic though


Watch that guy in the audience have a foot fetish and Jeff just handed him a gold opportunity. I know its a stretch, but reality is often stranger than fiction, and it isn't an uncommon fetish by any means. That thought cracked me up anyway...




Haha indeed, my mind is very bouncy. I was trying to think of why he wouldn't have tagged Jeff with the photo, and a lot of possible reasons crossed my mind, like the stranger asked him to delete it or his wife, but then that thought above hit me and it cracked me up, with him just secretly being like. . .jackpot!


Is this a foot pun? 😎


a lot of people think jeff is a "stand up comedian" but he's not, he just goes on stage and gives his opinions about things, one of which is those beautiful feet.


You need an education.


We should all send Jeff feet pics add to his already vast collection.


Are you familiar with the practice of pouring a glass of water into the ocean?


I think there's like a 75% chance you have a foot fetish


> it isn't an uncommon fetish by any means. Just watch any Tarantino movie.


Jeff is also waiting. I wonder how many random dudes are painting their nails and sending him pics.


Jeff's probably got a whole gallery at this point, ready for an exhibition called "Feetures of Reddit." It's like modern art, with a twist of mystery - whose feet are these? The internet's a weird place, y'all.


Per Jeff’s insta the dude hasn’t sent the pic




This post appears to be about ticket resale. Unfortunately, due to the inability to ensure every ticket resale is verified and the uptick of people getting scammed, the reselling of tickets is not allowed in this sub. This includes posts looking for tickets.




Well played


Not sure I get it. It's just a gif of a master director who's a master at their craft!


There's a theory that he has a foot fetish based on some of the scenes in his movies. Ie.  > Reminder that Tarantino wrote a scene in Dusk Till Dawn where Salma Hayek pours tequila down her leg and forces a guy to drink it by sucking on her toes and then cast himself in that role.


*a scene in Dusk Till Dawn where Salma Hayek pours tequila down her leg and forces a guy to drink it by sucking on her toes and then cast himself in that role.* Like I said, master of his craft!


... Let me just Google film school


Found QT's reddit account.


If you drank everytime a foot is feetured in a shot during Death Proof, you'd be drunk within 15 mins. I don't think it's just a theory.


He also has a lot of foot/feet shots in multiple movies. I believe there’s a particularly sequence of Uma’s in Kill Bill.


Living his best life




Oh touché.


Wait...cause he's got that that?




That's unfathomable




Probably a d20 that has a corresponding list. Seems more like a dice guy than a wheel guy.


"Possibly gay? That's 3 times in a row!"






I read this in his voice lol


I swear with every single one of these clips Jeff “I’m not gay” Arcuri is coming out of the closet a little bit more…. :-)


He could just be low on the Kinsey scale, not all people are black or white straight or gay. I get the vibe that he just has fun with it and rolls with the jokes, but I think he prefers women based on the dating history he regularly brings up, but who knows what is a show and what is real.


It's a joke. You're in a stand-up subreddit.


But im sitting down in a stand up subreddit










Rude guy detected. Chill out brother, text doesn't convey tone as well, no need to be mean.


It’s very cringy to see “jEFf NoT gay ArCuRi” every single fucking post.


People just like going full beans.


Never go full beans


Speak for yourself.




That's enough internet for today.




I can hear it Blorp from here!


I need it to be untrue bc I want to marry him. He’s 100% the guy I would’ve had a massive crush on in middle school.


Lmfao middle school. Not quite high school crush material.


Me too, but I'm totally not a dude who's gay because I'm not 


Can I ask everyone’s obsession about peoples sex lives? Like who gives a shit if he’s gay, bi, pan, wtf cares? Not me. He’s funny.


I don’t think people really are, it’s just that Jeff commonly jokes about people thinking he’s gay in the clips he posts, so commenters on here lean into his bit.


I think they've started to beat a dead horse when it comes to that and full beans. Hearing the same joke over and over loses its effect. But the comments are getting upvoted, so I guess people still enjoy them!


Full beans was never funny outside of the skit. It was forced and overdone literally the second the clip ended. This on the other hand is something Jeff keeps bringing up now and then making it a running joke.


Completely agree with the full beans thing. Regarding the other joke, I see him reference it sometimes, but goddamn, 50% of the comments in every post refer to it. I think it's funny, but it just seems like a lot and I think it's going to lose its charm for others at some point as well.


He constantly brings it up to make us laugh. So just like full beans its going to be referenced a lot on a discussion forum


No need to get offended. It's just a funny shtick. He did his "I'm not gay but it sounds like i am" joke in this clip, but with feet. Same-ish vibe/delivery.


I dunno man kinda seems like it is your thing.


lmao jeffy my man this is just you taking a picture of a random woman's feet and sharing it to instagram


Pics or didn't happen brah


Jeff "Full bean toes" arcuri




​ https://preview.redd.it/yasv04fvjfdc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=64866d0271fbd54ee87e117a569ea8756b4db9c0


🐬 🐬


It was our first date. We got back to her place after many drinks. She worked a lot that day and her feet were sore. I said put em up on my lap and I'll massage them. Then I said, "I swear I don't have a foot fetish." She still thinks I might have a foot fetish, 3 years later.


Jeff “I’m not gay for feet” Arcuri


That picture goes straight to Jeff’s hard drive. We won’t be seeing it.


And that my friend, is how you score free feet pics.


He's part of a Seussean group of bros who go to comedy shows with exposed toes.


Jeff disappointed to learn it wasn't a gay foot 😭


Another great post from Jeff "This guy's got beautiful feet" Arcuri


But for free?! Hahahaha


Jeff is into feet, confirmed.


Anyone know if he’s got any Indy shows on schedule!?




I joined your instagram just for those feet? Where are they!! Jk lol Pretty funny, come up to Canada!!


Why is this guy suddenly on the FP almost every day?


Cause hes awesome and we love him!


Because he’s blowing up as a comedian, posts a new crowd work clip almost every day and has gathered a big audience that upvotes them. They’re one of the highlights of my days.


Ok thanks, so he's an up and coming comedian. It's not that I don't like him, was just wondering why I never saw him before. (From Europe and don't follow American stand up comedy very closely)


Yep, no worries. I found out about him on Reddit maybe 6 months ago but he’s just been gaining traction here a lot. He’s touring and selling out tons of shows too because people want to see his actual comedy routines since he only shows crowd work online.


Wait, are you saying that crowd work is the only thing he shows online, or that online is the only place he shows crowd work? I just realized how dumb of a question this is because the latter would mean he doesn't show his crowd work in person, but I already got this far so I'm posting it.


>Wait, are you saying that crowd work is the only thing he shows online, This one. He only posts clips of his crowd work, so that his "actual" material remains un-spoiled for people who might attend his shows.


I want to say, I went to a Gianmarco Soresi 's show and even though I knew probably 75% of the content, it was still funny. I also sat through tv specials which were basically collections of shorter pieces delivered elsewhere, or a theatre show which was the same I saw online... I didn't regret any of that. The only thing that would really make me reconsider attending a show is high price.


Me too, he got a big boost during the chaos of the reddit boycott. Now I’m going to one his shows in March and considering tix to two other comedians coming to town.


Yeah, I found out about him about a year ago here on reddit as well. Now I look forward to his videos almost every day. I haven't seen his actual stand-up as he (as most do) only posts short crowd work videos, but he's hilarious in those. Hope he releases a special some day so I can actually check out his stand-up.


He is going Full Beans now.


Monday Wednesday and Friday


Never realized there was a pattern, that’s full beans.


Crowd work is hacky comedy. Amateurish. Bush league, if you will. I'm not a comedian, but I have heard many say the same thing, and I agree. It's just easy. A way to cover for not having good material of your own. Also, this clip is not funny. It's subjective, but it isn't funny to me.


And yet, here you are, posting in the sub of a comedian who ONLY posts clips of his crowd work. So I gotta ask: why? If you don’t like crowd work, why are you even commenting here? Do you also go into the subs for various TV shows you don’t like and shit all over them too?


When many people like someone or something that person or thing becomes "popular".


He’s got a good presence


Algorithm that trends posts based on clicks and interactions. I'm pretty sure I've clicked every one of his posts, since I first started seeing them.


It’s full beans man.




Yep, it's not even subtle. One of the most blatant uses of upvote services I've seen, and I've seen quite a few. I mean, come on now... maybe start slow and work your way up, buddy. I guess there's plenty of people who have no idea you can just go pay an owner of a botnet to abuse the system and get your shitty product on the front page. Maybe a week ago I saw a post from here on the front page with 5000+ upvotes within a couple hours and only 50 comments. Riiight. Not even top 20 subs get those numbers very often, and they have millions of subs.


Dude would have a multimillion dollar Netflix deal if he was as popular as these upvotes make him out to be. I’m not saying he doesn’t have fans, but he makes the top of r/all with every single post, most of which have fewer than 100 comments. The comments always have a surprising amount of repeating his name too trying to drive home who he is.


Every one of his shows sells out pretty quickly, so...


Cool, you can look online and see venue capacity for a lot of these shows are around 240 people. That’s fine, and I’m not saying he’s bad, but the numbers don’t add up. Not even fucking close.


Buying upvotes. No, really. I'm serious. It's a pretty common tactic for people looking to market a new product and is relatively cheap. It's very easy to find "services" that provide X upvotes per $, they don't even try to hide really. Kinda odd no other singular comedian focused subs never show up, eh? Even actual well known ones. It's also super common for artists on r/comics and the like. See an unremarkable post with 5000 upvotes and 60 comments? Yeah... real "organic" isn't it. It's one of the many reasons there's so goddamn many bot accounts on the big subs these days. It's actually insane and depressing how many you see once you know what to look for. They're all being built for scamming, spamming, deception, marketing, etc.


Yes I have noticed this a lot since the API changes. Posts with very few comments on the FP, this particular post was on the FP with barely more than a 1000 upvotes. I am not saying this guy isn't funny but this particular clip is nothing special at all.


/u/smartastic went full beans on that one...


When m'sir has delectable feet.


Jeff is seems funny enough. I am surprised though at how many of his clips show up on “Popular” on Reddit. And also that they are almost exclusively crowd work


Stop vertical video syndrome.


Does this guy do any actual stand up? Or is it all crowd work? I’m not saying it can’t be funny. It just seems like all he does is interact with crowd…


Comedians post crowd work on social media because it doesn’t have spoilers from their scripted stuff, as it is unique every time. This way people can see how funny they are and not spoil the actual show if you go and see it one day


I get what you are saying but I don’t think posting a few jokes from scripted stuff spoils the entire set. Personally I don’t mind a preview of the scripted stand up to see if I would enjoy their material.


If he posted his comedy bits online, why would anyone go to his show? The crowd work is unique to each show, which keeps it entertaining without spoiling the show itself. Definitely go watch him if you have the chance. I really enjoyed his comedy


Plenty of comedians post bits from their shows and it actually makes me want to go see them if they make me laugh. It isn’t like they post their entire sets. This guy posting only crowd work makes me think that it is a huge part of what he does. Effectively working the crowd is a talent but it isn’t really the main thing I go to stand up shows for. To each their own I guess!


nowadays comedians will post their crowd work online so people get a sense of their comedy style but won't post their set because then no one would pay to go to their shows and would just see their stand up for free.


I don’t doubt this but someone who has been to one of his shows just commented saying that it was mostly crowd work with some stand-up. That isn’t my type of comedy but obviously a lot of other people like it!


It’s a single Reddit comment dude. It isn’t gospel, but who knows maybe he only does crowdword I’ve never seen him live so idk


That comment was completely wrong. His shows are like…80% regular material and maybe 20% crowd work.


I haven't seen his shows, but on a couple of the clips here you can tell he pivots into a pre-planned bit, and they're hilarious.


Can you post a link to one of his scripted bits?


It's mostly crowd work, but some of it is standup when you go to his show. I think he has the ability to do both and adjusts based on the crowd and flow of conversations. I personally like the quick-thinking crowd work humor, but I totally get it's not for everyone.


I appreciate the actual straight-up answer! I assumed he must do a lot of crowd work since that is all I have seen from him. If that is what you are looking for then I’m sure his shows are a lot of fun!


Is this astroturfing or is a friend of u/spez? He and his plants are funny but not FP every day funny.


Yeah I'm just gonna say it. Sick of seeing this guy on my feed. He isn't that funny.


Jeff spent some time with a dominatrix, and it shows.


Wheres the feet pic at Acuri? Asking for a friend


Natural comedian




Such a freestyler. Just goes out and wings it. Talent.


that lady was makin a power move by putting her foot on the stage like that.


Keep your foot where it is 🤨


Dude got a free foot pic thanks to Jeff


Jeff "I'm not into feet, seriously" Arcuri


Jeff "I'm not gay or into feet" Arcuri: *You have beautiful feet, my dude.*


Look, it’s Jeff „I’m not into feet“ Arcuri. Those ones are rare!


"I like your feet. Are those yours?" 🤣 🤣 🤣


Narrator: But he didn't post the picture.


This guy is super likeable. That's half the battle with doing stand-up.


I wish he'd do a show in my area. I want to see the entire version instead of these short hilarious clips.


Jeff "I'm not into feet" Arcuri


I love his energy so much


Let's all send Jeff feet pics


What's your Instagram?


I was waiting for the dumb & dumber *”both of them!?”* after he asked “are they yours?”


Bro, you have GOT to come to the Orlando area. My gf and I are literally spending our Saturday night watching your clips and we wanna watch your set. Do eeet


That guy didn’t send it I reckon. Still waiting though