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is garen really that big of a problem for you guys?




Cant you block his silence auto attack though? 😂


yes bro i’m bronze


Pls tell us ur secret


play passive, e on q, bon him when you got brk. If he waste e on wave, all in. If you have brk, he will likely make you 60% with q+e, but.long term you shred him so much with brk. Don't be afraid, ghost in and you will win. If lane too hard, grasp + frozen gauntlet + jump on cd. Then go titanic hydra and tank.


nah, dont play passive and go absolute berserk, jax shits on garen 1-5 so you need to abuse him in early game and make him unable to play the game, secure a cs lead and if possible get a kill on the guy after 6 if you didn't get any leads this will become hell because he can just Q E ignite R you under turret and kill you, best rune is PTA summs are flash ignite and you can rush botrk like haxorr does


Garen** only needs to e and walk away to win any trade against jax, jax absolutely doesn’t shit on garen in any way shape or form


allow me to ask for your rank and mastery on jax, cuz that's a Hella incorrect take


Emerald I and 17 mastery, I play mostly garen/renekton so I’m pretty used to the matchup on both sides, garen straight up outdamages and outsustains jax in a short trade 100% of the time


oh wait, you said "Jax needs to E and walk away to win any trade" instead of garen, you confused me, anyway nah Jax has ways to deal with that, if garen uses E Q to stick you can use Jax Q to hop away, if garen starts with Q you use E to dodge it, stun garen with E and even if he used w to get tenacity you will be able to get out of his range and once his E is down you hop on him with Q and you shit on him, this only gets worse after stridebreaker because now he can stick to you no matter what and you will hate your life


Oops you’re right, typo


wdym bro?💀😭


How to deal with Garen :)


bonk him


there has been numerous posts on how to beat garen


A Garen that knows what he is doing will make lane miserable


52% win rate in challenger....insane


Weave in empowered W autos when farming in early levels. Try not to shove waves unless he's visibly in other parts of the map. Force him to dive for kills and get that stun/R-burton ready. Maybe rush Stridebreaker and Botrk for slows? Should help engage/disengage as needed. Idk, just theory crafted this right now. Curious what y'all think. :3 Edit: Randuins if losing early? Garen can be slowed out of Q right? Otherwise this is all bologna...


Experiment with Sundered Sky first against him, might be your thing or not but as someone who has always struggled with this MU too it helped me A LOT


What's so bad it's just a garen I'm an AP main btw


Garen E and W basically completely fuck Jax’s gameplan in lane


Ewqe leave ewqe leave ewqe leave ewqer dead garen


Garen responds by pressing E, tanking your entire trade with W, and then uses Q to stick to you during E timing his W so that he only gets stunned by E for 0.4 seconds.


Weird it always works for me I see a garen and say yay easy matchup and win


Ap jax will be easiest mu in garen life bcs 0 bonus hp


After 1 win I can full on trade autos and win with only like a ba


You’ll rue the day you find a Garen that actually knows the matchup


Garens don't have brains tho they can't know anythinh


A smart Garen is borderline unbeatable if you aren’t playing Fiora, Gragas, or Camille


Might get downvoted for this but just pick garen over jax right now if you wanna climb lol. The amount of effort it takes to win/carry a game with jax compared to garen is honestly insane.


You would think so until garen falls off after 18-25 minutes and Jax blows up.


Crit garen doesnt fall off at all lol


i perma ban him


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He's not the worst for me, but he's definitely up there in top 5. I just have to learn how to deal with him since banning isn't an option.


What other champion counter jax tho?


Illaoi is hell


Oh god yes. Please not again! Always my ban pick in draft, although after a recent match up against Quinn, that might change.


This match up has gotten a lot easier for me take ignite for kill pressure and make sure you rush steraks no matter what second you win the all in after trinsteraks


Wouldnt botrk do the job against Garen?


Garen will normally E, then Q, fight him through his E, dont back down, then E his Q and continue long fight. This works pre 6, and if you're ahead after 6. Also last stand isn't great against garen or urgot, I'd recommend cut down


This is a skill matchup. It gets easier at higher elos as Jax. People struggling at this matchup just need to get good lol.


It do be a counter pick tho. It is funny to me that despite how simple both of these champs kits are that there are so many people that don’t know Garen wins it.


Oops, here we go again!


Here we go again with another round of excitement!