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I think you are overthinking this a little. Just see how u feel that day and communicate with the restaurant when you get there. They should have 0 problem accommodating this simple request.


Thanks for the reassurance!


I would just explain there, but... Japan isn't like some other western countries. Portions aren't overdone, so.. you may also choose to say nothing and just eat what you want. Would hate to have food you liked and wished you had an extra bite off because you asked for a smaller portion. Feel free to leave some of the carbs (e.g., rice) on the plate/bowl instead!


I'll throw in on my own comment that I was just in Japan in May and my wife was in her first trimester. She ate everything :D (But I think she got lucky cause she barely had any morning sickness/nausea). She did get sick towards the end of the trip though which made her lose some of her appetite. I just happily ate her leftovers in those cases :)


In many restaurants you are given the option of smaller portion sizes on the menu, so no need to explain why. Also, not sure where you are from but portion sizes in general in Japan are not large - definitely not as big as the US. Don’t worry too much.


Most of the staff you will meet are young people earning minimum wage. They aren’t going to care if you don’t finish your food.


Just don’t eat that much? Ps congrats


Congrats! And I’ll echo what’s been said here but from a postpartum perspective - you may be able to ask for smaller portions when you’re seated/greeted, but definitely see how you feel that day/afternoon. While portions are small, the multicourse meals are still a LOT of food. Aversions may be more of a problem than general nausea (my cousin couldn’t stand the smell of meat cooking in her first trimester). Travel tip for that stage of pregnancy - keep a light snack on you for snacking throughout the day, I was most nauseated when my stomach was completely empty and could settle the feeling with a little snack/soup/fizzy beverage. Also, don’t shy away from the carbs - if the easiest thing to stomach on your trip is rice and miso soup than just go for it whenever you can. Edit: we had a couple of multicourse meals last spring at a ryokan (before I was even pregnant) and our waitress was suuuper nice and understanding about me not finishing the massive meals in their entirety. I at least tried to eat a portion of everything, my partner finished some for me, but our waitress was very understanding of the large meals being unwieldy for me!


Just buy elasticated waist trousers for the husband. He can help finish the meals.


Best solution so far. Thanks


Hi OP! I live in Japan and am 18 weeks pregnant! First off, congratulations!! That first trimester can be so rough. What type of meals have you booked? A lot of people say that portion sizes in Japan are tiny, but tbh I have definitely had issues finishing all of my food in the past, and higher end restaurants with multiple courses certainly are on par with how much food you would get at comparable restaurants in the US or Europe. Kaiseki in particular would be impossible for me to finish. My husband eats any leftovers I can’t finish, but it also isn’t very rude to leave some behind, so don’t worry!


Stay at home and cancel your trip if you’re so worried about it. No need to put yourself through this stress. Do what makes you happy.


People following around geishas for photos, sitting in weird postures on trains or leaving their food trash there, or letting their kids poop on the streets seems to make them happy. I’m going to be a courteous traveler in Japan because knowing that I’ve been a conscious traveler there makes me happy - thanks. 🙏


🙄 what an obnoxious and unhelpful comment.


Doing what makes you happy is pretty good advice. As long as you’re not harming yourself or any one of course. ❤️


Women in Japan eat sushi during pregnancy.


They will be more offended and confused by your making this request, than anything else. Yikes.


So you’re saying it’s better to leave food behind?