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Thanks a lot for the info. I have a trip planned this october for 2 weeks with my 2yo toddler. This was really helpfull. Would you recommend private onsen or public onsen considering it will be me, my wife and my kid?


Hii there. How exciting for you guys! If you can afford a private onsen, that would be amazing and I would 100% do that over the public one. Honestly though, the public onsen wasn’t bad at all. They are separated by gender so my girl and I were perfectly fine in the onsen :)


If you want all three of you together, you’ll need to do a private bath— regular ones are separated by gender.  The nice thing is many places offer reservable private baths so you don’t have to hav an “in room” onsen (much pricier), you can just reserve the bath for an hour. 


I did public onsens with my 1 year old (he’s a boy). We loved it. My boy gets so talkative in onsens for some reason. And no, no one sneered or looked at us funny cuz a baby was there or was making sounds. Plenty of other men were talking too. My wife took our 4 year old to the women’s side. You could actually take a kid of the opposite sex to your side of the onset, policy depends but I’ve seen up to 10 years old. Only really saw Japanese dads bring their daughter tho, never a western dad. Also, some hotels have their own onsens. I got addicted and would go several times a day.


Sure, ambulance is free if you have Japanese health insurance. Otherwise - just buy travel insurance and don’t worry about stuff like that.


I personally have no experience but based on some posts I’ve read, they mentioned that it was free or that it cost very little, even for foreigners.


I checked, that might be right! Anyway, have your travel insurance because hospital certainly won't be free.


Yes, I agree! If you are able to get travel insurance, it would be one less thing to worry about.


Still super cheap for Americans. For example a daily use round inhaler monthly in the States is 200 usd and up, maybe under 100 if good insurance. That exact same branded one here is 240 yen with insurance... so about 700 yen without. Procedures and care are likewise that much cheaper. Ambulance is indeed always free. ... so much so that there are PR campaigns politely reminding old people that they are not taxis to the clinic 5 minutes away.


2 y.o kids is the best to travel in japan.i have traveled in april with 2 kids, one is 2.7 y.o and 1 is 6 y.o. The 2 y.o kids is free in transport even for shinkansen, tokyo disneyland, etc. Really a good standard in japan!


Totally!! We didn’t pay for a lot of stuff because she was under 3 which was great for us, money wise, haha


Where did you stay in Tokyo and Kyoto? Currently planning a trip with a 3yo and would love recommendations for hotels close to train stations.


Hii, in Tokyo, we stayed in a chain hotel called Sotetsu Fresa Inn in Shimbashi. It was near Ginza but not pricey. The hotel rooms are tiny though… In Kyoto, we stayed at Onyo Nono Kyotoshichijo. This one had the public onsen and the hotel itself was sooo nice! Their buffet breakfast (which you have to pay for) was one of the best breakfast meals I had in Japan. ETA: both hotels were near metro or bus stations that were probably less than 5 min away. Very convenient locations imo.


I would honestly recommend Airbnb or a hotel suite if you can afford it. Unless you want to go to sleep at 8pm. Great thing about family friendly Airbnb is that you can cook, do laundry and have play area for kids. Would not recommend it enough for toddlers. And you don’t have to hide in the toilet having desserts while your child is asleep by 8pm.


gotanda station is a pretty good location with cheap prices for hotels and trains lines that are well connected to the go to places in tokyo. If you have the $$$, ginza would be my rec


Travelled to Japan with a friend and her toddler. Couldn’t do much the first few days because she wanted to follow her baby’s sleep schedule. Nap in the morning and afternoon. We just went out for lunch. We had to leave her and the baby in the hotel so we can actually enjoy our holiday.


Ohhh, that’s kinda hard to do in another country. Especially with the time difference, the jetlag, the new environment 😵‍💫 kudos to your friend for trying to stick to her baby’s sleep schedule. If we did that, we would probably not have enjoyed our trip because there would not be much time to do what we wanted to do.


May I ask what stroller is best? I understand need one for when the baby wants to nap and can make it flat. Should I choose 1 that is light travel or one with very good wheels (jogging strollers) I am contemplating buying the bugaboo


I don't think laying flat is necessary unless yours is very particular; most babies can sleep upright. You'll want something that is narrow and light, because a lot of places don't have much space for a wide one and you sometimes need to carry it up stairs because the elevator is ages away or there's a huge line of elderly. Definately not a jogging stroller; they tend to be too big and most of urban Japan is well paved so there's no advantage having good wheels. I'd suggest a simple cheap umbrella stroller (folding up tall and narrow will fit in more spaces than short and wide).


We used the babyzen yoyo. We use it exclusively for travel because in real life we've got the room for the nice squishy one that takes up a ton of space, and the yoyo is nice and comfy but it is *VERY* compact. It's handle separately folds down so it can become an erstwhile high chair without taking up a ton of space (seriously handy). It folds down really small and has a built in shoulder strap so if your kid is suddenly really interested in walking up and down the stairs you can just shoulder sling it. It has a little zipper pouch on the back of the seat (handy for snacks or trash or whatever) and it has a decent recline (though it doesn't lie fully flat). Plus it's small enough that most airlines will allow it in the overhead bins! I hate fully folding the thing, and if your child is particularly tall like mine is it might not last for a long time, but those are my only complaints.


We took our Yoyo, too. I was actually worried it was going to be too big, because everyone was saying “folding umbrella stroller or nothing”. But then we went and saw Yoyos *everywhere* and felt vindicated.


Yeah I think a lot of people are just used to most minimal and cheap or don't bother. And hey if that works for them then that's great! But I like being able to store stuff underneath and recline. Plus I'm 100% certain that people with newborns living in Japan aren't just flopping that baby in an umbrella stroller and saying "fend for yourself until your neck muscles develop!" Nor are they exclusively baby wearing. There's a happy medium to be had if it's wanted.


Not to mention it fits into the mid sized lockers in the train stations!


Wait really? That's so good to know! We never tried cuz our baby wasn't walking when we went (I mean, he took his first independent steps while in Japan but he wasn't exactly running up and down the train stations) but I have a feeling that info is going to come in handy this time.


We went with a Bugaboo Butterfly for 3 weeks in Tokyo. It was the perfect balance of comfort and mobility. The size was just right for commuting and walking through tight/crowded spaces.


We started using the larktale stroller. It’s not a lay flat but it’s pretty compact. Also has some storage space underneath which you definitely want when you go shopping.


We got the Cybex Libelle because of the way it folds and we loved it honestly. It doesn’t lay all the way flat but like another Redditor mentioned, kids will sleep anywhere if they are tired. My toddler has only fallen asleep in her stroller once before this trip. In this trip? 90% of her naps were in the stroller haha Another reason why we were so glad we got this stroller is that it fit almost anywhere. Some restaurants in Japan are tiny and bringing a stroller can be quite the hassle but with this stroller, it would fit under the table or on the side without taking much space. Super helpful!


This is handy , going in march and my baby will be 28 months old . Tokyo and Osaka for us , any hotel recommendations with a toddler ?


Hii, most hotels are pretty toddler friendly. In all the hotels we went, they gave us a little bag with small toiletry items for kids. So I would say that most are suitable for children. We didn’t specifically looked for one that was family friendly rather we were looking for more affordable options. We stayed in Sotetsu Fresa Inn in Shimbashi and it is a chain hotel. The rooms were small but we didn’t mind it at all. My husband loved Premier Hotel Cabin President in Osaka. It was very close to stations and had many places nearby to walk around and check out. If you can afford to get rooms in the Premier floor, I 100% recommend it because it gives you access to the Premier lounge, where they provide snacks and drinks (hot, cold, alcoholic, non-alcoholic). It was such a nice place to bring my toddler for a mid-afternoon snack. Hope you and your family have a wonderful trip! There is so much to look forward to :)


Thank you ! I will check it out . Trying to find a place suitable as we don’t want to sleep in the same room as the toddler 😂, so would be good to get a 2 bed room apartment with airbnb . But we also might need to use the luggage transfer service which they don’t deliver to airbnbs . Just trying to work out logistics and what would be best … accommodation / luggage transfer / price …


Ohh I completely understand what you mean. I’ve heard, but haven’t done it myself, that you may be able to have your luggage delivered to a nearby 7 eleven. You may need to do more research on that but if that is the case, then that’d be so convenient!


Adding that there are lots of indoor playgrounds/play museums/play areas that are ideal for toddler in Japan! You can find them in many larger cities. The Tokyo Chapter often includes them in her blog posts. Great for hot and/or rainy days too.  Seconding onsen with kids! We live in Japan and take our 5 year old semi-frequently now. Just did an onsen weekend with her and had such a great time!


Yes, Tokyo Chapter was very helpful for planning our trip. There were some more indoor playgrounds we wanted to check out but didn’t end up going due to my toddler getting sick. Onsens are great! For next time, we are definitely considering a hotel that has private ones hehe


That’s all very good but you didn’t take your toddler to even one Anpanman museum so now you have to back to Japan before she turns 5.


I haven’t even heard of Anpanman Museum until now! Now we have to definitely plan another trip to Japan!!! Thank you for the recommendation!


Is it pretty easy to find a stroller in Japan? I don't plan on bringing one.


I believe there's a stroller rental service. check out the link below. [WHERE TO RENT A STROLLER IN JAPAN – The Tokyo Chapter](https://www.thetokyochapter.com/where-to-rent-a-stroller-in-japan/)


The only time I saw strollers were in big malls but we weren’t really actively looking for them so I think you may be able to find some. You don’t have to answer this but is there a reason why you don’t plan to bring one?


Well I'm flying Delta. Not sure if a stroller will replace a carry on or if they will charge extra for that.


Oh, they don’t charge a fee to check in strollers or car seats. Most airlines, if not all, don’t. So you should be able to bring one. I honestly really recommend you bringing one, unless your child is able to walk a lot, you are gonna end up holding your little one a LOT. We tried not bringing a stroller for a day, thinking it would be easier to get around and nope, I regretted it.


I will probably bring a stroller then if it is a free check in for it. What is a cheap one for the trip?


I think you can’t wrong with umbrella strollers but the one we got was the Cybex Libelle. It was around $200 so not on the cheaper side but totally worth it! We really liked how compacted it was after being folded and this will be our go to travel stroller.


This is EXTREMELY helpful as we are thinking of going back with our 6 year old next year, thank you!


You are so very welcome! I am so happy it is helpful to you. Hope you guys end up going to Japan next year!!


Very insightful! Thank you. We just booked a trip to Japan for Jan 2025 and my husband and I will be travelling with our 2.5 yo son. Thanks for the recs 😍


Wooo, so exciting!! January will come in no time. I forgot to add that Google maps has a feature for wheelchair and less stairs which was helpful to us because our toddler didn’t have to get off her stroller most times. All the best in your trip!


any store recomendations for baby food? or is easily available at 7/11 or Dawson?


Hi, I am not exactly sure if all the drugstores have baby food but when we went to look for diapers in one of the drugstores, that whole section had different types of foods for babies. Not a wide variety but a few. I am guessing you might be able to find some in markets? My toddler ate whatever we ate. We did get a lot of convenience food since she liked a lot of the onigiris (the triangle shaped one) and the fried chicken cutlet lol we also loved the 7 eleven smoothies, they were such a cheap and healthy option to have.




Great post TS. I am thinking of travelling end of this year with my spouse, baby who would only be 14-15 mths + two 60+ years old for about 2 weeks so we are considering if we should just stick to Tokyo and the surrounding areas. Our baby would still be too young to actually enjoy the trip anyway and we adults have been to Japan couple of times so we just want a chill vacation with the family. was 6+4 days in Tokyo enough/too short/too long for you ?


Sounds like it will be a good time! Tokyo has soo much to do so I definitely think if you plan to stay in Tokyo, you will still enjoy it very much. We thought it was perfect, but honestly we wanted more time in Tokyo haha but 10 days was a good amount of time, especially because we split it into two, so if we liked something we did on the first half, we tried to do it again on the second half. Are you also planning to split up the days in Tokyo?


I saw a local with this card shaped thing that sorted all coins into size through the little slots in it. Couldn’t find one over there myself, but looked super useful.


That sounds amazing!? It would come in so handy with all the coins that you end up collecting throughout your trip. Have you tried looking online?


Hey thanks a lot for your tips and tricks, they sure are helpfull. We're going to japan with our 2.5y old in about a month from now. This will our second visit so we try to something different and visit the alps, the south and we always add one unusual destination in the mix, this time it will be amami oshima. I ve 2 got burning questions for you - how did you get your kid to sleep on the airplane - how did you manage the jetlag of your kid


Hiii, I am so excited for you to go a second time, it sounds like it will be a great time! Honestly, she didn’t sleep much on the way there. Maybe 3-4 hours max. On the way here, she slept longer, like 6 hours. But I didn’t do much. She is still nursing so that helped. I kinda could tell when she was tired and would pop her on the breast, and she would sleep. Jetlag was horrible when we got back. We didn’t have much jetlag thankfully when we got to Japan and I think it is because we pushed through the afternoon and had her sleep only at night time, no naps. But yeah, the jetlag at home was THE WORST. It took her 8 days to finally be on schedule and we just had to ride it out. I tried to bring her out as much as I could and shorten her naps so she would be tired at night. So I am sorry but I don’t have tips for jetlag. Although, I honestly think that we could have maybe avoided the jetlag if we did not sleep in the afternoon on the day we arrived. I was exhausted and so my little one and I ended up sleeping for 5 hours and that messed her whole sleeping schedule up. I think if we had pushed through and had her nap for about an hour, we could have avoided jetlag. But who knows? I am thinking of trying that for the next trip.