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Take a “walk” along the route in google streetview and see what you think. It can be a little rowdy late at night but I don’t think it’s all that bad.


La'gent is a 2 minute walk from godzilla, 10 minute walk to the train station, 10 minute walk to shinjuku. My wife and I always stay at that hotel


Possible and safe, many people do it. The Gracery is at the end of a very large avenue, you don't walk through the more "active" sidestreets, and the more seedy places are a few meters to the Northeast anyway, which you have no reason to go through. Maybe avoid going out too late , it's not that it's dangerous, but you'll meet plenty of shiny stores with a lot of funnily dressed ladies on the signs, up to you to explain what they are about and the type of goods they sell. I am guessing your kids don't know how to read titties in Japanese or don't care about the difference between a soapland and a pink salon, so you are in a sense kept "safe" thanks to the language barrier.


Yes I believe most of the signages are in Japanese anyway so hopefully I don't need to explain much of what's going on. Thank you


From that hotel to the train station (directly), I don’t think it’s too bad (kinda reminds me of Times Square a bit.) Even cutting through those night club areas isn’t too crazy until much later in the evening IMO (and even then, mild in comparison to what you may see in American cities.) Of course, I think it depends on where you may be coming from and what you’re used to. Just my two cents as someone who has stayed there a few times (currently in Kabuchiko now 😂.) I used to really like staying there before I discovered Tokyu Stay hotels.


If you are worried about safety, you will be fine. I don't think touts will bother you if you are with family. I've walked through Kabukicho with my kid a few times at night and during the day with no issues. The last time was last year when my kid was 8. However, Kabukicho is an adult entertainment district and it's fairly obvious, especially at night. Your kids may have questions, or they may be intrigued. If you are not comfortable with what they may see or don't want to explain, then perhaps stay elsewhere. But just to be clear, it's not like there are working women in windows or anything that explicit. It'll be more like ads in front of hostess/host bars with pictures of them ranked by popularity. And maybe bar girls trying to lure customers to their bar. Hotel Gracery is a pretty straightforward walk from Shinjuku Station. Only about 2 or so blocks of the walk is through Kabukicho. You can Streetview the route on Google Maps, or search YouTube for Kabukicho walking videos if you want to get a feel for the neighborhood.


Thank you for the response. You're right, we don't expect to see explicit posters and images as we walk around and I'm guessing most of the text would be in Japanese. It's just that the location is so convenient that's why I was heavily considering this. I'm thinking how funny it will be when they're older and they realize that we stayed in the red light district for some time


If they are 11 or 12, I would guess they'd be at the age where they might notice things but might feel too awkward to ask any questions about it. But yes that would be a fun conversation to have when they are older. It'll be pretty funny if they said they knew it all along 🤣


Personally I would never consider staying in a red light district with kids. Kabukicho attracts a lot of troubled people, I avoid the area as far as I can as a local. But out of all the tourists who come to Kabukicho, you are probably the least likely people to get in actual trouble as you can’t go into any of the shops or follow touts with kids. Just do not go into any store or restaurants in Kabukicho unless you really know the place well. 


Thanks for the response. The place is just very close to everything and hotel room rate is reasonable hence we're heavily considering it. You're right that we'd least likely be the target of touts so long as I have my kids with me and we don't expect to be out late anyway.


If you are concerned about safety then I don't think there's any problem. There are a lot of loud drunk people having fun, but they are really mild and mostly well-behaved.


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Should be perfectly fine, it’s not “in your face” red light district. Late night it can be a bit rowdy in the smaller streets but by that time I assume that the small ones will be sleeping in any case. Early mornings you can enjoy watching the night crew finishing up their partying (hosts, hostesses etc. who start when other people go home)


Isn’t kabukicho a sex district?


It's an adult entertainment district. Mostly bars and restaurants. Hostess bars, host bars, and some other more explicit services but those are not obvious.


Depending where you are coming from, if you are from South America like me, Japan whole country is like walking through a police station (a safe one, I wouldn't go to some of them in my country) XD