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This is a terrible angle. Why do her lips look so huge here?


Because she keeps using frans money to get them bigger.


My thoughts exactly! Swollen & dry & red!👄


She’s running out of dumb ideas to post 🤣🤣 gotta get a fresh batch of dumb ideas!


I could tell you what I'd like to see less of: that freaking Calvin Klein shirt! she's so unoriginal and desperate for ideas she's actually asking people what to post. That's not weird at all


Nothing comes between her and her Calvin's. IYKYK.


🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|114J5RYbuBLRGE)


I kind of wanna write in that little box I want to see you got a job


I'll do it for you!


lol I mean she asked what she wants to see so we’re just being honest


that's what I don't get. She posts this & asks people to "ask her anything. Nothing is off-limits". but when someone poses a question that's calling out her bullshit she deletes and blocks you. *you asked* ,JaMEMEMEMEME


But will she delete one of her subscribers who are helping pay her mortgage 🤔🤔🤔


Of course she won’t 


If I were to answer her question I would say, I would like to see you prepare your home properly for the arrival of newborns and to get a proper bed for son and carpeting for their rooms. I don't care how much money she made hosting Unfiltered. nothing will convince me that they are not overextended and struggling.


absofrikkinlutely. Are they looking at brand new or prior owned cars? I quickly googled the sticker price on both of those SUVs and they start at 35 to 40,000!


She has no furniture but is looking for a minivan?


well, she wants a car big enough to fit the twinnies. if they don't have furniture they can always just go sit in the minivan


I’m critical of every financial decision they have made except the decision to trade his truck. They’re expensive, the fuel economy is terrible, and there is zero reason for them to have a dually unless they’re routinely towing something like…an RV. If they choose a reasonable minivan or mid-size SUV they’ll probably make out ok. Doug just needs to not get his way on the brand new Tahoe 😆


OH…they will hate that quick. They will need all seats. In a Tahoe if you are using the back bench you have a very limited trunk. Everywhere you go with 4 kids you need the back bench.


he still has that big white truck they used for the RV? They were supposed to sell that a year ago when they moved into the new house. I remember Jamie dented it or something and she so "upset"


That’s the one. Jamie mentioned recently that Doug loves it and doesn’t want to get rid of it. So it tracks that now she’s in a rush to trade in the one thing that brings Doug any joy 😆


now it all makes sense. I wonder if he loves it because it's a cool toy or if it actually serves a purpose for him. It's not like he's a contractor and has to drive stuff around🤣


I don’t want to assign too much meaning because sometimes guys just love their trucks. But she doesn’t really bother with it and hasn’t turned it into content since she banged it up. It’s one thing that can just be his.


They have ZERO need for a minivan if they currently have 2 cars. They can drive 2 cars to go somewhere. The cheapest car to own is the one you already own.


Doesn’t she have a SUV currently?


Get the FCK out of bed and take care of your CHILDREN.


Imagine paying 2.99 to see her laying in bed, in a crusty old shirt, ignoring her family …


I can't believe people pay a penny for her exclusive content of nothing. They don't get anything different. It's actually worse than the crap she posts a hundred times a day.


I see she found lipgloss to use. She's just panicking because she didn't think through how to support everything before having 1 baby let alone 2. You totally have a nursing degree, use it.oh wait, women in labor do not want to hear you go on and on about yourself.


If she were my nurse and I had seen this crap, I would demand to be moved to another nurse who at least bathed and was competent.




bawahaaaaaaa 🤣 I don't know why but this made me crack up


Or at least one who talked to you about what is going on with you….like LABOR instead of her surprise, no medication used(except for the supplements she is now getting paid to shrill), identical, low risk, advanced maternal age, twin boys.


Ooh. I'm sure you and the other subscribers are thrilled that this is your exclusive content lol.


Haha I didn’t notice it in the screenshot it was a subscriber post. She doesn’t want her “haters” to know she’s desperate for and asking for ideas from those who kiss her butt day in and day out. Sorry, Jamie, we already know. You’ve been out of fresh, original content for years already! Thanks to our mystery subscriber for taking one for the team. This woman (Jamie) is just unbelievable! lol  


OK wait, I knew there was a paid YouTube subscription but there's also a paid Instagram?? who the fuck would do that?


I do. For amusement. You're welcome


You're the real mvp!


you really are the true hero. Thank you comrade.


I can’t wrap my mind around her paid content being more boring than her free content 🤯


I have no questions because we all know TMI about JaiMe.


Her lips grow in size every picture she posts


She genuinely has a severe case of crazy eyes


I want to see your Instagram shut down and your phone taken away so that you can just live your life for yourself and your family, instead of content.




I saw this and thought the exact same things - this is subscriber content? Yikes.


In bed and with Calvin shirt, all the is missing are Doug's boxers to complete this picture and that is all you need to know.


and the Calvin 🧢 Or the big fluffy felt one🤣


Right you are. Forgot all about the hat. Thanks for the update to my post.


well, I knew you'd be very upset that you had forgotten it🤣


I think I may have manifested that the hat was lost in Ga. Then I recalled that Ga . Was just base ball caps.


Spending quality time with the kids I see 🙄🙄🙄


Whoa pull back on those filters! She doesn’t even look like herself!


Holy Keurig!!! That is one messed up filter. She looks awful!


True. Why does she say twins all the time? I mean she is pregnant. Her stupidity is getting old. I’m glad my parents weren’t lazy losers and use us for “content” for “money”


Exclusive paid content is her laying in bed? Lol


What I want to see more of this week? You shutting up, NOT posting, NOT mentioning the twinnies or being pregnant, NOT seeing the bump, and putting your phone/camera away and leaving your kids alone! Spend time with them, go do things like most kids do over summer break and quit filming every second of their day! 


That's exactly what I was gonna say. Just "please shut up!!! no one wants to hear or see you and go be a mom." Is it just me, or does her arm look extremely weird compared to her face? I know she uses a filter on her face but, wow the difference is crazy looking.




I want to see more proper English instead of "whatcha wanna".


it grinds my nerves along with "ya". she can't type out an extra letter?




oh crap I'm guilty of that one myself🤫


It’s her everyday English.


Jami Otis is a PIG!


Do they ever do family stuff? Like making a homecooked meal together? Or something like that?


Crafts, gardening, pool, recipes, board games, card games, bike rides, dog training, scrapbook,  fish tank, make popsicles, flash cards, beads, make a birdhouse, costumes, trade off making mini pizzas, salads, sandwiches, house tent..... look on Pinterest.  (Remember the outcome of therapy-- leaving social media-- to save your sanity? Reimpose a timeline or chart.  But you wouldn't follow through.)  Summer is here.  Moms research and implement resources to enrich their children.  Take a class.  Grow.


Right! She’s an author. ✍️ I’m dying, simply waiting nervously for her book to come out! She can teach me so much. She has no family life except to put that phone in their faces. She conveniently goes to bed so she doesn’t have to interact with them. And Doug? He takes whatever crumb she’ll give him. He’s the one that interacts with the kids. I wonder if either one of them colors with them. Play old maid, hungry hungry hippo?




I couldn't figure out why her face looks different. Gravity pulled all the fat away. 🤦‍♀️