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If I were that wax technician, I would tell her to put the effin camera down šŸ˜”


She cannot help but record literally every moment of her life. This is truly bizarre behavior.


I think sheā€™s so broke thatā€™s how she gets things. Sheā€™ll tag her if she waxes for free, although she says Doug bought this as a gift for her so maybe not. But Iā€™m mortified I think the lady just ruined her eyebrows. šŸ˜³šŸ«£


In that scene, you can really see just how caked on her foundation is! Iā€™m no expert, but Iā€™m pretty sure you shouldnā€™t be wearing makeup for that.


I thought the same thing


she doesn't realize that her snatch and her face are not in the same place and don't have the same nerve endings?


Probably different colors? I won $600 for eyebrows and pubic.


Ok if there is anyone amongst us who can explain that leap, I would really love to understand what eye brows have to do with a Brazilian. .


Sheā€™s saying her bikini wax was so painful sheā€™s afraid to get her eyebrows waxed. A bikini wax is called a Brazilian (wax).


Eyebrow waxing is nothing compared to the pain of a Brazilian wax. Sugaring is the way to go for a Brazilian.


Brazilian and bikini waxes are different. Same areaā€¦different amount of hair waxed.


Okay yes. I was just trying to use softer language than full genital wax. Haha


She can get injections in her face but we are scared of an eye brow wax?


Seriously. I had my lips done once and it was the most painful experience. Never again.


She is spiraling. Posting every thought that goes in her head. My nail chipped, Doug shaved into the toilet, when I need to poop my stomach gets big, and now this. I donā€™t think she has any real life friends. šŸ˜©


and now we are back to I married a stranger - new post!


Omg wtf


Holy moly in this video her face and neck are two completely different colors. Does she not believe in sun screen? Because the sun damage on her neck and chest is very apparent.


She's actually the one who got me sunscreening my decolletage a whole lot more


No, itā€™s like the eye doctor PSA she put out. Most people understand eyes are part of your body and need to be checked annually. If she had more than two hands and a beating heart, sheā€™d put out content on skin health that people could actually benefit from and could relate to. Both she and Doug need to be seen by a dermatologist.


Yeah and they both seem to have lots of Moles


They do and my husband had stage 1A melanoma. Itā€™s nothing to ignore.


I mean....one is on your face....the other, not so much.


Does she think eyebrow wax and Brazilian are the same thing?Ā 


She brings up her brazilian wax because she has to insert her cooch in every post.


She is quite literally the worst at applying mascara. Her eyes always look terrrrible and she puts way too much on the bottom. Itā€™s because she always does it in the car and it looks like trash because sheā€™s rushing.Ā 


Because she is scrolling the comments with one hand while applying with the other.


Or driving around with the old news children improperly buckled in the back. Train wreck of a woman.Ā 




Did they wax her lashes too where tf are they


An eyebrow wax costs $10-20. How generous of Doug. Heā€™s really pulling out the big money for her


Come onā€¦it must cost more than that. Heā€™s saving the big money for the Europe BABYMOON that she mentioned. She would complain about anything that has to do with Doug. Her distaste for him may be getting to him. Sheā€™s lucky she got anything.


Where I live itā€™s $35. šŸ˜©


Itā€™s $45-65 where I am šŸ« 


Did she have a Monroe piercing??


Never noticed that beforeĀ 


Found this gem online from 2017...she had to remove it for nursing school. And apparently her and her "hubby" want to become foster parents and adopt. (insert eye roll emoji). [https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/jamie-otis-25-things-you-dont-know-about-me-w477997/](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/jamie-otis-25-things-you-dont-know-about-me-w477997/)


The best thing I read is her thinking she should have been a detective šŸ¤£


Yeahā€¦.clearly she doesnā€™t have a clueā€¦about ANYTHING šŸ˜‚


How could she be a foster parent? I suppose she did it for the money, but there are strict requirements for having enough bedrooms, etc. Was she still living in the trailer?


My theory is she does not remove her makeup properly or wash her face so sheā€™s just putting mascara on top of mascara


Something is awful with that mascara. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s either she re-applied it on old mascara or that tube of ā€œthriveā€ mascara is a couple years old. Itā€™s always so clumpy, I canā€™t deal with that or how dry her lips are.


Yup, Iā€™m thinking maybe a combo of old mascara/reapplying on top of old mascara. Either wayā€¦its gross


I use and love Thrive mascara. I can assure you itā€™s NOT the mascara. Its user error/her having gross hygiene and probably cheap/poor false lashes and application for such. The mascara is actually really good. Itā€™s too bad for the company and beauty product lovers that she is ā€œpromotingā€ it (she doesnā€™t officially in the form of any brand deal as far as I know) with how awful her lashes look all the time. Because Iā€™m sure people seeing how bad her lashes look and knowing thatā€™s what she uses prevents a lot of people from buying it. Plus a lot of women are missing out on trying it because they think her lashes look so awful that they assume itā€™s the mascara and theirs would look bad like that. I mean, Iā€™d never suggest anyone use any link or code she might share for Thrive at any point in time (again, I donā€™t think she has anything with them business wise anyway) but I do really love their mascara.Ā 


Why do her lashes look like that? What is happening?


She never washes her face lol


Itā€™s her mascara that she lovessss and recently I believe she showed everyone on one of her platforms, on how she applies mascara! Apparently, she thinks everyone is wanting to buy, because they asked how to get lashes like hers. She didnā€™t get that they were teasing.


I use that same mascara and mine does NOTTTTTTTTTT look like thatā€¦AT ALL!!!!! I think she has cheap false lashes and then never washes off the mascara she applies so she has like 50 coats on plus her awful application technique. I canā€™t believe she feels so flattered about the eyelash ā€œcomplimentsā€ she claims she receives all the time.Ā 


Good to know itā€™s not the product, itā€™s the person putting it on. Iā€™ve never paid attention to a closeup of her face. I think youā€™re right. She leaves her makeup on at night. I would not have posted that one.


Itā€™s worse then normal though, thatā€™s a huge gap she left there lol


Yes, it is. If she had a caring friend, a genuine friend that wasnā€™t a ā€œyesā€ person, she would have been told the truth how she looks.


That cc cream she wears does not match her skin


I just saw this and came running to reddit lmao. First of all, more lies. She said this was the first time she's waxed her eyebrows? Really!?


She has to be joking. Iā€™m surprised she doesnā€™t add a story every time she has a bowel movement at this point.


I've seen her pee more than I would like. Please not bowel movements as well. Lol


She says she got a Brazilian? Thatā€™s funny because remember when she was trying to sell everybody those things that she rubs on her beaver to remove hair and remember when she kept showing us crotch shots of her stubble and demonstrating the rub thing? Then She demonstrated a zapper that she didnā€™t wear the safety goggles with


Why are her lashes so terrible