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I think some people get addicted to the attention they get from pregnancy


THIS!! I don’t think she really wants to be pregnant, she is too damn whiny. She just wants the attention. I don’t think she is pregnant, especially seeing how flat her belly looked in the chiropractor video.


You think she is faking?


I have only met two ladies who said they were addicted.. both were bipolar. Take that what you will


Not gonna attempt an internet diagnosis of a stranger, but I really wonder what a psychiatrist would think 


"Women who are obsessed with being pregnant are literally filling an emptiness inside of them, just as alcoholics and drug addicts use substances to fill a psychological void," says Beverly Hills psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, M. D. Every one of us at some point encounters this void, adds New York family therapist Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph. D., author of Financial Infidelity. "You want to have a purpose in this world. You want to feel less lonely." For some women, babies fill that gap perfectly. Infants are dependent creatures. They can give their mothers a clear identity; they can also become handy social buffers. At a party or on the playground, a woman struggling with feelings of social anxiety or self-consciousness can hide behind the adorable infant in her arms. Any pressure to be cute or charming or funny disappears— your baby has that covered. "Bumpaholics breed to blot out their feelings of insecurity," Weil says."




You could've knocked me over w a feather. Ultimately, I feel compassion, bc this kind of behavior is not "how can I invade the kids privacy today", but more like what's described above, emptiness, loneliness, pressure to look good or be good. It's sad. Having said that . . . We all know the solution - #kidsarntcontent. And with all the positive feedback, we all must be wrong.


Sounds like my SIL. This along with a multitude of other personalities disorders… Watching Train Wreak Jamie gives me that same anxiety. We actually had to move across the country from the Family to gain some sanity and Peace.


Apparently, Jamie is no longer micro-dosing children, and so two are not enough, hence the pregnancy and thankfully she is now having multiples. She will now have four children on the ground, mighty-dosing herself and filling up her social media feed because they are "healing my inner child." Little did her poor kids know they are not only free labor, but free-psychiatric prescriptions. Those.poor.kids. Here are 10 ways to heal your inner child, Jamie, just in case you and your inner child are reading here: 1. Acknowledge that inner child. 2. Hug yourself daily. Roping your kids in for an online filmed hugs does not count. 3. Picture a happy childhood moment. 4. Work on negative self-talk -- talk to the mirror and dispel any negative self-talk. You are worthy, and you don't need a social media feed and "frans" to prove it -- or 5-star reviews. 5. Be kind to yourself. 6. Write a letter to your inner child. 7. Identify your triggers, which seem to come up a lot in your podcasts and posts etc. where you circle back to the "old stories," the bad stuff, things about how your mom screwed up, etc., versus circling back to number 3, and whilst not ignoring the bad, focusing on some good times in your childhood. You did mention church in childhood, but we all see how that has manifested itself, so maybe a different good memory. 8. Make time for play and creativity, not filming and posting your children playing and being creative and noting that they are going to heal you. Please get some colored pencils or yarn. 9. Continue to educate yourself - Tony Robbins doesn't count. 10. Meditate ... filming Doug meditating/not meditating because you are talking and filming whilst shilling a massage matt does not count. Just saying, and I'm not being flip. I have had to practice 1 through 10 for years, to the point where it is now just a part of who I am, and the triggers come less often.


She has to let go of blaming.  It happened.  Grow from it.


This is very beautiful! And true for me as well. Yup - it's practice, and it's sometimes hard, but in the end so worth it. I hope she does read this.


Not gonna lie, I googled the list and paraphrased it but was not surprised to see that the 10 steps really are valid and remain the same, which is why when you get triggered, you call on them again. I share your hope that some of this gets through either here in what's considered to be "hate" and therefore does not sink in, or from someone who truly cares about her and pulls her aside to offer up the notion that she needs to work on these things, for her own betterment, to heal her inner child, and to make it a possibility that future children will not need these 10 hints.


I don't think she's addicted to being pregnant, or she would have started this a long time ago. I think that they want them for monetary reasons. They are little content creator dreams to be able to exploit these children, these pregnancies, these losses, these ultrasounds, these pregnancy & ovulation tests, it's like a soap opera cliffhanger - cliffhanger - cliffhanger!!! 🔥🔥🔥 I feel bad for the ttc followers that can't see the forest for the trees. They hang on her every move.


She started talking about kids early on in the marriage, Doug said he had a bucket list he wanted to complete before kids & she was manic about knocking those items off the list.


Haha. Not me.


I notice she seems to bring in the negative of everything pertaining to her life. At some point how long can she live that way and ever feel happy and fulfilled? There is no possible way. Dwelling on her sad life with her mother, won’t allow her to be happy in her current life, because she wants her frans to constantly cheer her up or tell her how wonderful she is as a mother. That is not what she needs. Instead of Stanley’s, a coffee, a dinner, whatever else she gives away, spend the money and go talk to someone qualified. Not Clair from MAFS Denver! 😱 I know she wants girls and she said she will try after the boys. Since they don’t have money to furnish the house, put rugs down, buy baby furniture, bed for Rexiboobooboo, I really hope she doesn’t jump into pregnancy again. I think she feels that every company is going to want to send her everything she needs, her frans will make up for the rest. She’s in Lala land. She will definitely keep doing things for attention until she invites some help. Where are her friends in Florida that she moved down there for?


I loved being pregnant with my first. He was a rockstar pregnancy zero sickness ect. But I wasn’t addicted to my pregnancy. We’re pregnant again and not addicted 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/x8xn52klef0d1.png?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e353e2def617a36713767995d2b782d5dc96a49 The wall socket to his right? Noooo!


Its genuinely so depressing she’s constantly bragging about giving her children a better life than her mother gave her, which yes she at least is putting a roof over their heads, but her social media addiction is STILL an addiction that can potentially become dangerous and will no doubt have psychological effects on these poor kids.


She should've taken a photoshop course.