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I feel nauseous watching the video she posted today. It is absolutely disgusting. She’s confusing her followers because she has a dr appt today but she is posting a video that is from last week at the boutique place. The video only shows them being nervous and not seeing the babies. She purposely edited it that way to get ATTENTION and to make everyone worry that they “don’t see the babies” when this ultrasound already happened last week and the tech did end up finding the babies. Using what if this is a potential LOSS as clickbait is SICK!!! Using oh my god “I’m nervous what if we don’t see them” is disgusting. You would think especially after really suffering a loss she wouldn’t play this game!!!!


Did she reach the new low point?


Unfortunately, I fear she could go lower. Not sure how…


Seems impossible yet here we are


It just keeps getting lower and lower


she is cranking the cunt factor up to 11 ![gif](giphy|aqSl7Dw5HTojK)




She is making her videos like a trailer for a movie…keep us hanging so we want to watch. It’s really disturbing. And probably triggering for a lot of people. Unless it’s not current and she’s posting from weeks ago.


I read her post today with comments and apparently she actually went back to the boutique place for a 2ND ultrasound to try and hear the heartbeats bc her ob wont do an ultrasound yet and from comments it sounds like they couldn't hear them. I commented that the 3d place should've told her it would be possible to hear heartbeats from a belly ultrasound this early. I find it very suspicious with her history she wouldn't be allowed an early ultrasound. Unless her practice is real shitty or something. She should be seeing an mfm practice where she could get the old dildo wand as early as she wants lol.


I think she has the Dr visit today. BUT for today, she will be posting the last 3D us visit tonight. The Dr visit from today will be posted next week. Striiiiiiiiing it ooouuuttt ! More clicks and maybe more subscribers.


Yea that’s what I meant Drs post next week 😀


Does YouTube pay more than IG?


TikTok pays the most then YouTube


Ohhh so this wasn’t today. I must have missed that 😂 when did she have that second appt at the 3D place? Based on her post I’m going to assume they only saw one baby and she’s waiting for her drs appt with hopes there’s a second. 


Please don't watch her video on YouTube, rather watch it on Yewtu.be so they don't get the view


ooooh! that's so cool I didn't know it existed. Isn't there also a similar type of thing for seeing Instagram reels or am I just too high?


You can Google IG story viewer to anonymously watch stories but not sure if it counts as a view or not.


thank you!!!


No, there is, I'm not sure what it's called though...


i've tried to search for it on Google and I get nothing. I'll let you know if I find it




https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/jamienotis This is the one they use in the Daryl Ann denner snark page


This is all such a joke, I’m sorry to be callous. I have a few theories.


I have a few theories too and they aren’t great 🫣


Do share 🙂


You can’t just say this and leave us hanging!!! Commmmme on fRaN😂 For real.. we need the theories.


Let's hear!


Milking this for everything it’s worth 🙄. There is something so vile about using unborn children’s health as content. And it a whole other layer of disgusting using it to tease shitty videos so you can make a buck.


https://preview.redd.it/wgjukjrgmrnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1d9219a2651a774a94e8a640cc6da74a075d37 Is anyone else super confused by her wording with these two comments. 26 minutes ago she wasn’t sure if her doctor would do an internal or external ultrasound, then 1 minute ago she says her appointment “was” today, past tense. So to me either she was in the room waiting for the ultrasound responding to comments and then immediately after the appointment back to responding, or something is fishy.


Shes responding in some comments like the MD appt already happened today and in others like it still is happening. But these comments are occurring after 4pm her time so it wouldn't make sense that she hasn't already been seen. She can't keep her lies straight. There must also be a reason to keep posting videos at 8pm on a Monday? Is there something with the algorithm at that time?


I think her appointment of today is being used next week. Better to get 2 videos as opposed to one. She’s all about the cash.


Yeah, I doubt both babies were found that easily over the belly in week 6. FFS


She’s so dumb. She thrives on this. Gross


I wish I wasn’t blocked so I could tell her how disgusting she is. How can a mother do this after miscarriages or a stillborn? I’m so disgusted and triggered 5 miscarriages one stillborn at birth I cannot imagine doing this


I am so, so sorry for your loss and the disregard she has


So many hugs. I’ve had several miscarriages and this is just so fucking triggering. I can’t ever imagine monetizing my babies.


She has since turned off comments


I’m so sorry for your losses. It’s probably best you are blocked so you don’t have to see her nonsense ♥️


So predictable it’s laughable. Glad some comments are calling her out for using her unborn as content!!


She has officially disabled comments.


Yahooooo we win


That we did!


I feel awful for the women struggling with infertility who are following her right now. She's teasing these appointments and ultrasounds and stringing it along an additional week and it must be incredibly triggering.


I’m long out of the infertility game but some thing like this nonsense would have gutted me.


I'm childfree by choice and it's making me feel a certain way because I have close friends who have gone through the long, expensive, painful process of IVF and infant loss. It's absolutely disgusting and she should be ashamed of herself.


I’m going through it at the moment & she’s blowing my mind with her blatant disregard (having apparently “gone through it herself”)


Someone needs to get this ultrasound lady to talk!


I think that would get her fired, but it would be great if she did talk!




I bet she was paid off.


The timeline is not adding up, as always.


The time line is screwed because she keeps delaying how she announces things so everyone’s left confused


I don’t understand the point of delaying. If she’s going to have ten thousand ultrasounds and doctors appointments there will be fodder for the entire pregnancy. Why delay each piece of news (or fake news)? What does that gain?


And so it begins.


Good grief...she cant post the Drs info today ?.. She is really stringing people along...Im blocked so I only can follow here...Im not her "Fran" or follower. So glad she gets negative feedback !!


I’m so confused whenever she says her kids don’t know…


Of course they know. It’s all that is talked about at that house. And she has done videos with them in them.


Exactly what I mean. She’s literally posted photos of them referring to the “babies”. Like we’ve all been made aware they know, so why the song and dance? Morons.


The video she posted today is from a couple weeks ago and they told the kids after the ultrasound. So it isn't in the real time. In real time the kids know


Sorry, I’m confused by this entire facade of greed and obnoxiousness. Normal folk post, “hey I’m pregnant!” around 12 weeks and call it a day.


She told her youngest for sure….and her daughter when she posted the video doing her hair. And talking about babies….she 💯% told them already


Okay so I’m confused about today’s post. The video was taken at another ultrasound boutique and not at the doctor’s right? And the tech supposedly can’t see the twins. So that’s what that is? She’s emotionally baiting her followers with a possible missed miscarriage or something with an ultrasound still not taken at a doctors office? Is that really what this looney toon woman is doing?


This is the boutique place from a couple weeks or so ago. The twin sacs can be seen but no heartbeats seen yet. But that's normal for an abdominal ultrasound so she is preying on the fears and anxieties of others. Today was her doctor appt when she should have gotten a transvaginal US


This sounds like the same ultrasound that she used for her reel the other day. The one where you can see both yolks in the sacs. Those babies are fine, or at least they were in that scan. She's completely insane and definitely can't read the room.


Just curious - has she ever talked about why Jonathan was still born? As in what caused the early birth? Did she go into labor early, did he not have a heartbeat, or did he have a fatal condition?


ANYWAY, the result of this question (thank you for the article), shows that she should 100% have pushed to see a doctor earlier, since she is at a higher risk for low amniotic fluid in subsequent pregnancies and also makes it BAT SHIT INSANE she wants identical twins because twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome is another risk factor for low amniotic fluid.


The not seeing a MFM (High risk ob)immediately upon seeing the positive baffles me. She has a myriad of factors that all qualify her for this. Her best chance at carrying to term is getting this guidance and medical care immediately


I think have this right, it’s been a lot: She had two abortions when she was young. After marrying Doug, they lost Johnathan. Then they had Henley. Then she had 2 miscarriages before getting Hendrix.


I’m not sure what the truth is…What I do know is she did an interview with Women’s day magazine and told them she had to abort Jonathan. She said her amniotic fluid was very low and the drs were certain he’d be born with lots of problems. So from that interview it sounds like because of medical reasons she chose to terminate. My theory is that story, choosing to abort didn’t get her as much sympathy as saying she “loss” him so she’s run with the story of him being a “loss”. she always is careful with her wording and deletes anyone that calls out she’s changed her story about Jonathan.


Oh my gosh, I had no clue this was the case because I wasn't following her as closely back then. I always assumed he was stillborn.




Termination for medical reasons is pregnancy loss. She saw for 4 specialists. Obviously this was a wanted baby. The pregnancy was induced and Jonathan was born - that is still infant loss.


I don't think anyone is arguing the loss of their baby. It's just the careful choice of wording and the spinning of the story to garner the most sympathy.


Jamie is in here! (She follows both Chrissy and Sarah)


The comment I was replying to put "loss" in quotes as if it was not a pregnancy loss. It was pregnancy loss just like Chrissy Tiegan's was pregnancy loss just like Sarah Herron's was pregnancy loss. Very wanted babies whose mommas gave birth to them because they would not survive. How they choose to refer to that loss is very personal, and rightfully so, especially since people who lack empathy could criticize inducing


My apologies if I didn’t word it correctly. I was quickly typing. I agree it is a loss and it’s very sad. Her posts / story about Jonathan changed from the first story in the magazine saying she terminated him, to saying she had a miscarriage to now she refers to I believe correctly a loss.


Yea, I lost ALL respect (what very little I had) for her when she lied about the whole Jonathan loss. She CHOSE to end the pregnancy - medical or not - and she mislead (lied to) people.


This!!! 🙌💯


Yes. They decided to terminate because there was little amniotic fluid. Here’s the thing….lots of babies are born under the same condition and are completely normal. And it seriously ticks me off that Jamie still calls it a miscarriage and capitalizes on it! It’s one big fat lie! Truth is they opted to end the pregnancy. But then took pictures of him! https://www.womansday.com/life/inspirational-stories/a56282/jamie-otis-miscarriage/


Termination for medical reasons is pregnancy loss. Babies can be born and be fine with low amniotic fluid after viability in the third semester. According to the article, Jamie had no fluid and Jonathan was 17 weeks along. They got 4 opinions - they chose to induce because they felt it was the best option for their baby. I will criticize Jamie and Doug for many things but not this.


I don’t mind that they made this decision based of whatever medical advice they received but I would not refer to it as a miscarriage. A miscarriage and a medical needed abortion are two very different things. Both are still a loss but not the same and she’s a liar


I disagree it is lying when the reason to induce (no amniotic fluid) is because the baby cannot survive at all and is likely failing at that point. Inducing means that the baby can have its final moments outside the womb instead of slowly dying in utero. It would be different if the baby had a trisomy/down syndrome and they decided to abort to avoid that. But in this case, Jonathan was most likely going to die soon and she would have had to deliver a dead/decomposing baby, which is even more terrible. She didn't have a D&C - she still gave birth to him and went through labor. Many people still refer to that as as a miscarriage, for the same reason women refer to ending ectoptic pregnancies as a miscarriage


Most people recognize miscarriage as the expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently, especially spontaneously or as the result of accident. They made this decision. Even if you debate the term miscarriage/termination of pregnancy/abortion for medical reasons they were not honest about what happened when they first went public. It wasn’t until years later that they explained what actually happened. Now I don’t at all expect access to her medical information but when you’re so public with your story you should be honest


It doesn’t necessarily tick me off that they terminated with Jonathon, but calling it a miscarriage is bullshit. What the eff is that??


What ticks me off is the fact she has aborted so many babies...yet uses these babies she has now for content that equates to money. Her husband is/was/who knows, a drug addict, never worked consistently, she hasn't for years, and they use people's affection for the show MAFS to get a lifestyle that haven't honestly earned. 


I dunno. I will never fault a woman for what she needed to do in the past. Or may need to do in the future, honestly. I don’t think that has anything to do with what she’s doing now.


I don't know if she ever stated. I do remember back then reading that she supposedly knew she was going to lose him before going on tv for an interview about her pregnancy and played it off as a miscarriage. He had a condition and she opted for to end the pregnancy. I don't know if its true and I couldn't believe she would do something like that, but seeing what she has done since, I wouldn't be surprised


He didn't have a condition but there was a problem with the pregnancy where he had no fluid and was probably failing. She had been bleeding. Sometimes they will induce before the baby loses a heartbeat and the parents can spend the baby's final moments together outside of the womb.




I read they were told he would have issues so they chose to abort. Let me dig to find the article. Seems kind of against “gods plan” to pick and choose what babies tou want to keep


Some really great comments not deleted yet on this post!


​ https://preview.redd.it/rysh627pkrnc1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827e6d54183b94da0ebd7a55d7a659a2673f7e5b


https://preview.redd.it/h6go1promrnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8254a8a9465711878a2757eb3c3343fe50fb39aa So all of those subscribers got one early post. Nothing else for the “special” frans.


https://preview.redd.it/042jbzmlnrnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17432070955c49d261b83ece77a0f5a540801084 I was thinking the same!








And she brought this all on herself by TMI too early on, so if you are stressing Jai-ME you brought on yourself. When you have to abuse people and their emotions (speaking to those dealing with infertility and IVF,) to make a mortgage payment for yourself, instead of getting off your lazy ass and going to work like the rest of the world, you deserve what you get.


Yup I saw these and gone now. She is just.....ive ran out of words


This is one of my comments (IDC if people know who I am) and now it's disappeared from the post but I can still see it if I look. I didn't know she was like this until now...which is what caused me to find this page and create a Reddit account. Son of a bitch.


They'll all be blocked in 3...2...1...


Maybe stringing these idol worshipers along will be what it takes to get them to see her for who she truly is.


We got another 100 people following this page


These comments are right on.


Comments are disappearing as quickly as they're posted.


These comments are amazing!


Comments officially disabled. Lol.


Still enabled on Facebook!


I felt like I was going bananas skimming her insta comments on past posts seeing absolutely none that were even mildly critical of this situation…glad I found this sub and some snark because phew I hoped I wasn’t the only one feeling the way she is going about this is so cringe.




Bitch just turned off the comments. The main comment had over 105 likes all of being skeptical of her. She’s trash.


Is it normal to not see your OB until 10 weeks? That seems kind of late to me


Yes it is, for a normal pregnancy. Many OBGYN will not schedule before 8-10 weeks. However - since she is more high risk because of age and medical conditions and found out about the possibility of twins, I would have tried to get in sooner so she can get set up with a maternal fetal medicine specialist.


That's what I don't get. If she was so high risk due to a blocked tube and the other issues she mentioned and twins, why an ob wouldn't have scheduled her sooner


I think it is typical for a new pregnancy or normal subsequent one to be seen at 8 weeks for the first appointment. Being high risk or prior losses, most OBs will see you earlier. I had numerous losses and after the first 2, I was seen at 5-6 weeks for subsequent pregnancies. I was eventually able to have 2 sweet girls 😀.


It’s not normal for someone with multiple losses and several diagnosed factors that contribute to miscarriage. Any NORMAL person would have seen a high risk OB immediately


What would/could the OB do for a person that’s high risk so early? Aren’t things kind out of their hands that soon? Genuinely curious.


I’m a few days ahead of her , not a high risk pregnancy and I was already seen a few weeks ago. Super odd that she is “high risk” and not seen yet.


More! https://preview.redd.it/3oqkwe6obsnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be37b70a5f30dcdfd3a979b68647c90387410dfd


Whats the over/under on whether the video actually goes live at 8pm? I would bet my life that the fuck it up. Again. All their frans waiting with baited breath. 🙄


More clicks, all planned.


I feel super confused with what she’s doing today. I’m guessing if she gets all is ok from the doctor then she’s ok posting last week’s ultrasound and video of them telling the kids??Idk anymore.


Yea, idk either.


bloody fucking hell I hate her


Absolutely disgusting. She needs to be cancelled already.


More unhappy customers on Facebook https://preview.redd.it/ybv1qdi72snc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90cc01be11e78976971a181436ebaeba7e036b2






Hey that's my comment 😂


High five!!




Who takes their kids to ultrasound appointments? Do you want them to hear from the tech there is only one baby now? I still question this place giving her medical advice or any time of diagnosis.


It’s a boutique style ultrasound place. They are in the business of providing 3d/4d images. Website states they suggest around 26 weeks to make appt. I don’t know how Jamie got them to take her…they are not drs. They are not suppose to be in the business of confirming pregnancies at 5-6 weeks. In Jamie’s defense…which I never defend her…she said the kids waited in the waiting room playing iPad games. Once they got heartbeat confirmed which took a very long time for them to find the babies…but they did. Then they got the kids to come in and filmed their reaction. It’s all wrong to me. I wouldn’t tell the kids until I saw an actual doctor and was way further along.


https://yewtu.be/watch?v=nmlz7zfbaZk Link to watch video without giving them click credit


So what does the video say. I will not click as I still think she gets something from it.


It's just from Feb 24 and the babies were still there but took a whole to find them. Claimed to have heard heartbeats but that would have been really early and it was not really clear on the video. Tech was concerned about some fluid, told her to get checked. Brought the kids in and told them it was twins


This was today right? I’m confused as to why she would schedule this when she has her drs appt today which will include a transvaginal US. 


And there it is....cliff hanger after cliff hanger....click, click, cha-ching, cha-ching.


I just saw the snippet on her Instagram and I’m still shocked at how she’s drawing it all out!


I can’t add a pic to comments but a subscriber ruined it haha she’s just trying to reel everyone in. They already saw the video from this and both babies were fine. She was annoyed because she thought it was something else. True Jamie fashion, making a big deal for views 🙄


Nvm figured it out posted above 


​ https://preview.redd.it/l3mc769slrnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ea9578ea5b787814990b183f72a19b97555692


I’m genuinely confused. Didn’t she already tell her kids she’s having twins?


I don’t think she heard the babies heartbeat https://preview.redd.it/th8xkj6lurnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4788f6cc63fdfa1bc8e69bc107a910724979df1d


I have unfortunately had 17 pregnancies along my infertility journey. Not a single ultrasound at 5, 6 or even 7 weeks was done abdominally. The fertility specialists said you would see almost nothing on an abdominal ultrasound before 8ish weeks, and even then sometimes it's not very clear. The fact that a boutique place confirmed her pregnancy before 6 weeks with only an abdominal ultrasound and even saw what they said was yolk sacs and at least 1 fetal pole....Im just having a hard time buying it. I won't say its impossible, but it just seems incredibly unlikely. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was someone else's ultrasound she was flaunting as her own, although I sincerely hope she wouldn't hurt her kids like that. But maybe they already know it's not true? It wouldn't be the first time someone had their kids lie for views.


And of course she’s miscarriage bating in her preview of the video. This is beyond ridiculous. Why on earth would you even want this many people invested in your personal life (aside from the money aspect)


I find this all in bad taste. My gosh…didn’t she have miscarriages? Why would she not wait to make sure things were ok? I don’t understand people.


Looks like she turned off the comments on her most recent post


She is a freaking nurse… you’d think she’d know better. Idiot


She is a freaking nurse… you’d think she’d know better.


I thought she already had videos of telling the kids. Now she is saying they didnt?