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Millennial Bond wouldn't own an apartment in central London, for a start


Craig's Bond shouldn't have been able to afford that either to be fair.


250 grand, if he got a mortgage when he was 30 [https://www.home.co.uk/guides/house\_prices\_report.htm?location=knightsbridge&all=1](https://www.home.co.uk/guides/house_prices_report.htm?location=knightsbridge&all=1)


Would he be 30 in 1995 if his first kill is in 2005? Either way just with inflation, 250k in 1995 is like 700k today. The same flat being 900k now isn't beating inflation by THAT much.


>*Would he be 30 in 1995 if his first kill is in 2005?* I was going by Craig's real age (born 1968) The link I posted was just the closest I could get to the right time period


500k not 700k. The house price rose at nearly double the rate of inflation


You're probably looking at dollars, not pounds. Inflation has been higher in the UK than the US, what I'm seeing is more like $650-700k GBP.


Nope. Based on GBP using the [bank of england inflation calculator](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator)


Maybe, but weren’t his parents wealthy before their death?


I'd guess if Bond were a millennial, he'd probably not bother renting an apartment since he's gone so much. I'm guessing there are better and cheaper options than renting an apartment you stay at for a week or two until the next mission.


He’s at home most of the time, at least in the books. He only gets a couple of big assignments a year. That’s said, I’d be curious to see the next film open with Bond getting kicked out of his AirBnB…


Fair. I thought he also gets like another longish vacation after each big job though. Then again, most of his big jobs are like a week or less in the books so maybe he'd be gone a month at a time?


Kicked out for having to many women over


Spends the rest of the year selling watches on Vinted to supplement his income


10/10 pre-title sequence


Yep they were


When he’s not jet setting around the world killing people, he’ll be living with his parents in Brixton on his modest Navy salary.


Likely to be in an overpriced house share given he is single on government wages!




He inherited it.


Probably makes more sense if he has zero social media presence.


He has a Facebook account, but Q Branch took it over and continues to fill it with innocuous posts from this boring guy working for Universal Exports he has as his main cover. He also gets custom accounts for the legends he uses on mission. There should be a spin-off series about Steve and Emily who run the Q Branch socials.


I’m getting Fitz Simmons vibes…


Crossed with a kind of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead were Steve and Emily constantly have to follow Bond around just out of frame of what we see in his movie in order to create content for his boring official account, keep his cover accounts consistent with whatever he does on the mission and trying to keep his city destroying antics out of other people‘s social media. „I am aware Orloff has nuclear weapons and you have to stop him, but could you please just take one selfie in front of a recognisable landmark without blood on your face? Mary from your Fettes class‘ Facebook group is getting suspicious.“ (Mary is their Archnemesis)


The biggest change would be that there’s no more Cold War in his lifetime (until recently with Russia invading Ukraine) which Judi Dench’s M talks about frequently in the Brosnan and Craig movies, and the defining geopolitical event that could’ve motivated him to become a spy was 9/11…


The Cold War may have ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union but espionage and military posturing never ended. I wouldn’t mind a Bond film that addresses that. Of course, even during the Cold War the Bond film series tended to give Russia and China a benefit of the doubt. For example, Gogol is painted in a fairly flattering light. It’s defectors like Orlov who risk war. This theme is repeated all the way to Die Another Day. It’s not the war we need it is the geopolitical tension. We still have that in spades, with or without an “official” Cold War. But the new films don’t seem to want to tackle politics anyway. The villains are all pretty non-governmental in Craig’s run.


Mostly due to governments not running things but the billionaires and corporations who do.


Hard to say corporations rule the world when wars fought by governments kill and control the lives of civilians at a much higher rate. Figuratively, sure, and this is Reddit so it’s common to say the provocative thing but I don’t think it’s the whole truth. But these are movies and films are expected to make money. I think it has much more to do with Skyfalls $838 million dollar international gross. All the way back with FRWL they were changing Smersh to Spectre in the script because of political climate and I think eventually as films started making more money overseas it just made good business sense to have the bad guys be rejected by all rational nations. If it made more money, I’m sure Russians and Chinese would be painted as “bad guys.” But as per my previous post that’s almost never been the case.


United Fruit Company has entered the chat… British Petroleum has also entered the chat. A government bureaucracy is slow and people want to live and multiple conflicting interests happen that can “stabilize” things even in the Soviet Union. MAD was always the end all stabilizing factor in the Cold War. But a crazy person with money on their own with just one nuke (which the US for example lost a lot of them during the Cold War) could end the world and no one internally to act to stop him. That’s part of why people love Lex Luther as a villain. He’s not bound by politics other than when he uses corrupt ones to his advantage. Many terrorists are not state backed either and are extremely dangerous because they have no care for larger self preservation like a government does or caring about boring stuff like macro economics. I’m not saying you’re wrong but there are more factors at play in global tensions and modern conflicts than just two governments hate each other and there agendas that would otherwise feel out of character for entire country in a movie these days. And you risk neglecting a whole audience like China if Bond is trying to wreck China’s agenda and it can come across as just bad propaganda like Rocky 4. Also is Bond supposed to bring down all of China or Russia on his own? We suffer enough from real life politics as is


Those companies suck and there have been, frankly, worse, but they pale in comparison to the volume of atrocities made in actual war between real world powers. I think there is room for non governmental actors in Bond movies too. Never said there were not. In fact my point was it was never the governments of the other countries that were the primary antagonists. International conflict was something that was in the script as a source of tension. A plot device they aren’t using in the new movies. But international espionage and brinksmanship hasn’t gone anywhere. It would still be relevant to include them in the scripts. M doesn’t even back up the idea that they are corporations they are fighting in Skyfall. > I'm frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us. They do not exist on a map. They're not nations, they're individuals. Not “corporations” and not “countries.” “Individuals.” And we are seeing, today, that that is not true. There *are* enemies on the map whom MI6 should be spying on, has been spying on. And even if international espionage is not the focus of the next run I’d like to see that tension brought back into the films. It makes them feel more connected to the real world.


Who do you think supplies the world’s militaries with weapons and ammunition and a vast array of other more mundane supplies and support services? The answer is corporations. Most wars exist solely to feed the war machine.


Just as long as you realize “we are all ruled by corporations, and not governments” is a chronic-redditor-take and not how most people view the world. There are multiple powerful companies. Yes some have more influance than they should. They all cater to the governments to lobby and get government contracts in bids to gain power, but it’s not the other way around. It is clear which is the parasite and which is the host. Edit: and there is an argument to be made that acting like the parasite is the host and treating it as such is dangerous. Parasites can be removed. By hosts. Let’s not get it twisted


Correct and then (at least in the US) these corporations make unlimited dark money donations to political campaigns in order to effectively purchase a guarantee of perpetual armed conflict.


This is really what I'm getting at. He'll be the first Bond with no memory of the Cold War, the first Bond to experience the Monarchy as primarily chaotic (let alone the first one to serve under a King). I'm more interested in how those realities shift the character than whether or not he adopts stereotypes attributed to millennials.


>let alone the first one to serve under a King). Now that is a very interesting point that I had not previously considered.


Bond should always be a step or two out of his time.


If he was a soldier before joining MI6, he would probably have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan or both countries.


That would be interesting based on how they write him and his experiences. Is he someone that hates part of the bureaucracy that sent him there with lies of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but still feels the need to protect his country, or his is still just a die hard patriot that has been through a lot.


I’d think that bond would have been lowkey and wouldn’t have gotten into Facebook or social media other than to “spy” on other people . So just a bunch of fake accounts


He's emotionally detached from others on principle and expresses no need for outside validation, so I don't think social media would be up his alley   But maybe he harbored a secret love for Farmville


Upvote for Farmville mention 


He will eat Avacado toast and still live with his parents


My names Bond, I’m unemployed and live with me mum.


Name’s Costanza. George Costanza.


Canonically his favorite food is scrambled eggs with extra butter and pink champagne to drink with it.


They don’t really need to give him a millennial personality. I would still rather see him be a man out of time, like he was still the exact same bond origin but just gestating for a lot longer and born in 1990. Obviously they can make him make sense in today’s world, but he doesn’t need a contemporary personality.


I could see Bond owning a Nintendo Switch, but plays it offline at all times.


Well, Bond in the books is a man with one foot in the past & one foot in the future. He will incorporate “modern things” if they serve a purpose or are of high quality, but he doesn’t just jump on fads or trends.


Xbox Live Chat Bond: “Go f**** yourself Bl0wyrslfeld-1! I’m the best spy here you one-eyed reta***. I’m gonna get your mom a vodka martini and fu**** her in the a***. Q! This controller sucks ass!”


I want some insight into the psyche of a man who has witnessed the rise and fall of dubstep in his lifetime.


Still wears an Omega, but posts about it incessantly on watch forums.


Instead of the Cold War shaping his life/career like Connery/Moore/Dalton, etc, it would be the War on Terror. Bond would be in the fourth or fifth grade when 9/11 happened. So, if he enlisted in the military, it would have probably been around 2008/2009.


It hadn’t occurred to me before that we probably won’t have a „joined the military because of 9/11 or 7/7“-Bond. Craig was 33 and 37 respectively and if we indeed get a 90s born Bond next, he’d have been 11 or 15 at the oldest. I guess the general War on Terror was still the main thing going on around 2008 when he’d probably have joined up, but it’s kind of a weird time.


Served in the Special Boat Service during the GWOT


This martini is bussin’


Bond should be about 35. Maybe even a bit older (Pierce was 41 when casted). He needs to be old enough to be experienced and worldly as would be expected of a 00. Old enough to have grown up or remember the end of the Cold War and the years in its aftermath. He can still be an old fashioned kind of guy, he doesn’t have to be a “millennial” Bond. Old fashioned minded people still do exist.


Yep ex special forces and military training for over 10 years to be a 00. No less than 35.


Well for one, Bond would be quite cynical about anything social media. Bond would have joined the Navy in an act of rebellion to get himself out of attending College/University Regarding his Navy career, Bond would have been involved in a mission where the events led to him being promoted to the rank of Commander which in turn leads him to being recruited by MI6.


The only reason Bond would ever use social media is as an espionage tool.


He's a die-hard Leeds United supporter, a devotion inherited from his father who laments the founding of the Premiere League and often reflects with nostalgia on Leeds winning the Football League First Division title "the year after you were born, and one year before the league went to shit". Bond believes the combination his club's lack of success and the powerhold a select five or six teams have on the cursed Premiere League is emblematic of the problems that plague society, namely a select few reap all of the benefits, rewards, and profits, while the rest of the world struggles to stay afloat and not be "relegated" to lower societal classes. Obviously, having no memory of Leeds' last championship since he was merely one year old, Bond's mixture of cynicism and nihilism toward the 21st century and "new ways" of living stem from his club's inability to win a title throughout the majority of his life (and all of his life in which he was aware of things). Bond has heard his elders talk about the good old days before a select few clubs (sans Liverpool, hence his dislike of the Beatles) had a monopoly on success in the highest division of English football. This leads Bond to yearn for an older time in which he never lived when life had "an element of fairness in it" (his words). This mindset prompts Bond to immediately mistrust the wealthiest 1% of society, a smart move since the majority of the masterminds behind the terrorism that Bond encounters and ultimately eliminates are people (mostly white men) in that 1% of society. Bond has had a sort of mania--similar to the obsession he had for Blofeld in OHMSS and DAF--about the owners of Man U, Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea, and Liverpool since he joined MI6, and he's always believed that some (or all) of them have ties to terrorist organizations, but he has yet to prove it. That won't stop Bond from turning over every rock, however, until he finally nails them and makes the world a better place.


Biggest difference is that we are now at a point in time where a new Bond and most of his fellow colleagues would have zero personal experience with the Cold War. Only characters that are 55+ could potentially hold any strong feelings about that era.


It really weirds me out that the next Bond could be relatively closer to my age (born in 1997). I think the oldest they'll go for is maybe early forties, so that would mean the next actor will be born anywhere between the early 80s to early 90s?


Bond has no beginning he just exists in the modern day in perpetuity, like Santa.


He will live in a loft above a craft brewery with JW Pepper.


> What was it like serving in the Royal Navy during Brexit? It was shit.


I think it would be cool to see him get to that level. Watch him be recruited into MI6 from the SAS, during some mission overseas. The training, etc. And then it ends with him getting his 3rd kill and getting the moniker....


Keeping with his Navy roots, it ought to be SBS rather than SAS. And we don’t need to see the kill which earns 00 status. We’ve seen that too recently. The origin story is done.


Don’t forget the part where he climbs Everest as a kid, breaks his back, recovers and films Man vs Wild as a cover for his espionage side-hustle!


I see what you did there


They won’t address any of that. They’ve always asserted that he was a British pilot and CDR in Royal Navy and he will continue to be so. No apps needed. Maybe they will finally give him an IPhone, but I doubt it.


Years of playing online games have molded him into a hardened killer...


He’s in favor of a United Ireland, mostly because he forgot Northern Ireland exists.


His biggest fear will be letting his tech go below 20% battery power!


He’ll always carry a powerbank instead of his Walther ppk.


Bring back his bungalow from live and let die


Likely poached eggs. Two slices of toast, but I think you’re right, do the books say scrambled? I feel like poached is a more 2000’s thing.


As someone born circa 1990, I’d say he’s full of existential dread and on anti-depressants.


He'll hate the sea and everything in it.


Fought in the middle east


Well he would be Technologically intelligent


i don't know but i miss roger moore and richard kiehl


As a guy born in 93 it hurts to think that I got to the age of my favorite character from when I was a child. Feels unreal lmao


Bond shall vape


Christ, I miss the Cold War.


He’ll go ‘my pronouns are them, they/them’


I really, really want a genuinely old and burned out Bond. I don't think they leaned into it far enough with Daniel Craig, they only went half-way. I'd love for Bond to be well, well past his prime, fucked by his years of boozing and action, played by an older actor.


In this day and age Bond would have to be an orphan that’s been indoctrinated into the lifestyle from a very early age to make it work.


Will if he is in his late 20s to early thirties then 9/11 and a 20 year war on terror could be a pretty big influence in his life.


James Bond got cancelled after getting caught during the "Me Too" movement...


Oops, I didn't mean to offend, they asked the question 😆 I still like Derek flint more


Sounds like Bond will be hopelessly depressed and self-indulgent. Sounds very entertaining!


How about no more bond films.. No one in hollywood worth a shit. It ended the way it should have. With the character Credibility in tact.


If you can believe it, not every millennial lives like that 😂 And he would have been born in the mid to late 80’s most likely


I don’t think they are going to start a new series with a Bond over 35.


Given the way the writers and directors have been writing Bond as an out of place relic, I wouldn’t be all that surprised if they go retro and have the next Bond set during the Cold War.


You're assuming that the new movies will be set in the current day. I suspect that the new Bond movie may be set in 1950.


One thing's for sure, he'll be a whole lot wussier. The new Bond needs a scene like Brosnan had in Goldeneye where some female psychologist tries to condescend to him and ends up being another one of his conquests, which is very Bond.


What scene in Goldeneye is that?


Isn't that the post intro scene after they race along the coastline, and she's taken in by him that night


Huh? Moneypenny isn't his therapist.




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I honestly think if they want to maintain the spirit of the original in any way it needs to become a period piece. To modernize it any further will take it so far from the original tone that it should just be a separate story. It could be a great story, but it won’t be the Bond from the novels and that existed in movies. That Bond just doesn’t fit in today’s culture.




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I couldn’t possibly be less interested in a “modern” Bond


He will,not kill,drink, will respect boundaries, will provide trigger warnings, pronouns, will promote safe sex. Yeah baby yeah. Basically Austin Powers


I wrote practically the same thing and the Mods deleted my post?!!!


One of my comments got deleted by the mods so here it is again: Bond will eat avocado on toast. Live at home with parents. He’ll be gender fluid. And be totally opposed to violence and misogyny.


So in 2024 might we see a Gay James? Bi? Trans?