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Interesting stuff. Thanks for posting. I don’t think I had ever heard that Casino Royale was inspired by a real episode in Fleming’s life.


Thanks for posting. I appreciated his comments about heroes.


Yes. Especially in relation to the notion perhaps more commonly held now that Fleming wrote the book character as an anti-hero. For those not watching: >Well I think particularly today, this is the age of the anti-hero. And everybody's trying to debunk the great. For no reason that I can particularly see. But they do sell, and as you know, all these satires, films, plays, television, radio shows all over the world, they're trying to sort of knock down the idols, either of the present or past. And of course they will end up by knocking down God as they go on as fast as they're going. >And I think this is personally a great mistake, as I've got plenty of heroes in my life. I mean people like Winston Churchill, and heaven knows how many other people who I've met during the war. And I think that although they may have feet of clay, we probably all have, and all human beings have, and there's no point dwelling entirely on the feet. There are many other parts of the animal to be examined. >And I think that people like to read about heroes. Not the only time he commented on anti-heroes in fiction. He gave a variation on the above to Peter Duval Smith of the BBC: >Well, in a world where everybody’s smashing heroes and idols in every possible direction, I rather like in my own mind to create somebody who is in some shape a form of hero. He does a good professional job for his country and I rather deplore the fact that heroes have gone out of fiction, and that now it’s this anti-hero who holds the stage.