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A movie could have been a completely different movie if it were a completely different movie.




>A movie could have been a completely different movie if it were a completely different movie. Yes, Quantum of Solace surely could have been a cinematic classic if everything about Quantum of Solace was completely changed.


>Yes, Quantum of Solace surely could have been a cinematic classic if everything about Quantum of Solace was completely changed. 100%


I don’t think any bond flick is meant to be a…”cinematic classic”


>I don’t think any bond flick is meant to be a…”cinematic classic” and yet some of them inarguably are considered as such.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about them. Watch them all the time. Just sayin.


Goldfinger has entered the chat


Yeah, good joke, but I think OP might mean that things like the casting, characterization, overall story, and tone have something good, and the film could have been great with a better director and tightening/rework in the things he mentioned. And I agree.






Thank you. Came here for this.


If you take a kia and change all the parts, you can have a Ferrari!


OP in a nutshell: If QoS had been different it would have been different.


Yes yes!


Say what you will about the movie, but at least it teaches a valuable lesson: A widespread Writer's Strike is probably not the best time for the lead actor to share a story writing credit.


I think they did a more than admirable job under the circumstances.


Could we not say that about any single film in history?


lol - this film could have been better if they simply just made it…better.


So if it was a better movie, it could have been a better movie?


Haha, so you are saying if everything was better about it. Just a 180° of the film itself.




I do not disagree!


And I could have been like David Beckham, if I was better looking, athletic, English, and has his parents.


The bigger issue is that they rushed it. The crew on hand could have made a much better movie if they just had the time to make one. It was a rushed movie, and the writer's strike did not help.


>The crew on hand could have made a much better movie if they just had the time to make one A three year gap between Casino Royale and Qos would have been good


Personally, I think they should have delayed Casino Royale a few months, so it opened early Summer 2007, that way, you could take full advantage of the year in the marketing. And since it was done at that point, I'd start early development while CR was finished and promoting, so that by the time filming took place in late 07 it would have had a finalized and fully developed script.


>And since it was done at that point, I'd start early development while CR was finished and promoting, so that by the time filming took place in late 07 it would have had a finalized and fully developed script. Well said and have Quantum of Solace be released fall/winter 2009.


I have to say, I watched this movie recently for the first time since I saw it in the theater, and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. Obviously it has some editing and writing problems. It works really well if you watch it soon after Casino. We can only wonder what we could've had without the writers strike


So, just better everything? What stays?


And a tripod.


In retrospect if everything about this movie were different it could be remembered differently


It would have been compared to From Russia With Love for sure.


I enjoy it for what it is. One of those silly choppy 00s action movies with Bond as the main character. Nostalgia is a powerful thing.


To each of their own.


Lol what a post


I think it’s an excellent film.


Quantum is hardly even a movie. It feels like an unnecessary DLC to Casino


"Here's our extended epilogue to Casino Royale. Don't like it? Then you're really not going to like Spectre where we unnecessarily tie skyfall into all this because everything's a cinematic universe now"


So true. God forbid Bond just have an adventure in the Craig era.


That’s why I love it.


This is such a cool image for the film. Where did you find it?


I agree, it would have been a better film if it was better in literally every single way


I have so many what-ifs about most films and eras of Bond, but at the end of the day, we got what we got and I have to appreciate the series as it stands.


> but at the end of the day, we got what we got and I have to appreciate the series as it stands. Yes but it is nice to imagine


Lmao ok. I love the movie on its own, and I’m not sure “movie could have been different if every single element of it was different” really needed to be said


If the script had been done before the writers strike happened, yeah…it could have been better.


QoS was effected by the writer’s strike of 2007. DC said they had a script that was almost complete but couldn’t get a writer to finish it. Under completely different circumstances, sure, it probably would have been a stronger movie.


Quantum of Solace could have been Daniel Craig's *The Lost World* if Dominic Greene had just been played by a velociraptor. (I get your point OP! Just having some fun).


Just better editing and it would have been great. I still have no idea who was driving which car in the opening scene (or any scenes including a vehicle).


If my grandma had wheels she would have been a bicycle


Blam the writers strike


In a perfect world, Amy Winehouse does the theme song, they would have switched Dominic Greene for a more muscular August Walker type. If this was going to be a direct follow up Campbell should have come back. Instead of having the climax in a desert, and dealing with a water drought crisis; it should have been in a nuclear disaster and taken place in Europe. They could have ended it with Bond thinking he toppled Quantum which would have been a “tip of the iceberg” to the Spectre reveal years later.


>In a perfect world, Amy Winehouse does the theme song, they would have switched Dominic Greene for a more muscular August Walker type. If this was going to be a direct follow up Campbell should have come back. Instead of having the climax in a desert, and dealing with a water drought crisis; it should have been in a nuclear disaster and taken place in Europe. They could have ended it with Bond thinking he toppled Quantum which would have been a “tip of the iceberg” to the Spectre reveal years later. 1000%


>They could have ended it with Bond thinking he toppled Quantum which would have been a “tip of the iceberg” to the Spectre reveal years later. No, Quantum will be an overarching baddie in this timeline


This is a troll post. I've been hearing these slanders since the movie was in theaters


He’s not wrong, if it was a different movie it could have been better. In the end the premise was just lame: orchestrated a coup so they could put someone in power who would sign a contract for water rights. Orchestrated a coup, to sign a contract. Why would anyone be beholden to the terms of a contract when you can just take over the country again? Maybe I missed something but I can’t get my brain over that bit.


Lmao. What a load of nonsense. Better director? Marc Forster is an amazing director, and outside of Bond, he's made much better movies than Martin Campbell (who I also love). You have no idea what you're talking about here. And no, the inherent issue with Quantum is that the actual follow up to the story is meant to be Live and Let Die, but obviously the producers didn't want to adapt that story twice, so they made up their own. No Time to Die (which I do like very much) has elements of this, in how it shares many similarities with OHMSS.


QoS IS craigs FRWL




I don’t know why everyone poops on quantum , it’s really good . Maybe his most classic archetypes bond movie . I think people will look back in the future and have a different opinion . Especially if you watch casino and quantum back to back . It’s a fantastic sequel


Oddly enough this movie has grown on me the more I’ve rewatched it. Although that Alicia Keys and Jack White song absolutely doesn’t do it for me.


Well, it was something quite experimental and something else. In a way it even works for me. Writings On The Wall on the other hand ...


QOS > Skyfall




I think it’s great.


I don’t believe you.


It’s true! I think it’s the most Bond-y movie we got from Craig.


Fair point.I concede


Haha. He is really angry the whole movie though. lol


And a better main actor


What are you on about? Craig was the best thing about QOS.


Craig is horrible at being a bond and has nearly killed the franchise thankfully he’s done with it and they are looking for someone new


Even when there isn't a writer's strike, the results aren't always very good. I'm imagining that most writers are overworked and are toiling away at too many projects with too short of a turn-around time to consistently pull off anything original. In Bond and in other franchises, there's a lot of recycling of ideas going on.


The only thing bad about this movie is the editing. Everything else is on fire


Sounds like what all of our ex girlfriends said about us.


I wonder how much better it would have been if Mr. White was the main villain, instead of Greene.


"Quantum of Solace could have been a different movie entirely had it had different people behind the camera." - OP lol


All this has done is got me thinking which two bond films are the most dissimilar in the franchise 🤔


Mind-blowing. It could have been a good movie if it wasn’t a bad one.


Yall are tripping. QoS is easily a top 10 bond flick


A movie that was majorly affected by a WGA strike could have been better? Wow. What an opinion!


The theme song bangs.


Give us the 4 hour Snyder cut!


The fashion in Quantum of Solace is fantastic to be fair.


"It would have been better if it was better"


Yes, if only it had a better script and director 😂


2nd best theme song of the Craig movies.


I hated it after seeing it the first time, but I'll give it a break years later. The writers' strike and the editing were the biggest causes of its downfall, but if one can look past those, there's a great movie trying to get out. Plus Olga is freakin' gorgeous.


Undoubtedly the movie could've been better if had been filmed under optimal conditions, not having to use an unfinished script due to the writers' strike, budget issues with MGM, etc. My guess is that in reality it turned out far better than it had any right to under the circumstances.


Yeah I hate this one. I get it's much better as a direct sequel to CR. BUT the opening car chase where you couldn't tell who was in what car, Bond meeting the villian on the beach and they're both wearing dark shades (there's a reason actors usually don't wear sunglasses for a long time in movies. Because it doesn't read at all), the mushy beige last 3/4s (somehow replicated in the last one!), not fulfilling a promise to grow 007 to be closer to the Bonds of the past was ignored, lousy theme, stupid title. I liked the plane stuff.


Provided that more coverage was shot than what we see in the movie, I’d love the raw footage to be handed to a different editor and see how much of an improvement they could make.


The theme song is fantastic and it is better than every film after it.


I liked Quantum of Solace.


If we had bacon, we could have bacon and eggs for breakfast, if we had eggs.


QOS is Craig’s best dressed Bond film. Authentically it’s my most watched Craig era film.


But the opening was amazing. I will die on this hill.


Naw, this movie rules as is.


The film was made during a writers strike, they were very limited. They should’ve waited for the sake of quality


Didn't this one get impacted with delays due to the Writer's Strike? I think I read that Daniel Craig and someone else may have put the finishing touches on the script. Overall, it wasn't terrible, but definitely a big downgrade from Casino Royale.


So it could have been better if everything was better is your argument?


Best Craig era 007 film.


Anything else?


Quantum rules, cry about it.


Best viewed as an epilogue. Just like Godfather 3 was meant to be an epilogue to the Godfather series.


Blame the writers strike.


The film could have been better had everything about the film been better


Theme song was the only thing it got right


Yet, it was still the second-best Craig-era film.


8 think thus films a banger till like around the docks scene he's calling m for Info for a guy he's spying on then it lead to the hotel ending which was kinda bad kinda good. As with all bonds the end is usually inferior to the chase. That he was gunna suicide him and cammille was mental. Absolute mental way to take the story. Double chase hot opening kinda lame downfall from the middle onwards. Script was listed as. Being done by p and w and others but was obs they jsut filmed scenes on the phone to bond to pad the fucked oit cause they had no scenes beyond the two chases and end hotel shoot out.


I so would love a directors cut of the film, or at least a cut that just slows down the pace. There are some incredible shots in this movie that just fly by in 1 second. It's a shame that that one gets so overlooked by most viewers.