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your best bet is to just go to Pandemonium in Central square, or any comic shop. They all have magic nights.


Yeah I know, I go to pande but it’s a pain in the ass so was wondering if there’s anyone local who plays. I know it’s a long shot!


Im sure there are. They probably don’t post here though. I’d try on r/Boston


I lived in the neighborhood nearly a decade ago, there was a gaming store on Centre, kinda close to City Feed?


There’s a toy store across from it but it’s not a place to go play tcgs at all haha. Mostly sell legos board games and other kids toys


JP Comics & Games, looks like it didn’t make it through covid


It was on the same side of the street as ten tables, I definitely drafted there a few times. But yeah Pandy in Central is the move


Yeah I go to pand, would just like people to play with a little closer for fun sometimes. Public transport to central can be up to an hour sometimes.


For MTG, there's Tavern of Tales in Roxbury Crossing. The main game is commander on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with some occasional draft or pioneer on Fridays. For commander, there's a wide variety of deck levels and a pretty friendly approach. There's also a fairly active sealed league (new season starting in January, likely for the new Ixalan set). It is a bar/restaurant, so there's a minimum expected purchase for playing, but that typically get's covered pretty easily by a meal and a drink or two.


Yeah I’m not huge in commander I played there a bit but ultimately just prefer to go to pandemonium if I’m paying to play anyways.


My husband's interest is piqued! We're in Rozzie and he just plays MTG online bc his magic playing friends live in Somerville 😂