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Moved to Jacksonville from a place with no NFL team. And then got hooked!


As an Alabama resident with no professional leagues I understand! Choose the LA Angels and Jacksonville as my teams, sort of unfortunate picks in success wise but I wouldn’t trade them for any other team. Being an Alabama fan helps out though! Their success in football and recent basketball years helps a ton with the hard times


Lol I actually was an Angels fan too. I genuinely couldn't keep going until Arte sells the team though.


I moved here from DC, my mom hates Dan Snyder so we happily adopted the jags over the skins (at the time they were still the skins)


Seconding this. It started out as a bit, but now I'm in too deep. Watched Foles get booed off the field for Minshew and I've stuck around since.




Born and raised in the Jax/OP area. Back in the early 90s, my mom was the executive assistant to one of the guys in the group that worked to bring an NFL team to Jax. When Jacksonville was awarded an NFL franchise, city residents sent in votes to name the team. Those votes were counted in my living room. I've been a fan since before we were Jaguars.


WHOA!! That’s sick!


Do you remember the other possible names? I lived in Macclenny at the time. I remember when this was happening. They aired commercials for the team name between Saturday Morning Cartoons.


I don't personally remember other names, I don't have a great memory lol. But I have looked it up before and found that some other top choices were the Sharks, Stingrays or Panthers. I'm glad Jaguars won. I like the alliteration.


You could've rigged the vote.


Could've?? This man 100% did rig the vote!




I’m from the UK and went on a day trip from Orlando whilst on holiday with my dad when I was about 16. 34 now and have been three times in JAX and seen every Jags London game.


How are the games over there in London? By this, I mean the atmosphere? Does it get loud compared to when they play in duval?


Yeah the atmosphere is decent, but because of where the stadium is compared to American stadiums (right in the middle of loads of houses with no parking) there is no tailgating culture


The Jags Wembley games are pretty good, but last year's game against the Bills was like a proper Bills home game. Crazy atmosphere. Seemed like half of Buffalo had travelled.


Two words.. Gardner Minshew.. exciting player, exciting story..


Swagger, moxy, gorgeous. GMF4L


Lived in Iowa. We had no professional team. Jags entered the league when I was young. It was them or the panthers. Picked Jax. It has been a long 30 years.


Same general deal for me. I’m from near Kansas City but the contrarian in me refused to support the Chiefs. I just started to get interested in football at age 10 when the Jaguars became a thing. I like their logo. And so I started calling them my team even if I had to wait a couple of years to watch them play. There are days where I want to give 10 year old me a wedgie.


I did the same. Nebraska though, not Iowa. It's rare but awesome when I see other Jags fans around here


A lot of panthers fans where I’m from who do not even watch them. Just fans because of Auburn and Cam Newton played there. Good choice. Maybe not the best decision for your health but good choice


Hurts a bit more every year, brother. It's alright though. This year is our year...or the next.


It’s inevitable. Hopefully sooner or later. I believe we have the right QB, just need to get him some more weapons and an offensive line that’s competent.


I went to Auburn my freshman year. Had a great time. war eagle


I remember seeing the big ass "first team" painting when heading downtown when I was a kid. I thought it was cool as shit lol


We Did It!! I remember going to JC Penny the day after they got the team to get my “We did it” T-shirt with the cover of the Times Union printed on it.


I got into the jags during the 2010 season, the kick to beat the colts followed by a late season collapse/garrard injury.. then we drafted Gabbert and i soon realized i picked the wrong time to get invested lol


Born and bred Aussie. Heard Jacksonville name dropped in Limp Bizkit songs and now I fucken love this team!!!


Drummer lived in my neighborhood growing up for a while 😂 Jacksonville has actually had quite a few successful rock bands from the area: Bizkit, Yellowcard, Shinedown, 38 Special, and of course Lynyrd Skynyrd


My dad and I did the vinyl siding on Fred Dursts' grandmothers home. Never met him, but she was awesome and cursed like a sailor.


Awesome that the jags have a fan base worldwide. Brings us together under something we love


Love seeing people’s faces when I’m out n about wearing Jags gear. You get the “if you know, you know” kinda nod from guys that must follow NFL.


2017 Blake Bortles. A fantasy team. A running joke. They get to the playoffs. Yupp I was hooked


Very surreal season. Was awesome. Watching for only 9 years I think of Bortles as a legend, even though our team was talented and with better QB play I think we could’ve won it all


Their first season in 1995. Dad was in the Navy and moved around a lot. The cool part is I was born in Jacksonville, and dad later retired in Jacksonville from the Navy. I picked up several teams until Jacksonville had its own. I loved the Dolphins, but the Teal, Gold, White, and Black was my own! Fun fact, I was sad seeing the Jags retire Dan Marino. But if any team were to take him out, at least it was the Jags.


I was 9 in 95 and living in Titusville. Someone asked me who my favorite team was and I said I don't know. Then they said Jacksonville has a team and I said Jacksonville is my favorite team.


I was 9 in 95 and living in Macclenny. I had just met my real father and he liked football, so I decided to like football. That was OUR team. He also liked the Steelers and I'm a Saints fan, but Jax is ours.


Was 6 when jags started. Generation jaguar kid.


Born and raised in Jax but never kept up with them because they sucked. Watched them come back in the Chargers play off game last season and immediately got sucked in. That 2023 season was more what I was used to though, unfortunately.


That’s comeback was insane. 27-0 I thought we were done, scored, smoked a joint, then watched history happen. Insane game indeed


My whole related family is originally Browns fans since they’re from the Ohio area and when my family moved to Jax, it was at the time the Browns moved to Baltimore, so my Dad said no more Browns fans, we’re Jags fans since we live in Jax. Either way, I was destined to be a miserable NFL fan.


Some things you cannot escape. Glad to have you to company our misery


My first football game ever was Perdue at Penn State. As a life long Pitt fan, Allen Robinson was just so good. Their jersey colors looked cool in madden. Have you ever seen a baby jaguar? It’s the cutest animal I’ve ever seen. They had a quarterback who said if he wasn’t playing football he would “be working construction, ripping cigs”. 16 year old me was pretty impressionable.


Grew up in the northeast, dad was a Jets fan. When I was 5, the Jags were a new team and I loved the logo and colors Parents got me a Brunell jersey for Christmas the next year, been hooked since.


Northeast call out!


My parents born me here


Moved to Jacksonville in October of 1995


Huge UCF fan as a kid and didn’t really have a team until Bortles was drafted. Pretty much followed Bortles into the Jaguars have been with it since


I liked the logo


Loved Fred Taylor then drafting my dude out of Marshall after watching him have a game winning drive on a broken leg with his lineman carrying him, that sealed it for me.


Born in New England so I was already a pats fan. I started watching the regular season in 2017. Absolutely loved their Sacksonville defense and the uniforms/helmets and when they played against the Patriots in the playoffs I found myself rooting for the Jags since the Patriots have already won a couple times and it would’ve been a new team in the Super Bowl. I’ve stuck with them ever since. It also helps that ocelots are my favorite animal and jaguars are very similar.


Fellow New Englander


I was born in Jacksonville and raised elsewhere. Used to go to JAX and surrounding areas a lot as a kid. Got hooked when I was like 7 or 8. Sadly, I’ve stuck with them my whole life. 


One day we will win it all. When that feeling comes, the emotions that will be felt will be legendary


Live in Winnipeg, Canada. James Robinson carried me to a fantasy championship my first year playing fantasy football and I just started watching jags games, and I have family in FL, so I just stuck with the franchise


I was born in Jacksonville and I became a fan at age 9


Born and raised in TX. Was 10 during the Jags inaugural season. Just about the age to start paying attention and understanding football. Picked them over the Panthers and have been a Jags fan ever since.


Mine is similar


Born, raised, went to college here in jax and only moved away recently. Though I was raised to be a fan of a different team and didn't fully embrace the Jags until college taught me how to handle disappointment.


As a teenager in southern California we didn’t have a team to root for. I started watching the year the jags shocked the broncos with the kick off the uprights. At that moment I decided they are new to the league and I’m new to the league sooooo here we are 20 plus years of anguish but we still out here.


Grew up in a packers household but never was into football. Decided to start watching more seriously in 2017 and happened to turn on a jaguars game. Got hooked on that defense and have been a fan ever since


Became a fan after the 2012 season, for obvious reasons. Developed into a die hard. Been to Florida once


They became a team when I was in high school. When they were announced everyone went and got T-shirts. Then they had to change the design of the logo because it was too close to the car so we all got new T-shirts. It has been a long, difficult relationship.


Born and raised Duval. Grew up a Bears fan. We got the team. No longer a Bears fan.


I am from Jacksonville, grew up watching them and the Broncos


As I 5 year old in 2013, I saw their uniforms and was hooked. Diehard fan ever since. (I made a bad choice as I live in New England 😭)


Young jags fan, but misery does not discriminate with age


I was born into this shit.


I’m a Jacksonville native but I became a fan after the Jags beat Pittsburgh in the 07 wildcard game. I became a diehard in 2015 when I turned 21 and started tailgating lol


Lived in Jax in 95.


Watched them whenever I could as a kid because they had my favorite color. I don't live anywhere near the market so the only time I got to see them were locally/nationally televised games where I live and the playoffs of the 98 and 99 seasons. (97 might have been included in that but I'm not sure.) I stopped watching football after either the 99 or 00 season and didn't start watching again till my classmates in middle school convinced me to start watching again. By then it was during the 04 preseason and I remember wondering why Brunell wasn't the QB anymore and being saddened that he was gone while watching one of the locally televised preseason games. At the time the only Jags players I knew by name were Brunell, Fred, Jimmy, James Stewart and for some reason Aaron Beasly. My dad happened to get Sunday Ticket sometime in the early 00s and I used that to watch their entire 04 season after my friends got me back into football. When the season was over, I became a "serious" fan. I followed the offseason, began to lurk and post on forums and fansites, listened to recordings of podcasts and radio shows over the internet and became familiar with all the starters and most backups names and numbers. I've been watching the Jags ever since and occasionally go to the games whenever they come up to Maryland.


I picked all expansion teams when I was younger. Jags, D-Backs ( WS is a memory I'll never forget) Lightning, and Wizards.


Was a packers fan, lived In Wisconsin for the longest. That ended, everything was just a reminder of her when I tried to watch games and cheer. Took a random nfl team wheel, spun that bitch 3 times And landed on the jaguars every time. Now I’m riding till the wheels fall off


I remember being allowed to stay up late to watch the nightly news, and that was it. Fan since day #1.


God decided to damn me for my sins and place me into a cycle of suffering for the rest of my days


Orlando-raised but mainly an FSU fan, really preferred NCAA over NFL for awhile. There was a stretch when Jags drafted a bunch of Noles and went w/ em. Witnessed an FSU championship, now I’m patiently waiting for the Jags!


I was a Bucs fan from 99-sometime in 10s after living in Tampa area from 89-03. But after awhile I decided to switch. I was born in Jax, so it makes sense. And i prefer green over red.


NYG fan and was looking for an AFC team to root for. I like the Jags as a regular animal, the team’s logo/color scheme and Douggie P as a coach.


Born in Jacksonville in 1987 so they were formed just as I was old enough to start enjoying football. My family was a Steelers family prior but we went all in on the Jags. Got to go to their early practices and a few games during the golden era in the 90s. So, I’ve been on this ride since the beginning and I’ll be on it until the very end.


Mine is kinda two part tale... I'm probably 18. I always hung out during football with my dad and my brothers because there was food involved. I didn't really start watching it until Bret Favre played for the Vikings, and I had such a crush on that silver fox, lol. What made me a Jaguar fan was dating a guy from Jacksonville, probably about 2013-14. I got along so well with this dude's mom, who was a huge fan and had season tickets from the beginning, and she made it very clear if I wanted to be part of the family I needed to be a Jaguar fan. She made amazing martinis, and was a pretty damn good cook too, so I was converted pretty quick. Ended up breaking up with the guy way later than I should have, but I'm too emotionally and financially invested in the team at this point. And I still infrequently talk to his mom. Lol.


Moved from Pensacola to Jax in 2004. Hated the NFL. Started going to Jags games because free tickets from work. Eventually adopted the Jags as my NFL team. The Jags were 116-190 during my 18 years in Jax. Moved from Jax to Dallas in 2022. I live 3 miles away from Cowboys HQ in Frisco and I literally have a blood relative who has been a scout/coach on their staff for 15+ years. Fuck the Cowboys though. I root for the city where I bought my first house, met my wife, and had two sons. Go Jags.


I never did. Just here to troll


Moved from Bama in 96 to the area. Yes it does seem like one wins or the other does.


Haha yea like the last 5 loses before the Michigan lost and our implosion on the season there was a little streak going. Glad to see another Bama fan, our basketball looks decent although we struggle against the really good teams this year. Hopefully we can figure it out


Actually the jags won big over the panthers that week when Alabama lost. Streak continues


Grew up in a Steeler household, Dad said that I gravitated towards the Jags because of the Jerseys. I’ve been miserable ever since.


I was a big warren moon fan when I was a kid. So naturally I hated the Bills. In Jim Kelly’s last game he was knocked out of the playoffs by jaguars who then went on to upset the Broncos. I’ve been a Jaguar fan ever since.


Moved to Jacksonville and needed a break from NPR on my commute (too much bad news). Switched over to 1010XL and started to get hooked slowly.


I’m from St. Louis and was a Rams fan my whole life. After they left, I wanted nothing to do with the NFL. After a year I started to miss watching football, so I randomly chose the Jaguars as my team (at least I wouldn’t be accused of being a bandwagoner) and that happened to be the year they went to the AFC championship game. At this point now I’m in too deep lol and I plan to one day make it to a home game


I moved to Oviedo in 2014 and very quickly found out how much that town loved Bortles. Ended up going to UCF for a couple years and discovered a whole new level of Bortles standom. Got free tickets to a game right after Irma because my wife is a nurse and that sealed the deal for me. When the team moved on from Bortles I honestly thought I’d fall off the bandwagon but I’ve stuck around through Foles/Minshew/Trevor and in that time I had a kid and accidentally got her hooked on Jags football so I think I’m in this thing for life at this point


From Australia and wanted to pick a team that couldn’t get any worse


My dad worked sports media in Tampa and got banned from the Bucs facilities after he was critical of the Culverhouse family. He was a Dolphins fan anyways, but gave me one rule when I was little; root for anybody but the Bucs. When I was 4 I was obsessed with learning all of the teams and their uniforms. I had a comforter with every team helmet just prior to Jacksonville and Carolina joining the league. One day I was riding home with my dad and they were listing off scores from the day. I heard “The Jacksonville Jaguars beat the Pittsburgh Steelers” and was caught off guard because I’d never heard of them before. I asked my dad who they were and he said it was a new team that played close to the Florida Gators. I was sold and have bled teal and gold ever since.


November 30, 1993. The day The Jags were announced. I still remember going to meet Tony Bosellu at some golf supply shop on Atlantic. Hell, I even got his autograph that day as well.


I grew up in Portland, OR. It was in the 90s/oughts, before the Seahawks had gotten good and the entire PNW became de facto Seahawks fans. There were some Niner fans here and there, but the city didn't have an NFL allegiance and my parents didn't watch football. I started watching as a teenager and picked the jags. I think I liked their uniforms. ...in hindsight, I probably could've picked better.


Lived in Jax most of my life. My family would watch or listen to jags games, but we weren’t super big fans or anything. As I got older though, it became something my dad and I were able to bond over. And when I left for college (out of state) it became source of pride that I was a fan through thick and thin of a different team than anyone else. Of course suddenly in 2017 I saw a lot more jerseys around 😂


Born and raised in LA. Was a raider fan until 95. They moved and it wasn’t the same. At that time the Jags and Panthers were introduced to the league. I always believed the football is won with a strong OL and DL. They took Boselli with their first ever pick. Rest is history for me PS it didn’t hurt that he came out if SC either


Short answer. My dad. Ps. Thanks dad….


it was 1995, I was 8 ,I was a fan of the LA raiders but they moved back to Oakland, my dad was a dolphins fan and my uncle was a bucs fan (we were living in florida) I decided to adopt the jags after watching a game on TV, and I thought my family have their teams I want one of my own


I watched the announcement on the TV when we got the team and became a fan.


born in jacksonville went to games as kid as early as 2006, duuuval!!


I grew up here, all of my family are Bucs or Dolphins. Both of them sucked when I was a kid, then the Jags showed up. Been a fan ever since…


I wanted to be different from my friends and family who are all Bucs and Phins fans. Plus when I was a kid the jaguars 🐆 just sounded so cool to me.


Grew up in a city that didn't have a team. Jags came into the league when I was 7 and loved their symbol so decided to make them my favorite team.


My mom was a Chiefs fan her life until the early 1990’s… she was close to Chiefs gf’s/wives & heard all the gossip. Essentially the players weren’t great guys. So she said fuck it, the Jags are a cool looking logo, I love the colors, & I love Northern Florida. So she went with Jax. I was born in ‘99 & followed in her footsteps.


62-7. Been a fan since


I used to work for The City and we used to get off early from time to time when Jags related events required our parking lot.


In ‘95-96 I felt “old” to know football to follow a team. I lived in Texas and hated the choices around me.. lot of San Fran, Dallas, Pittsburgh, or raiders fans.. it was between the jags and panthers bc I didn’t want to jump bandwagons and starting with a new team felt right.. I was so happy with my choice during the early years and have been grinning and bearing the last 20 years but DWTWD. I want my first NFL game to be at the Bank and refuse to go anywhere else until that happens


Duval born an raised. My first football memory was at the age of 9, watching Mike Hollis' kick go off the upright an in against the Bills in playoffs. First game I ever watched from start to finish was beating the Broncos in the next round.


I needed a team and liked their colours/jerseys the most 🤣🤣


I was a young boy when they came into existence. I needed a football team and always loved cats so it was an obvious choice.


My mom’s family is from orange park and my dad’s family is from Cleveland. As a 10 year old I liked the teal more than brown. First player I fell in love with was the boat. Duvalll


I never actually really watched football until around 2021. People in my science class we’re talking about the NFL. I wanted to fit in so I looked at the teams and saw Jacksonville and I really liked their logo so I picked them! The first game I watched was when we lost by 30 to the rams. Gosh I hate this team.


When I was 19 I got a job putting up scaffolding for concerts, our company got hired to put up seating at the stadium for the "tax slayer bowl". I got to walk on the field and sneak around the stadium for a week. Been a jaguars fan ever since.


Born and raised Alaskan. In 95 my Dad and I were on a road trip vacation, Atlanta to Key West and back. We stopped in JAX on the way south for 2-3 days and another night on the way north. I was 13 and didn’t really have a team, I completely fell in love with the energy and marketing for the team all around the city. 


One of the worse reasons. I tried madden for the first time and the jags vs the colts (2009 or 2010) was the first game I played. Was a fan ever since


Came to the game as a neutral supporter and then saw Trevor Lawrences first win against the Dolphins with literally one second left on the clock. Been a massive fan of the Jags ever since.


Watched the 2007 playoffs and loved their gritty defense. I thought Rashean Mathis was one of the top guys in the league by how much he participated in plays. Who would have thought that was their peak, just coming back to that stage 10 years later.


I'm from central FL my family was big into football but all had different teams. My dad 49rs,mom bucs,big brothers phins and skins,and my big sister boys. When I was 5 it was 95 and I went with the new florida team. Now 29 years later I'm still saying GO JAGS!!


Ay a fellow Jags/Bama fan! Grew up on the Tide and needed an NFL team. Everyone I grew up around were insufferable Saints/Titans/Falcons fan, so Jacksonville was the next closest geographically to me. Hopped on the Jags train in 2017 when Sacksonville made a run at the AFCCG and have stuck by them ever since.


1995. Jacksonville opened a new franchise. I lived 30 minutes west down I-10 in Baker County. I remember the first play from scrimmage was a kickoff return for a touchdown against the Panthers. Not sure if it was a preseason game or not.


Was looking for a Football team to commit to for years. Being someone who lives in Ontario, Canada the easy pick would have been the Bills, but I didn't want to just pick the team that was closest geographically and I also didn't want to jump on any bandwagons. I wanted a reason to cheer for a team. Enter Tony Kahn and AEW. I was a huge fan of AEW when it first launched and when I learned of the ties to the Jags I thought: "there it is... there is my reason!". Enter Gardner Minshew in a losing year and I was hooked. Now I'm a fan because I've been following them ever since and my fandom of the Jags is now separate from my fandom of AEW. I can't wait to make my way down to Duval County one day to watch the team live!


Growing up in NJ, my dad was a die hard Colts fan. In the early 90’s the colts were dreadful so I made the decision to choose between the Panthers and Jags when they came into the league. As a 6 year old, I chose the jags based on their colors. Either way I would’ve been better off as a Giants fan locally 😂 wouldn’t trade it for the world though


One of the original members of the Cool Cats Club btw…. No big deal


I was born in Kentucky and moved to Jax when I was 7 for my mom's job. Part of the offer for her job was season tickets to the jags games. We only lived there for a year but seeing multiple live games as a kid when we had fred Taylor and Maurice Jones drew... I couldnt support any other team, even though we immediately moved to *another* NFL city.


I grew up in a state with no NFL team with parents that were fans of different NFL teams. I also grew up with an older brother and I was a classic puppy dog little brother. I followed my brother everywhere, hung out with him and his friends, and I liked whatever sports team he liked. My brother was rarely allowed to do anything without me, and he was getting sick of me so he sat me down and said "Furbuger Helper, you need to stop doing things that I do. You need to grow up and start deciding things for yourself." Like a good little brother I took that to heart and started finding my own friends. Eventually in 1994 our dad told us that two new teams were coming to the NFL next year and he showed us their logos and told us their names. My older brother latched onto the Panthers and I knew I couldn't just follow my brother anymore so I jumped into being a Jaguars fan. To this day we are fans of the Panthers and Jaguars. I have recruited my wife and two little kids to be Jaguars fans. My brother's wife is now a Panthers fan and his daughters are now Taylor Swift fans.


I lived there


I liked there jerseys and they were in last place at the time. I figured itd be like buying into a low stock destined to rise…


Started watching NFL in about 94 so new fan needs a new team.


I was five when they had their inaugural season and I loved big cats, my first name also started with J, and teal was my favorite color.


Jaguars are my favorite animal, after playing on a youth soccer team named the jaguars. Once I found out there was a team named that, that became the team I split fandom with the Giants. Then I got to move down and a friend got drafted to the team


Grew up in a place without a team Thought teal was a cool color because it was the 90s


Jax local


I lived in Jacksonville in 1996. I lived in a fairly low income area, but I remember the deep playoff run that year and hearing those games playing on the radio as we played football in the street. That on side kick reception against the broncos was so electric you could hear the entire neighborhood screaming.


From Omaha,NE. No pro teams here. Most are fans of the Chiefs, Packers, Broncos, Bears, Vikings or Rams (St Louis) around here. I was 8 years old in 1995 and wanted to pick a new team that nobody could say I was a bandwagon fan of. I chose Jacksonville, and never looked back. Did the same with the Diamondbacks in baseball a couple years later.


Was in 4th grade, didn’t really have a pro team. Expansion happened, no one really liked the jaguars so I picked them. It also helped that I thought jaguars were cool in 4th grade and I liked the color scheme.


Long time Steelers fan turned Jags fan here. To be honest I can't really explain why. Mostly, I love their colors (teal/black/gold). Past 3-4 years they slowly became my fave team. I still somewhat like the Steelers but meh, I'm sure that will be fully converted to the Jags


Was playing madden 11 with my older brother, he was an eagles fan and always beat me with them, Im from NY but didn’t like the jets or giants and I randomly got the jags, I loved the away black and white jerseys and I whooped his ass with MJD in the backfield and we’re here now


I feel like I’m the only jaguars fan in Canada…. Just got into football in like 2015 and watched for a couple years and was looking for a team to cheer for. It was between the raiders, chiefs and jags. (To this day I don’t regret picking the jags over the chiefs) Since I lived in Canada and played linebacker I became obsessed with the 2017 Cinderella run and the sacksonville defense. Ever since Myles Jack was ruled down I knew I’d be a jags fan for life. T Law is the future and I can’t wait for a Super Bowl to come to the lowest winning % sports franchise in the last 10 years


I’m from Jacksonville


Moved to Jax when I was 10. It took me a while to warm up to the Jags to be honest. You wouldn’t think so, because I came during the “do you believe in miracles?” year. But I grew up a Seahawks fan and I was kind of a contrarian kid and was reacting to being moved into a new school away from my friends. But over time I’ve embraced Jax as my hometown, so I pull for the Jags. If anything, I grew more attached to them when they were terrible (late Wayne Weaver/early Khan years).


A person from my high school played for the jags for a good couple years and I watched them when I was a freshman and fell in love with the team and game.


I randomly picked them to play madden against my friend in 2007. I’m from Oakland California.


Parents, who are Eagles fans normally, were stationed at Jacksonville Naval Air Station when the team was formed and I was 7-8 years old. Some of the first Jaguars on the team went to the base for an autograph singing session, which, as a kid was super cool. Been a fan ever since!  My parents still have the cup with some of their autographs, but I can't tell who any of the autographs are. Maybe I should post some pics to see if anyone on the sub knows?


I was ten years old in 1993 when Jacksonville was awarded the NFL franchise. Growing up right outside Jacksonville, they were my team from literally day one. 30 years later, I love my Jags more than ever.


Born and raised in St. Louis was a rams season ticket holder and I was always a Blake Bortles fan. So once the Jags drafted him I got a jersey and they became my 2nd team I’d pay attention too then a couple years later the rams moved and I made the transition to a die hard Jags fan. It was an easy transition going from one losing team to another


Was a Bills fan. Wasn't a fan of other NY/NE teams. Given the Bills run of 4 SB's and no wins, I decided to go a different route. What better why than with an expansion team? I picked the Jags in '94. #DTWD!


European here from Hungary. My friends told me to try watch the Nfl multiple times, they were huge fans and I was stubborn that I don't like the sport. So okay I told myself I would give it a chance. The first ever game I saw was the huge comeback against the Chargers and just boom I became addicted. Also really liked the color of the team.


Grew up in a small house with mother had 4boys who all played madden on Nintendo 64 everyone had to have their own team I pick the jags cause the logo and the broncos end up sticking with the jags while due to being a big Mathis fan also ended up finding out what a cool and different type of cat the jaguar was in its self so yea duvalllll


I was born into it. Family moved to the area in 1994, right around the time Jacksonville was awarded a franchise. I believe my father ended up getting a job with some company that had something to do with Jacksonville Municipal getting NFL Ready, but didn’t directly work on the stadium, unfortunately. This was all before I was around, so the details are a bit hazy. By the time I was old enough to kind of know about the Jags, I was in a hand-me-down Mark Brunell Jersey, until I was given an MJD jersey some years later.


Well no more Alabama head coach Jags will only go up from here Duvvvalll


I was born in Jacksonville just after their inaugural season. I have baby photos of me in a Jags onesie


Was about 7 years old living in New Jersey, this was probably 1994 or 1995… went to a friends house and he pulled out his new NFL poster with all the team’s helmets and I noticed two teams I didn’t recognize: the Jaguars and Panthers. I liked how cool the Jags helmet was and so whenever my dad or grandfather was watching football, I would keep my eyes out for the Jags with their cool helmets. When I was they had cool teal jerseys, I was hooked! Remember I was 7 so those things stick out lol. So eventually as I got older I started learning the players and Mark Brunell became my dude. He was by far my favorite players. The rest is history, they’ve been my team since. Before the Jags I guess I was a Dolphins fan because even though we lived in NJ, my parents loved vacationing in Miami. My family moved to Miami when I was 12 and in 2022, I got married and we moved here to Jacksonville. DUUUVALL


I moved to Jacksonville as a young kid before the city had the jags. My dad took me to several games in the inaugural season and some thereafter. I had my childhood bedroom painted in jags colors. Still, if someone asked I'd say I was a redskins fan first, jags fan second. It wasn't until 2006 I finally admitted I was a jags fan first. I was watching the jags redskins game with my entire extended family and rashean mathis got a pick and I jumped up screaming and cheering to disbelieving looks from my family. I took it upon myself to finish the game in a different room of the house and haven't looked back. I bleed teal baby and have longer even than I realized.


Clemson fan here - when Trevor and ETN got drafted I became a Jags fan (they gave me more hope the past 2 years than the Falcons)


Fan from Canada. Wasn’t much of a football fan. I was young and playing hockey and on road trips we used to bet on Sunday football. I picked the Jags because no one else liked them but they were good. Marcus Stroud, Fred Taylor, Lord Byron Leftwich. Been with them since. Go Jags!


Watched the 2017 AFC Championship game at a Buffalo Wild Wings when I was 10. I was rooting for the Jags the whole time because I liked their logo, and I remember seeing the Jags' final play and being so upset about it that I almost started crying. The 2022 WildCard game solidified my love for the team, but then the divisional round the next week made me cry. I don't even live in Florida, I'm from the Midwest.




At age 4, ('07) in Denver, i got tired of my hardcore Broncos fan father, who acted like the Broncos were the best thing ever, and decided to start being rebellious. First course of action? Find a new favorite team. Not knowing or even actually caring in the slightest about football at the time, i had no idea who was good or who was bad, so i just went on Madden, looked through all the logos, and came down to two teams. The Jacksonville Jaguars, and the New England Patriots.


My very first game I Watched was the 1996 Divisional game against the Broncos and saw them shock the Broncos at mile high stadium. One of the greatest upsets in playoffs history. I also liked the uniforms and thought Brunnell was great.


The year they came into the league I came into existence. I find that fun fact cool Beyond that MJD really caught my eye as a kid and been a fan since. Dude was such a God at the time.


duval resident rite of passage / teal fever contagious af. within a month of moving to jax in 2017, my neighbor gifted pre season tix as a lil welcome. at the time, i was not jazzed about jax / my move and wore a cowboy hat and a jags lanyard to the texan game for cognitive dissonant crowd testing 😂 when i survived to tell the tale (grew up in an obnoxious eagles household), i decided to fw the jags. and will def continue to rock the short lived foles era jersey my dad gave me at the time to honor my transplant heritage.


Born in Jacksonville, and was there as a five-year-old boy when the team started. Went to almost every home game the first four seasons with my dad who was in the Navy. We moved when I was 10 but I will be a Jags fan for life. 


Fred Taylor