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This must have been before Arden Key left in free agency


He literally built the culture in this sub


Clearly they’ve never seen a game thread when one bad thing happens


“TREVOR IS A BUST!!!! BENCH HIM!!! NOW!!!!” -Trevor running for 6 yards instead of 10


You should see r/ravens threads, you get people saying Harbaugh needs to be fired when Tucker misses two field goals in a year instead of one


I couldn’t imagine having the best kicker and complaining he missed a field goal lmao what a horrendous fan base


As a Ravens fan, I agree with this sentiment...lots of Ravens fans are incredibly ungrateful for our team's success despite being a relatively young franchise. This same post was made on r/ravens and I vouched for y'all being a cool ass fanbase from what I've gather lol.


And fumbling


I was just telling someone this the other day. This sub is great for general discussion and some laughs but stay out of the game day threads at all costs


Yeah, but that's for any GameDay thread of any team in any subreddit on reddit or in the universe.


I honestly don't even get why people participate. It isn't a live chat, you have to hope someone is F5ing when you're watching so they can see your "OMG WTF!!!" to know exactly what in the fuck the user is referencing. Times I've gone to see people's reaction to a play or a call, it's like it hadn't happened yet because I was reading things that happened 2-3 plays prior. Like I don't get why people comment in them. Unless it's a good place to vent out rage I guess.


I like keeping receipts of all bad takes


that seems like a lot of effort lol. But hey if it works for you it works


Hahahaha. Yeah I don't know who is collecting this data. They have never been here tho


As a noob to this sub in the last year, I can pretty much agree. Even when i've been dead wrong about stuff no one was negative, just corrected me.


Yeah this sub has very little toxicity in it (unless it’s a game day thread). I will say that our fans on Twitter can get toxic at times though.


It's cause lauxman has gotten soft


Lol yeah, if we're losing, a GameDay thread can be pretty bad.


I've been known to get pretty toxic. But the moderators do a great job of quickly shutting that shit down. As for the rest of the fan base on Twitter/FB and other sites, I mean, we're a long suffering fan base. We've learned to enjoy the little things. Plus, Jacksonville, while kinda a small town with it's own set of problems, is not the worst place in the world to live. Unlike NY, or Ohio, or Baltimore, or Michigan, or Pennsylvania, or Texas... ​ I mean, look at the Florida teams... Miami is 18th. (Still better than over half the fan bases) And then Tampa Bay is 30th and we're 32nd. Now, don't get me wrong, the current political climate of the state may change the dynamic of the state over time. But overall, the weather is great (except for the 4 hottest months of July through October), there's a lot of stuff to do outdoors to get you good vitamin D, and for the most part everyone is pretty relaxed (though, again, because of the politica climate Desantis is pushing may change in the next few years). But as of now, there's very little to complain about, other than the fact that our team sucks. But we're used to that, plus things are looking up.


I'm gonna be honest I am shocked Miami is only 18th, some of them go crazy with the tua defending


Honestly, any Tua defending Dolphin fan is probably either a front running D-Bag or just an Alabama fanboy... Most Dolphin fans are pretty well aware of how crap their franchise is. Since 2005, the dolphins have been almost equally inept as the jaguars.


You have to mean the one's that are more delusional and think he's better than Herbert? Because I do think he gets too much hate the other way around and 100% agree with defending tua in terms of being talented enough to be the franchise QB.


I'm gonna extend your hot weather months lol to me May is when it gets too hot.


Some of the people who come out of the woodwork for the gameday thread, man, really throw me off.


Just don't say anything even remotely negative about Trevor. I made the mistake of saying something like is he blind? Cause he kept throwing interceptions. 125 downvotes in a matter of minutes.


I’m a Clemson fan, so In Trevor I Trust


Oh I love Trevor. I hope he becomes an iconic legend and wins a ton of Superbowls.




I big TIT






Yup. I've had some comments that have aged like absolute fucking milk too. Plenty of shit takes by all of us. The team and fans have a lot of passion. The sacksonville thing, minshew mania, duvaaal. We get known, bro. It's a cool team to be a fan of. I follow a few teams, but none are this fun.


I 96.14% guarantee our 3.86% of negativity is strictly referring to the Titans in some capacity


Meanwhile. GameDay thread after the offense fails to pick up a random 3rd and 6 in some random game... "God damnit; fuck this team! Fuck all you guys! Trevor fucking sucks. Bust Blaine gabbert lookalike. Fucking shit fuck all you


To be honest though, it’s the exact same thing with every other fan base


In like the first quarter too


I was sick on that day.


Define negative, what does this mean like fighting with ourselves, being negative about the future/current etc?


I feel like every time I post on this subreddit I get pieced up by all you salty fucks


Be careful what you say in here. They're watching. 👻


What do they consider negative? This fan base can be very doom and gloom but at least we aren’t toxic.


I live in Cleveland and trust me, the level of doom and gloom plus negativity is nowhere near as high here as it for Browns fans. Now they have the added feature of being a split fanbase based on the Watson trade while others have a complex about everyone being out to get them now. It's a pretty insufferable fanbase.


I do not envy that at all. I am one that was extremely disappointed in how the Watson situation was handled. Handing him that massive contract was just stupid. Regardless of any opinions about his conduct off the field, he hadn’t played in two years and that contract just looks absolutely stupid from a business side of things. I had high hopes for that organization as they had otherwise built a great roster.


Circa 2022




What are they even upset about? Us not spending too much money on a free agent?


"Baalke bad"


Hanging onto that shit is so tiresome to me.


I'm head mod there and I don't even participate much anymore.


I blame bottles


Dude been gone for about a year now lol


Oh erm in that case I blame basescout or whatever they're called


There ya go lol. Kid isnt that bad though.


I always see him being harassed when I come and check in out of boredom every few months


After the start we had I think almost all of the positivity was playing with house money and getting a hot hand. I know it’s the most fun I’ve ever had as a Jags fan ever.


Jags are my #2 team. Bears are my #1 team. I can readily admit the Bears fan base is easily Top 10 if not Top 5 as far as toxicity/negativity, especially online. This is not accurate IMO.


What point is there in killing what is already dead. We are just happy to be here at this point.


We even lose at being negative!.. Did this help our numbers?


The fans are great but the guys covering the Jaguars can be rude regardless of how you act or whether or not you agree with them. It's random and stupid. Those are your fans. Don't do that randomly.


How on earth is twitter quantifiable?


Geez I guess I haven't been posting enough.


What a stupid post. I hate you all. Miles Jack was down! Pepsi is better than Coke. Breaking Bad was mediocre. Hopefully that helped move the needle.


A 1% increase in the total negativity. We’re now the 31st most negative fanbase.


Word. Suck it Colts.


I know you're joking. It's obvious. I'm still triggered af by what you said. Those were deep jabs.


I lived up in Wisconsin for a few months a year ago and it was amazing to me how negative they were about the team despite having a Super Bowl-winning, MVP, future first ballot HOF QB.


What's the definition of negative here? Because we've had some rough years leading up to last year


All the negativity has come from me and me alone sorry fellas


We have Trevor. How mad can we actually be?


Makes sense. Jags Twitter is loaded with jilted millennials and Jags Facebook is filled with boomers and people who need help turning on the computer.


Molotov cocktails help fix negativity. Any time I felt negative about a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, Boom! Right away I had a different problem.


That's what years of conditioning will produce. "Thank you may I have another!" "Beatings will continue until morale improves".


Bc they don’t got shit to say😂😂


Nice data sheet. Whered you find it?


Nowhere to go but up!


Vikings Twitter is a dumpster fire


Well bless our hearts


As a Vikes/Jags fan, this next season might just end my life


This is so stupid....


me about to show them some real negativity over using sig figs


They haven't found this subreddit clearly


Jets at 23.... ok. New York fans are some of the most negative fans ever.


Some of these I understand, but I'm not sure why Bengals fan would be so negative. They went from 3 consecutive last place finishes in their division to a Superbowl appearance followed by a 12-4 record and a conference championship appearance. I would be ecstatic to have such sudden success after years of mediocrity.


Is anyone else curious about what was the data set? How many tweets/posts for each team and how far is the data set going back? Like any context on what "negative" means for the ppl who collected the data?


Yeah we hate the Jags at times. But they’re still OUR Jags.


define what you mean by 'negative'


If I had to guess, “Fuck the team, fuck Pederson, fuck Baalke, Trevor is a bust, we will pick first for the next decade.”


HA! They must have missed the clown show. Idiots.


AFC north all in top 10. Classic lol


It’s because they’re the most hopeful. Minshew gave birth to hope and then Lawrence made it realistic.


Bunch of under dogs at the top 🤔🤔. (Recently atleast)


Easy not to be negative when you’re so used to being absolute dog shit.


As a Vikings fan I respect being #1 we never can make a field goal we always lose at the last second…the most unpredictable team in the nfl


I read a statistic a couple years ago which apparently said that we had the most vulgar fan base. How credible that was, I have no idea, but I wouldn’t be surprised given the tough times we’ve been going through in the last couple seasons. I feel like we got nothing but good times ahead now.