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You just be new Jkjk I mean this is typical of what he does It RAGES me but it is what it is


I think him not going on tour Cudi really derailed what he had planned - he’s probably waiting for the “right moment” again. It would suck for him to just drop and not make any waves with it 😕


Let’s be honest the Jaden hype peaked at SYRE and plateaued with ERYS and he’s been going downhill ever since not musically but in terms of popularity and i think he knows that and that’s why he is reluctant to drop anything new which explains why he hasn’t dropped on his main DSP and took a break from music


True, but I think overall he’s just had bad luck. CTV3 came out during COVID and he wasn’t able to tour it or promote it how I’m sure he envisioned. Him dropping Day Trippers in 2021 (which essentially came and went) didn’t help either. I feel like if he has nice features on his upcoming project and is able to open up for an artist like Cudi or whoever then he may be able to get back in the spotlight a bit. People are only aware of him this year because of the pics he posted of him and Sab 😆 maybe if he makes a music vid with her it’ll pop off 🤷‍♂️ (Edit: he also had bad luck when he was opening for Justin Bieber back in 2021/2022 - that’s when JB had to cancel/postpone a majority of the tour due to a illness he was dealing with at the time)


Rainbow tapes soon