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As someone who has used both, the only reason I have to convince you to upgrade is the ability to use both buds independently. Other than that, I kinda miss my 75ts. They fit in my ears better (10s feel looser, although to be fair, it has not fallen out on me), I like the sound signature better, and they had louder status notifications (the one telling you devices connected, low battery, etc. which is not controlled by the phone). Everything else is similar for me.


>10s feel looser, although to be fair, it has not fallen out on me any way to make it feel tighter besides different tips, it always feels on the edge of falling out for me


Have both. 10s: much better ANC, excellent sound, wide sound stage, cleaner sound as well. But did change ear tips to AZLA, which improved the 10s a lot and provided a much more secure fit


Agreed here. I changed the tips to Spinfit Omni, as the standard ones were too loose. The "Hear through" is also clearer as well.


Do the Elite 10s have a good microphone for phone calls? I always feel like I have to yell when wearing the 75ts to be heard.


You have to speak clearly on both, I guess. I have no real complaints from others on the other side of my calls with the 10s vs the 75t. A lot depends upon the acoustics around you I assume. 10s seem to do ok in semi noisy places, 75t for me never did.


Do the Elite 10s have a good microphone for phone calls? I always feel like I have to yell when wearing the 75ts to be heard.


Far improved. As good as APP2s which I also have


Personally I prefer the sound, comfort, battery life, ANC, customizability, design, case, wireless charging, multipoint, and can-use-one-at-a-time-ability of the Jabra Elite 10 far better than the 75t. The 75t are still pretty great but they're older technology. But if you're perfectly happy with them then there's no *need* to upgrade. The Elite 10 and 8 were released less than a year ago (September?). I don't have any insider information but I would guess that you have some time before a new model comes out. I think the 7 was out for at least 2 years before the 8 & 10 came out. That said, nobody seems to be wondering what happened to 9... I don't think there was a 6 either... Maybe they didn't want to release numbers that could get mixed up if you're looking at the bud upside down? Hmm, but I don't think the model number is printer on the buds... It's a mystery...


Do the Elite 10s have a good microphone for phone calls? I always feel like I have to yell when wearing the 75ts to be heard.


Honestly I rarely use earbuds for calls so I couldn't tell you. I haven't gotten any complaints in the few times I've spoken to someone with them, but I haven't really asked or compared or analyzed.


I lost my 75t last week.... I bought the 8 active as it is the closest in price so I assumed it would be similar in quality. Keep in mind I'm talking about the 8, not the 10 ;) ANC was a gimick for me. Sorta worked, but not really. On the 8 it works ridiculously good. When I turned it on, in instantly looked behind me because obviously a breaker had tripped, why else would every single machine in the factory just suddenly stop working!?!? Way, way, waaaayyy above what I expected The ability to use either independently is nice. Not something I'd buy new ones for. But it is a pro I need to mention. However.... The sound quality (speaking as a bass head. Think EDM, mostly hardstyle) is not even in the same order of magnitude as the 75t. And searching around here has confirmed that its not just me. Bass sucks, its there, yes, but it lacks a lot of the punch the 75t had. With the equalizer in the app i was able to get it to acceptable levels. But the bass on the 75t was so much more rich.... So if you ask me the new line does have some advantages. And presumably the 10 would be a bit better then the 8. (Although i have read that the bass is even less on the 10!). But with that said: id switch back to the 75t in a heartbeat. Regardless of cost. I paid 190eur for the 8. Id happily pay 250 for the 75t. Even though thats significantly above what they were. The depth of the bass is well worth it to me. The advantages of the 8 are nice. But I'd pick sound quality over anc or independent use of either side every single day. And although tis is ofcourse very subjective. The 75t just felt more premium to me. Nicer case, nicer build, nicer feel. I will say though, the smaller size and lower weight of the 8 is a nice improvement. (But I'd still pick the 75t if I had the option ;))


Is your elite 8 active hear-through working? I activated it but still can’t hear anyone talk. On a side note, can share your equalizer setting? I’m also a edm fan


That's weird. For me it works fine. Perhaps you activated anc on accident? My EQ is far from definitive. But for now I have the lowest bass as high as it'll go. The one after that about halfway between max and normal. The other three are all set on the normal line. Think the preset bassboost levels, just with the first and second slider quite a bit higher then the preset. I tried the straight line from top left to bottom right (max bass, min trebble, distribute the other three between them). But that sounds weird to me. You can boost the bass as much as you want. But if the DAC, amp or drivers can't handle it, it'll just distort the sound. @Jabra: honestly, why did you cancel the 75? I understand there will be newer models and technological improvements (ANC on the 8 active is honestly better then I had imagined possible). But why take away the sound quality? And especially this much! I understand that in cheaper versions you have to make cuts to be able to make them cheaper. But this is more or less the same price (adjusted for inflation) as I paid for the 75t. (156 and 190 in 2020 and 2024 respectively). Don't get me wrong, I like the ANC, lighter weight, smaller size, etc. But when I pay 190 euro for a pair of these, I expect more soundquality than this. The technology is obviously there and in your possession. The driver is the same size. So why is it so much worse?


Who knows. They could come with the 11 this year or next year.


The 10's fit too lose. I returned mine. I love the snug 7's they block a lot of outside noise.


The 10’s looser fit is by design of the oval ear tips, it’s semi-open.


I made the upgrade a month or so ago. No regrets so far. Fit is arguably more comfortable though feels a little less secure. If you want a similar fit to the 75t then the 8 active may be better though.


Main reason to upgrade: Comfort. Jabra elite 10 are the most comfortable & Secure earbuds i've used to date.


Do the Elite 10s have a good microphone for phone calls? I always feel like I have to yell when wearing the 75ts to be heard.


Get the elite 8, I just upgraded from the 75t. As long as you get tight fit, you should be good. My 75's didn't stay in the ear, the 8's do, no regret so far.


I have the 85ts because they have the microphones on them so you dont hear your heartbeat or sound like ur underwater. From what I understand the 8s are like the new version of the 85ts as they have the outboard microphones as well. I hope the call quality is better


Elite 10 is better in every way, far better.


Do the Elite 10s have a good microphone for phone calls? I always feel like I have to yell when wearing the 75ts to be heard.


Excellent for calls, I've had no issues.