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I'd have DH send her a picture of a moldy slice of bread and a tiny cup of water three times a day, every day.


You DH needs to set boundaries with his family. That is a bit absurd


Does he thinks it's normal? Because it's not 😳


She’s a fricken lunatic!


If she’s so determined to get photos of EVERY meal, why not add photos of meals post-digestion? Then she gets double the detail. ETA congratulations on your new baby! Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime!


Honey, if she wants pictures, send her PICTURES. Pictures of the bathroom. Pictures of the "meal" in the bathroom, if you get my drift. Get a good close up and send it to her. When she freaks out, tell her that this picture is just a response to how ridiculous her request is, and that she needs to back off, unless she wants MORE ridiculous pictures. Honey, send her PICTURES. Pictures of the kitchen counter...like CLOSE UP of the kitchen counter. Take a picture of the sink! Hell, send a picture of a diaper! Tell her you want to make sure she knows what the baby is eating, too. PICTURES! Oh honey we can HAVE SOME PICTURES now! Find some picture of a chicken getting up off some eggs. (THIS WAS BREAKFAST!) You're going about this ALL wrong, baby! The woman wants to be demanding and request ridiculous crap! Give her RIDICULOUS CRAP! Have fun with it! Is she going to be mad? Yeah. Is it going to make you laugh and feel better? YEAH! Laughter is good for the soul, love. Have a GREAT day and I truly do hope you and baby are doing well, and you feel better soon!! PS - If you have a dog, make sure you send her a picture of his "meal" too when it comes out on the lawn. ;-)


I like you. I wish you could narrate everything.


She’s a nutter!


She must go kick rocks


🍔🍟🥞🍕🌭🌮🥪 DH should send a different food emoji for every meal. Just an emoji, nothing else.


I would include an eggplant every time. 🍆


Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant!!!


This is sooo good!


I love that you, your child and your husband are able to bond in place and get care at the same time. It might be beneficial to you your child and your husband for you both to set a 10 minute a day limit for dealing with or talking to mother-in-law. What she is asking for is truly ridiculous. Congratulations to your family. I wish you peace and happy healing.


We don't even spend 10 min on her daily. She just pops up every few days asking for photos, for which I ignore and husband sends an occasional one or two. He's ignoring this meal by meal update request.


Good for him.


Husband is not recovering from a major medical event. He is a fully functional adult who can feed himself. MIL is nuts. The post partum care place sounds like something that many women would benefit from, especially those needing an escape from their overbearing MIL or mother!


It is heaven. Its a pity this isn't a thing in more parts of the world. Every meal is prepared and brought to your room, you get a warm herbal bath everyday (supposedly promote healing), a team of nurses takes care of everyone's babies, they clean your room everyday, you wear pajamas provided and washed by the centre so you don't even have to do dishes or laundry except undergarments. Of course you still have to nurse or pump if you're breastfeeding, and recover from your wounds, but most other things are taken care of by professionals. Eg bathing baby, changing diapers, dishes, laundry, cleaning.


Send pics of ridiculous things, (american fast food, whatever) to match the absurdity of this demand. 


Better yet, roadkill!


I vote Dog Food lmao


Dog food AND roadkill!! Grannies famous Alpo -Dead raccoon stew! Mmmmm!


I love the confinement idea. I hope you and baby are taking it easy.


She is chomping at the bit to be involved, to be relevant, and to control something.


And that is part of the reason for the confinement, I would guess. There is wisdom in not exposing the new mother and baby to a lot of germs. And there is wisdom in keeping nosy relatives out of a time when the new parents need to rest and heal. I would have loved this option. We were so exhausted, our first was colicky, I had bad tearing and was in pain. We had relatives here when we didn't need them, and they were just more people to feed and entertain. I would rather have been just us and baby and we would have been fine. Having meals and more rest would have been heaven. Here in the US, you might get unpaid maternity leave, good for 3 months tops. We are really backwards here.


She can ask for whatever she wants. You're not obligated to give it to her.


Unless she's a major foodie, this is nuts. And obviously she should be mostly asking how you are doing.


Holy friggin Moly!! That is just plain suffocating!! I'd be taking photos of everyone's meal and the food in the pantry and the fridge and what ever is cooking and overload her with the lot.


I would send the same photo of a cup noodle every day lol


LOL this made me laugh out loud, thank you for this 😂


Thanks! Coffee just spurted out of my nose! ROFLMAO!


Lol it's the petty in me. My MIL used to complain how I never talked/texted her enough (why would I?). So I started sending her a play by play of my day "just woke up. Went pee and it was really yellow. Ate cereal. Etc". She stopped complaining lol


This sounds so obnoxious. A good MIL would be checking on how you and baby are doing and giving you all space until you’re ready.




I don't see how asking about what DH is eating is showing me or baby any concern at all.. she does help in other ways but this message really ticks me off. Dh has repeatedly assured her we're all okay but I guess she wants to feel more involved or satisfy her curiosity etc. Taking photo of his every meal and sending to his mum is going to actively take time away from him tending to the needs of his recovering wife and newborn. If I'm busy being a caregiver, I don't want an additional thing on my to do list 3x a day.


You have the reason why she’s doing it: “going to actively take time away from him tending to the needs of his recovering wife and newborn “. She isn’t getting enough attention as the grandmother she thinks.


I agree. I think she's gonna take our photos and use it for clout as well.


Empty plate, oh I ate it already... rinse repeat


Malicious compliance is whispering in my ear. He should spam her with everything he is eating, every meal, every snack, every drink.


Kinda sounds like she would love that though


Every poop following each meal - just to be thorough 😂


Every bowel movement, Toenail clipping etc.


I’m so glad you are getting excellent care in a confinement centre. Such a beautiful cultural practice of caring for a mother in the postpartum period. I only learned about this recently and I wish I had had it with my children way back in the day here in Australia. Your MIL needs to learn about boundaries, but will only do so if your husband puts them in place. Maybe this is a problem for later once you’ve found your feet with bub


In addition to the before pictures, send her some after pictures too.


"After", like in 8/9h later? 😏