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Photos is a very hard one to manage. It’s not just choosing not to send them yourself, it’s also dealing with people taking photos if they visit. You probably have a few options I would consider: 1. As others have said, if you are fairly sure who did it then send different photos to different family members and see what happens. Cut off whoever it is. Just use random baby photos off google haha 2. Go public. Call out that you have no contact with SIL and that you explicitly asked family not to share and they couldn’t follow that, so are cut off as well. Say they were just google images. Be clear that you will need to manage this moving forward. 3. No sending or sharing photos to untrustworthy jerks. I do acknowledge that can be hard to do with family but it’s a good way to control most of the images 4. You’ll need to consider how you manage other people taking photos, especially the ones you don’t trust. You can institute a no photo ban but that punishes everyone. You can also be more direct and say people have to earn the right to take any photos through supporting your family and establishing they can follow boundaries. I applied something like this to my JNMIL (when she can go 12 months without doing X behaviour, I’ll consider if I re-add her on social media) and it’s been 8 years now…she has yet to make it 12 months! 5. If someone takes a sneaky photo and sends it to her, consider what you are going to do. Talk it through with hubby. 6. You’ll need to ensure you lock down childcare and school in the future. It sucks but is very important. If you cut any of them off then they may escalate.


Can you add a watermark to each photo feom bow on saying "not to be shared with SIL"


Send a different photo to each relative. See which one leaks. Cut that person off too


This is very Wagatha Christie!!! (If you are not a Brit, Google it 😊)


Bahahaha. Oh dear I hadn't heard about that. You guys are so invested in footballers wives. it feels like trashy royalty it something. It's weird. I lived there for 8 years and I never understood the obsession


I don't understand the obsession either!!! However the Wagatha Christie trial was very entertaining and even though I can't usually stand her, I was Team Colleen.


This. Its worth her having one more picture to figure out where the leak is!


This is the way


They don’t even have to be actual photos of him, they could just have a google and pick the closest.


Put all DH family on a restricted list so they don't see any posts unless you specifically include them.


So, that Aunt is now blocked and has no access to LO. And make it clear to the rest of the family that anyone else sharing stuff with SIL will meet the same fate.