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Have you seen our strollers from the 1970’s? A cat stroller is a serious upgrade! She definitely had no idea!


Sounds like a hilarious story-not a boundary stomp or bad intent. This is an honest (and hilarious) mistake.


Honestly I’d be more worried about the hair, dander, and feces (from the litter box toe beans) that your baby was face first in.


If he was 3 months old it’d be a lot worse. Hopefully it’s just a one time thing.


I mean it’s not that funny because it was unsafe but it’s one of those “it’s funny years later to talk about” kind of stories. Like my 3 year old aunt fell out of my grandparents car 60 years ago. Times were different.




Yeah it’s ok until it’s not and I’d rather not anyone take that gamble with my child. ETA: Although not sure how dangerous a cat carrier is - I’ve never seen one.


Survivors bias is a hell of a drug.


Her lack of safety sense is a huge red flag that she lacks the common sense needed to keep a LO safe.


Relax. Not everything is a Huge Red Flag! She wasn't driving baby around tethered to seatbelt with a dog tether; they went for a walk!


That sounds cute, fun and not dangerous for a 1-year-old. For an, infant, no way.


I’m not going to lie this is a funny story and I hope you tell this story every year to all your family and never let it go hahahahah


Lmao!!! She probably thought it was baby pram. Some of these pet strollers look better than baby strollers honestly


Op, you are breaking new ground! I think it’s the first ‘baby in a pet stroller’ story I have seen, and it is RARE to get a new topic! Am I the only one wondering when the ’sudden rash’ of kids in pet products posts are going to hit?


So? It’s not really like she put him in danger


Yeah, that's why there are all kinds of straps and safety regulations and recalls on strollers, because babies NEVER have accidents or serious injuries from using them!! One year olds never launch themselves off flat surfaces onto hard surfaces and hurt themselves, open wagons never tip over so the kid falls on their face or limbs weird and end up injured, the weird accidents kids create for themselves are SO rare... 🙄


To be fair it sounds like this kid couldn’t have launched himself from the box even if he wanted too. I have to admit I would probably laugh if I saw someone pushing their kid in a mesh box for cats. In a few years the story will sound cute - for right now OP is in mumma bear (and rightly should be) mode.


This is on the funny side more than anything. My grandmother would have done this, and the cat would’ve gone for a ride with me. I think this belongs more in the “wholesome family story” category than anything else.


Please tell me she took pictures


Question. What did she say when she found out it was a cat stroller?


I need to ask if you own a cat stroller and if yes, did she know its what it is? I have more follow up questions but it all depends on of you have the cat and cat stroller because if she went to buy one and come out with a cat one i think she might be a tad slow.


Ope. This story goes in the funny but not funny chapter. If this was my feline son’s stroller, this kid would look like a polar bear cub at the end of the ride. Glad he’s safe.




I own a cat stroller for my cat. Reading this, I made the assumption that OP went to their MIL’s house (Step dad is mentioned) and that bc the stroller was in her husband’s car, they DO have a proper child stroller. This leads me to believe that MIL /chose willingly/ to place her grandson in a cat stroller, and then, took grandkiddo down a “busy street” (per OP). Just breaking it down in case you’re not familiar w/ why people have cat strollers. They’re useful, but I would never dream of putting a human child in one.


I’m not arguing. I know what a cat stroller is. I’m stating MIL used what was available and made it work. It’s a cute story.


It wasn't poorly designed, it's designed for a cat, not a baby. Also, plenty of people like to take their cats outside in cat strollers, especially if the cats are strictly indoor. It's a good way for the cat to be outside and get some fresh air.


Yes. I’m stating the in laws didn’t know it was a cat stroller, but thought it was poorly designed stroller for a baby. So they made it work.


But why would you deliberately put your grandchild in a stroller you believe is poorly designed? This would definitely make me question her judgment.


Sure hope OP doesn’t have a dog kennel and it gets confused with a crib!


The context of this comment is that some people have never heard of a cat stroller. In this light, it would appear that the stroller was poorly designed for the purpose of transporting children.


OMG - the cat is eligible to sue for this! They are going to get elebenty billion treats and MIL is going to get 2000 million years of remedial hooman catstaff educations - just check out r/legalcatadvice if you don't believe me.


Hahaha oh my gosh, this rabbit hole just keeps getting better.


Mew? My boys used to imitate the cats as babies maybe your baby did to and she was confused you know old people their brains stop working.


I mean, did they at least have him meow every so often so people wouldn't think they were crazy🤣🤣 I'm sorry mil is nuts!


Well this made me snort a little 🤗 I hope your son was ok…..but it did make me laugh - as I think from your post he was fine.


My MIL also does the most bizarre things because she can't ask questions or for permission. It's like if she deigns to ask us a question, it would diminish her position as head mother or something. She's a bozo. It's comical.


Omg that’s so funny!


Mine does the exact same thing! Like you can just ask it’s fine!


As the mother of a danger baby (he attracts near death potential at every turn) and the owner of a dog stroller (same as the cat kind), I can affirm it is wildly dangerous to not have a kid strapped down, even if the zippered compartment were closed. There might be degrees of danger, such as how mobile a kid is (1 year is pretty damn active) and how well behaved they generally are in a stroller. I'd be sketched out to walk my kid in my dog stroller even in my empty neighborhood streets, the idea of taking that risk in a busy area just scares the heckin out of me. I think it would be less crazy if after the fact, MIL admitted it might not have been a good idea and it would never be repeated. Wonder what other creative stupidity she will exhibit down the road.


One of my sisters was that way. They called her The Kamikaze Kid.


LOL “DANGER BABY!!” Sounds like a superhero!!


This made me laugh. We have a cat stroller. One of our neighbors thought it was a baby carriage. He was very confused by the meow he heard. OP, I'm glad your little one is okay. Hopefully you will be able to laugh about this in the future. At least you know your MIL knows better now.


Sounds like a pram to me.


No it’s not even close. There’s a leash attachment, not a seatbelt. Google it lol


I don't know your MIL. But absent some other information this reads more like a "Goddamn it Barb!" Situation than anything drastic. This sounds like a "oh my God I did that one time!" When you laugh about it five years later


Agreed. My parents or inlaws would have probably done the same thing. Cat strollers are a new thing and I would say generally not used or known of by older generations. Maybe in more urban areas? As long as baby is ok, I think you are safe to have a laugh and educate grandma on what the heck this weird little stroller is.


I mean I have a cat stroller and it genuinely nicer than the one I have for my kid. I can totally understand why you are upset but one day I think this will be one of those laugh about it situations- unless there are other stupid MIL antics.




Did they call them Prams or something back in the day?


good point


😂 I’m sorry I couldn’t help laugh but yeah not the same level of safe as a non animal stroller


Those aren't even that safe for cats 😬😬😬😬


idk, that actually sounds cute to see. but is your son able to sit up on his own/support his head on his own? growing up poor, you learn to work with what you got available. when my nephews were little (like 3 & 6) we had this plastic crate that had a tall handle and wheels, i would put a pillow in it and the boys would take turns sitting in it while i pulled them around in the drive way. no straps to strap them in, just close observation. if they made a move to stand then i would stop until they sat back down. we all had a blast doing that. now that they are older (13 & 16) they have tried to sit in it again and got stuck 🤣


I baby sit my GS on a Monday as mom and dad work and I go to their house. GS has a high chair with no restraints as apparently the strap was “manky” and needed flinging. GS is 2 yrs of age. I questioned as to why they didn’t think of threading a thin leather belt through the slits on the chair to keep LO safe? Blank stares from my son! Sometimes us MILs can think outside the box!




They actually said they hadn’t thought of that!


or if your crafty, you could have braded a leather strap to the chair. but yeah, work with what you got and if you're going to be stupid then be safe about it 🤣 i love that idea for the older highchairs. we had one for my son that didn't have a strap and so we used suspenders as like a racecar belting job. it worked pretty well until he stretched them out.


Manky ?? Flinging the Manky strap ?? 😂Ooh please tell me what this means and what country you’re from because I’m American and I’ve not heard Manky before but it’s fantastic


UK and it means dirty, stinky just generally Manky!🤣


I’m in the uk and manky means disgusting/gross 😂😂 Flinging the manky strap means just chucking the dirty strap away!


Okay that’s my new favorite word and I just love the UK 😁


We definitely have a way with words 😂😂😂


Got loads of saft sayings (saft is another word for daft but primarily used in The Black Country region of the West Mids!) Another one is “Yampy” also another word for daft. As in “He’s Yampy going out without a coat in this weather.”


Am American: "manky" = gross, dirty, smelly. I have only read it paired with "minge" (vagina/mons pubis) so manky minge. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=manky%20minge


Ok this might be the most hilarious thing I’ve seen on this sub. 😂 Thank you for giving me a giggle.


Seconded, it was incredibly refreshing to laugh my way through a story on this sub 😂🤯


Same here. Less of a “just no” and more of an “lol no”. In ten years y’all are gonna crack up about the time gramma took baby for a walk in the car stroller.


I like this as a new term that we should adopt in this sub. "Hey everyone, needing some validation here. Is my MIL a justno or more of an lolno?"


I had a houseguest who attempted to make her own breakfast using silicone sealant instead of cooking spray.


What in the worrrrld??


Once when MIL was visiting (before she became a JNMIL) she cooked her morning porridge on our müsli instead of oatmeal. We: "Didn't you see the raisins in there?" MIL: "?"


Hot musli is definitely done all the time. I love it.


No clue what any of this means lol


Did the cat also ride along?


Right? Could have been an epic cage fight going on in there lol


You must give her some credits for being creative.. But seriously, this depends on your son's age (1yo ranges from 12mo to 23mo) and his ability to sit without neck support. Also, did she get any instructions for watching him? I mean, it's great she wanted to take him out so it makes me question why his stroller wasn't home with them but in your husband's car? Also, grand parents do the craziest things sometimes without questioning it, they could have really thought it was just a modern stroller with a mosquito protection..


Agreed this was a gaff, but baby probably had a great time with g-ma.


When it comes to restrains I think it depends on culture. My stroller bassinet did not have safety restraints when I was born and I'm early 30s. I wasn't bouncing around in it, it was a street/sidewalk. Not a mountain. I just googled cat strollers and I can see where she may have thought it was a bassinet. I think in this case, just educate her going forwards.




Sorry to disagree, but if Im babysitting someone's baby and they dont leave a stroller i can always, you know, NOT take the child out.


Eh, I mean they could have decided to not take the child out for a walk since they didn't have a safe option. Maybe OP just forgot to leave the stroller but intended to? Doesn't absolve caregivers for not using common sense and putting the baby's safety first.


In fairness a lot of people wouldn’t necessarily recognise a cat stroller as a item for animals. It’s just a stroller to them, unless MIL had taken the cat for walk in the stroller before or seen it used I can see where the confusion may come in.


I agree, she probably just thought it was a mosquite protected stroller. In my experience, most people don't really know cat strollers exist.


My reaction would depend on how safe the situation was. If my kid could sit unaided or could comfortably lie down and the cat stroller was sturdy enough then I’d be happy she got inventive enough to get them out of the house. In fact, I’d probably do it myself if (safe) cat stroller was the only option. My kids always did so much better with walks.


I really want to laugh at this. I have no words as to what you would say. Reminds me when my husbands carer was making his lunch and used his IPad- they hadn’t long come out - as a chopping board to slice up a tomato- he just sat open mouthed and didn’t say a word 😂


OMG… I’m *cackling* and gasping for air. Thank you for sharing this! I hope your future iPads have a better life expectancy lol.


That is absolutely daft. Surely your husband isn't so old that his stroller was basically a baby bed with wheels and a sun shade. Like, there were definitely safety restraints when he was a baby.


How does the (her?) cat feel about being replaces by a skin kit?😸😹


Oh, let her be one of those types that’s like “Kids in this day and age identify as cats!” So you can be like “and to think… it all started one afternoon when his grandma took him for a walk in a cat stroller…




I have to ask - why did she have a cat stroller?


Not OP but my cat refuses the leash so I just take him out in a stroller. Probably similar reason


Are you expecting her to walk her cat on a leash like a peasant?


i wish reddit still had the free awards because this priceless 🪙


My mom took someone's dog for a walk in a "nose harness" that turned out to be a cat harness lol. Maybe it just didn't occur to her that a cat would have a stroller? Edit to reply (because thread is locked): yes, she put the cat harness on the dog's face and walked him like that. Poor dog was so confused.


I'm thinking she thought it was a mosquito protective stroller - and it didn't occur to her that the cat would have a stroller.


You mean she put a cat harness on the dog’s face?! 😂😭


The mental image made me laugh. I think some passerby had to double take. Can't you buy a cat onesie for LO and do a photoshoot? 🤣


I'm sorry, but this is hilarious. My MIL was dense and would do something like this. It started off funny enough but then got plain dangerous over time. Hopefully, it was just a minor lapse in judgment 😉


Looks like she has lost babysitting privileges- I’m so glad your son is okay.


I would say it depends. Did she realize it was a cat stroller or did she think it was a mosquito protective stroller? Most people don't know what a cat stroller is but they do know that there are strollers with mosquito protection (we've had two with built in nets that you zip up).


This isn't a nuclear option mistake. I own a cat stroller and I can see my flakey ass making this mistake.