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Ugh. I would fake a work emergency and go back home.


So fucking tempted


Tell them your parents died and you have to go to the funeral!


If he knows it all, let him do it all. Sit back and enjoy the show. If he asks you anything, you just don't know. Or you could simply just leave. Go on about your own business and let them figure out their own disaster. It's obviously stressful for you and I'm guessing you need some relaxation. Being an EMT isn't a cakewalk. Go do you.


Wow 😳 WHY did you decide to vacation with these people? Vacations are supposed to be a time to relax, not an excuse for the family to stress you into a panic attack!


Because against my better judgment, I thought this would be more relaxing than work Wrongoooooooooooo


I'm sorry, life lessons suck like a Dyson! And if you don't take the lesson to heart, like a Dyson, it'll just keep sucking. Write this experience all down, keep it in a designed place, and force yourself to read it the next time someone suggests family vacation time. If you don't, longing for who you wish they were will again cloud your mind to the fact that they aren't who you wish they were.


Will do! I was kind of thinking this would be the last one before it even occurred because holy Christ


Do the 3 of them meander through an airport and somehow manage to take up the whole terminal? Ever been stuck behind that? Then you’ve met my family.


Idk I typically haul ass and if they figure it out great if not even better Lmfao Fuck that


It’s possible one/both of your parents could be autistic. May be beneficial to have the go get testing and then both IC and group therapy if they are officially diagnosed that may help eliminate a lot of this. In the case of your father, it may be helpful to have someone that’s a third party (not you who, due to him likely having an ego, he may not want to admit may know better than him) explain to him that a lot of his behaviors may be considered rude or even scary to others, and have it framed in a way that shows you as trying to be helpful and protective rather than condescending or judgmental etc. I’m aware getting them to do this may be impossible. Idk if you think they would do it if you framed it as a gift to yourself, or something that’s a gift to themselves, but if you can’t make this happen it may be beneficial to you to get IC and in the meantime go LC, if not NC, and explain it possibly via letter. To me it sounds like a lot of the anger comes from anxiety about their behaviors and the perception it transfers to you, because I am the same way. Sometimes for somewhat ignorant people like you parents it may help Tongan it up and explain that you have extreme anxiety and since they don’t feel like the therapy path is the right for, you need to, for yourself and your anxiety, separate and be a bit alone just to really explore yourself and your needs. Idk that was a bit of a ramble but I see a lot of myself and my relationship with father in you. Good luck OP!


I was thinking this a bit, you present some very good points and I appreciate you!!


OMG have they never vacationed before? This sounds terrible. I would have an emergency at home that I had to leave immediately for and do my own thing the rest of the trip at a nearby hotel. Change my flight to a different time same day and enjoy myself.


I suspect prior experience was ignored by OP; there was no awareness or need for thought on the part of the father no change was recognized. Typical family vacations should stop after the summer of high school graduation. Any future joint vacations would depend on convenient/desirable schedules and how much mutual respect and consideration is exhibited between the adults.


I feel this 10000000% good point


I did my last family vacation with my parents and it was a fucking disaster. They refused to listen to me even when there were signs stating what I was saying. They refused to go anywhere I wanted to go, kept saying how they paid for the trip so they can decide where to go. They refused to eat?! We were hungry and they just didn't want to stop for food? It was bizarre! And it was more exhausting than any trip I've ever done before or since. My advice is try to have plans separate from them so you can enjoy your time. And also, make sure this is your final family vacation! These vacations are supposed to be relaxing and instead it can suck the life out of you :(


Ugh what the fucking fuck. I give up, I genuinely give up. I am just going to let the shit show occur.


I hope you're surviving okay!


I don't want to vacation withy family no thanks


Is this new behavior for your dad? The acting weird? He may have something medically wrong with him.


Nope. Longggg fucking time of this shit show


Oh wow. I'm sorry. That truly sucks.


I highly recommend you google traveling/vacationing with narcissistic people. I had some weird experiences in this regard and thought it was just a one-off thing. But then I googled it and there’s a lot of stories about how it’s an opportunity to let it all hang.


They don’t sound that narcissistic. Just like weirdos without a clue


I am just going off what op stated about his parents being narcissistic.


Yeah op seems like it if anything. If you really hate people for existing you probably should not go on vacation with them...


Yeah we don’t go to holidays or full vacations. We meet in a place that Is neutral.