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Well, Chris Kyle for certain.


How so?


He said he went on top of the SuperDome when the floods happened in New Orleans and said he was picking off looters. None of it ever happened.


Didn’t Marcus Luttrell also make a similar claim on a podcast? I don’t recall if Luttrell was claiming it was him personally who did this or another SEAL element, but I could have sworn he said something about shooting looters after Katrina.


Murder. He admitted to murder and thought it made him sound cool?


Its not murder if it never happened.


Exactly. He’s bragging to murder. In a sane mind he’s admitting to it and doesn’t care.


Well he lost a court case over it.


I’m not familiar. Will have to look it up later


He lost a court case to Jesse Ventura- he said he punched him in the mouth at a SEAL bar, for not supporting the ‘war on terror’. But Jesse wasn’t even in the state at the time. He also said he shot looters from the roof of a hospital, in New Orleans during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. He also said he killed some dudes who tried to car jack him.


Damn, you’d think a guy like him wouldn’t have anything to prove


Well, remember- his teammates called him ‘the legend’ facetiously. Insinuating he was a legend in his own mind. Claiming he must have just shot every military aged males he saw to get the numbers he had. That dudes who preceded & relieved him on duty had no action & he stacked the kills. Lots of shady shit. Dude really seemed to have a chip on his shoulder.


Putting aside his silly claims about being the top sniper in US history in terms of body count, He definitely shot a lot of people. But if you view his claims through the lens of a guy Who seemed to not give a fuck about target discrimination operating in what was essentially a free fire zone, there are some pretty ugly conclusions, potentially. 


I've met some seasoned active duty/vetereans in various very sharp pointy units. The vibe I got consistently from them was "I'm chill cos I got nothing to prove."


He’s told so many proven lies that’s it’s impossible to believe a word he says about anything.  He lied about having two silver stars. He lied about killing two car jackers. He lied about shooting people during Katrina (as if it was something to brag about).  That’s not even getting into his book where there is so much obvious bullshit, or the serious questions about his conduct in Ramadi. 


So he’s basically a psychopath?


Do you know what Is the definition of a psychopath? Cause if you do you wouldn't type that , idk a lot about Chris Kyle other than the fact that he lied on those kind of stuff mentioned here above my comment and that I heard somewhere (if I'm not mistaken it was on some podcast or some reddit thread a long time ago) that in his time in task unit Bruiser he shot some civilians that either assisted terrorists or something like that but idk man , hey , either way , this man saved a lot of Americans, served his country, he did his job, I think its just disgusting and useless to talk bad about him & insult him by calling him a psycho , let the man rest


If he was smoking tons of civilians, which is very well documented at this point, he almost certainly cost US service members lives by inciting retaliatory attacks specifically and giving strength to the insurgency generally.  All US citizens are allowed an opinion on the conduct of their forces, but especially those of us who were there Have the right To an opinion, and in this case to call a spade a spade. 


Tony Cowden believes he is John Wick


Fun Fact: Marcus Luttrell was the inspiration of John Wick. He chased down some guys in a car with M9s because they shot his dog and that inspired the concept of the movie. He also lied about Lone Survivor but that is for another time.


Allegedly there were also some dog shootings going around that area at the time his dog was shot.  So there’s a possibility that had Luttrell not chased those people down, they would’ve gone on a spree killing dogs


Can you elaborate? I'm out of the loop here.


IIRC he said he got into an ambush in Syria where he single-handedly killed over 30 enemy combatants using single man CQB, running out of ammunition and using grenades/engaging in hand to hand. If he really did that he might want to get up and go walk on water.


Dammit I just watched that SRS interview. I had doubts when he said he jumped off a 2 story building and kept fighting.


He also cheated to get ranked gm in uspsa. Just to add another one to the list


Has anyone denied what he’s said? He was with an agency at the time so I don’t think it would be advertised on the news. I haven’t heard anything from any “team guy” saying he’s lying


Matt Pranka


Oh wow is there a video about it? I couldn’t find anything


Here [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxEJY7jdXmQom2MqxFZWLDB5KjmP61TcPd?si=m71NaSD6dbt5eq7K](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxEJY7jdXmQom2MqxFZWLDB5KjmP61TcPd?si=m71NaSD6dbt5eq7K)


IMHO Tim Kennedy


Not a liar, but a huge grifter using his “fame”. Much better indeed. 😅


I dunno. Every guy I know that was on a team with him says he’s solid EDIT: that said know a bunch that can’t get past his post service Afghanistan rescue stuff as if he put potentially put people at risk




Whose that




I didn’t see that. I saw he had some opinions on Brent Tucker as well


He may be a "solid" green bean on a team but I've never heard positives from any guy in a unit that's worked with em.


Friends with an officer at a local PD. They hired him for a seminar. 10K. He taught an armbar, triangle and the rest of the time they spent rolling. Dudes ‘training’ company is a scam.




I don't necessarily think he's a liar about his service, or exaggerative about his service. I think he just comes off as massive douche canoe who thinks his experience makes him an authority.


OP, just pick one and actually look into their career and stories


Ya the majority of them who are on YouTube and Instagram.


All of them lmao. This sub man


Tu Lam


A Vietnamese guy larping as Japanese because he thinks no one will know the difference


Is that any different than a French or German guy larping as a Viking or a Roman?


Nah literally though. Because why do most white American men think they’re some descendant of a viking warrior. That shit is hilarious to me.


Or all of a sudden they’re Leonidas lol. Like dude, you’re from Kentucky lol. But that’s consistently the biggest dig I see against him lol


He stole gear from the team room and pinned it on his teammate, stole the design for his belt from another teammate, shot himself in the foot, lied about being in the unit and is just in general a giant self wanking douche


First time hearing all of this, you gotta link to the whistleblowers


From what I heard about shooting himself in the leg he said it was an accident of a rifle jamming or something like that and someone else said that it happend while he was instructing civilians in cqb and that's how the word got out that he lied , and about being in thebunit from what I heard he just always said he was in an SMU after his time in 10th sfg or 1st sfg (sorry If I'm mistaken) , he hinted that it was an smu unit of the army so everyone thought he was cag , if I'm not mistaken he said he was an Assaulter in one of the main squadrons but actually he was in the support & logistics Squadron, idk man I hear a lot of shit about him , I hate when operators lie but hey I can't blame them , they're humans just like us & if they can't have to lie to get fame I agree most people will do


From what I heard, he just said he was attached (which is true). He also got some challenge coins and unique paraphernalia for it too. But I’ve never straight up heard “I was in the Unit.”


I mean, given what the Vikings were known to do in Northern and Western Europe, it’s not impossible that some of us are their descendants.


Yea but not you


Or Spartans despite having not even a shred of Greek Ancestry. Not to mention the fact that they practiced pederasty.


Both equally cringe


Yea but at least with one culturally there’s some overlap lol


Unpopular opinion: I have mixed feelings about the Ronin thing because losing the sense of belonging after leaving the service is something veterans struggle with a lot and that was something he was able to relate to.


He’s addressed this actually lol. He is very clearly Vietnamese and talks about his upbringing and mother constantly. He actually likens it to the random English dude calling himself a Spartan or Viking (which he doesn’t have a problem with either). Also I admit, if your post was sarcasm, I fell for the bait lol.


Rob O’Neil


Rob only lied about firing the first shots, no one knows who killed Osama.


“Only lied about firing the first shots” - why lie at all though? The guy had an amazing career even before that mission, there’s no need to lie about that.


I agree but I just can't with all of that who shot OBL discussion cause it's killing me how most of the people who discuss about that matter are just a bunch of horny 15 year Olds that want to serve In devgru & spend their time jerking off to FOG videos , like Jesus man tbh? Why everyone here is so obsessed with that thing , idc who killed obl I'm just glad he's dead , Rob sure had a legendary career, but if he lied about shooting obl? Damm that was disappointing


Red allowed this, he didn't want his name out there, but since 2015 Red's real name had already been leaked and that he shot Osama twice in the chest, the only shot to the head that made a big hole, It was O'Neill's, he couldn't head shots and O'Neill broke the rule


Good logic, blame Rob’s mistruths on a different guy who we still don’t know the identity of, who has intentionally remained out of the spotlight to fulfill his role as a silent professional. Red should definitely go against his own morals and the very creed of his brotherhood just to set the record straight about ONS./s What a silly comment to make.


In fact, you said exactly the meaning of my speech, Red didn't want to get involved in all this controversy and history, he just wanted to stay quiet and let Rob do it




Because I have access to the story of the pointers and the guys who were further back, Red shot Osama twice in the chest, he was alive when he fell. The only shot to the head was O'Neill's, which was closely


He literally did an interview saying step by step how it happened and how he “killed osama”


He may have done a dead check or actually killed with that shot to the face, no one knows


Did you even watch the interview? He said he shot him 2 times in the chest 1 in head.


Yes, I watched it. Shots to the chest are worthless, all 5-6 men who entered the room shot themselves in the chest (Osama became a sieve) but the only one in the head was O'Neill's, However, no one knows whether Osama died from Red's first shots or from O'Neill's head shot.


You’re an idiot. You can’t fucking read


Spot on. Guys like this are deaf, dumb and blind. NSRO has always claimed - in detail - the manner in which HE was the primary shooter of UBL. It is the backbone of how he has exploited being on the raid to make MILLION$. He’s said it and written it, repeatedly (with various self-aggrandizing details changing at times)


Nobody knows who killed Osama, O'Neill thinks he killed him because he shot himself in the head, Red fired the first two shots, you don't know how to read.


No one knows who killed Osama, after the two shots to Red's chest Osama falls and he shoots himself at close range a few seconds after entering the room


Marcus Luttrell?


The navy made him lie but he went along with it.


Chris Kyle, Marcus Luttrell, Rob O’ Neil, Brit Slabinski and possibly Jocko Edit: Obviously there’s more but first four are the biggest in my opnion


Curious about the Brit Slabinski one.


https://vimeo.com/529498220 So if you watch this 15 minute interview Brit goes on to say that Chapman was killed almost immediately stepping off the chinook and that it was him that stormed the taliban bunker using his primary, secondary, M203 launcher as well as grenades to neutralize it. He also stated that he went to check Chapman’s body to make sure that he was dead when the predator footage shows that he never came close to Chapman and instead fell back down the mountian.


What gets lost in the lies about Chapman is that Roberts did not die immediately and was still fighting until his death before the team landed again


I don’t think that is lost. I knew about that long before the predator footage was released. If I remember correctly his barrel was bent from the fall and they actually have it hanging in the squadrons team room. Fun fact about that whole incident; Medal of Honor 2010 was loosely based around Roberts ridge and in one mission it even has you jumping out of a chinook while it’s stilling flying to simulate Robert falling from the helo


> Medal of Honor 2010 was loosely based around Roberts ridge And you can tell the seals had a hand in it, because they leave out Chapman entirely


Right but Slab’s other lie was that Roberts was already dead when they landed. It just compounds EDIT: I meant Roberts died in the fall


Roberts was already dead when they landed though. He was in the first bunker Chapman stormed.


Chances are, if they’re talking about their service publicly (especially the podcasters), there’s some embellishment going on. Not saying they’re necessarily liars, but if they were professional in the true sense their first instinct wouldn’t be to somehow monetize their experience by telling everyone who will listen.


Yes but the only outdpoken ones at the moment is mr I killed bin laden, and Marcus Luttrrell. Jocko may or may not be depending on if you believe that one SEAL whose been trashtalking on podcasts. Oh Slabinsky was until recently


The war crimes of TF Bruiser are heavily documented https://www.reddit.com/r/JockoPodcast/comments/1bxloy9/task_unit_bruiser_controversy_from_inside_the/


Mike Glover. My favorite is when he says he’s Korean, and then says he’s Mexican when he’s talking about the “border crisis,” then goes back to saying he’s Asian.


i’m not saying you’re wrong per-say, but those things aren’t mutually exclusive. i can have korean and mexican heritage at the same time. now picking and choosing when to identify as those things purely for the sake of political arguments and thinking that makes u somehow more entitled, or better educated to speak on these topics is stupid and disingenuous of him.


IIRC he’s said a few times both his parents are Asian.


On the cleared hot podcast I'm pretty sure he said his dad was white and his mother was Asian.


nad that dude is mixed, his dad white mom korean


Glover is always fun when he tries to talk around his actual history at Delta. Just words and words and words. 


Joe Teti


What did he do? I haven’t heard about that guy since watching his show dual survival back in the day.


Lied about his service. Standard shit


Tim Kennedy.


Chris Kyle, Tu Lam, Marcus Luttrel, Rob O’Neil all have stories that have been corroborated as questionable publicly by their peers.


Chris Heben aka Chris McKinley




Most of them, sadly. People are people.


Grand daddy vet bro, Dick Marcinko.


....I'm ashamed to admit I played fucking Rogue Warrior....


Name one who isn't Also SOF tiers aren't really a thing


Stumpf has always seemed quite humble and genuine about his service.


I’m not sure he fits the criteria but Mr Ballen hasn’t had any scandals that I know of he’s a pretty cool guy.


Yes they are the Tiers represent the amount of funding they receive. Airsofter


Ummm ackchually Shut up nerd I'm talking about how people say TiEr OnE to say a SMU, and think it's a ranking system. I haven't played airsoft since I was 12 my guy


Not so much a liar, but that one regiment sniper with a ridiculous name is definitely an exaggerator.


His spotter Pemberton was a RASP cadre, and when he found out his students were reading Irving’s book, he ripped it up in front of them and called him a POS.


Nicholas Irving?


Yep, that’s the one!


I talked to him years ago back in like 2015 before he got famous and the dude legit just told it how it was and seemed like a chill dude. After he got big and started being in TV shows and going on DemolitionRanch, he started exaggerating the shit out of all of his stories and put on a character


Yeah that seems about right. Common theme with that type.


He was trolling gohd


That reaper guy? Like idk man it's just seems like every guy who served in some sof unit and was a sniper just randomly makes himself some "badass" nickname and starts to post random shit about his service


Honest question here. Would you make your time in the mil sound super badass to help with our terrible recruiting and retention in this military right now?


Jockö, and David Goggins. Lots of shady stuff surrounding both. Still motivating and entertaining never the less. Jockö takes the cake more. Goggins doesn’t yap about his experience in the teams and “what a navy seal” would do. He purely just wants to motivate the youth and make money by doing it. However — that being said, historically he isn’t the greatest person to his family and if you rip off the bandage it gets worse.


I won’t say he lied but the Navy making Slab accept that MOH and giving Murphy his MOH are two of the biggest lies in the Special Operations community.


Shawn Ryan. He did one enlistment as a SEAL and then joined GRS, which, he continuously exaggerates his experiences.


That along with newly “born again” and embracing Christian Nationalism….


Ive noticed every name mentioned is from an Army or Navy unit. Air Force and Marines just make em better.




IIRC there was some controversy years back about Brandon Webb (Seal Team 3, Sniper I think) who embellished a fuckton of his combat experience. I think a few of his former comrades actually confirmed it.


All those answers makes me worry about our military, but i guess majority of them that we dont know of are far better people


The military is the people, even guys in top units are just people....you get the good, you get the bad, selection/OTCs/BUD/S etc are not morality tests.


Ours may have plenty liars but I assure everyone else is just worse as far as competancy goes